Page name: Why We Love Kileaiya [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-03-12 23:24:10
Last author: Lothuriel
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This wiki is dedicated to [Kileaiya], one of the most enduring young women you will ever meet! She is spunky, caring and beautiful both inside and out. She is an inspiration to everyone who meets her both online and personally! Here's to you girl!


Tell us what you love about [Kileaiya]....

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Kileaiya, because you're gorgeous, I'd do anything for you. You're weirdness incarnate, gal, but come to think of it, you're all right. Damn! This entry can't do you justice. Keep it up, Mug! [The Red Baron].

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I love Ki because she's so incredibly awesome. Not only is she a good friend, but she's an awesome person. (and a great rper). She's just an all around great person. ^^ *huggles* Love ya Ki!! - [Akayume]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I love Ki because she's funny and smart and sweet and brave and sometimes a bit naughty and she learned me the words to the Tigger-song ^^ [ally]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> She's very tasty when slobbered on! *slobberhuggles* - [Calico Tiger]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I love Ki because she is inspirational and strong, brave and silly, she is everything I would like to think I can be. And, she makes me smile, just knowing that she too is a Hamwich. [justjoe]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Ki is amazing because life has dealt her one hell of a knock out punch and not only has she demonstrated strength and grace to roll with it but she's making the best of it too. She's almost always got a smile and a kind word for those who deserve it no matter how rough things are for her. Your spirit just amazes me girl and you're an inspiration to us all. And you're a sick, twisted puppy too! ^_^ [Yuriona]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I think she is awesome! She's really good to talk to when your bored and she has the nicest things to say about [Yuriona] and everyone else. She gives you good advice and roleplaying and all in all....she's just awesome, there are no words! [DarkJenni]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> *tickles* You're lovely and you make me smile an awful lot :3 You know, in the chances i get to see you now x) - pixie

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Oh my, where to start. There are so many reasons, it's just impossible to summarize it all in one little paragraph. So I'll be a jackass and intrude into other people's writing space.
- First of all, she has freckles. I love anything, from a person to an animal, a shoe to a roll of toilet paper, that has freckles.
- Second, she has one of the broadest sense of humours I've seen in a while. She is easily entertained by almost anything, which doesn't mean she's so dumb that she'd stop crying if handed a popsicle (well actually she would). It's an important skill to find something humorous under anything, and requires a high IQ. Her level of intellect is high enough to get certain jokes that many, and I mean MANY would not find so funny.
- Third, she's perverted, in a nice way though. She's so open and relaxed, she can actually stand my perversion and add on top of it.
- Fourth, she's awe inspiring. She elevates my mood, just her willingness to cling to life, no matter what!
- Fifth, she's not ignorant. I can't stand talking to ignorant people. She actually knows more about my country than many (and again, I mean, MANY!).
- Sixth, our conversation is more than just "lol-inspiring dialog". It's not just bullshit. We can actually engage in really serious debates when necessary, and we're almost always on the same page.
- Seventh, if I said "MEEHEE!" to you guys, you'd not have a clue of what it means, right? Well, Kiki had, the first time I went "MEEHEE!" to her (people reading this are still wondering "wtf is meehee?" but it's between Kiki and I). She's a trippin' llama!
- Eigth, I mean come on, you can't just NOT like Jo. [spincrus]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I don't know Kileaiya very well...but the times we've chatted i've noticed that she's a sweety and a great person! [Jeccabee]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Cause Ki rocks my socks... and If I was a man I'd marry her >:P tee hee, actually she's just so nice, and such a fangurl and fun, and giggles a lot and just so so so... well words can't describe her :D so instead *pounce huggles squish* [Elisha Kelly]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Ki, you're a real sweetie. You're always almost the first one to leave a comment on my artwork over at DA and you're a wonderful and encouraging lay-dee and a talented li'l writer in your own...uhm..right I guess :P Have a kitty, Ki! =^_^= *prrr*
- [Igorina]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Kileaiya is awesome because she is so creative when RPing, and she's always so nice and understanding when the RP dies and nobody posts for six months. (T.T lol, sorry about that!) She's great to talk to on AIM as well. And she's always willing to tell me I'm weird (in a good way of course) when I post stupid art on DA :D Ki rox my socks! <3 [Rambert]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Kileaiya is so awesome, we don't normally chat very often but when we do, its really fun. Kileaiya is teh greatness ^_^ [Trinity_89]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Jordy rocks because she is Jordy. She catches you off guard with her cleverness, and she will floor you with her knowledge of Harry Potter. She is brave and her manner and attitude have actually taught me a lot. I admire her and adore her. And she has a bee-yoo-tiful smile and heart. [irulan]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Hmmm...Me and Ki haven't talked that much recently. We used to chat all the time, though! Makes me sad. I have resolved to go and start up the conversation gremlin again! [Hello Sunshine]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I can't even recall now how long I've known Ki for, but she's always been a sweet, funny and, well just plain awesome. Here's to you buddy ^^ [warrlokk]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Even though I haven't know her for very long, right away I could tell that she's an awesome person. Rock on Ki, you sexy beast you. [Doc_D]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> You just gotta love Ki :P I love you for being one of the few people I will readily class as most excellent. You're smart, you're brave, you're adorable, you're actually quite the hilarious most of the time. You make a whinger like me smile, and I miss you when I'm not around, and totally intend to get back to you all soon because you're all quite lovely, but especially you, miss Kileaiya :P - [Kaimee]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I don't know Ki too well. But, we have talked enough times, both here on Elftown and online, for me to know that she's a totally awesome person. And she's very nice and sweet as well! =^.^= -[LunaSoleil]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Jojo is the sweetest, most down to earth person I know. The power/prestige that she has come to have on Elftown has not affected her personality in the tiniest little bit, and she is always willing to help anyone that she's able to, even though she has got more than her fair share of health problems and real life issues. (Hooray run-on sentences!) We love you, Jojo! -Kaitlyn and Donovan

