Page name: The Elfwood selections [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-02-01 12:45:06
Version author: iippo
Owner: iippo
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Elfwood Selections

One of the Top Three Wiki-Pages in the Wiki Awards! for the months of September/October/November


Do you think that the gap between Elfwood and Elftown has grown too large? A vast majority of the townsfolk doesn't even know Elfwood galleries and libraries exist, and some Elfwooders would never even lower themselves to see whether art still thrives in ET or not. And then there's those who appreciate both sites for their merits and try to keep one foot on each side of the gap.


So this wiki is about showing art and writing in Anyone is free to make a feature, but if you don't follow the rules when making it, your feature doesn't stay.


-No featuring mod's choices. They get enough attention as it is. Also featuring an artist/writer who has plenty of mod's choices and is generally a very well-knows Wooder is not very nice. This is more about the unknown treasures in the Woods.
-No featuring anything that is part of a tour. Again, they get plenty of attention as it is.
-No featuring your own work. This wiki is for honouring others, not yourself, you selfish tit. And no, don't ask your friends to feature your work either. The wiki's point is also to get us Townspeople off the streets and into the Woods, wandering and searching for things.
-What you feature doesn't have to be the best thing ever in technique, since this is not a race or a contest. If a piece caught your eye because of the philosophical theme that touched your inner self in a way that nothing else ever has - even thought it's just a pencil sketch - you can feature it.


About the feature
-No sloppyness. Good spelling and grammar are important, as well as content: you have to discuss the piece, the why it is here and what you think of it. Both ups and downs, every piece has positive and negative sides. Write at least 10 sentences.
-It is recommended that you comment on the piece in Elfwood, telling the artist the same things you'll tell us here. You can also mention that you'll do a feature here.


The current feature

1st February, 2008


About this feature:
I was very taken with the good overall quality of the entire gallery of this artist, and really struggled to pick one image to feature. I ended up with this one because even before I started to look for a feature, I had decided to do a sci-fi image for this week. I almost changed my mind after seeing the Victorian-esque images in the gallery, but this one won over. Firstly because it wasn't very long ago when I first read Neuromancer and this image reminded me of that book. I can also see some references to the Matrix in this piece. I'm also going to add Vivian Vande Velde's Heir Apparent to my to-read -list, because of this picture.

The mixture of white line-drawing, clean colour elements and text all work together wonderfully - in fact I would go as far as to say that this piece is escaping the very common illustrative style that most of SF&F art (especally in Elfwood) has, and leaning a bit more towards contemporary fine art. The figure drawn in white (hand drawn and inverted perhaps?) has an eerie, haunting look as it floats in the clutches of the wires that bind it. The image even has a sexual undertone, especially to anyone who is aware of the connection between tentacles and hentai... (*cough*) The text elements are an integral part of the image as opposed to being just effects, and the type and layout of the text makes it almost nonlinear. I'm unsure if the chosen font is the most effective one, but that is going so down to details that I'm not going to speculate on it any more. In all, a wonderful image.

Featurer: [iippo]


Past Features in past page versions:
-The Elfwood Selections 69 - 25th January, 2008: Jay Javier
-The Elfwood Selections 68 - 14th December, 2007: Elizabeth 'Lizard' Bailey.
-The Elfwood Selections 66 - 12th October, 2007: April S. K. Parks.
-The Elfwood Selections 65 - 30th September, 2007: Mitchell Kutney.
-The Elfwood Selections 64 - 21st September 2007: Erin 'EireWolf' Metcalf.
-The Elfwood Selections 63 - 14th September 2007: Aaron Valdez.
-The Elfwood Selections 62 - 7th September 2007: Michelle L. Gerst.
-The Elfwood Selections 60 - 24th August 2007: Petra Nygren.
-The Elfwood Selections 58 - 17th August 2007: Sherry LeAnn Andreason.
-The Elfwood Selections 56 - 10th August 2007: Steven S. King
-The Elfwood Selections 55 - 4th August 2007: Molly J. Towne
-The Elfwood Selections 53 - 27th July 2007: Marina Siu-Chong
-The Elfwood Selections 50 - 17th February 2007: ?
-The Elfwood Selections 49 - 9th February 2007: Derek C. Sotak.
-The Elfwood Selections 48 - 4th February 2007: Klara Luise Maxeiner.
-The Elfwood Selections 46 - 12th January 2007: Rose A. 'Po' Campbell.
-The Elfwood Selections 44 - 6th January 2007: Emily 'Tally Bean' Tremlett.
-The Elfwood Selections 39 - 29th December, 2006: Safraz A. Sattaur.
-The Elfwood Selections 38 - 25th December, 2006: Kory Bingaman.
-The Elfwood Selections 35 - 8th December, 2006: Collette J. Ellis.
-The Elfwood Selections 34 - 11th November, 2006: Tabatha Kate Warner.
-The Elfwood Selections 32 - 29th October, 2006: Lori 'Lolli' Thomas.
-The Elfwood Selections 31 - 20th October, 2006: Jayde Hilliard.
-The Elfwood Selections 27 - 11th October, 2006: Laura Truxillo.
-The Elfwood Selections 23 - 4th October, 2006: Jason P. Robicheaux.
-The Elfwood Selections 21 - 27th September, 2006: Rose Meloche.
-The Elfwood Selections 19 - 20th September, 2006: William Teo.
-The Elfwood Selections 17 - 13th September, 2006: Maria Sjöstrand.
-The Elfwood Selections 16 - 5th September, 2006: brigitta ter wiel.


