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2011-04-30 02:47:34
Last author: Duredhel
Owner: Duredhel
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Kitchen on the 3rd Floor

The kitchen, those parts of it you can see through the smoke, is nowhere near as tidy as kitchen on the first floor, in fact, it looks rather more like the site of a small explosion than a kitchen. The fridge is annoyingly beer free, and a lot emptier than it's first floor counterpart. There is a TV hanging in the corner.

X-Men - Time
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist1
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist2
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist3
X-Men Kitchen 3rd Hist4

Sunday, October 3rd

Looking perky and ready to start this day off better than yesterday, Valerie entered the kitchen. ‘There’s the fridge, but I’d check everything before you try to eat it, who knows how long some of it’s been in there; there’s also stuff in the cabinets. This kitchen isn’t as well-stocked as the one on the first floor, but it’s not so bad unless you’re looking for something specific.’ She talked the entire time she crossed the floor to the sink, and then talked some more while the water ran and she filled the bottle up. Until someone relieved him, Mihir was likely to be subjected to Val’s gregarious chatterbox personality.

Mihir went to the cupboards, searching for something edible. He nodded and listened to what Val was saying, all the while searching. Mihir did manage to find some instant oatmeal, which looked to still be good. He went over and rummaged some more until he found a bowl and spoon. Sticking the bowl of water and oatmeal into the microwave. He smiled at Val. "Well, at least it has somewhat edible things."

‘Ohhh, definitely! And it’s way convenient, being so close to our rooms and the lounge and stuff. Oh, bowls there, utensils in that drawer,’ Valerie said quickly, directing Mihir with a point of her water bottle-wielding hand, after capping the bottle, of course. She then opened the refrigerator and took a quick survey of its drawers before locating an apple. ‘If you don’t mind my asking, what brings you to the school?’ she asked while rinsing off , then wiping the fruit’s shiny red skin dry.

Mihir set his bowl on the table once it was heated. Most people would have complained about the heat of the bowl, but Mihir simply grabbed it like it was nothing. He looked up at Val as she asked the question. "Well...Michael, mostly. He and I are from the same tribe and I came looking for him. Oh, and this." Mihir snapped his fingers, creating a small fireball that landed in his oatmeal before sizzling out, sending up steam from the water in the dish and burning a little bit of it. Mihir seemed to not care about the burned parts, he ate that first.

'Wow, that's really cool you know somebody here already; Michael seems like a nice guy,' Valerie cheerily said after swallowing a bite of apple she'd taken while Mihir spoke. What he said confirmed partially the fleeting thought she'd had after first meeting the boy in the hallway. 'Fire? That's hot!' Val commented after the brief, fiery display, and grinned cheekily in spite of her corny, Paris Hilton-esque, reply. 'Handy, too, I bet.' After making short work of her apple, Valerie disposed of the core then made her way to the doorway. 'I hate to eat and run, but, well.. that's exactly what I'm going to do. The others should be filing in soon. Enjoy your breakfast!'

Light walked in through the door, shuffling her feet lazily, and holding her head in one hand, seemingly in a lot of pain. She wore a t-shirt that looked a little too big for her, but only reached just past her butt, donning a pair of simple white panties underneath. A scowl plastered her face as she found a vacant chair at the kitchen table, then slid into it and immediately put her forehead on the table, her messy hair shielding her face from view.

Shade walked into the kitchen right after Light, also overcome by a bit of a hangover. The boy was wearing nothing but a pair of black boxers and his hair was messier than ever, he had no bulging muscles like many of the other men in the mansion, but more of a lean, streamlined musculature, following along the natural shape of his body. Bringing his hand up to his head, he tried to put some order in his hair while he followed Light, as if mesmerized by the hypnotic rhythm of her strut. In fact, he was so out of it he nearly bumped into Valerie on the doorway. "Oh, sorry... morning" he said in his usual whisper like voice, recognizing the girl whose jacket he had cleaned a few days back, but didn't feel like getting into a long conversation, so he moved to the table. Taking a glance at Mihir, he remembered him from the bar last night, "We keep picking up strays..." he sighed, then nodding to the other boy. "Morning, name's Shade, this here is Light, she's feeling a bit under the weather." he said simply before leaning in and giving Light a quick kiss on the top of her head. "I'll get you some coffee and then make some breakfast, love." he whispered.

Laurel walked into the kitchen still humming but not skipping anymore. She spotted the other kids as she walked over to the fridge to grab a drink."Oh hi,"she said softly, for it was to early in the morning to talk anyway else.

When Light, Shade and then Laurel entered, Valerie sidled out of the way to try and prevent a traffic jam in the doorway. She offered a brief, ' 'morning!' back to Shade, and a 'Hi there!' to Laurel, whom she did not recognize. Val cast a cursory glance to Light, a little concerned for the bedraggled and pantsless girl. 'See everyone later,' was all she offered, however, before she practically skipped back out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Light didn't even stir at Shade's voice as he spoke for her, introducing both of them to Mihir. Only when he offered up the idea of coffee and breakfast did she murmur, "Mm-hm," still face-down on the table and motionless. Then, each word that Valerie spoke caused to girl to wince, the noise sending throbbing pain through her skull. There was not much Light felt like doing at this point, and she was beginning to think that coming to the kitchen was a waste of time, especially with the other students in and about. She decided to stick it out, however, to see if Shade's breakfast would lessen the hangover effect.

Shade noticed Laurel and nodded in her general direction, her clothes looked like a box of crayons had been in a car crash, so looking at her too much was probably going to make his hangover worse. Instead, he focused on breakfast first he started making some coffee for him and Light. Then he headed towards the stove, putting his hand on the counter, the shadow cast by it soon became pitch black, and a pair of eggs emerged from it, probably teleported in from the fridge. He then teleported a stick of butter and some sliced bread. First the boy placed a pan on the stove, the sound of the metal pan hitting the top of the stove made him wince noticeable, his head was still killing him. Slicing a bit of butter onto the pan, he let it heat up. Once the butter was melted, Shade made a small hole in two pieces of bread, and then set them on the pan to brown with the butter. Noticing the coffee seemed to be coming to a bowl, he poured in a cup and took it over to Light, leaving it right in front of the girl and trying not to make it hit the table too hard. "There, love." he whispered as he poured himself a cup as well and took it down as quickly as possible, hopefully the caffeine would help.

Michael silently entered the kitchen, finding the man he was "hunting." He took note that Shade, Light, and the unknown to him Laurel were there, but that wasn't his goal. He had come to find Mihir...and perhaps some breakfast. He walked over to the fridge and rummaged through it a bit for some fruit. He found a few apples and pulled them out and moved over to the table. Then it suddenly hit him: Shade was in a pair of boxers and Light seemed to only be wearing a t-shirt. He shook his head before he pulled out a chair and sat down. He looked at Mihir before he took a bite of his apple. "I think we need to talk brother, when you're ready of course." Then he turned to Light and glanced between her and Shade. "You two had to have a nice night."

Laurel watched all the people walking through and raised an eyebrow at the scantily clad pair of Light and Shade.She took her bottle of lemonade and sat in the chair next to Michael, because at the moment he seemed like the most normal one there that was actually clothed."Hi," She said with a slight smile.She put her elbows on the counter and rested her head in her hands, obviously still tired.

"Well hello there," Michael said to Laurel. He took a few more bites of his apple. He was rather hungry this morning, and he was not sure why. Shade had said something last night about him vomiting up the wings he had at the club so maybe that was why. No meal for over twelve hours. "I am guessing you're a new kid, seeing as I haven't met you yet over the past couple of days. My name is Michael, welcome to the mansion." He extended his hand in greeting, as he normally did with new faces. He saw it as a gesture of politeness and respect. He did happen to glance over at Light, who still had her head down. "Excuse me, but are you alright?" he asked. Either she was very tired, or something else was wrong. He sniffed the air again, and caught a very faint whiff of alcohol. He also caught another smell, but one he had no desire to think about. He turned his head back to Laurel, and lowered his voice. "I think we should try to be quiet."

Laurel smiled at Michael."Yes I am new here,"She said, her Irish accent noticable.she reached out to shake his hand and then added,"My names Laurel,and thank you." She looked over at the pink haired girl who seemed to be in a great amount of pain, as Michael adressed her and then nodded turning back to Michael as he mentioned that they should be quiet.It was then that she looked him over. The differences between the two were great, Laurel's fair skin was many shades lighter than his, her hair was darker then his and her streakes were visable even though her hair was still wet from the shower. Her jean short shorts were riped and worn and her turquoise tee-shirt was soaked, because of her wet hair, and clung to her body tightly. She twirled a piece of her passionfruit and gauva scented hair absentmindedly.

Light slowly lifted her head from the table, bringing her arms up to the table surface, and running her fingers through her nappy hair. She used that arm to prop her head up, and used her free hand to pick up the coffee mug, putting it to her lips and sipping softly. She looked lazily around at the others in the room, the light still hurting her head. Every noise made in the kitchen left a twang of pain, and the noise was growing greater as the two natives and the new kid talked to each other. "Fuck you all," she said, not bothering to reply to Michael, and stared blankly ahead, taking another sip from her mug.

Shade snickered at Light's comment, the girl was clearly more irritable than usual, but maybe the coffee would help her. He himself wasn't too pleased with the amount of people in the kitchen, but kept quiet, his own voice would most likely make his headache worse at this point. Odd as it was, Laurel had no reaction to him teleporting eggs and bread out of the fridge through shadows, but since that meant no questions, it was probably for the better. Though the boy would not admit it though, he was surprised Michael showed NO signs of a hangover, after all, he'd reacted to the drinks in a much more... expletive manner than Shade, and no amount of regeneration factor can help with the dehydration headache that comes with one. Maybe the lack of hangovers was the reason alcoholism was such a rampant epidemic in ALL modern native American communities. Trying to keep it down, he cracked each egg into one of the slowly browning pieces of bread and letting the egg cook perfectly inside them. With a swift movement of his arm, he lifted the pan and tossed the bread into the air, flipping it and making it fall again on the pan, to brown the other side of the bread. A few minutes later, he placed each egg-in-a-basket on a small plate and teleported some grapes from the fridge, letting them fall on the side of the plate. Suddenly the boy felt his headache building up and took his hand to his forehead, putting some pressure on it, before finally taking the dish to Light, taking a seat next to her. Without a word, he looked at the girl's bright green eyes, now half closed because of the hangover, and ran his hand gently through her hair. "So you two DO know each other." he whispered in Michael and Mihir's direction.

