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WFR Application Page

The Wiki Fiction Roleplay Character and Guild Member Application

For all applying WFR Guild Members


This page is continuously renovated and updated by [xido], and
all volunteering Official Guild Moderators

  The Wiki Fantasy Roleplay was created by Elftown members to be a group that would encourage and recommend advanced level, creative and original roleplaying with a focus on creative writing and networking with other interested fiction-lovers.

  Roleplaying can be a great pasttime and often requires some level of writing skill, personality mimicry (like acting a part), and a lot of creativity. The WFR, therefore, does not accept less than average roleplayers. With recent renovations, the Wiki Fantasy Roleplay, and its sister site, the Wiki Sci-Fi Roleplay, have merged to become one Guild, the

An official Creative Writing and Storytelling Guild of Elftown


  The application process we use is a basic character description, which is a great way of showing your creativity and originality of concept, as well as your skill and style of writing. We understand that english is a secondary language for many people on Elftown, and will be sympathetic to your level of speech, but we still require proper spelling and grammar, and suggest that anyone use a spellcheck or word processor program with spell check and grammar check before posting the final product. If you have neither, and need help, a mod will be willing to help with basic structure and spelling, but this may take some time as all mods are volunteers on their own time, and your char app will not be accepted to its own page until it is finished. This is to ensure that your character is as neat and impressive as it can be before we go posting you on an advanced level guild. Key idea here: Patience. We will be patient with you, if you are patient with us. Thank you.

  We require a generous amount of information about your character. We want to be as informed as possible about the limits and powers of your persona, and how well it will fit into our campaigns. "We" are all roleplayers, creators of wikis settings and worlds, and other characters that may need to know you before they "know you". Just because your character is secretive about his limits and abilities in the game does not mean you can be vague and obtuse here and now.

  We like to see a lot of information about any various aspects of this persona as possible. Expand on any subject you feel stands out about this character, but please don't allow yourself to get too carried away with their chest size, beautiful features, and seductive personality and body shape. Chances are, you're not a very experienced roleplayer in that case, and your shining character will be mildly distraught the first time they get a battle scar or a backlashed spell. Tumbling down hills does not let your mascara stay very well.

  Similarly, a one-paragraph character description consisting of name, gender, age, hair colour, eye colour, and a two-line history will definitely NOT cut it.

  The following details MUST BE included in your character's description for us to consider it for acceptance into the guild:

  Character Name AND [YOUR USERNAME] or, for members coming in from outside Elftown, a way to contact you, for instance an e-mail
  Fiction Genre
: (Fantasy, SciFi, Horror, Future Fantasy, Modern, HistoryFic, Creative FanFic/Mythos)
  Rank/Title/Social Caste
  Visible Physical Traits
  Detailed list of Personality traits and typical actions/decisions
  Full Historical Commentary

  You should make sure this includes a modest yet distinct description of their Appearance in at least one fluent, descriptive paragraph. This can include their wardrobe, eye colour, hair colour, skin tone, height, weight, how many freckles are on their left ear lobe... really, anything that comes to mind.

  Please include a detailed description of your character's Personality. Be as in-depth and descriptive as possible! Your character's personality reflects the way he or she acts, thinks, and it often affects and is affected by their history... which is also something you should include. An ALIGNMENT would be utterly grand! For info on alignments, message [xido] or ask any of our members!
Tell us about your character's history; don't take the easy way out by saying "John is very mysterious and does not reveal his past to anyone." John may not reveal his history, but you're not very good at keeping secrets. Other characters in the roleplay won't know, only the people behind the computer. Therefore it is required that you describe your characters history to us. ^.^

  I sound like such a slave-driver, but believe me, you will benefit from this.

  You may also include a picture of your character, but it will not be an adequate replacement for the appearance description, and it will not be considered in my decision of whether or not to accept you to the Wiki Fiction Roleplay Guild.

  (Please, when applying, try to keep in mind not to create a 'god-like' character. God-like characters are those that are unbeatable with no weaknesses and are claimed to be nearly perfect with select skills and are also said to be able to do anything. These characters tend to create a lot of conflict with other characters and are not appreciated by others in most roleplays.

  And also, please don't list in your character descriptions, try putting things into proper sentences with proper spelling and grammer. //[Leara])


Genre-specific information for new characters:

  For Fantasy Characters:
  For help with choosing a species or race, see the WFR Char RACE Page.

  For help with choosing an appropriate rank, title, class or social caste, please see the WFR Char RANK Page.

  For Science Fiction, Future Fantasy, Horror or Modern Roleplay Characters:
  For help with choosing a species or race, see the Sci-Fi Races Page.

