Page name: WoW - Shunlao [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-09-18 00:08:05
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Figgy
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The Lower City Shah Hath


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The Shunlao is also known as the Street of Secrets, it is here that many Shah Scholars and mages make their abodes, as well as the schools of the different martial disciplines the Shah imported from their old empire into the Royal City. One kind find such esoteric and famous places as the store of the Keeper of Secrets, who is said to possess ancient scrolls of immense power for those who have the means to purchase them. The infamous Dao Hall, Dojo of the Shadowswords. The Hall of the Mao Shandian, spear users, or the Iron Fists, who are deadly enough without a single weapon in their hands. There are ancient libraries, secret herbalists and apothecaries and antique sellers all crammed into the Shunlao. In keeping with its furtive reputation, the Lao itself is built into the cliff face surrounding the Lower City. It is not an open area but a network of tunnels which start with a large stone gate at the side of the Shilao, illuminated with few galvanic lights and a lot of torches and paper lamps. The tunnels are carefully carved, wide and look almost like covered streets, with doors at regular intervals, each leading to one of the businesses, halls or homes of the Shunlao.

Nobu and Hiroshi, the two Shadowswords accompanying Han Daiyu, walked in from the WoW - Shilao. The widest tunnel and first 'floor' of the Shunlao housed the large Dao Hall, undisputed master of all Dojos in the lower city. From the red Dragon Gate at the entrance of the tunnels, one had to walk around ten minutes before reaching the entrance of the Dao Hall, a massive wrought bronze double door which stood open from side to side, a half dozen blades in a lotus blossom arrangement had been welded straight into the gate. "We'll wait here, Gaosheng. Master Shu is waiting, please go in." said Hiroshi as the trio arrived at the gate of the Dao Hall.

Daiyu nodded quietly, her leg was killing her but she steeled herself and tried to ignore her wildly beating heart as she walked into WoW - Dao Hall

About an hour later, Daiyu emerged from the Wow - Dao Hall.Daiyu barely had time to thank Mai before the small woman rushed out. She wasn't certain what to do so she took a seat, taking the chance to relax after all that had happen. It was crazy and she was still having trouble believing what was happening. She'd left her family and come to this city. She still wasn't quite sure what she had been planning to do especially when she'd been injured during the trip. To have been taken in by the Shadowswords had been beyond her dreams but it was a chance she was thrilled to be able to have and she was determined not to give up. It only seemed a few moments before her thoughts were interrupted by Mai's return. "Thank you. Please ask them if they will accompany me." She said and smiled gratefully at the woman as she reached for her crutches and stood up.

Mai had followed Daiyu outside to help her get into the Palanquin, which was an unassuming, light cart, painted red and a simple bench like seat on he back and a couple of cushions. It never rained in the Royal City, so there was really no need for a roof on it. Up front was a thin Shah man, wearing pants and sandals and no shirt. Even though he was older and thin, he appeared to have powerful, lean muscles, probably developed through his job. Mai did not even have to ask Nobu and Hiroshi, though, as the two had been standing guard around the door and heard her well enough. <"We've been told to escort, so we escort, Gaosheng"> said simply Nobu with a small bow. Hiroshi, on the other side, seemed more pragmatic as he pointed to the palanquin, <"The palanquin sits only two, though, so only one of us can come with... be it myself, Nobu or even young miss Mai. If more go, we'll all have to go at a snail's pace, and daylight will wane soon.">

Daiyu dipped her head in greeting to the skinny man in front of her before she allowed Mai to help her into the palanquin, settling her robes around her feet and gingerly setting her leg where it would hopefully not be jostled to much. She looked between the three people standing in front of her and finally looked towards Hiroshi. "Hiroshi, you will accompany me, then." She said carefully after considering her options for several moments.

Hiroshi nodded and solemnly climbed aboard the palanquin, <"We ought to hurry, Gaosheng, there is no night in the lower city but most of the lights WILL go off. We want to be back in the Shah hath by then."> said the shadowsword. "To Stonebend!" then then called out, and the Palanquin set off, speeding down the darkened street to the WoW - Shilao

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2014-09-09 [Duredhel]: You must now choose a party member 8>

2014-09-14 [Duredhel]: Lire?

2014-09-14 [Lirerial]: I'll get it tonight, sorry ^_^'

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