Michael looked to Mihir, and then back to Shade. "Yes, we know each other. He is the son of our tribe's chief. The 'prince' of the tribe so to speak. There are a few things that we need to discuss when the time is right, but I believe it can wait." He took another bite of one of his apples. He caught the scent of Laurel's hair. He looked at her and sniffed the air again, mesmerized. He shook his head to be free of it and looked to Shade again. "I have a question Shade. Do you know how I managed to get drunk last night off of a pitcher of water?" All he could remember was drinking from that pitcher while he ate those fact. "Wait a minute, I think I have a better question: did we bring home any of those wings? Those were really good!" He quickly got up and went to the fridge. He opened it and stuck his head inside, hoping to get a whiff of some of those delicious wings

Laurel's eyes went wide when Light spoke to them in that undecent manner, but she tried to ignore it because she was new here and didnt want to seem like a bother. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Shade shadow port the grapes and raised an eyebrow but said nothing for the same reason she didnt say something to Light. She was listening to Michael talk until her leaned over and sniffed her,that caught her off gaurd as she watched him. It was like he was in a trance, but then he shook his head and walked over to the fridge. Laurel raised eyebrow when Michael meantioned getting drunk. She was thinking that might explain the pained expressions on the gloomy pair."It's to early for this,"She muttered droping her head softly on the table.

The door opened and Jacobs head popped round it, grinning and waving to Laurel. "I found it finally. Got a bit turned around." Nodding to everyone else in the room and making a b-line for Laurel. Bumping into an empty chair and apologising. Still a little on the asleep side of waking up.

Laurel picked her head off the table to look at Jacob."Hello Jacob," she said sleepily, her eyes where half closed and her messy bangs where hanging in her eyes. She was throughly happy to see Jacob but was to tierd to express this. She opened her lemonade bottle and took a sip, still looking at Jacob.

Jacob rooted around in one of the fridges for some food, finding some eggs and bacon and some butter. He started to search for a pan. "Anyone want an omelet? Bacon and egg sandwich?" He smiled happily at Laurel and put the kettle on for a cup of tea.

Through all the commotion in the kitchen, Light continued to sip on her coffee and stare straight ahead. The girl did her best to ignore the noise, mostly succeeding, but the pain was not receding yet. She sighed when Shade sat down beside her, trying to keep her cool, and handed her the food. Taking one of the pieces of food, she nibbled on it slowly as she leaned into Shade's touch. Immediately, her somewhat calm mood was ruined when Jacob walked in, flapping his lips loudly with Laurel. At the boy's question, she replied, "I'll take a plate of you can shut the hell up." She looked at the boy briefly and gave a completely sarcastic grin, immediately frowning and looking away to continue eating. "Oh, and a glass of kiss my ass," she added.

Shade could not help but grin and let out a laugh when he heard Light's outburst, but tossing his head back he immediately felt a spike of pain right between his eyes, covering his face with his hand for a second. Turning to Michael, he rested his head on his right hand and answered, his usual whisper-like voice resulted almost soothing. "Yes, we have a bit TOO much fun last night and now we're paying for it." he snickered before taking another bite, he was obviously referring to himself and Light, but figured it would apply to the people playing truth or dare too. When Michael asked about wings and water, Shade's grin grew wider. "Oh my... you really don't remember do you?" he chuckled, ignoring the headache for a second. "That wasn't water and you really didn't have a chance to pick up any wings, having been arrested and all." he snickered, quickly shadowporting his cell phone from Light's room and onto the table. He picked it up and flipped it towards Michael, showing a picture of the Native American sitting in the back of a squad car, handcuffed. "And yes, I'm sorry to tell you you WERE prison raped. Tried to stop it, but you and those bikers just seemed to be having too much fun."

Jacob smirked and tossed the bacon into the pan, frying it first for the fat. "Kissing your ass in a glass with a side of silence, coming right up. Laurel how do you like your eggs?" Avoiding, barely, the temptation to sing the song that had just popped into his head. He cracked the eggs into the pan after stacking the bacon onto a plate, his chuckle sounded like a land slide and rock scraping against rock. Arms flexing and tensing as he worked with the food, swiftly buttering bread and finding some BBQ sauce for his sandwich.

Light rolled her eyes and looking back to Shade, she grinned silently at the untruth the boy told Michael. Again, however, Jacob's voice rang out in the room, and she cast another glance at him, admittedly a bit surprised he took the insult so casually. Cringing at his laugh, she blurted out, "Hey, Steroids, you should probably hack up whatever it is that's caught in your throat." The girl finished her current egg-in-a-basket and began picking at the grapes on the plate, popping them in her mouth slowly, one by one, and watching Shade.

"Actually Shade, I kind of remember the back of the car. Were you the biker? You're the only one I can think of that was with me," Michael said as he pulled his head out of the fridge. He walked back over to the table and looked at Shade's cellphone. A little bit of his gloomy mood suddenly resurfaced, remembering what little he knew of last night. He sniffed the air again before taking another bite of his apple, and realized that that new guy was cooking. "Anyway, is there anything you need Shade? Light? To help with the hangover maybe?"

"Sorry pal, you're not that lucky, and only a marginally less hairy than Korvka, and I won't touch her with a 10 foot pole." smiled Shade, resting his chin on his hand while he closed his eyes, shielding them from the light in the kitchen. Lowering his head once more, he glanced at Light, following carefully the grapes as she brought them to her mouth, paying special attention to the girl's lips. Michael's offer, however, meant he was speaking again, and when the boy was speaking, he was being a pain, a fact that his headache made even worse. "Seriously I've never met people so guilt-ridden after having a bit of fun in my life..." whispered the boy to himself as tilted his head down and closed his eyes, bringing his hand to his forehead and massaging his temples with both his index and thumb. "We're fine, we'll just take plenty of liquids." replied Shade while making a shooing motion with his free hand.

Mihir watched the mostly naked couple enter and greeted Shade, who seemed more pleasant than Light. "Good morning. I am Mihir." After that he grew silent again, watching the people enter. Michael entered and was rewarded with a brief nod from Mihir at his suggestion. When everyone was in the kitchen, though, it got a little crowded. Mihir finished his oatmeal and got up, washing the bowl in the sink. He winced as the cold water hit his hands, but wasn't going to wait until it warmed up. That done, he gave Shade a wave, gave Light a small smile, and nodded at Michael before making it out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

As Addy entered, she looked around and saw only two people she immediately recognized. Light, who she had made acquaintance with at the party last night, and Shade, who she recognized from the pool. Michael was also there, but she only vaguely remembered him. Walking over to the sink, Addy washed her hands before turning to the group. "You all look a bit hungover," she said quietly.

Looking up as someone entered. Jacob waved his spatula in greeting and fished out the eggs, placing them in the bread and walking over to Laurel. "Oh that, that just developed with my powers, sorry. Steroids? what are those? S'all natural." He laughed a little and sat down handing Laurel her food and putting a little BBQ sauce on his own.

Laurel looked up at Addy and waved hello before turning to Jacob and smiling when he brought her food to her."Thanks Jacob."She poured a ton of salt and pepper on her eggs before digging in. She looked up to see Jacob butting BBQ sauce on his eggs and cringed."Oh, man thats just wrong!"She exclaimed at a lowered volume trying not to irritate Light and Shade. She shoved Jacob's shoulder playfully. She finished her eggs and bacon quickly and yawned, shaking her head. As she shook her head her bangs fell down into her eyes. "So, what does every one do around here for fun?"

Biting into his bacon and egg sandwich, Jacob chuckled and hardly swayed as she shoved him. Licking the brown sauce that was on his hand. "Behave you, BBQ is good on bacon and eggs." keeping quiet as to no disturb people who were obviously in a bit of a mood. Sipping his tea and relaxing at the taste.

Laurel giggled and shook her head again."I never behave." she threw him a small grin as she said this softly. Noticing that he didnt sway when she shoved him she poked him hard in his arm."What are you rock?"

Light watched with little interest the goings on in the kitchen, such as Jacob cooking and Mihir leaving the room, nibbling on a single grape. She shot Michael a calm look when he asked if she needed anything, but Shade responded for both of them, and she looked away. Light noticed Adrianna walk in, and thus far the blue girl hadn't annoyed her so she greeted her with a quiet, "Hey, Little Blue." She gave a small nod as a reply to her question, nibbling on her grape again, paying no more attention to Jacob and his nonchalant responses. Slowly, her head fell over to rest on Shade's shoulder, and she stayed like that, her face free of emotion.

Adrianne felt a little bad for Light, who was pretty quiet. Especially around this boisterous lot. She turned and rummaged, finding a cup in one of the cupboards. That done, she rummaged and found some tea in another cupboard. Luckily, it was peppermint tea. Addy grabbed another cup and ran some hot water. Popping the cups in the microwave with the tea in, she nuked them for a minute before taking the cup out and setting one on the counter and taking one over to Light. The cup wasn't too hot, so she carried it in both hands. "This might help," she said quietly, holding the cup out.

Jacob laughed quietly as Laurel poked him. "Technically no. Though I could be hard as rock in a second if you like. Its my power." Flexing his arm and turning it into rock, sipping his tea with that arm and finding it a little hard with his now chunky fingers.

Laurel squesed his bicep."Woah now my power seems so lame," she said quietly, pulling her hand away from Jacobs rock buff arm. She sighed and leaned her head in her hand with her arm resting on the table so she was looking at Jacob smiling, her bangs shifted into her eyes again. She blew up at her bangs trying to blow them out of her pretty blue eyes.

Using his other hand to unhook the cup from his fingers, Jacob shook his arm a little and it turned back to subtle skin. Flexing his bicep slightly so it strained at his shirt "I suppose no matter what I do I'm a rock huh? Powers are never lame darlin'. What do you do short stuff?" He smiled a little at her and flicked his hair out of his face, feeling it was getting a bit too long.

Laurel raised an eyebrow at Jacob."My power is kinda fairytale-ish," She sighed."It would be easier to show you then explain."she said simply before she shifted into a little tabby kitten and jumped into Jacob's lap purring uncontrolably.The shift was quick and smooth, she had no idea how it worked she just thought she was the animal or person and then poof she was. There was no smoke or blinding light, the change happened in a split second and was to fast for the human eye to caalculate. One second you would see Laurel and the next you saw a cat, it was as simple as that. She turned her cat head around to peek at the others faces to see their reaction hoping they didnt like her power.