  For help with choosing a social class, rank, title, profession, etc., see the Sci-Fi Ranks Page

  For FanFic or Mythos Roleplay Characters:
  Please be forewarned, that your character must not be a character from the story that you are interested in Role-Playing in or creating. Those characters are Intellectual Property of the authors, artists, producers and creators of those Fiction stories and media. See Copyright and Intellectual Property for more.

  That being said, the Wiki Fiction Roleplay will soon begin accepting creative, original Fan-Fiction wiki games and stories on two specific conditions:
1)  It is a creative, original, and professionally-created and referenced wiki, storyline, game or fan site.
2)  It must cite the 'Official' website, publication or similar resource of the original media, and have a proper APA Formatting bibliography somewhere on the page to be accepted. All FanFic wikis must be approved by [xido] only. All other websites referenced are optional, but they also need to be properly formatted to APA standards to be accepted. More to come on this by [xido].

  For World/Story/Game/Setting creators needing CREATURES:
  If you are a game or wiki moderator who is looking to make a beastie to battle for other characters, also see the

Creature_List by [Angel Dreamer]

For all your Beasties. For players and guild applicants, please stick to the most common playable races until you have entered the guild and want a secondary character.

  Also, see the Elftown Creature Contest Marathon, an official Elftown contest marathon!


Still Confused? See:
WFR Applicant Character Example
WFR Character Template


  Back to Wiki Fiction Roleplay, Character Page, WFR Guild Members
OR Roleplaying for Dummies

  When accepted, ONWARD! to WFR Games, WFR Quests, or Text Adventures

  PLEASE NOTE: you may now post your character description for evaluation IN THE COMMENTS FIELDS!!!

  Remember to enter everything listed above and don't forget to mention your Elftown username! Otherwise we ([xido], [Leara], [Linn Scarlett], [Blood Raven] or [Kim_Lundin]) will not be able to accept you. If your character seems to be doing nothing, please send us a small and courteous message for assistance.


  To apply for a primary app char, copy the template below
Post this info on your Character Biography Wiki Page


[Name of Character Page@wiki]:

<u><b>Character Name:</b></u>
<h1><center>Character Name Here!</center></h1>

<u><b>User:</b></u>  [USERNAME HERE!]


<u><b>Fiction Genre:</b></u>




  <u><i>Prestige Class, Guild, or Kabal:</i></u>

  <u><i>Eye Color:</i></u>
  <u><i>Hair Color:</i></u>
  <u><i>Flesh Tone:</i></u>
  <u><i>Clothing and Apparel:</i></u>
  <u><i>Outstanding Marks or Features:</i></u>

<center>(Artworks, imagery or media HERE)</center!uQ!uQt!t!>

  <u><i>Feats and Abilities:</i></u>
  <u><i>Combat, Weapon and Armor Proficiencies:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Weapons on hand:</i></u>
  <u><i>Spell or Talent Use:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Divine or Arcane Spell Use:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Racial, Supernatural, Spell-like or Extraordinary Abilities:</i></u>
   <u><i>-Psionic Abilities or Talents:</i></u>
  <u><i>Strengths and Weaknesses:</i></u>

  <u><i>Quirks, Outstanding and Memorable Actions or Phrases:</i></u>


<u><b>Equipment and Belongings:</b></u>


<u><b>Developments and Updates:</b></u>


If you have a page that you post all of your characters on, include the link of the page you would like all of your Guild-approved characters to be placed on with your application (ie, My Roleplays)

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-28 [Leara]: No, it went away, still sick though, I have energy...and dad broke the computer last's working...for now. >.> Theres a new video card, so all the resolution is wonky, everythings big and annoying.

2005-04-28 [Raerlas]: .... wow that sucks. i still hope you feel better.

2005-04-28 [Blood Raven]: can't you set it to something else?

2005-04-28 [Leara]: I fixed it...after nearly crashing the computer...>.> Bitch of a thing it is. >.>

2005-04-30 [Blood Raven]: if it does it again, threaten to feed it cookies through it cd drive... violently ;P

2005-04-30 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: OO!

2005-04-30 [Blood Raven]: hey, you finally joined WFR! :P

2005-04-30 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: yes! I know! for a while that charactar sheet has been up!

2005-04-30 [Blood Raven]: let's hope it will get modded soon then

2005-04-30 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: I certainly do hope so...

2005-04-30 [Leara]: Ack....I honestly didn't see that character sheet....hmm...

2005-05-01 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: mine? it's the last one

2005-05-01 [Leara]: Yeah, I know. >.>

2005-05-18 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: *is waiting to be gradedI

2005-06-02 [Leara]: Sorry for the delay...I will try to get to this stuff soon...>.> Found out I'm moving to the other side of the country, streddful times, and before that I have to apply for college, sort all my stuff and figure out what I'm taking, selling...etc...and theres a huge family reunion in a month or so, so the house is going to be full of people. >.>

2005-06-20 [Firous]: wow...that's a lot to do....if you all need help grading I wouldn't mind helping...if it's ok with you guys of course

2005-06-21 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: dang it! While I'm moving to the US cna you guys do this?

