Page name: ask-lilo-11 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-08 23:16:37
Last author: Hedda
Owner: Hedda
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Ask Lilo edition #11 has been ranked the top sex-page on the Internet.


This issue is about Lilo's work as the world's top ranked porn star.

Other questions might be accepted too, but the fame is going to her head, so maybe she doesn't feel for answering irrelevant questions.

And now, your questions:

So how much money do you make?

More than I can eat! Well... As I'm a supermodel, I can't eat that much, but I do earn a lot.

Do you feel a lot of responsibility?

Yes, I feel that I have an obligation to make the world a better place by spreading more porn and love. That's why I help to promote contests like
But it's hard because few can come close to my standards.

How do you prepare for such exhaustive tasks? Do you feel that preparation is key to success?

By sleeping. No, I think luck is more important.

How can you enjoy heavy hot sex when your boyfriend has barbs on his woo-woo?

Porn isn't exactly true to reality all the time... It's for inspiration, not facts.

How can you enjoy heavy hot sex when your boyfriend has barbs on his woo-woo?

I hit him afterwards! BTW: It's the spines that cause the ovulation More details on

Lilo, how did you get into this buisiness in the first place?

I was young and stupid and there happened to be a camera close by...

Lilo: As a cat do you ever think what your doing is degrading to the species?


Ever thought of doing cat girl on girl (would that even work out?)

Follow the links on and you'll see...

Have you ever fallen in love with one of your co-stars?

No comments.

Porn often features a whole slew of different people, have you ever thought of going...outer species?

Yes, but it doesn't seem to work.

Do you LIKE being a porn star? Do you ever wish you could do something different?

I like hunting and scaring dogs too.

Are you sure your not a porn star because Hedda forces you to pay his bills?

There are some things one has to do.

Do you prefer kitties older or younger than you?


Do you, Lilo, think 'pussy' is a derogatory term towards cats or humans?

It's not about the word, but how you say it.

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2007-03-19 [xido]: very amusing. XD

2007-03-19 [Hedda]: She needs questions! <img:>

2007-03-20 [xido]: How do you prepare for such exhaustive tasks? Do you feel that preparation is key to success?

What are your credentials?

2007-03-21 [Astro Zombie]: You are a sad guy.

2007-03-25 [Jitter]: HAhahahahahaha Awesome XD

2007-03-30 [Grimmloch]: Shameful.....of all things.... Kitty porn...<img:>

2007-04-01 [Paul Doyle]: Lilo, O Lilo . . . How can you enjoy heavy hot sex when your boyfriend has barbs on his woo-woo?

2007-04-09 [Lothuriel]: I am curious. How does Lilo feel about the Paparatzi? Does she have to go through great lengths to hide from them, or does she relish in the flashing lights of their cameras?

2007-04-09 [Hedda]: She only goes out very carefully with her bodyguard.

2007-04-09 [Lothuriel]: Smart Kitty....

2007-04-10 [Teufelsweib]: Lilo, how did you get into this buisiness in the first place? xD

2007-04-10 [iippo]: Lilo, how do you find your director (if you have one/any)? Do they support you enough when you perform, do they disturb you, do they demand too much?

2007-04-17 [Mortified Penguin]: Lilo, I ([Hedda]'s best friend), would like to know... sure sex is great, but have you ever thought about having kittens? Unless, of course, you can't... in which case all I have to say is... ha ha, you can't have any kittens.

2007-07-21 [Paul Doyle]: Lillo, does anthropomorphic "furry" cat-people porn found on VCL or FurAffinity (FA)make you really squirmy? Or if that's too much for you, does the [Calico Tiger] character (not the real person) make you smile and wink? even though you're a female, and housecats sort of have a challenge trying to smile and wink?

2007-07-21 [Paul Doyle]: Or this, alternately . . .

2007-07-22 [Paul Doyle]: Nah, I don't go there that often. I have enough issues with FA (which is why I don't post my adult stuff there, though I visit there every day), and my online haunts are limited due to time constraints.

2009-04-08 [Alexi Ice]: Your welcome...and I'm bored. Do I get a badge for this? LOL.

2009-04-08 [Hedda]: You might be allowed to feed Lilo!

2009-04-09 [Alexi Ice]: That would be fun as long as she does not bite me! Does she like Tuna fish?

2009-04-11 [Hedda]: She doesn't bite and she only scratches annoying kids, dogs and vets. No, she doesn't. Shrimps or some yammy catfood work better.

2009-04-11 [Alexi Ice]: Shrimps? Yick. I'm allergic, I could definatly get her some kitty food though! I have some cats too but they may not be willing to share...>> They are kind of fussy.

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