Shade nodded to Adrianne as she walked in, still holding his head up with his own hand, looking lazily at the group. He heard Laurel ask everyone what they did for fun and intended to answer, but before he could say anything, her and Jacob seemed to go off on a tangent. Feeling Light's head resting on his shoulder, the boy couldn't help but smile and put his arm around her, nudging her slightly when Adrianne offered her some tea. "That might help." he whispered to Light. Afterwards, however, the boy kept his silvery grey coloured eyes away from the two horny teenagers poking each other across the table. When they started showing off powers, however, they piqued his interest for a split second, Jacob's seemed rather pedestrian, a downplayed version of Vlad's power. Laurel's was marginally more interested, when she transformed, the boy's eyebrows rose a bit, but he'd seen more impressive stuff. Analysing them as he did anyone, he figured both of them were clear physical type mutants, and, as such, not a threat to him. Still, he wondered if these kids even know how to use their powers effectively in a real fight, the Danger room spars a few days back had shown him how naive these children were with their abilities. Obviously they didn't have any do or die combat experience, and Xavier's over protectiveness would keep them from ever having any.

Endelyn looked confused as she walked in. "Adrianne...? Where did you go...?" she questioned, looking from person to person. There were so many new faces, and Endelyn started to feel slightly uncomfortable.

Light finally noticed the cup of tea being held out to her when Shade gave her a small nudge. She sat up enough to take the glass from Addy and give her a, "Thanks, Little Blue," seeming to have adopted that nickname for Adrianne. She took a small sip of the tea to give it a taste, then took a regular drink of the liquid, breathing in the minty scent with her eyes closed. After drinking near half the glass, she set it on the table and nuzzled back into Shade and closed her eyes.

Michael watched as Mihir left the room. He stood up to follow when everyone started piling into the kitchen. He moved over by the counter in order to give everyone some space. He watched, with interest, as the two showed off their powers. This Jacob's powers seemed interesting, but the girl's were a bit more. They were somewhat like his, but he couldn't get smaller at all. He smiled to himself as he exited the kitchen to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"She's the bright blue one." replied Shade pointing at Adrianne, with a note of irritation on his voice as Edelyn walked in and asked for her rather loudly. Watching Michael leave without any further answer to his joke, he soon grew weary of the current situation, quickly finishing up the grapes on his plate, put his arm around Light once more and lightly stroked her hair with his right hand. In the meantime, the boy stacked both their dishes and the mug Adrianne had brought, now empty, on top of each other. He lifted his free, left hand and produced a shadow over the objects, slowly, the plates and mug sunk into the shadow, teleporting over to the sink. Planting a small kiss on Light's forehead, he whispered, "The smell of bacon and teenage hormones seems to be making me sick love, maybe we should be heading out?

Teena entered to see the multitude of people gathered in the kitchen. "Good morning!" she stated sharply and proceeded to spot everyone present, making note of who she knew and who she didn't know. However, before she had managed to process the information, the smell of eggs reached her conscious mind and she moved to the stove. "Ooh! I can help myself to some, can't I?" she asked from no one and began gathering bacon, eggs and toast right away.

Watching the people around him with a slight weary eye, Jacob gently stroked Laurel. Concentrating hard and thinking of becoming stone, his arms and legs started to look more like rock and his skin turned hard. It soon spread and his whole body other than his face turned to stone. Being as gentle as he could, he lifted Laurel up and nuzzled her gently. Forgetting mostly that she was a human and this could later be seen as odd. As Teena walked through the door he waved absent mindedly as he watched the other peoples plates disappear then reappear by the sink. "Wow, that's Mighty handy. Hope y'all feel better later, a good lie down would do you wonders." He wanted to be helpful in some way, even if it was rather useless.

Adrianne gave Light and Shade wordless nods, not wanting to aggravate the condition any, and returned to her own mug of tea. She picked it up, drinking it quickly as it had cooled slightly. When Endelyn entered, Adrianne waved her over. "I'm not sure how much help we are going to get out of those two," she said, gesturing over to Jacob and Laurel. "And poor Light is a bit hung over." All this was said quietly, as to not add to the noise in the room. The tea was a great remedy for headaches and such, but the excessive noise was still a bit of a killer.

Squid entered the kitchen and looked around. The only person he really knew was Shade from the night before. Although he did make a note of Light's attire. He liked the idea of trying to talk to her, but she seemed to be Shade's girl so he thought better of it. He walked to where Teena was helping herself to some bacon and eggs. He grabbed a piece of bacon and munched on it quietly while he began to rummage through some of the cabinets.

Looking up at the guy that soon came in after Teena, Jacob waved at him too. "Mornin y'all. How you fairing today?" Leaning forwards and being careful not to squish Laurel, he whispered louder than normal. "Some people aren't feelin' too sunny side up if you get my meaning." the majority of his body still rock, concentrating on turning his hands back to normal so he can stroke Laurel gently. "Yer fur is so soft, can you turn into a cat or a tiger or somethin' or just a kitten?" Looking her over and gently tickling her stomach softly.

Squid looked at the boy at the table when he made his comment about some people not feeling "sunny side up." He pulled out a bowl from the cupboard and began to search for a box of cereal. "Not everyone is a morning person there 'rocky.' And what are you doing with that kitten? Is it some kind of strange animal love affair or something?" He found a box of cereal and poured himself a bowl. He opened the fridge and pulled out the milk and poured some into the bowl.

Once Teena had managed to get the eggs and bacon on the pan, she had more time to finish observing the people in the kitchen. She chuckled at the half-naked Shade and Light, but was more interested in Jacob, who seemed to also be putting on a display of his powers with a pet cat... and talking to it, which suggested the cat was sentient and probably some other student. Smelling and seeing Adrianne's mug of tea, Teena too felt like drinking some, so she started making tea as well.

Looking a little confused by the question Squid asked, Jacob chuckled and remembered. "Oh, this is Laurel, she's one of us. I'm Jacob by the way, I ain't a morning person either." He rubbed his eyes slightly and finished his tea, now that he could pick up the mug, gently setting Laurel down on the table.

Laurel flashed Teena a smile before turning to Squid glaring. "That was very insulting." she meowed at his comment still sitting happily on the table her tail swaying back and forth. Then she turned back to Jacob, "Oh I can change into most every animal," She stated simply as if it was nothing exciting. She already knew they could be good friends. She turned and looked at all the other students that had come in. "Hello." She purred happily.

Light was tiring of the loud noises in the room, what with Teena barging in, Jacob laughing loudly, and Laurel meowing. Laurel's and Jacob's shifts didn't entertain her all to much; if the headache had not been present, she might have cared. However, with present company, the girl was feeling more and more like leaving, so she groaned and leaned completely into Shade. "Yes, please," she replied to his question.

Shade slowly stroked the girl's shoulder before he stood up, nodding to everyone in the room. His eyes, however, reflected only an unnatural coldness, mostly ignoring the new arrivals, he simply announced. "Nice to see you all." somewhat sarcastically. "But we really must be going." before the boy headed towards the door, waiting for Light before walking out to the X-Men Hall East 3rd

Light stood from her seat as well, tagging along behind Shade, but simply ignoring everyone else as she headed out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Laurel jumped off the table landing in her seat, now human again. She turned and watched Light and Shade leave, feeling a bit sorry for them and their headaches. She just shrugged and leaned her head on Jacobs rocky shoulder sighing."What does every one do here during the day?" she yawned the possibilities running through her head.

"See ya Shade, Mystery Girl," Squid said as they left the room. He smiled to himself, but only slightly. He caught Shade's sarcastic tone. He was starting to like that guy. He put the milk back into the fridge and began to eat his cereal, still standing by the counter. He looked at Laurel and smiled. "I wasn't trying to be rude. It was actually meant as a joke. No need to get all defensive. Unless you want it to be a strange animal love affair. But seriously? What would your kids be? A pile of gravel that can turn into animal bits?" He wore a smile during the whole exchange of words. He was joking of course, and was hoping his smile would signal that.

Laurel rolled her eyes and got up to get something from the fridge.When she walked over she passed Squid and hit him lightly over the head. "You are insane," She laughed grabbing a peach from the fridge and biting into it while she pulled herself up onto the counter to sit on edge next to him.

Addy waved goodbye to Shade and Light. She was starting to become annoyed with this group as well. Too many people, too many jokes, and too much noise. She gave Endelyn a smile and shrugged. "I'm going to explore to see if I can't find anyone useful around here." Adrianne set her mug in the sink and BAMFed out to X-Men Hall East 3rd in order to avoid having to wade through the students.

While waiting for her breakfast and tea to finish, Teena watched the exchange between Jacob, Laurel and Squid curiously but didn't have anything to contribute. Instead, she noticed the somewhat lost-looking Endelyn and took a few steps to her. "Why, I don't believe we've met. I'm Teena MacTormin. How about you?" she asked, offering her hand to the tall woman.

Laurel waved at Addy as she walked out and turned to Jacob. "So, Mister.Rocky whatcha wanna do today?" she said her feet hitting the cabints as they swayed back and forth. She bit into her peach and smiled at Jacob happily, still sitting on the counter next to Squid. She leaned forward holding the peach in her hand biting into it every few minutes.

"Do yourself a favor and don't call me insane. It's bad enough I can't reme-," Squid stopped mid sentence. He almost gave away too much information. He finished off his bowl of cereal and put it in the sink. "Just don't do it, ok?" He took a few steps to the fridge and opened it. He needed something to drink now. He found a bottle of water and closed the fridge again.

"Sorry i didnt know it bothered you," Laurel said actually very sorry. Finishing her peach she chucked it in the garbage. "Well I'm going to go explore." She jumped off the counter and walked torwards the door. "I'll meet up with you later Jacob." She said with a smile as she walked out into the X-men Hall East 3rd.

Squid opened his bottle of water and took a drink as Laurel left the room. He was sure that he had made a bit of a bad impression on the girl with that last comment, but he didn't care. He only came here for shelter and maybe some answers. With this Flame girl he may have found the latter, but he still wasn't sure about the former. He looked around at the few students left in the kitchen. "Hey, anyone know who I have to talk to in order to, uh, enroll?"