2005-06-22 [Blood Raven]: and some chars seriously need to move to limbo... the top ones were there already when I just started as a mod, and they still aren't gone 0.o

2005-06-22 [Leara]: I forgets about that limbo page. >.>

2005-06-22 [Blood Raven]: you shouldn't, honor the galactic dumphole! :P

2005-06-24 [xido]: Yes!  The Dumphole!!!  *cheers*  Okay, I'm sorry, everybody that I am a poopstain that never logs on anymore, but I, love you?  ....... x.x  please don't kill me.     Wow, so dang Leara, got much to do? Delegate people, if you wish. I have faith that even if you cannot be here, someone we all trust can. And good luck with all that craziness..... I moved across the country twice, and neither time was easy or simple.....or non-stressful. x.o)

2005-06-24 [Leara]: I feel like I'm always tired now, so even if I am online, I'm never in the mood to do anything productive...there was two people I believe I gave the ok to help in the comments before, if they want to help, they can go ahead, if they need any help, I'll be in the corner sleeping. >.>

2005-06-24 [xido]: Limbo is the edge of all reality, where the used-up elements and cosmological feces end up when they've worn out their existential energies. Unfinished creations of the Djanni and the Gods end up there, including unfinished mortal bodies and souls. Most physical matter burns and pulverizes in the torrential elemental maelstrom that is ended only by the strongest of willpowers, most often Githzerai monks. The Temple of the Light exists there now, opening a pillar-like portal to the Celestial Light, the top pinnacle of Celestia.

2005-06-24 [Leara]: Murr.

2005-06-24 [xido]: yes, precisely.....murr...... I think that was what I was going for......

2005-06-25 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: dang it! nothing has happened still!

2005-06-25 [Leara]: Read the comments, we are BUSY. We have lives to, which are more busy than ever at the time, whining or complaining isn't going to help the situation. >.< Argh....*stress level is getting higher*

2005-06-26 [Blood Raven]: I'll see if I can find some time to mod a few things again

2005-06-27 [Blood Raven]: Rokya Barba Teng, Kerrigor, Shiller the Skinny, Allesia C'ysvarion and "Shift" are now official char pages. I'll add them to the league as soon as possible

2005-06-27 [Leara]: I love joo Blood Raven. ; . ;

2005-06-27 [Blood Raven]: you're welcome *hugs* xido granted me the rights to take up some modding again ^^

2005-06-27 [Blood Raven]: and the short ones who have never been seen again were moved to Galactic Dumphole, Limbo

2005-06-29 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: wow... *is completely amazed something changed*

2005-06-29 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ok... yes! The saying "short one" is used! anyways... I click rokya's link... why does it link to an empty page????

2005-06-29 [Firous]: maybe it was spelt wrong? or someone deleted it...

2005-06-30 [Anti_Anti_Groups]: ><*

2005-06-30 [Pinkdonkey]: hum wondering whetther a griffin could be an accepted char or are they considered as beasts with not much intelligence ?

2005-06-30 [Blood Raven]: they're quite unlikely to be chars, I suppose, but if you can roleplay one...

2005-06-30 [Pinkdonkey]: well I'm thinking up a story on how he could have become a bit less beastly and maybe a bit more intelligent but I still wanted to check ^^

2005-06-30 [Pinkdonkey]: uhm sorry for bothering you with silly questions, but as its a second char I guess I have to make a wiki for him before and then post it up right ? hee :$

2005-07-01 [Blood Raven]: yup, that would be the right routine :)

2005-07-02 [Blood Raven]: A psion, weren't there special rules on those? Somethign baout being very careful and stuff. Xido, where art thee?

2005-07-02 [Leara]: telepathic as telekinetic skills are generally avoided...people tend to god mod with them, and characters that can read minds tend to piss off other players...same with manipulating...the character needs to have weaknesses to balance out the traits, even then, to make sure they aren't abused.