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Jordan is a fabulous person...there are so many words that describe her, but the very best one is that she is inspiring. When I think of her...I think that people truly can endure hardships...and become stronger, better people because of them. I feel so lucky to know her. =o) -[Lerune]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Donno where to start, really, so many good things have already been said about her, >.>, she really does deserve this wiki, and if I wore hats, i'd tip mine to you all for beating me here :3 [Silver]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Wow! This took long enough to make. She really deserves one though, Kileaiya is such a wonderfully excellent person. Go Kileaiya! :D - [Stephen]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I've known Kil almost since I joined Elftown, and she has always amazed me with her down-to-earthness and good humour. She has the bravest heart that I've ever seen and even though I don't frequent ET much these days, she's one of the few people I always check back with. I think you're wonderful K, keep smiling that beautiful smile and remember we all love you! [Sallywag]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Kileaiya! *glomps* I love you!!!! I don't think I can exactly describe how great a person you are. You make even time I sign into ET, a real joy and I love talking to you whether its nonsense or a real convo. Thanks for being one of the first people to talk to me, when I joined. [Equivalent Exchange]

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> I arrived on this wiki as one of the first, but what I know of you I have mostly learned from what others have said about you (all good stuff, I swear! :p). I've thought long on what to write, but everything I could say would be a repetition of what everyone has already said!
I hope we will get to know each other better some time :)

<img:stuff/ky%20bully.jpg> Kileaiya is a great friend and an excellent lightsaber dueler! She is a fantastic person to talk to! *hugs her* I can talk to her about anything! Love ya Kileaiya! ^_^ [Dasner]



Banners for Kileaiya

In case some of you guys get the urge!


"All that which walks the Earth is mortal, and naught is immortal but God."

"Every soul must die."

"Give good tidings to those who, if bereaved, resorted to patience and said, "To God we belong, and to God we shall return."

God has spoken truthfully in His holy script, the Koran, these verses, and others as well.

I hate to be writing this, but Kileaiya,whom I used to call "Mug" and "Gorgeous" has been taken away from us. Death has decided to take that shimmering beacon in the darkness, this flower, this most amazing, this courageous person; no amount of praise can do her justice, and it saddens me greatly to be writing this eulogy.

I knew Mug well, I had the previlige of having a phone conversation or two with her. I even keep a sound file of her cheerfully talking about Alderaan; something I will cherish.

Mug, forgive me, I never had the chance to send you that package I promised. Forgive me that life didn't give us enough time for me to visit the US or you to visit Lebanon. Forgive me for all the puns, jokes, and other things that I said and didn't say.

Mug, I never thought that this will be our last goodbye, I still refuse to believe that you're gone. Gone, maybe from this world. You will, however, remain for always in my mind, a friend, a patient, and a fellow geek.