Endelyn sighed softly. Today, to her, was already proving to be exhausting. She had a feeling they would not make it to church this Sunday evening, so she slunk back into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Laurel slipped back in the kitchen. "Mission accomplished." she said with a smile, holding out the book. She walked over to Jacob and sat on the table next to him. She opened the book and started reading.

Teena looked at Endelyn very oddly as she just backed down into the hall without replying at all. "How rude!" Teena thought that maybe Endelyn feared people or something. However, that wasn't her issue, so she went over to the stove to finish her breakfast. Looking at Squid, she said: "Professor Charles Xavier, perhaps?" When all the foods were cooked, Teena took them over to the table and devoured them.

Squid took another sip of his water as Endelyn left the kitchen. So many people seemed to be having a bad day. He looked at Teena as she answered his question. "Ok then, now I have two more questions: who is this Xavier? And where can I find him?"

As soon as she had finished a mouthful, Teena replied to Squid: "He's the headmaster, of course! I can't say I would know where he is, though. Procure a map?" She then continued sipping her tea.

"A map? Are you serious? Even new kids should know where the principal's office is," Squid said, rather irritated. What was the point of even asking if no one knew where this Xavier guy was. He finished off his bottle of water and tossed the empty into the trash. "Not even a clue as to where to find the guy?"

"But you are new too, so why don't you know where it is?" asked Teena curiously. She didn't really understand why Squid would need to talk to Xavier or why anyone should absolutely know where Xavier was at all times, or where his office was. "I think that the third floor is just dormitories, second is classrooms and first is everything else. Based on that, I would hypothesise that the headmaster's office is on the first floor."

"Technically I'm not even here. I'm not enrolled, just stayed the night," Squid said. In all honesty it was the truth. He still wasn't sure if he was really allowed to be here. No one had thrown him out, so he guessed he was welcome...for now. "And if his office is possibly on the first floor, then I guess I'll head there." He took a few steps towards the door and looked back at Teena. It might not have been the best idea to be as rude as he had been. Oh well he thought as he walked out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Laurel looked up from her book just in time to see Squid shoot out the door and leave poor Teena behind in the dust. "Well that was rude of him." she said to Teena, trying to be friendly and nice to the girl. She noticed Jacob hadn't said anything in a while and she looked down on the big hunk of rock from where she was sitting on the table. "What's up with you, you're so quiet all of a sudden." she tilted her head obliviously curious.

"Have a pleasant trip!" said Teena to Squid as he left and then replied to Laurel: "Oh, he just seemed confused about what he was saying." She then finished her tea and got up from the table to put her dishes away. "Sadly, I shall depart now as well. Bye!" she said to Laurel and Jacob and went to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Laurel watched Teena exit the room and sighed. She jumped off the table and looked at Jacob. "I think i'm going to go check out the place some more." she said as she picked up their plates and put them in the sink. "I'll see you later Jacob." she added as she wisked her way out of the room, to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana came into the kitchen, immediately moving over to the fridge and filtering through to find something for Daniela to eat.

Daniela walked in and took a sit on the nearby table, without so much as saying a peep, she put her hands on her knees and straightened up as if she was being inspected by nuns in catholic school. It was clear her roommate was not feeling very communicative at the moment, so she tried to be in her best behaviour. She did, however, notice Jacob in some sort of trace-like state on the other edge of the table and lifted a hand to wave to him with a small smile. Snapping back to attention immediately after. "Uhhhm... so... what are we having?" she asked Shana.

"Whatever you want," Shana simply replied, lifting her eyes above the fridge door to glance at Jacob before going back to rummaging.

Having lost himself in thought Jacob snapped out of it when someone waved at him,slowly concentrating on changing his skin back to normal and relaxing as his muscles turned back too. "Hey, sorry bout that... lost in my own little world." He gave the girl a small smile and looked around, noticing that everyone that he knew and had recently met had left. "Erm, I'm Jacob."

Daniela had seriously considered the possibility that the new kid in the kitchen really looked like he was made out of cobblestone bits, but seeing him turn back, she sighed with relief, after Flame and Addy, she had enough of the carnival parade. "How about some toast and jam?" smiled Daniela, answering to Shana. All that yelling before had somewhat distracted her from her headache, but it was now coming back with a force. Wincing a bit, she brought her hand to her forehead and let out a small whimper. "I'm Daniela. That's Shana" she answered to Jacob nodding towards her roommate and forcing a smile. "Nice to meet you, you're new right?" she asked, holding out her hand.

Nodding twice, Jacob smiled slightly at both of them and chuckled slightly, trying to make sure it was quiet as to not aggravate the woman's obvious headache. "Yeah, just arrived last night, if you don't mind me askin' what do y'all do? Power wise?" He shook her hand gently and smiled. "Y'all need to stock up on pain meds, that or stop drinkin' so much." brushing his hair out of his face, noting that it needed cutting again.

Not in her normal cheery, happy-go-lucky mood, Shana cast a dark glare toward Jacob when he mentioned the drinking. "You don't know anything we do. And we can take care of ourselves, thank you," she snapped, whipping her head back around to face the refrigerator. Reaching in, she pulled out a half-empty jar of jam, setting it on the counter. She reached in again, and this time pulled out a gallon of orange juice. "O-J?" she asked Daniela, holding up the jug for her to see.

"Uhm... Yeah... things got kind of crazy last night... lucky you weren't in the lounge." smiled Daniela after Jacob spoke, before she could continue, however, Shana hissed at the new kid. "Erhm... you'll have to excuse Shana... we just had this bad situation with a friend." she said, figuring the new kids had not gotten the pictures and she wasn't about to point them out to him. Daniela stumbled a bit as to what to say next, she usually wasn't very outgoing, Shana was the bright cheerful one, so she simply nodded when Shana pulled out the orange juice before turning to Jacob once more. "Uhhm.. I make energy shields... kind of Sue Storm style.. only a lot less convenient..." she said, almost apologetically. "Shana's power is WAY cooler."

Nodding slowly,Jacob lent forwards and whispered softly. "Is everyone like this round here? or is she usually nicer?" Smiling a little to let Daniela know it was meant more light heartedly. He grinned slightly when powers came up. "I'm like the thing, 'sept not as big and I can change back. Energy shields are cool." he played with his cup slightly and yawned.

Shana went about finding bread and glasses for both she and Daniela, leaving the jug of orange juice on the counter and closing the fridge door. Opening the bread she found on the counter, she pulled two pieces out and stuck them into the slots on the toaster nearby, pressing down the lever that turned on the appliance. While she waited for the bread to cook, she shook the orange juice well enough to mix the contents, then poured some into each of two glasses she had found. Once the toast had popped up out of the toaster, she grabbed at the bread, but pulled back when she felt the heat. Finding a clean plate, she set it next to the toaster and gingerly picked up the toast, tossing it onto the plate. She grabbed a butter knife and the jam, setting them on the plate, and picked up one glass of orange juice, taking everything in her hand to the table where Daniela was.

"She's usually a lot nicer." whispered back Daniela pulling back almost imperceptibly when Jaconb leaned in, unfortunately the girl still didn't feel all too comfortable with people being physically close to her, specially after last night. "As I said, you just caught us in a bad time, a LOT happened last night." smiled the girl trying not to offend Jacob by pulling away. "Your power reminds me a bit of Vlad's..." he said absent mindedly, but quickly went silent and glanced at Shana, it was best not to mention Vlad right now. Then, Shana came up to the table carrying the breakfast stuff, "Thank you." said Daniela, feeling a bit guilty that she wasn't helping out, but it seemed her roommate was trying to keep herself busy, still, the raven haired girl kept an eye on Shana's hair just to gauge her mood. "Anyhow! you been to the Danger Room yet?" she asked, turning back to Jacob, quickly trying to change the subject.

Shana muttered a "Welcome," to Daniela before walking back to the counter to put away the bread and orange juice. The girl hopped backwards onto the counter and scooted back enough to wear she wouldn't fall, then picked up her glass of orange juice and took a sip. "Don't make anymore snide comments and I won't use that table you're at to turn my arm into a baseball bat and whack you upside the head," she directed at Jacob, swinging her feet from the counter. The statement was a warning, but it also hinted at what she could do with her powers. When Shana had entered the room, her hair had been pitch black. Now, the color had noticeably lightened a bit to a dark shade of brown, seemingly getting lighter with each passing minute.

"No, I haven't been to the danger room yet, what is it?" Finding these women utterly interesting Jacob leaned back in his chair, feeling that Daniela was a bit uncomfortable, and watched Shana settle herself onto the counter. "Duly noted, I hadn't meant to be snide and I apologise if it seemed that way. Maybe when you're feeling better we could play base ball some time?" He smiled a little and noticed the hair change and relaxed ever so slightly. He got up slowly to make himself more coffee, still following the conversation as he did.

Daniela smiled as she noticed Shana's hair slightly turn lighter, since it was part of her power, it was a good way to know how she was feeling. She nibbled on a bit of toast after putting some jam on it, while Shana snapped at Jacob. "Uhhm.. Shana can fuse with stuff and adopt its characteristics." she peeped in, to clarify so Jacob wouldn't think the girl's power actually involved baseball. "...she's normally much nicer than this... you'll see." she added before drinking some of the oranje juice, which would hopefully help her hangover. "The Danger Room is sort of the main attraction... other than all the super powered teens, that is... its a training facility, looks like it was pulled out of a science fiction flick or something." concluded the girl, brushing her bangs out of her face.

At the moment, Shana didn't find Jacob's comment too funny, but a small smirk peaked through her anger, and she took another sip of orange juice to hide it. However, the rapidly changing color of her hair wasn't hidden from view, the strands on the girls head now a very light brown. Instead of engaging in more conversation, the girl decided to relax silently on the counter and let her emotions simmer down.

Looking mighty perky and awake now, Laurel walked into the kitchen, she smiled when she saw Jacob and made a bee-line for him."I knew you'd be here." she smiled at him then turned to Daniela and Shana. "Well hello," she said happily waving to the two girls.

"Uhm.. hi." said Daniela waving at Laurel just as she swallowed a bit toast and jam. "I'm Daniela, this is Shana. You're new too right?" she asked after pointing to her roommate, she didn't remember seeing the girl before. "We were just talking with.. uh.. Jacob, right? Well we were talking about stuff to see around the mansion." added the girl before taking a sip of orange juice.