2005-07-02 [melcinitan]: the Mind-reading/suggesting is for NPC's only, not for pc's and the telekinetic only go as far as lifting small objects. The force fields are only small ones, and can, off course, be broken, they are not a form of power playing

2005-07-02 [Leara]: Then that has to be written in the description to fully explain those powers. :P

2005-07-02 [melcinitan]: oki :P

2005-07-03 [Pinkdonkey]: here's my new char =)

2005-07-11 [xido]: I actually was the one to nominate Melcinitan to guild membership. I have faith that this person will roleplay that character very carefully, as he has treated his other pages with similar care. I have no problems with this character application. More than likely, he already fulfills any of the concepts illustrated in make me a psion!, mosty likely. He should be accepted as soon as possible, please. He will be working on many good wiki pages, I expect. he has already made a huge improvement to a few good Creature_List pages. ;)

2005-07-11 [xido]: I would like Melcinìtan to also consider RPing a short planar excursion practise round with the great psionic trainer on that page.

2005-07-11 [xido]: Thanks for accepting him, Leara. As for those other two applicants, the White and Black Fire Ninjas.... Those characters need to be written in third person (he, she, they, it....not I, we, us), and Blood Raven's further explanations on the top pne is adequate.... Consider that these characters could potentially be working on a page in the Nine Hells of Baator....... But will they? They will need to review some Maps and Diagrams of the realms.

2005-07-11 [Czestawa]: Please let me know if I'm in....

2005-07-11 [xido]: I'm not sure that char app is up to could use a little more detail. However, princess or not, if she doesn't remember it, is it that important? If so, where is her kingdom?

2005-07-11 [melcinitan]: Hey, thank you for accepting my char, I've asked [Nightshadow] for a test rpg, as you suggested

2005-07-11 [Leara]: [ Czestawa]: One line descriptions for each title(personality, title,...etc) isn't acceptable, it needs to be a lot longer, more in-depth, with more description and detail.

2005-07-11 [Danboo]: hey all

2005-07-12 [Czestawa]: I changed it some. Is it better now? and her kingdom is in Sancristabull, in case you didn't read that part.

2005-07-12 [Danboo]: what happened to my character?

2005-07-13 [Blood Raven]: uhm.... I'll be damned if I know. Maybe it went to the League?

2005-07-13 [Czestawa]: Please tell me if my charater is good enough.

2005-07-13 [Leara]: It's still pretty short.

2005-07-13 [Blood Raven]: she's a beginning, let's not be too harsh on her and just let her roleplay. I guess in her head she has pretty much of a pic of her char and how she reacts

2005-07-13 [Leara]: Spelling needs to be checked. And there isn't any 'America''s a fantasy roleplay...I wonder if she read everything.

2005-07-14 [Czestawa]: Yeah I guess I'd be called a beginner. I used to play with friends in high school, I got to be a sprite/mage. I played hide and go seak with a golum. I snuck through tiny crakes to save my crew, I got to ride on his shorlders, I had so much fun. When I moved.... man how I missed it. then I came here to elftown and found this place, and thought hey I can still play, maybe I can be something different. Something I made up not out of some small veriety. And I'm sorry my spelling is not that great. I find it to be a mirical I even graduated. Pleace let me play. I have a great imagination.

2005-07-16 [xido]: I enjoy that explanation, and the character. I agree, a quick spellcheck by someone, and she's in. She knows what's up. Invest in a dictionary/thesaurus and a desktop encyclopedia, Czes....the two most educational books a person could own, and easy reading just before sleeping at night. I like its length at this point, and it's not half bad....nice way of incorporating Elftown into Jashnia.... it's somewhere in there, I'm least I think it might be....hmmm

2005-07-16 [Blood Raven]: I believe Linn made a map which connected all her wiki's in one big continent/underdark thingy, and it showed Elftown as well, so just chck her map and you'll find it :)

2005-07-20 [Pansa]: I hope my application is up to par. Will someone tell me if I need to make any corrections/changes?

2005-07-20 [Leara]: Get rid of the '?' before everythng...that doesn't serve any purpose...and I haven't read it yet, going to bed now, but I skimmed and didn't see any mention of what exacty a 'Dea al Mon' is. Theres no description on the creature list.

2005-07-20 [Pansa]: The '?' my computer might just be acting up, but I don't see any '?'s'. As for the Dea al Mon would it be better if I just wrote a description and put it in the creature list?

2005-07-20 [Leara]: before all of your titles, like namr, age...etc, theres question marks...i guess the question is who's computer their on. Hmm..not sure about the Dea al Mon thingy...wheres secind opinion people...

2005-07-21 [Pansa]: I don't know about the question marks, I can't see them so I don't know how to get rid of them (assuming, of course, that they aren't just an anomaly of your computer) I have a message in to the person who made the creature list with the information I have, so I'll wait until I hear back before doing anything I think.

2005-07-23 [Pansa]: Alright, there is now information about the Dea al Mon on the creature list. Any other changes/corrections/specifications I need to make? Or do I just need to be patient at this point?

2005-07-29 [Czestawa]: Where the heck is the game. Why won't you tell me where it is. Yes sure I have my own page now, but where is everyone else?