It won't be easy to get over your loss, Mug, I'll miss you to an extent indescribable by all the tongues of men. I shan't forget you.

Farewell, [Kileaiya], it has been an honour be a friend of yours.

[The Red Baron]


23:09:26 (11min ago) [LunaSoleil]: "The Lord's plan for her is done. She now has an eternity of peace." This is the phrase that has helped me deal with three deaths within a year's time, including Ki's. We all miss ya, Hun. Sorry I didn't get to comment a whole lot earlier. I've had a really tough year and been in and out of the hospital myself. I'll never forget her for helping me endure my medical issues with a smile and an optimistic attitude. We could talk to each other about our stories and she was such a brave soul. I'd never even met her and I cried so hard when I found out... That's gotta say something, right?


Wiki created and maintained by [The Red Baron] and [Lothuriel].
Graphics provided by [DarkJenni] unless otherwise stated.

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2009-03-12 [LunaSoleil]: "The Lord's plan for her is done. She now has an eternity of peace." This is the phrase that has helped me deal with three deaths within a year's time, including Ki's. We all miss ya, Hun. Sorry I didn't get to comment a whole lot earlier. I've had a really tough year and been in and out of the hospital myself. I'll never forget her for helping me endure my medical issues with a smile and an optimistic attitude. We could talk to each other about our stories and she was such a brave soul. I'd never even met her and I cried so hard when I found out... That's gotta say something, right?

2009-04-13 [Sunrose]: Was just thinking about her and stumbled on that video on YouTube.
When checking the comments I saw her mother explained more of what exactly happened after the accident. Something I never got to figure out. It was good to hear her voice in the video, she sounds so happy.


josmom9407 (9 months ago)

Thank you. We lost her because of complications from an auto accident we had in 2001. The accident severed her spinal cord and aorta, broke and pulled her back six inches apart, leaving her paralyzed. The aorta had to be grafted, and later she had to have a bypass when doctors attempted to pull her back together, the aorta kinked (causing loss of blood flow). This caused continuous complications (she lost both legs before her death)and eventually caused her death.

2009-04-13 [Lothuriel]: The poor thing had to go through so much...

2009-04-13 [The Red Baron]: Mug was one of the few sources of joy in my life. Not a day goes by in which I don't think about her.

2009-04-13 [Sunrose]: I couldn't believe it for a long time, it's strange when someone gets taken away just like that..

2009-04-15 [Akayume]: She used to be so nice to me when no one else was.. We used to plot how to assassins the jerks in our lives... Ahhh. I miss her so much.

2009-08-02 [LunaSoleil]: I miss her, too...

2009-12-27 [The Red Baron]: I still miss her.

2011-07-31 [Lerune]: I miss you, Jordan.

2011-08-01 [Akayume]: <3 Same.

2011-08-03 [Lothuriel]: <img:44166_1164099989.gif>

2013-07-25 [smakeupfx]: Seems like no one has been here in a while, but I wanted to leave a new message for Jordan,  she was such a sweet girl, funny and clever and I hate it that she didn't get to do all the crazy ass things I do all the time and take for granted.  Miss you little girl, 

2013-08-08 [Lerune]: I've said it before, I am better for having known her. She still makes me look at life differently, because if she could smile after all shouldn't be so hard for me. I like to think that I would buy shoes after losing my legs, just because I thought they were cool. <3

2013-08-09 [Akayume]: <3

2013-08-10 [Yuriona]: She was definitely an inspirational person. I wish I had known her better.

2013-08-12 [The Red Baron]: I shall never forget her.

2013-08-23 [smakeupfx]: I keep planning on doing a sculpt of her, but I don't want it to be too creepy or in bad taste.  Just to say that this was a good person with a wonderful soul, imagination and sense of humor... she is missed.

2016-09-04 [The Red Baron]: It's been 9 years since Ki left us, and yes, I still remember her fondly.

The only reason I log on here now is to visit her page and pay my respects.

(lays a single red rose) Farewell, Mug; I've never forgotten you, nor will I. Hope you're in a better place now.

2016-09-16 [Lothuriel]: We all miss her, Baron. I think about her quite often. 

2020-09-04 [The Red Baron]: (places a single red rose on the page) 13 years since you left us, Ki, 13 years, and the wound is as fresh as if it were yesterday....

You've gone, but have never been forgotten.

2020-09-04 [Yuriona]: <img:45154_1117568632.gif>

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