Jacob smiled up at Laurel and then back at the two girls. "I would like to see that. Its always a shame to see people on their off days, especially as a first impression, Laurel is new as well and yes... the Danger room sounds interesting." He stirred three sugars into his coffee and added a little milk. Watching the girls interact and smiling at Shana softly, though not making eye contact.

Stalking in from the hallway Flame made a bee-line for the coffee pot, pausing only to grab herself a mug on the way. Much like in the hallway, she ignored the others in the room, not caring about her lack of dress being little more than a shirt (which did have a few holes and dried blood on it) and underwear. Pouring herself a cup she took the first few mouthfuls without really tasting it as she rubbed her palm against one of her eyelids to try and speed up the waking process.

Laurel smiled at Daniel and Shana,"Yeah I'm new here," she said, not minding that Jacob was talking for her. She perked up a bit more at the mention of a danger room."Danger room?Sounds fun." She leaned against the table, her jean shorts tighting around her legs as she did so. When Flame walked in and made a Bee-line for the coffee she tilted her head at the under-dressed red girl."Why, hello."

Her attention having been drawn away from the drink in her hands by the welcome Flame raised a brow at Laurel as she finally looked at the others in the kitchen. "Hm, newbies, again. Start to think this was a public school or something." Taking another sip of her coffee she gave a bit of a nod to Laurel. "Morning... I think. Is it still?"

Shana gave a small nod to Laurel as she came in, and silently followed Flame through the kitchen with her eyes, still relaxing on the counter with a glass of orange juice in hand. She watched the woman silently, assessing just how crappy of a night she must have had. "Yep, morning. Almost noon, I think." Shana's hair color had seemed to stop at a dirty blonde shade, one much lighter than her normal platinum, indicating that she wasn't as happy and cheerful as normal days. "At least it looks like you had a worse night than Dani and I," she told Flame.

"Wow..." said Daniela as Flame walked in. "Did you get mauled by Michael?" asked the girl coyly with a small smirk, her headache was much less painful and she could get to some joking. "Or Korvka?" she added, mentioning the two people who seemed most like bears in the mansion. She didn't mention Vlad, reckoning Flame would have been in a much better mood had she been mauled by Vlad. Turning back to two new kids, she asked. "Where have you been in the mansion so far? Maybe we can give you guys a tour..." she suggested. "I could use a walk and some fresh air... artificial light doesn't help my head..."

"Hello again, everybody!" said Teena as she poked her head in from the kitchen doorway. Blissfully unaware that the previous discussion had touched the very subject, she asked: "Is there a some kind of training room for us special students here? And more importantly, where is it?"

"Downstairs, follow the trail of injured students, if Wolvie or Scotty is holding session that is." Flame answered Teena's question first before Daniela's. "This time it was Korvka. She tried to stab me to death with her plants." She might HAVE been juicing it up a little, but hell, the other girl wasn't there to defend herself, so she was going to make the most of it.

Jacob was leaning against the counter, keeping a bit of a distance from Shana and nodding towards Flame, not phased by her state of undress, eyebrows only arching when he heard she was attacked by plants. Lifting his cup at Teena as she popped in, as a way of greeting. Looking Laurel over as he sipped his coffee and thinking deeply, off in his own world.

Laurel tilted her head. "Sounds like a heck of a good time." she said comicly to Flame as she explained her state. When Teena came in she turned and said, "I was just going to go there, mind if I join you?" she looked at Jacob, who seemed to be in his own little world. "Are you still there Jacob?" she laughed.

"Downstairs it is!" said Teena. When Laurel said she would like to come along, Teena replied: "Not at all. Shall we go?" She then pulled her head back into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"We shall," Laurel laughed following Teena out to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"Weeell, see ya," Shana added sarcastically after the girls abruptly left the kitchen. The girl then turned her head to look at Flame again, taking a big gulp of her juice. "So you did have a shittier night than we did." She paused for a moment, trying to decide whether she should bring up the things that had happened last night. "Uhm, Flame?" she questioned, trying tio get the woman's attention. "You didn't have to get any weird pictures on your phone last night, did you?"

Jacob was slowly inching his way away from the red woman beside him, feeling he was slightly out of his depth with this one, he didn't know why but it had taken his brain a while to recognise the sharp teeth, short claws and scales as actual permanent details of the woman's physique. His hands shaking slightly as his brain actually started firing, after being cooped up with Lisa for so long he only realised that some of the people here might actually look more... mutant-y?

"Hm? No, not to my phone midget." Yet a smile did cross Flame's face. She wondered how Korvka would take others knowing of her picture sent out, not just the boys in the garage. "And that all depends what you girls got up to last night. Naughty stuff? Tsk tsk kiddo, what would Xavier say?" She taunted Shana before finishing her coffee and sorting out food for her stomach. While doing so she did watch Jacob out of the corner of her eye, but more or less choosing to ignore his reaction to her. She was use to it, she hated it, but was well use to that kind of crap, it came with the genes.

"I wonder if Xavier was watching..." said suddenly Daniela with an expression of horror on her face, going rapidly red. The girl finished her orange juice and took whatever dirty dishes she could on the table and began to wash them. She gave Jacob and understanding glance and mouthed out "She scares me too." without making a noise, and trying not to let Flame notice her. "I think I'm gonna take a walk through the grounds..." she sighed, the kitchen was getting crowded and it made her uncomfortable, "Anyone coming?"

Smiling softly at Daniela, Jacob put his cup in one of the sinks and washed it up. "Hey, mind if I come along? It would be nice to know people who's been here a while longer than me, if its all right with y'all." Smiling slowly he tried to keep a suitable distance between him and Daniela and a bigger one between him and Flame, he needed more time to get used to that one.

Flame waved the suggestion off as she continued to get out food supplies. "My stomach comes first. And it's Xavier, you think he doesn't know what's going on in the house? Hell, in the whole damn country if he wanted to."

Shana almost sighed with relief from hearing the news Flame hadn't received any pictures. She wanted to ask if the woman had seen anything, but before she could speak, Daniela offered to go on a walk. Shana considered Daniela's offer before carefully tossing her empty glass into the sink and hopping down from the counter. "Think we should take a shower first?... er, showers... separately, I mean." she asked before her eyes shifted to the floor, her cheeks flushing from the screwup she realized she had made in her word choice. "I think it will make us feel better... emotionally... gah!" Shana shook her head in frustration, stomping swiftly out of the kitchen and to X-Men Hall East 3rd without another word. It seemed however she worded things, her phrases were going to go in the wrong direction, so the girl decided it best to leave before she made things worse.

"Eh?!" said Daniela when Shana suggested taking a shower, almost letting go of one of the glasses she was rinsing, the girl clumsily managed to catch it mid air, red as a tomato and looking straight down so her bangs would cover her eyes. "Uhhhm.. yeaahh...." she said simply to Shana, but then before she could continue the girl rushed out the door. "Ah! Shana, Wait-!!" she called out, but her room mate was already out the door. "Uhhhm... guess she's gone..." sighed Daniela as she turned around and leaned back on the counter. With another dejected sigh, the girl turned to Jacob, her blush disappearing slowly. "Uhhm.. I think its best if Shana and I spend some time apart." she smiled, a bit embarrassed. "C'mon, I guess I'll show you around the mansion while she showers, we only have one shower in our bathroom anyway." she said as she motioned the boy to come with her. "Bye guys." she said to everyone before heading out to the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Jacob said nothing about the exchange and hid a cheeky grin, nodding at everyone else, he picked up his map that he had left on the table and followed Daniela easily. He headed into the X-Men Hall East 3rd with a small smile.

Flame gave a chuckle at the rather ackward exchange between the girls. Whatever did happen at the house last night she wished she had a video of it, it sounded like it would have been great blackmail material. As the kitchen cleared out she continued to go about making her breakfast, throwing bread in the toaster, more coffee into her mug, cutting up a selection of fuit into a bowl, and filling another with ceral and milk. If she had been drinking more than night before she would do a full hangover breakfast, something fatty and full of salt. Maybe I should have stayed here last night, but then I wouldn't have found Squid. "Crap, Squid!" She had completely forgotten about the boy after the whole Day of the Triffids in her room. After breakfast she would hunt him down and sort out what happened. After prepping the food she shovelled her way through it before throwing the dirty dishes into the dish washer. Making sure she left as little mess as she could, Flame swung herself back out of the room and into the hallway.

Some time later...

Vlad walked into the kitchen and immediately scanned the place to see if there were any people around, for once sharing his sister's sentiment for company and desiring not to have any. Taking a glass down from the cupboard, Vlad took a seat at the table and un-topped the bottle of scotch, pouring the short glass halfway full and then putting the top back on. He then stood and stepped over to the freezer, opening it and grabbing two ice cubes that he dumped into his glass as soon as he took his seat back at the table. His stubble was beginning to form into a full beard, and he did not look exceptionally pleased, his expression grimmer than the usual twinkle that shone in his grey eyes. The large Russian took a swig from his glass and then put the glass back down, grabbing a handful of mixed nuts from a bowl on the table.

A few minutes later, Shana entered the kitchen, and upon seeing Vlad, she took a seat near him at the table. Eying his glass, she asked, "Drinking already? And out in public?" The girl looked up at Vlad and rested her chin in her hand. "So what's going on exactly?"

"Eh?" Vlad uttered somewhat confusedly as Shana eyed his glass and then asked about drinking in public. He shrugged and wiped his hand over his now clean face. "I haff been legal to drink at home for almost three years," he explained, taking a deep breath before he tried to reply to her question. What was going on? Shit was hitting the fan, it seemed. First an explosion, then his father had come to visit with bad news, a night of drinking and pornographic photos, and now some beefcake wanted a piece of his sister? He would live to regret last night more than he had anticipated, and he hadn't even drank! "I made a mess and my sister's too stupid to spot a goon ven she sees von, apparently," he grumbled into his glass as he tipped it up and took another drink.

Shana lifted an eyebrow and watched Vlad's reaction silently. "Well, that's no good. Obviously you wanted to talk about. So, let's talk. What kind of 'mess' did you make?" The girl kept her hand in her chin, ready to listen to Vlad as she stared up at him.