2005-07-29 [Leara]: Why don't you try reading everything on the main page like your supposed to.

2005-07-29 [Blood Raven]: if you follow the irght links you end up in some RP areas, otherwise take up contact with a GM

2005-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: i am here ^_^ ill upload my maps blood *winks* it just futurs Elftown as some random town near an old Elvensettlement (they mingled with humans and created elftown) or something like that ^_^

2005-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: the link is skandinvirr, though its horribly old and i currently intigrated it in Fearun so :p

2005-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: ps. to the owner of the now uploaded chars: i suggest a 3d person few and pick one of the Dukes of Hell instead of satan *huggs Mephistopheles* A weredrow? thats a new one ^_^ i've heard about shur and khanaraun, but weredrow? sounds fun though, although i must agree with blood: the angel x demon thing sounds unlikely. ex: my char is half demon half drow, which is a little more probable *atleast in my opinion* because they are both "forces of evil", ohhh and all drow are weak against like, and thats only a tiny weakness (this is totally my opinion though) since most drow are just as weak against none-natural-diseases, sharp knives and fire -> because of the warmth

2005-11-09 [Linn Scarlett]: note to x.o.: ninja's? O.O  --ok i will shut up now :p i have spoken

2005-11-14 [xido]: what about ninjas?

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: monks... ok... but ninjas O.o' is that even a legal class these days?

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: maybe iam totally rusted to my dnd games but...

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: oh and 82, for a drow, is a teenagerish character.

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: Ninja's fine I guess, it's like a combat-rogue. And the teenager thingy would be quite correct.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yea, and figuring most teenage elves are naive silly creatures.....

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: i think its scary....ninjas....*shivers*

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: as job ok, but as profession O.o ok iam too old fashioned i guess :P

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: there actually is a ninja class in the 3.5 Complete Adventurer I believe. And yes, it would probably be a very naive stupid drow, not even very sadistic probably, as he has little experience with being sarcastic/sadistic.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: ps. (and sorry for the dozen comments after eachother) i was reading this dude's discription: not even Meldor is as skilled as him O.O and he rules a fuckin drow kingdom

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: the either die before they are 100 or live beyond 1000, is the saying :P

2005-11-14 [Leara]: The first person is highly annoying in a character description. It makes it seem more like a story, which it's not supposed to be, it supposed to describe, of course.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: hmmmm and the strength of ten giants? ghehe i thought not. a drow doesnt have the body to ammess such muscle as needed for that

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: like a ehhh CV with too much perfume on it!

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: and i dont like the 1001 forms either X_X

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: and i just find it wierd to have seperate forms, as if you are schizotypal O.o' i mean: drow form human form demon form? i mean humanoid form or catshapeshifting, that i can understand. but my char is half drow half demon. not demon form drow form O.o' its just...oh well its probably my opinion....

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: I think it's rather safe to say this is one overpwoered char -_-'

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yea...i mean, meldor was ALMOST overpowered, but he kinda had to be because he was the freakin overlord in the campaign O.o' some dude in one of my rpgs tried to kill him....i was like: ehh he's an npc AND the most powerfull person around and now you complain that he killed your char? i was like: thats your own fault X_X

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: some how reading this char bio pisses me off O.O'

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: Yeah, shit happens 0.o; I had a half-dragon char before Astafel and even he wasn't over powered... although he was a sorcerer/monk/fighter char which had no trouble managing himself in the abyss... well, i suppose I really was a noob back then, but even that char wasn't as overpwoered as this one ^^"

2005-11-14 [Leara]: I couldn't read all of the descript. first person unless in a novel or journal/diary, drives me insane. Like, I got my psych book, and opened it , all prepared to study...and bam...the moron wrote a science book in first person, making the 'narrator' sound like an egotistical bastard. 'Now I found findings...etc' >.> Could have murdered. You just don't write a text book like that.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: its a CV, an official paper. you have to write your CV in third person here too. like "and Madeleine followed a VWO study, then went to university and..." oh well, i understand now! ^_^ sides, I adore asty ^_^

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: Asty rocks my socks ! especially because he knows who he can bully and who not :P i mean, if i tell my rpgers in some rpg that the big bad overlord will kill you painfully when you anger him, i will make sure HE WILL when they do so O:)

2005-11-14 [Leara]: This text was first though...I've never seen a text book written in anything but what I've come to find out is APA format. Which doesn't have a point of's straight out information, unless you have something like a case study. You don't use I, me, my, she , he, we, our...none of it. no reference to a person. I think it might use you though.