If you would like to participate, message [iippo] with the feature you have prepared (preferaby in a wiki or some other format where I can easily copy-paste code), please follow format of the page here to make my life easier.


Dividers by [eyes of frost] in Elftown Graphics. Many thanks.

Username (or number or email):


2008-11-01 [iippo]: It's not pointless. The point of a review is not to tell everyone of something really cool (though most people will use it like this, I imagine), the point is to tell everyone what you think. Loads of people do that with movies ("I went to see That Stupid Movie and it sucked, and this is why, and therefore no one should bother going to see it in my opinion") so if you see anything that annoyed you enough to tell everyone that you think it sucks, you would.

I can understand you probably don't get that a lot from art, but artists do. Sometimes the work other people do is really annoying; sometimes it is made even more annoying by the fact that so many people seem to like it and not see how annoying and stupid it really is. I've had this happen a number of times on ET, but I tend to go by the "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all" -principle in those cases -- but I can name 10 active Elftowners of the top of my head (some of my dearest friends included, so not just trouble-makers either) who wouldn't keep quiet, who would rave off and say "this stuff by That User really sucks, and this is why I think so." That would be a review - but not very helpful for the whole community thing, because it would cause strife and annoyance.

I strongly recommend leaving Elftowners' stuff for the main street features. And it won't be any odder to have an art category and not put ETers stuff on than it is to have a book category and not put ETers writings, or a website category and not put ETers wikipages.

2008-11-01 [Hedda]: It's very pointless with a review saying that an images is bad because anyone see that for themselves with a click. It takes way more time to read a review about it. Unlike a film or a thing that you have to buy before you know it's good.

Generally I don't see much point in doing critics on images at all by using this system (That's why it isn't allowed at the moment). But I do see a point of sending "Hey, this was good!" to people. It's better to use the Invite-function to invite people to a wiki fan-page then.

A website review works fine for galleries though.

2008-11-03 [iippo]: Ah, I hought we were talking about more than just one image (galleries, exhibitions, websites of artists, etc... which at the moment fit well under 'event' or 'website' categories). You're right, one image review doesn't make sense no matter if it's done by an Elftowner or someone famous - it'd be more like an analysis or feature (like this page does) rather than a review.

2010-02-23 [Daisy le Fleur]: Need new features woman!

2010-02-23 [windowframe]: Woman is currently away on a mission for 18 months (see her house for details) :3

2010-02-23 [Daisy le Fleur]: Awww man! that would explain the absense.. THank you ;)

2010-10-08 [Lothuriel]: I miss this wiki. Perhaps our [iippo] will feel like revising once she comes home.

2010-10-08 [windowframe]: YOu should help her out by preparing a load of features and bombarding her in PMs with them. :3 (everyone should, not just Loth >:P)

2010-10-08 [Lothuriel]: hehe....I think I might just do that 

2010-10-08 [Linderel]: I haven't been to Elfwood in, like... a year at least o_o

2010-10-09 [Lothuriel]: I need to update mine big time.

2010-10-09 [windowframe]: I think I deleted mine. <_<

2010-10-09 [Lothuriel]: *gasP*

2010-10-09 [windowframe]: someone showed me a selection of images that were about to be deleted by the mods for breaking the rules, (rules like 'everything in the image must have an English translation in your description', which is, imo, an absolutely retarded rule anyway) and one image just had a few runes on a sword, and they were deleting it for lack of translation. Another was being deleted for being poor quality because there was a small black line down the left hand of the image. So annoyance at stupid rules, combined with the fact that so little I draw is overtly fantasy/sci-fi anyway, meant I didn't see much point in keeping it. <_<

2010-10-10 [Lothuriel]: I have to agree with you on the stupid rules part. I argued fruitlessly (that's probably mispelled) over this image --> <img100*0:> because the mod claimed it was directly copied from this <img100*0:>. I tried to explain..yes I copied the armor BUT the face is my husband. I even sent the mod the reference picture I used of Mr. Man, who in fact does look a lot like Karl Urban. The mod eventually threatened to delete my account if I didn't drop it. I deleted my account but, eventually started a new one. Heck, they even threw a fit over my Star Wars fan art because i didn't give George Lucas credit for the characters. Even though, I had clearly stated the Title, author, and that the characters were copyrighted and not my originals from the book The Bounty Hunter Tales. So yeah, I understand your reasoning.

2010-10-10 [Lothuriel]: I would like to note too that if you open the pics side by side, the expression and the facial features are very diff.

2011-03-24 [iippo]: *is complimented by people liking the wiki* I should bring this back to life, now that I'm back to life. But I do love that klingon fanart a little longer :3

2011-04-29 [Lothuriel]: Yes you most certainly should revive us!

2011-04-30 [iippo]: There. :) *is reminded how much fun this is* :D

2011-05-01 [Lothuriel]: <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2011-07-21 [iippo]:
Hey everybody, I'm done with this one, but you can all follow along and start watching selections, which is the same idea except all art that I see around and study, not limited to Elfwood.

If you want to keep making features on this page, you can do that :)

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