Vlad set the glass down on the table with care though it still sounded as if he had slammed it. Groaning, Vlad's massive shoulder slumped at Shana's question and he looked over at her glumly. Mostly he was racking his brain for whether he should be spilling these secrets to Shana but from what he had seen, she rarely interacted with Korvka and seemed smart enough to keep her trap shut. With a sigh, he looked left and right as if to ensure that no one was around, and then turned his grave grey eyes to Shana's. "Last night I got a picture of some tits, right? On my cellular, and ven I got it I just looked at it briefly to see vot it vos and then showed the picture to Michael and the new Indian kid..." he paused, looking up to try and recall Mihir's name, but it escaped him and he brought himself back down to the conversation with a shrug of his shoulder. "Vell anyvay, Flame vos there too and she pointed out that the tits ver Korvka's!" Vlad said in a forced whisper. He shook his head at the memory and took another swig, finishing the glass. "So now apparently Michael is interested and vonts to 'talk to me,' yeah right," he snorted derisively.

Slipping into the kitchen and saying nothing much, Lisa made her way over to the fridges and cooker, nodding at both Shana and Vlad, noticing the look on his face she just kept quiet and went about her business and rummaged round for some fruit juice, wondering what Jusin was doing.

As soon as Vlad spoke about the picture he received on his phone, Shana's eyes went wide, understanding exactly what he was talking about."Shit, Addy took that picture of Korvka last night at the party!" she said in an almost hoarse whisper. "It was another one of Light's dares, I think." The girl immediately stopped talking when she heard the kitchen door swing open and she looked over her shoulder to see Lisa stepping in. She sighed and changed the tone of her voice, speaking more calmly. "Well, maybe Michael doesn't want to talk to you about that in particular..."

Vlad looked up as Lisa walked in, following her with his eyes as she attended to her business elsewhere in the kitchen. He then turned back to Shana and pursed his lips and arched a single brow as if to ask "really?". The look was short lived however, and he chuckled a bit at Shana's indomitable perk and inhaled deeply so that his chest expanded quite a bit. "Maybe you are right," he said unconvincingly, though he appreciated that she switched tactics now that Lisa was in the kitchen. Pouring himself another glass, the previous having had very little affect, Vlad swirled the amber liquid around a few times but did not drink immediately, obviously still brooding.

Justin wandered in seeming a bit lost. His attention was drawn to the tv momentarily before he remembered Lisa. With an awkward scoot he slid around Vlad, the big Russian seemed to be a bit mad about something and he certainly didn't want to become the center of his negative attention. Finally he was beside Lisa, the only one in the academy was slightly comfortable with yet. "So do we just help our selves or is it a you buy it and keep it here kind of deal?" He asked with a rolling hand gesture.

Sighing, Shana looked around the kitchen at the newcomers, then turned back to Vlad. "Looks like we talk isn't safe here anymore," she said quietly, shrugging. "Maybe you should actually talk to him and see what he wants. And if he does want what you think, just try not to break too many of his bones." The girl reached up and gave the big Russian a friendly pat on the shoulder and a reassuring smile.

Unaware of the affect that he was having on the other students, Vlad turned his uncharacteristic frown to Justin as he entered. He tried to remember if he'd seen or met the boy before but ultimately he forfeited the struggle to complete indifference. He peeked down through his mess of black hair to Shana as she spoke and lifted a shoulder as if to say, 'yeah maybe.' However, her friendly smile and pat were just the thing that Vlad needed to peel back a bit of his melancholy and he cracked a grin and nodded. "You're a good friend, Shana," he said, gathering his glass and the bottle of scotch in one big hand, though he did so meticulously, eying both delicate items like he was trying to solve a difficult puzzle. When he was satisfied that he probably wouldn't smash them, he stood up from the chair. "Speaking of, I should let you find Daniela. Thanks for the talk, Shana," he said with a renewed smile. Then he looked to Justin and Lisa and gave a little nod of recognition on his way out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shana couldn't help but grin wide when Vlad called her a 'good friend'. She gave a little wave to him as he left the kitchen, then turned to Justin. "Just dig around and eat whatever you find that you like. The faculty buys our food here." With a little smile, Shana turned on her heel and walked out the door and into X-Men Hall East 3rd, setting out to look for her room mate.

Shrugging slightly, Lisa started mixing up an omelet and put in some toast. "Honestly, I have no idea, I'll replace the things I use though, or put some money in a jar or something." Keeping it to a medium whisper, as to not disturb the two but stopped as they left. Seeming to relax and her body less sharp in appearance.

Justin turned back to her a piece of turkey hanging from his mouth. "Shounds gud." He managed. With a few well practiced home lunch preparing motions he had a nicely sized sandwich made of white bread, mayo, tomato, lettuce, salt, pepper, ham, and turkey. He went to sit at the table, but stopped and pulled out a chair for Lisa before sitting down himself.

Laughing a little at his antics, Lisa sat down in the seat that was pulled out for her. An omelet with cheese and chicken, peppered lightly, and a glass of juice sat in front of her. "So, what do you like to do in your free time?"

Trying to be polite Justin covered his mouth to swallow before trying to speak. "Honestly I'm all over the place and dabble a little in everything. I like reading and drawing and the typical stuff. I like reading manga and playing video games but on the opposite side of the coin i enjoy writing some poetry every now and again and martial arts training. I dont like most sports like basketball and such mostly because i suck at them. I mean dont get me wrong i like watching just the participating and looking like a five legged monkey is what i hate....oh sorry i was rambling." He looked down a bit embarrassed that he had lost control of his tongue. "What about you?"

Eating while Justin talked, Lisa swallowed and laughed, "Now y'all feel free to ramble, it isnt any problem for me, I find out alot more that way. I like to work out, keep active. I dont play any real sports but I play the odd game of football with my brothers when asked. Keep the peace, you know. I like reading, and working on mechanics, drawing a little but to be honest I've seen a 13 year old do better." Giggling a little and continuing to eat just a little, not to look like she was stuffing her face though.

Justin smirked a bit. "Come now everyone is a modest to a degree right?" He asked before taking another bite. He looked around and noticed the big russian, whom he had already taken a liking to even though thoroughly intimidated, and the other girl had already left. He hadn't honestly noticed being a bit oblivious to his surroundings.

Laughing, Lisa pulled out a pen from her pocket and a napkin and started to draw and held up what was supposed to be a dog. "Seriously, cannot draw a thing, but hey, everyone is bad at somethin right? No body is perfect and they aint supposed to." Nodding she wiped her face with the other side and belched rather loudly. "'scuse me, too much time spent with my brothers."

"Pfft." Justin tried to hold in his laughter at the series of comedic yet unlady-like motions but to no avail. "Miss lisa you are something else you know that?" He had finished his sandwich by then and got scooted back to throw away the paper plate he had used.

Nodding and smiling happily, Lisa shrugged and ran her hand through her hair. "What can I say? You aint all plain yourself you know?" winking she sipped happily at the OJ and seemed to relax more.

Justin gave a half smirk back in response. Careful now man, remember not too close. Play the field but don't get tied down. He snatched up the remote to the tv in the corner and quickly cycled through the channels in search of anything interesting. "Thanks," He replied after the slight delay, "How many other warm people like yourself do you know here?"

Shrugging slightly and turning her chair to see the TV, Lisa looked around the ceiling a little, as if there was a list. "Erm, only met a couple of people but they aint all that welcoming, just think of it as being a normal freshmen, except your family picked the college and no one's happy about it." Laughing a little, she sipped on her OJ and closed her eyes, wondering what to do with the rest of the day.

With an odd sound Justin choked on a laugh. He slapped his chest to shake it off in response. "Wow that's probably the best I could have described it myself." He left it on the history channel, on a program about the Nile river or something he wasn't really paying attention. Since Lisa had her eyes clothes he snuck a quick glance to study her features a bit better.

Lisa was so busy wondering what to do and listening to the TV that she really didnt pay attention to what Justin had said, her glass balanced on her stomach as she sat slouched and her ass on the edge of the seat. Hair still as spiky as ever. Her mind floating off to whatever the rest of the school was up to and wondering if at some point she could make more than one or two friends.

A little uncomfortable with the silence Justin got up putting the remote down and headed for the door. He looked back at Lisa, "Thanks for the hospitality, made me feel at home a bit. I think im going to see if I can find my first class." and headed out the door to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Frowning a little at Justin's sudden escape. "Wait wha..." blinking a little he was already gone, Lisa stretched a little and went rummaging for more food. "People back home would have stuck round for a reply..." she rolled her eyes a little and poked around. Maybe the new kid still had a bit of kinks to figure out. Lessons weren't due to start for at least a week, she assumed. She realised that Justin didn't know and quickly put down what she was doing, Poping out into the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Korvka came in and looked around, appearing put out and irritable, having just come from a scuffle of sorts in the east hall. Whatever weird bromance was going awry between Michael and Mihir was not her business and she did not want to be put in the middle of it. Still, she was at a loss for what to do so she stayed in the kitchen, figuring that if she didn't like what Michael had to say to her, she could just as easily leave... After a few moments in the kitchen, Korvka looked around and sighed. Apparently she was waiting. She pulled out her mp3 player and sat on the table with her feet on one of the chairs, creating a playlist for her afternoon, music already audible through the headphones.

Michael entered the kitchen and took a sniff of the air. Immediately his nose picked up the scent of bread. He wanted a sandwich. He quickly rummaged through the cabinets for a loaf of bread and a plate. He moved the fridge next and quickly scoured it for meat and vegetables for his masterpiece. He found roast beef, ham, and turkey, but no lettuce or tomato for the sandwich. He grabbed the mustard on his way out of the fridge and began to assemble the lovely snack. He pulled out three slices of bread and put two slices of each meat per slice, and applied the mustard. Only after taking a huge bite of the completed sandwich did his nose notice Korvka. "Oh, I'm sorry. My stomach kind of took over. I never ate after my last shift and then sparred a boy down in the Danger Room. I didn't mean to ignore you. And I'm sorry for earlier too."

Korvka did not look up from the glowing screen she held in front of her when Michael entered, but that was not to say that she didn't notice his entrance. As he made his sandwich she looked over at him with a neutral expression for a split second - and then turned back to her playlist. Only when he addressed her did she tear her eyes away, hooking one finger around a wire and tugging to pull the bud out of her ear. "Vot?" she asked, arching a brow at him and the mustard she could see about to drip out of his sandwich.

"I am sorry I didn't speak when I first came in," Michael told her after taking another bite of his sandwich. He quickly chewed and swallowed before speaking to her again. "My stomach kind of took over when I walked in. And I apologize for earlier. I didn't mean to act so possessive. I shouldn't have, especially since you are not officially mine." Upon finishing this, he took another huge bite and chewed. He was positively starving.