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Who Asty? o.O

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yes because you refers to the reader, which is ok because it doesnt instill egoism. maybe thats why the bio's get my cranky >_< i dont get along well with egoistic people because iam secretly a little egoistic myself :p but i think we aught to prevent stuff like this from happening with extensive guidelines or such if that is really needed. maybe things like this should be kindly be dispossed of with the "please study wiki such-and-such some more before putting up a new bio"

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: Astafell :p my char likes shortening names: Melc, Asty, Eph, Luse, Wolfi, Bjarki etc etc the only one she doesnt shorten is Meldor. and thats not because she's scared of him, thats because shortening names implicates some form of closeness

2005-11-14 [Leara]: lol

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: am i really the only one that actually read the bios of people that were already up before she put up her own?

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: trust me leara, its a LONG and NASTY story, one that i mgiht publish sometime :P

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: and i am totally over with people milking out the not-so-evil-drow X_X drizzt was original, liriel was great, zaknafein rocked my socks but it has to end! no one ever rpgs the bad drow anymore O.O

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Ok, things wrong with that description: What is a weredrow? When you say were anything, it usually indicated someone that can turn into a being thats half their species, and half would one become a weredrow? It doesn't make sense. Getting clawed or bitten by a drow isn't going to make you turn into one, or give you any of their powers. Even Lestat De Lioncourt doesn't have the strength of 10 giants, and he's like the big bad super powered demon of the night(I'm Lestat crazed)...Drow regardless have a weakness to white magic...doesn't seem to be any weaknesses that compensate for being so superpowered...All things that need to be fixed. I still have no clue what he is.

2005-11-14 [Leara]: 'its a LONG and NASTY story, one that i mgiht publish sometime ' Thats one hilarious's long and nasty, but I'll publish it anyways. XD

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: I think he can shift forms between drow and demon, so he'd be like a drow weredemon... and that totally does not make any sense at all...

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: "I left my houes when I was just a kid, back when the races were young and there was no good or evil yet" This char is 82? Surely the world is older than that...

2005-11-14 [Leara]: exactly. That would make him a half breed, not a weredrow. And I believe I read somewhere that Xido doesn't want anymore angels, demons, and that sort of thing.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: woot! i could be a a a WERESUCCUBUS!!!!! *lmao* i think meldors mommie was an evil bitch. and meldor is past his 400th birthday ;)

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Far far older than that. One of my NPC's is a few centuries old, and he's evil as sin itself...>.>

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: you really want to know what i find wrong? the first person offcourse. ALL THOSE SKILLS. and hair dye cant be THAT strong by the way. drow are weak to anyform of light magic, firemagic and white magic (fire has light aswell ;) ) and they usually cant see in unpenitrable darkness either, hence why its called unpenitrable. weredrow suggest changing in a drow. you should say a drow werewolf or were cat, which doesnt make sense either because drow (most) live underground....

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: iam sure you will ADORE meldor if you dig lestat :D meldor is like, the armand of my story *armand fan*

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: iam fairly sure that he is not my uncles son :p (drow uncle named Lucifer, ironic no?) ok that one was lame. but the satan thing is just way overdue. take a duke of hell! but Mephi is TAKEN! *huggs mephi*

2005-11-14 [Leara]: I don't like Armand. He seems the proper ass to me. >.> I like Lestat...then Marius.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: oh and he's not as evil as other drow BUT he is a demon too? thats just impossible.... evilness doesnt work like math. evil + evil = dubble evil, not evil + evil = good (like - and - is +)

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: i LIKE the proper ass! and i totally love his hair :P the proper badasses RULE! :p like the dude in the second crow movie! he totally rocked my socks :P

2005-11-14 [Leara]: @_@ You....confuse me. And...Armand is....ack...I dunno, I want to strangle him for so many reasons. >.> I need to get a hold of the Queen of the Damned book, I can never find it at the store. I'm so not reading anything in order, >.>

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: don't strangle him, i am not necrophilic! *chuckles* you don't have to understand me, just buy my book when i publish it ;)

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: iam a sucker for the classy badguy i guess ;)

2005-11-14 [Leara]: He's already dead! O.O   o.O O.o o.O O.o I should get it for free, cause I'm special like that. :P

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: well maybe ;) hey i am writing it in english so that people can actually read what I WROTE not what some stupid translator wrote *grumble grumble* anyhow you can read the 20 pages ive got so far if you like? just give me your email (i promise iam not some scary stalker guy! :p)

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: well lestat dies pretty badly aswell, four times i recall

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Whats it about? O.O

2005-11-14 [Leara]: XD But he keeps coming back! Har har! >:D

2005-11-14 [Blood Raven]: her alter ego, and alot of drow

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Drow orgy? o.O

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: well its about something corny: an artifact that will let the drow go to the surface (much like my campaign :p only better ;)  )

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: my char actually has only a minor role as comic relief

