Page name: What the smoke reveiles [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-05-05 00:24:10
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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When the smoke cleared, a beutiful maiden stood in Karisutos place, and the boy's mouthes dropped. Her hair was long, smooth, and blue. She wore beutiful ruffled robes that looked somewhat like sashes and scarves wraped around her, leaving her stomach and legs showing. They were blue and some were transparent and clear that flowed as if a light wind or a levitation spell held and moved them. She wore small blue booties on her feet. She also held a round mirror with an exoticly shaped trim. Then, she opened her eyes. Thy were a beutiful sapphire blue, no pupil, and seemed to sparkle. "Wow........ya know, if I didn't know better, I'd ask her out." Yusuke said. "Yeah, she sure is pretty." Kuwabara agreed. Karisuto put a hand on her hip, "Glade ya like." Her voice sounded different and matched her looks. "I had forgotten what you looked like in your human form." Rika said. "Well I did change a bit. Wadda ya think?" Karisuto asked. "Not bad, not bad. You'll fool Atamis for sure." Rika answered. "Well when should the tides hit him?" Karisuto asked. "Well the ones we found underwater were a while away from Atamis's location. So the approxamit time they will hit will be in at least an hour." Rika answered. "Noon..." Kurama said looking up at the possition of the sun. "While we wait, why don't you tell us more of the currents you used, Rika." Karisuto said. Rika sighed, "Fine. Well I think everyone here know what undersea currents are, so I'll just get to the spell. We changed the current of the rivers to aim at Atamis. But as we did so, we combind the multiple currents to form one that was ten times strounger then the origanals." "Hm, not a bad spell." Karisuto said and just after she said it, Saremu flew over from the forest, then circled and landed on the beach by the team. Rika walked up to him as he put his head down she she could pet him, "Where were you?" he made a small sound, like a tiny soft roar. Hiei then appeared on his head and was bent over looking at him. "Uh...Is it ok to pet him...and stnd on his head like that?" Kuwabara asked. "Yes, afterall he is addmiting Darkness Flames." Kurama pointed out. "Well tecnickly he was actually bore with the flames. Or so I belive. Correct, Saremu?" she asked. The dragon nodded. "We'll talk in the Mountains afterwards." Rika pet the dragon. "May we go now!?" Karisuto asked, irritated. "Fine! Just stop complaining. We still have an hour at least!" Rika said with a glare. "So what are we going to do until then?" Kuwabara asked, Rika shruged.

(A few minutes pass)
Rika and Hiei sat to gether on a cliff, cuddled together, looking out at the sea. The black clouds had moved far enough away so they could see the sunset. Rika appeared to be rather sleepy and had her eyes closed as she had her arms wrapped around his waist. He had his arms wrapped around her, just below her shoulders. "Tired?" He asked. " keep all this magic's...overwhelming." She said slowly, as though almost asleep. "Like what?" He asked and pressed his lips to the top her head. "Sss.........Keeping Saremu's presence and power around.........Casting the multiple spells....fighting...Atamis..........." and with that she fell asleep. "You rest, I'll take care of everything...." Hiei whispered and smiled a bit. "There you are! Yusuke and Kurama sense that the currents hit it's targe-" Karisuto stopped running tword them when she saw Rika asleep, "WHAT IS SHE DOING!?" "Shut up! She's exagusted!" Hiei whispered. "I don't care if she's tired! We have to get to Atamis!" Karisuto whispered. "Do you have any idea how much energy a simple spell takes away from you?" Hiei glared and Karisuto blinked, "Well I'm not so sure how it affects normal spell casters. Being a guardian of the mirror I'm used to casting searching spells. Have been since I was born, and was born to still have my strengh after a spell. So I don't know what it's like." "Then shut up and let her rest!" Hiei whispered. "Oh alright! I'll go, but you'd better hurry befor Atamis gets away." Karisuto said. "It won't matter, he'll remain on the island, so it can't be too hard to track him." Hiei pointed out. "MmMmMmMmMmMm....................Riiight. True, but it would be best to get him as soon as possible. The clouds will hit the city soon." Karisuto said as she turned. "Like I care what happens to the humans..." Hiei mumbled as Karisuto walked away.

After Rika had woken up a few hours later, Karisuto was ready to meet Atamis on the shore line.

>> Deseption

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