Mihir entered as Michael was giving his apology. He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed over his chest, giving both of them an amused expression. He would let them speak their peace, but then Michael was going to tell him what this was all about. Mihir watched Korvka for her response.

Watching Michael with scrutiny, Korvka listened to his apology with great interest, particularly when he touched on their encounter earlier. He demonstrated a relative understanding of why she'd gotten so upset so she sighed and seemed to relax a little. "Don't let it happen again," she said, looking up at him pointedly with her brown eyes. With her eyes no longer glued to the screen, she saw Mihir as well and furrowed her brow. With Mihir's shaved head she was reminded of the clawmarks and stared from them to Michael, remembering her earlier encounter with Mihir before everything exploded between them. "So are you two done fighting or vot?" she asked, looking from one to the other.

Michael looked from Korvka to Mihir and back again. "We have been fighting off and on for awhile," he told his potential girlfriend. "And I do not intend on it happening again." He took another big bite of his sandwich and chewed, slower than before. He was trying to think of a way to discuss his past with Mihir to Korvka.

Mihir took a step forward as Michael, in an obvious move to delay, took a bite of his sandwich. "What else are brothers for but to fight with?" he asked with a smile. "And my apologies as well for my actions earlier," Mihir said to Korvka. "Though they were unforgivable, I do hope I could win your forgiveness. I will also apologize to the other girl. I was having a bad day, but that is no excuse."

Suddenly, an incoming text set Michael's phone off. The text was from Camille and read, "Help! Kidnapped. In old warehouse behind mall. Hurry."

Korvka looked at Michael and then let her gaze linger for a moment on Mihir's head, where those clawmarks were. She gave him more notice, however, when Mihir too came and apologized to her, acting almost completely different from the brat she'd seen in him earlier. Stunned for a moment, her eyes bounced between the two of them and then shook her head. "You boys are real formal, huh?" she asked, running her fingertip along the touchpad to turn the volume down to her headphones. Considerably less angry than she had been even moments ago, Korvka sighed with a smile and looked over to Michael as his phone made a sound.

Michael's happy face from Mihir's comment turned to confusion when his phone beeped. He pulled his phone out, swallowing his mouthful of food, and looked at the message. He couldn't remember a Camille, but she sounded like she was in trouble. "Um, guys, do either of you know a Camille? Because she sent me a message saying she was kidnapped in an old warehouse behind the mall."

Mihir thought for a moment. "That name sounds familiar. Was she a waitress? Or a dancer?" He looked over at Michael, making a face. "Did you give a stripper your number? You are younger than me! And you gave a stripper your number?"

"Camille?" Korvka asked, trying to remember if there was anyone at the school with that name. Did she know Flame's first name? She didn't seem like a Camille though... In all the tumult of her night, Korvka had not remembered that the boys too had shared a night out and therefore was caught 100% off guard when Mihir started asking Michael if the text was from a stripper. "Vait, VOT?" she asked, turning her eyes on Michael with an expectant look on her face, leaning back in her budding anger. "Vy is he going on about a stripper and who kidnaps von, furthermore?"

"I don't remember giving anyone my number. I don't even remember looking at any strippers. There was the waitress who brought me the hot wings and the pitcher of what I thought was water," Michael said quickly to try and diffuse the situation. He was very shocked that someone from the club could have possibly have his number. He really didn't remember a thing from the night before. What the hell happened? "Are you sure Mihir?" Then a thought struck him, he had been given a distress call. Someone was in trouble and needed help. What to do? They had to go help her. He quickly started trying to finish his sandwich while waiting on Mihir's reply, hiding his face from Korvka's angry eyes. How was he going to fix this situation?

"I am sure I heard that name at the club," Mihir said. "Come to think on it, I believe it was that waitress you were flirting with..." He paused and looked at Michael. "She would be the one serving you hot wings." Mihir thought this was hilarious. Korvka would be angry at Michael for flirting with a waitress at a strip joint and for giving said waitress his number. Michael really couldn't be angry with Mihir for trying to solve the mystery of who it was. And Korvka might think that Mihir was simply trying to inform Michael of who he thought Camille was. Unless it all blew up in his face, Michael would be in the doghouse and Mihir would be off the hook this time.

Thoughts of last night came swarming back to Korvka - photos, vodka, stupidly drowning her sorrows. In her drunken revelry much had been exposed, she remembered with pink cheeks at the text message the both of them had seen. Korvka was very glad she'd decided to wear her military jacket - there would be no more reminders of that incident so long as she could help it. As the talk about this "Camille" went on she looked up and studied their faces in turn, cocoa brown eyebrows narrowing, though whether she was scrutinizing or glaring had yet been determined. "So let me get this straight, you got drunk vith a stripper last night? That's... disgusting," she said with a sigh, shaking her head at Michael, who was too cowardly to meet her eyes? This was certainly sending up red flags. With a look up at Mihir, Korvka spared him the angry glare and gave him a curious look instead, mischeif clearly on her mind. "Tell me, did you see this girl? Think anyvon vood care enough to kidnap her? Sounds like a pathetic attempt to see him again," she said with a sidelong scowl at Michael.

"And I told you that I did not intentionally get drunk," Michael said heatedly. He finished the last few bites of his sandwich and began to put all the sandwich things back into the refridgerator. He grabbed a bottle of water and looked at Korvka, a little agitated. It was only that very morning he had bared his soul to her about how awful he felt for getting drunk and now she was going to accuse him of doing it on purpose. That didn't seem very fair at all. "You can think what you like, but whatever happened last night wasn't 100% my fault. I told you that this morning. Now, if this text can be believed then someone is in trouble and I am honorbound to at least see if it is necessary to help. Are you two coming with me? Or am I going by myself?"

"I will go," Mihir said. "If only to solve this mystery of who she really is. You must have made one hell of an impression on her if she is texting you about being kidnapped." He looked over at Korvka. "As far as caring to kidnap her, most of the girls at that club were society's vision of 'perfect'. Though they were all enhanced, to look at, not my type. Might be Michael's, though." Mihir gave Michael a playful wink. "Men might kidnap them, rape them, so on."

"Yeah, vell this morning you didn't mention a stripper, so excuse me now for being upset at this new information!" Korvka rebutted, looking over to meet his heated expression. Its not like she shared that part of herself with just anyone and she hoped Michael was starting to get the message: her trust in him had wavered so he didn't get her special treatment anymore. Mihir seemed only to be making things worse and she sighed in frustration, and reached a hand out towards him to get his attention. However, just then, Mihir delivered what seemed to be a hidden compliment and Korvka was quiet. Dropping her hand to her lap she pointed at him and laughed a little, begrudgingly. "I see vot you did there," she said pointedly to the slimmer Native boy. Standing from the table at Michael's question, she shrugged. A trip into town to get some helpless girl back from unknown kidnappers didn't sound like her idea of a good time. However, curiosity got the better of her and she found herself shrugging and tucking the player into her pocket. "Lets go then, I just got my American license."

"Good, I'm not sure mine will work. Not sure what the law is around here," Michael said. "I will meet you both in the garage. I'm going to go put my uniform on, just in case." He wasn't sure what was going on, and he was even less sure he liked what Mihir was saying. Now his relationship with Korvka was on the rocks before it even started. "And just for the record, I never looked at a stripper last night. I barely remember a waitress and then there was the alcohol. I'm sorry." With that he exited the kitchen into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Mihir watched him go and just shook his head, the half smile that had been on his face fading slowly. "I worry about him sometimes," he said, mostly to himself. He looked over at Korvka. "Do you? Well, good then." He gave her a smile and gestured towards the door. "Shall we?"

Korvka watched as Michael left silently, her face a blank canvass. Not knowing what to think, or to do, she forfeited to the inevitability of the adventure she'd agreed to go on. "You two just play nice, I'm already sick of your strange 'brother' drama," she said to Mihir as she walked towards the door, glancing sideways at him on her way out. "I'm going to get my scythe, so vait in the hall if you don't know ver the garage is," she said on her way out the door to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Mihir nodded and watched her go, following her out to the hall.

Shade walked into the kitchen, he had figured Light would already be there, but apparently he'd gotten changed before her. Still limping a bit, the boy figured he'd check the pantry and fridge to see what he could make for him and Light while he waited.

Just a few minutes after Shade had entered, Light walked into the kitchen. Spotting Shade, she saw that she had come to the right kitchen and plopped down in a chair at the table, exhausted from the earlier events. Resting her elbow on the table, she rested her head against her hand, watching Shade through half-lidded eyes and blowing a strand of hair from her face.

Shade had not noticed the girl walking into the kitchen. Still oblivious to her presence, he began to whistle what seemed to be a cheery version of Beethoven's 5th. The boy managed to find enough greens for a Caesar Salad, which he promptly laid on the table, wincing a bit whenever he had to use his wounded arm. Going to the fridge again, he managed to locate a pair of chicken breasts, which he retrieved, along with some mustard, and some cream milk, which he set on the counter as well.

With her eyes trained on Shade, Light couldn't help but smile at his seemingly careless demeanor and his apparent preference for classical music. For a second, she though about actually letting the boy know she was around, since it seemed he hand't notice. Instead, she decided she would see how long it did take him to notice and enjoy the show while she was there. Even with his limp and injuries, each move the boy made was as alluring as ever to Light and she couldn't take her eyes off of him.

Shade lined up several more ingredients he got from the pantry, a pair of potatoes, an onion, fresh parsley, salt, pepper, some sesame oil, a medium chunk of cheese, some mushrooms and a small vial of olive oil. With all the ingredients lined up, Shade pulled out a large wok-like frying pan and a small oven pot. Only when he began looking for matches or a lighter he noticed the girl and his whistling suddenly stopped. "Oh!.. hello there love, I was wondering when you'd get here." he said, his perplexed expression suddenly growing into a grin. "I must be getting rusty if you managed to sneak up on me."

Light's grin remained on her face as she continued to watch Shade go about his business, her head still resting on her hand. When the boy finally notice she was there, she grinned even wider, replying to him, "You've had a rough day." The girl stood up from her chair and walked over to the counter, jumping up and sitting in a spot that Shade didn't seem to be using. "I prefer Mozart's 'Requiem', myself," she stated, swinging her legs lightly over the edge of the counter, her eyes scanning over the ingredients laid about the counter top. "So what's all this for, Chef?"