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: but yes, lots and lots of EVIL drow ^_^ like Vhok, or Meldor or Count Sansivirr <--- he is not a vampire :p

2005-11-14 [Leara]: No orgy? XD

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: well [zepher] keeps saying that i should not withstrain and just write it because he keeps pestering me that i am the kind of type that would write crappy history romance novels (the crappy ones you buy at supermarkets) and then i always remind him that he might end up as "the husband of that woman writting crappy history romance novels!" ^_^ so no, probably no orgy, only between line indications. which 98% of the readers wont get

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Aww....but it's so fun walking through the grocery store and stumbling upon some 70 year old women reading those crappy books in the middle of the aisle. XD

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: hey hey! *huggs The Last Viking* the book SUCKED ASS it was CRAPPY but i LOVED IT :D Geirolf rocks my socks :p and so does his brother (whos dick got turned blue by a witch ^_^)

2005-11-14 [Leara]: O.O A whole new meaning to blue balls. O.O

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: oh yea, its called The Blue Viking *lols* the back reads:  The Blue Viking. Now why is this viking blue? Is it because he is lost in the waving highlands of scotland? Is it because he has to eat haggis? Is it because he's stuck with the world's most annoying poet? No...this viking is blue because he IS blue

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: ghehe geirolf adores ME :D

2005-11-14 [Leara]: O.O Oreo's?

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yea oreos...oh heavenly thingies ^_^ and they come in cheap family sized packages :D

2005-11-14 [Leara]: *drools* I want bad....craving....evil...

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: *eats chocolate coins because its almost 5 dec *

2005-11-14 [Leara]: O.O I want chocolate. Whats then in december?

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: Sint Nicolas day, its a dutch celebration and its the worst excuse for giving people gifts EVER :p yes we also celebrate christmas, and halloween and easter and all other days that give excuses for giving your loved ones gifts ^_^

2005-11-14 [Leara]: O.O Yeah, but Christmas also has a deeper meaning. ^^;;

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: it has? i thought christ was born that day and that was about it?

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Yeah, but everyone now a days thinks it's about money and present. Jesus is the deeper meaning people tend to completely forget about. Like an ex hindi friend of mine wanting to participate in was don't believe in Jesus. o.O

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: so? christmas to me is stil the winter solstice, not the birth of christ...though everybody does get it pushed down their troat ^_^ but i respect the fact that it has a deeper meaning

2005-11-14 [Leara]: It's supposed to be the only meaning, but we humans are a greedy species. >.> I mean, come on....'christ'mas.

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: yeah but i usually call it winter parents though call it christmas :p

2005-11-14 [Leara]: Meh

2005-11-14 [Linn Scarlett]: *chuckles* if you have come to the conclusion that iam utterly mad: you are right

2005-11-15 [Blood Raven]: actually I believe chirst wasn't born at all during christmas, but Constantine the Great (or some lad who followed him up) decided to shove it up a few days, so that it would go together with mid-winter festivals of the 'heretics' (our ancestors) and they would slowly be turned christians (which we have). so chirstmas is actually about midwinter. Three Kings festival is the actual celebration of christ's birth, I beleive, or at least the date's closer to it...

2005-11-15 [Linn Scarlett]: *shrugs* i celebrate the winter solstice so i dont care :p

2005-11-15 [Raerlas]: hmm...debate eh? i can agree with all of you...thoug i am not personally fond of the holiday season..

2005-11-15 [Blood Raven]: Yeah, I just try and have fun on my own and with friends, like always. And if there're like presents as well, so be it and thank you parents ^^

2005-11-15 [Raerlas]: ^_^ i agree. I'd rather have fun than sit and pretend to get along with some members of my family...esp my oldest sister right about now..

2005-11-15 [Linn Scarlett]: hmm reading around these silly applications sounds darn fun by the way :p

2005-11-15 [Leara]: They don't know when Jesus was born other than it was around that time of year....old Christmas day is January 6th, thats when they thought it was before. So meh. :P It's approximate.

2005-11-15 [Linn Scarlett]: 30 days more or less, who cares X_X

2005-11-16 [Blood Raven]: aye, the lad's dead already, and starring in the most famous book on earth. I don't see why he should (or could) complain

2005-11-16 [Leara]: He didn't die, he ascended to Heaven beside his father, Mary ascended to Heaven as well if I remember correctly. XD

2005-11-16 [Linn Scarlett]: does it look like i care? :p sides, the IKEA catalogue has more visions than the bible

2005-11-16 [Blood Raven]: lmao XD

2005-11-16 [Linn Scarlett]: seriously!

2005-11-16 [Raerlas]: *shakes head* too much controvers in my opinion. i'll stick to my myths for now...

2005-11-25 [NamelessMerc]: Since this page hasn't been edited in a while, I'm going to be dumb and ask... Is the auditions page still the way to have a character created in WFR?And while I'm at it, is it too much to have a character who's pushed into Eastonia from a (similar) alternate universe?

2005-11-25 [Leara]: You still apply here to have a character in WFR, about Eastonia...gonna have to see what X.O says.

2005-11-25 [NamelessMerc]: Well I could make it more general, put "his current location" rather than "Eastonia".

2005-11-25 [Leara]: Well, you could make the character sheet, and work out location details later...cause other than saying where in Eastonia he's from, or where he first arrived, where you are would depend on the roleplay that your in.

2005-11-25 [NamelessMerc]: Hmm... Good idea. I think I'll do that.

2005-11-26 [NamelessMerc]: If that's too excessive, I can shorten it a little. Or a lot.

2005-11-26 [Leara]: Oh jeez, no such thing as too long. We're constantly making people make their descriptions longer.

2005-11-26 [Leara]: If X.O has no problem with him being from somewhere else, I'll move him to the accepted characters page.

2005-11-27 [NamelessMerc]: Well, if you wanna be technical, Bilymas is going to be part of a wiki called Blood of Creation I'm working on. Don't know if that changes anything...

2005-11-27 [Linn Scarlett]: pah. viva le monde nouveau (yes thats my most crappy french) ghehe the more people creating their own world, the better

2005-11-27 [NamelessMerc]: Heh well that should be ready by the end of December... I might try to get it added to wfr if it takes off well.

2005-11-29 [Sherice]: Does any one know how to paste the character up above. It won't let me.

2005-11-29 [NamelessMerc]: You edit the page. Press the "Edit this page" button above the comment box and put your application in the box that appears at the top of the page when it reloads. Then click on the "Submit changes" button, below that box.

2005-11-30 [Leara]: Who is [Firous]? Cause you know, it's the application mods that leave comments below descriptions, that way the player knows what the mods think...unless your someone who changed your name or I simply don't remember. @_@

2005-11-30 [Blood Raven]: well, he's not modding it or anything. Perhaps it is good to allow non-mods some degree of commenting. Then we get to see what other players think about it, and it shows people are interested. It's always cool to get positive comments on your chars

2005-11-30 [Raerlas]: don't know who firous is. But in a way i agree with blood raven. it'd be nice to see what others say. but if that happens, then too many might take up the reins so to speak. 

2005-11-30 [Leara]: I think in the comments, but not on the wiki. Since if they make an optimistic comment about someone who needs work, they may get up the players hopes when we don't plan on accepting them at the time. Like if I hadn't already decided that Tethis was in...then you have someone else comment on him that he should be accepted. It might also confuse the player, not knowing the person isn't a mod. So I'd prefer for others that aren't mods to not comment on the wiki itself, if they have something to say, it should be done in the comments area down here. I also don't like it looking like their opinion may be affecting the mod's. 

2005-11-30 [NamelessMerc]: Heh well I don't mind for my own, then again it's not my choice :p I don't mind the occasional ego-boost.

2005-11-30 [Blood Raven]: hmmm... I'll have to agree with [Leara], she has a point

2005-12-01 [Firous]: x.o gave me authorization to be a mod on this page a little while ago... Sorry to confuse you... If you would like I won't do it anymore..I just started reading and got sucked in. This is the first time I've actually written on here though I have been watching the page avidly. Again sorry for the confusion.

2005-12-01 [Leara]: I searched my messages...I don't have anything mentioning anyone with your screen name as a mod. When was this? Especially since recently theres been a few others that have been mentioned as wanting to help me, like Blood Raven, and Raerlas. @_@

2005-12-01 [Firous]: ok...I just looked and it was a long time ago when he gave me July. I still have the message. If you want me to send it to you just ask. But like I said before...sorry for the confusion... v.v

2005-12-10 [NamelessMerc]: o.o It's just occured to me that I've rp'ed with Tethis in various forms for over three years... Strange, it didn't seem like that long at all.

2005-12-12 [Blood Raven]: that's good :P I haven't had any char who lasted that long.

2005-12-12 [Raerlas]: ... good for you. Its more fun when theres a connection with a char

2005-12-12 [Linn Scarlett]: what did i miss?

2005-12-18 [Blood Raven]: I'm getting slightly annoyed by all these people who want to play sexy or overly powerful demons...

2005-12-18 [Leara]: Lily Frostanos also doesn't seem to have any weaknesses that I see...and looks kinda like a mary sue. :P

2005-12-18 [NamelessMerc]: Hah, she has a weakness... Homosexual men. XD

2005-12-18 [Leara]: XD Thats a good one, probaly not all that relevant though. XD

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