"Weelll..."said Shade slowly moving to where Light was, she just so happened to have sat next to the knife drawer, so the boy moved until his stomach touched the girl's knees before opening the drawer and reaching in for a knife. "I figure I'd make us some mustard chicken, does that sound all right?" he asked with a snicker, keeping his face close to Light's as he pulled out the knife and closed the drawer.

"Sounds delightful," Light replied, slowly wrapping one of her legs around the boy's waist and pulling him toward her. She girl put her hand on the counter between her legs and leaned forward, her face dangerously close to Shade's. "Got anything in mind for dessert?" she asked as she wrapped her other legs around his waist. Finally she leaned her head in and pressed her lips softly to the side of the boy's neck, letting them linger there for a moment before she pulled back.

"As a matter of of fact... I know exactly what I want for dessert." smiled Shade leaning in as the girl did, and lightly running his hand over the girl's thigh through the fabric of her sweat pants. "But..." he whispered into her ear as Light kissed the boy's neck. "We don't want to get full before dinner tho..." he added, snickering before he simply walked away towards the ingredients. Seemingly ignoring Light, Shade began to chop the onion into extremely fine slices, showing quite a bit of skill with the blade, no doubt from a childhood of living in the streets. Once the onion was finely sliced, he went on to chop the parsley.

Light smirked against Shade's skin at his reaction and feeling his hand running across her thigh. She had intended to kiss him afterwards, but the boy suddenly turned and walked off, leaving Light smiling to herself at how Shade managed to tease her so much. "I understand," she said, showing no disappointment as she watched the boy begin to cut up his ingredients. Suddenly realizing she was very thirsty, Light hopped down from the counter and went over to the fridge, taking out a bottle of water before returning to her spot on the counter. Taking off the cap, she pulled the bottle to her lips and took a few gulps, setting the bottle aside when she was finished. "So who or what were they after?" she questioned, obviously referring to the people who had just recently attacked them.

Shade turned to see the girl walk to the fridge as back, even under the shirt and sweat pants, her swaying was as hypnotic as ever. The boy set the pan on the fire and let a few drops of sesame oil in it as Light drunk, getting a bit distracted by the girl's lips as they coiled around the tip of the bottle. The boy let the oil heat up before putting the onion and the chicken breasts in the pan and sautéing them while he sprinkled them with salt, pepper and chopped up parsley. "I figure they have something to do with the people who tried to kidnap me and some other students... maybe we ran into a patrol force or something?" he said, stirring the chicken in the pan until it browned on the outside. "I'm concerned about that lot having mutants with them though... last time they had no mutant powers on their side." he added, tilting the pan to let the chicken and onions slide into the oven pot, then turning to get the milk cream and mustard. He opened both of them and mixed a spoonful of mustard with the cream, making an eggshell coloured cream with it, which he poured on top of the chicken. Finally, the boy got some cheese and grated it on top of everything so it would melt once put into the oven. "Don't worry love, I'll protect you if they show up again." he snickered.

Light continued to watch the boy cook, catching his eyes on her every now and then, and smirking in return. "Maybee... they got the other kids to work for 'em? Brainwashed them or something?" she suggested before taking another swig of water. "And I dunno, you got away from them, right? And you had mentioned they would probably come back for you." The girl stopped talking to chuckle at Shade's comment, rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I totally need it," she said with obvious sarcasm, before her voice softened and she added, with a wink, "I wouldn't mind a strong man having my back, though." The girl leaned back, starting to rest on her palms, but the stung when she touched the counter. Instead, she leaned forward again, holding the water bottle in her finger tips and dangling it off the edge of the counter between her legs.

Shade opened the oven and turned it on, letting it heat up for a minute or two before he slid in the over pan with the chicken in it. As he closed the oven, the boy snickered and leaned back on the counter right next to Light. "Yeah... but that didn't seem like a capture party." he said with a concerned tone. Watching her bring the water bottle to her mouth once more. "Too many bells and whistles... it almost seemed as if they WANTED to make as much noise as possible, specially considering how stealthy they were last time." added the boy, turning to the greens and some croutons he found in the pantry to make the Caesar salad, which he sprinkled with grated cheese and a dash of olive oil. "Chicken should be done in 10." he snickered, glancing at the dangling bottle between Light's legs as if it was a hypnotist's pendulum.

"They did seem pretty intent on 'taking us out', though," Light said in response to Shade, using two fingers on her right hand to make imaginary quotation marks in the air. "But then again, I don't know why they'd want Blue and I gone, either. Maybe you're right. Perhaps they wanted to be noticed." Shrugging, she let her hand rest on her thigh and sighed. "Honestly, I'm just glad we all made it out in one piece," she added seriously, looking at Shade and watching him as he began to mix the salad. "Great," she said with a small smile before noticing that the boy kept looking at her water bottle. "Uh, thirsty?" she asked, holding the bottle out, just in case he wanted a sip.

"Dunno, Love, I think we dropped a few pieces of blue back there." joked Shade trying to to lighten up the mood and change the conversation a bit as he sat at the table. "I wasn't really looking at the bottle..." snickered the boy, reaching out and taking it anyway, making sure his fingers touched Light's as he did so. "But sure, I can go for a sip." he added with a smile, taking a sip of the bottle and handing it back to the girl. ".... I wonder if we can get some wine..." snickered the boy, standing up and looking around. "Remember where that teacher's booze cabinet used to be?"

Light smiled in return to Shade's joke about Addy, handing the bottle off to Shade and noting his intentional touch. "Oh?" she said with a smirk, reaching out to take the bottle back. This time, she made a point to touch Shade's fingertips, sending him a little, what she considered to be flirtatious, shock. When he asked about the wine, she glanced up at the cabinets, then spotted the one with the electrical padlock. "Should be that one right there, with the lock," said the girl, pointing up at the high cabinet. "Need me to get it?" she added, reminded herself that the boy hadn't used his powers in a while, and was probably too tired to do so in order to get the wine from the locked cabinet.

"I can handle one bottle of wine, love." smiled Shade his finger still tingling a bit from the electric shock. "The chicken should be done soon, you could help me by getting a pair of wine glasses, though." he added, opening a small shadow portal and drawing out a bottle of white wine. The boy pulled a corkscrew from one of the drawers and quickly uncorked the wine, waiting for the girl to produce the glasses with a mischievous grin.

Light smiled back at Shade, shrugging her shoulders a bit. "Just looking out for you," she said before setting the water bottle down and hopping down off the counter again. She set about looking through all the cabinets, opening and closing doors where she did not find wine glasses. Finally, she found the glasses, almost too high for her to reach. Standing on her toes, she reached up and pulled two wine glasses from the cabinet, shutting the door and turning around to face Shade. "Here ya go," said the girl, a little more cheerily than normal, as she set the glasses down on the counter.

Shade poured both him and the girl a full glass of white wine before he set it down on the counter once more, then, putting on an oven mitt, he opened the oven and pulled out the chicken, which was not golden brown, covered in a small overlay of melted cheese and very nuanced smelling sauce. "Done." he snickered as he set the oven pan on the stove. "Want to eat here, love... or should we find a more comfortable place?" asked Shade while taking a sip of his wine and letting the chicken cool down for a bit. "I figure we can take our plates and wine to the lounge and get.. uhm.. comfy." he asked with a slightly predatory look in his eyes.

"Actually, the lounge sounds fantastic," Light said, picking up the other glass of wine and taking a sip as well. "I figure we can have dinner and a movie or something." The girl's eyes were drawn to the now cooked chicken that was cooling on the stove, the aroma almost making her mouth water. Hearing her stomach growl loudly, she put her free hand over her stomach, a little embarrassed, though she tried not to show it. "That smells delicious," she stated, as if making an excuse for why her stomach was making such loud noises.

"That sounds perfect." smiled the boy letting a small chuckle when he heard Light's stomach growl. "Thanks, love, I think that's the best compliment I've been given." Shade said as he wrapped his arm around the girl, still holding the wineglass on his other hand, and he planted a little kiss on her upper lip, tugging on it ever so slightly as he pulled away. "How about I serve this and you take the wine?" he asked, clinking his glass lightly against hers before taking another sip and leaving it on the counter. "I'll follow after you." said the boy as he pulled some plastic serving implements out from a nearby drawer.

Light laughed lightly in response to Shade's thanks, closing her eyes at the kiss and kissing the boy back. "Sure," she replied, picking up the other glass after he set it down. The girl started to turn and head for the door, but stopped and went back to where the bottle of wine was. Placing to glasses securely in one hand, she picked up the wine bottle holding it up as she said to Shade, "Just in case." With a wink, the girl took the glasses and bottle of wine and headed out into X-Men Hall East 3rd.

"I think we'll need it." snickered Shade as the girl left. He immediately turned around and placed each chicken breast on one of the plates, with a healthy side serving of salad, then, the boy scooped some of the sauce and caramelised onions from the over pan and coated the golden brown chicken with it. Once that was done, he grabbed some silverware and followed after Light, carrying one plate with each hand. Walking out into the X-Men Hall East 3rd.

Shade walked in from the X-Men Hall East 3rd almost 90 minutes later, carrying back the empty wine bottle and a pair of glasses. He had previously shadow ported the dirty dishes to the sink from the Lounge. Leaving the lights off, the boy began washing everything the pair had used through the evening. After a few minutes, Shade put the last of the wineglasses to dry next to the fridge and wiped his hands with the wash cloth before turning around and heading back out to the hall. As he walked out onto the X-Men Hall East 3rd, the boy inadvertently left the empty wine bottle on the table.

Virgil slowly walked to the pantry, pulling out a bag of Oatmeal, and as he was headed to the fridge he spotted the empty wine bottle and murmured, "Well, I guess someone is having some fun tonight." Before he grabbed the emptly container, dropped it into the trashcan on his was to get the milk out of the fridge, and set the milk on the counter. Then he searched the cupboards for a bowl and after he found one and cleaned it in the sink, opened the bag and poured it into the bowl, followed by the milk, and set it in the microwave for 80 seconds.

As Virgil waited for the microwave to nuke his oatmeal he grabbed the milk and made himself a small glass before he set it back in the fridge and slowly sipped his drink. By the time he had drunk the mile, the microwave beeped causing Virgil to wash out his cup, set it in the dishwasher, walk to the microwave, and got his bowl out, then walked out to X-Men Hall East 3rd with a spoon.

From here you there is only one way you can go - back out to X-Men Hall East 3rd.

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