Page name: Dracology [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-01-10 16:00:17
Last author: Hedda
Owner: ArchangelGabriel
# of watchers: 48
D20: 8
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Hi, I'm [ArchangelGabriel] and welcome to Dracology, a page devoted to the study of Dragons. The entire page has just gone through an ultimate revamp so there may be a few broken links. Make your self at home and feel free to look around.

We were one of the 'Top Fifteen Wiki-pages for the Months of September and October'

We have adopted a dragon called Dimbooyill!!!

New features are marked with <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>


<img13*0:> Dragon Handbook - Everything you want to know about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dracologists - click here to add your name to the list of people who support this page

<img13*0:> Dragons Riddles - Riddle competition, updated every week

<img13*0:> Dragon Quotes - Interesting quotes with dragons in

<img13*0:> Dragons in the Field - A guided tour a round several dragon habitats !coming soon!Not yet operational

<img13*0:> Dracology FAQs - Questions and Answers about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dragon Gallery - Good Pics from Elfwood and Members

<img13*0:> Dracology polls - Voting here may make some real difference to this site <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Comments - Go here and add comments privately   <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Bibliography - Books to do with Dracology

<img13*0:> Dragon Links - Links to other Dragon pages


Dracology Admin:



I am back, i'm ontop of my homework and other stuff so I should be around a lot more. If you have any dragon questions you can contact me. ~[ArchangelGabriel]~

I've started some new sections to Dracology including an entry on the Hydra (may not be fully tested) thanks to the help of [Erestor] and the Dracology polls.
Also I would like to know if any one is intrested in helping with a few articles. If you are contact [ArchangelGabriel].

I am proud to anounce that the Dracology Test is finaly open for the use of all members.

I'd like to really clean up the wiki.I'm looking for five people who are prepared to give up some of their time to help rewrite many of the articles and improve what we already have.
You don't have to be a reporter to help, you could donate art, suggest useful refrence sites or just give opions. I hope many of you will help in this update.
~ [ArchangelGabriel]


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.: Dracology :.

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2004-05-23 [jaderii]: Mkayz. What is this thingy? If ya do it, does it change your name to that Dracologist thing? Me confuzed...

2004-05-23 [Penguinlord]: It is only a wiki society for those interested in dragons. It does nothing to your name, that's just what [ArchangelGabriel] does (he owns it)

2004-05-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: I just typed it into my mood box, as a way for people to know more about me

2004-05-25 [Penguinlord]: to get a banner, go to the dracology banners page, choose the one you want, rhight click it and select properties. copy the location (url) into an image tag in your bio: like this <img:*url goes here*>

2004-05-31 [drakkar]: you are missing the chinese dragons

2004-05-31 [ArchangelGabriel]: In whqat way am i 'missing the chinese dragons'?   I admit that chinese dracology is slightly fuzzy from whrer i stand but i could probably answer most questions. My real skill is in western dracology. Ask me antything about them and i can answer it

2004-05-31 [drakkar]: ohhh ok just had to mention them because chineses dragon is my zodaic and they got me into dragons

2004-05-31 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ps. if you mean that i left chinese dragons of of the list i dindn't cause chinese dragons are called lungs

2004-05-31 [drakkar]: true just bringing !t to everyones attention

2004-06-15 [choccygirl]: hi

2004-06-15 [choccygirl]: r u there ne 1

2004-06-15 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'm realy glad that your stalking me and everything but it would be great if you could ask dragon related questions

2004-06-15 [Penguinlord]: don't worry, lobsang is always like that...

2004-06-23 [Penguinlord]: maybe, just maybe, no-one has any dragon related questions!!

2004-06-25 [ArchangelGabriel]: You know what, you could be right. I am a littel suprised that no one has been bothered to ask anything but there you go

2004-07-04 [Angel Dreamer]: can i link this in the various creature_list places? this looks like great stuff for the cl..

2004-07-05 [Black_Rainbows]: what is so interesting about dracons?

2004-07-06 [drakkar]: everything

2004-07-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: You have to admit that they manage to be beutiful, dangerous, elegant and practical all at the same time.

2004-07-06 [Penguinlord]: hardly practical... how many people have enough space at home to keep a full-grown dragon!

2004-07-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: i mean practical from a dragons point of view. What could be more useful than a long range attack? (don't answer that)

2004-07-06 [Penguinlord]: *ignores last bit* ......a longer ranged attack?

2004-07-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: Can you think of a creature with a longer ranged attack than adragon?

2004-07-08 [Penguinlord]: a pixie with mind-control... a tarrasque with long arms, a discworld sky turtle (larger overall than a dragons range), an arcane archer with a mighty composite longbow... the list is endless...

2004-07-08 [NuclearHobbit]: I'm dragon-obsessed...

2004-07-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: good for you

2004-07-31 [NuclearHobbit]: What's with all the centre things?

2004-07-31 [BlackDragon]: Its gone now, read on the mainstreet news to find out what happend.

2004-07-31 [ArchangelGabriel]: somthing happened?

2004-07-31 [BlackDragon]: Read at the mainstreet Lobsang, all the tags stopped working so everything looked messed up :P

2004-07-31 [ArchangelGabriel]: fine, fine, it takes so long to load a page on my computer that i don't waste time reading the news. It's like goiing tenmiles for the citizen (a crapy little paper full of adverts)

2004-07-31 [BlackDragon]: Hehe.. ok. It was just that all the tags got messed up so everything looked really wicked.

2004-08-04 [Cati Stormweaver]: Oh! oh!! i know alot about dragons! I know some more speices, and the scientific way they breath acid, fire, and ice. And some more stuff...... >>'

2004-08-04 [BlackDragon]: Hmm.... If you think that info could be interesting, message [ArchangelGabriel]

2004-08-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: i've said it before and i'll say it again 'Dragons do not breath ice except in films'

2004-09-06 [starburst]: hi pepole

2004-09-07 [NuclearHobbit]: Where can I ask a question about dragons?

2004-09-07 [BlackDragon]: Dracology FAQs or message [ArchangelGabriel]

2004-09-07 [Saint Dragon]: you do realize that.....never mind

2004-09-08 [ArchangelGabriel]: Do i realise what, go, on, say it

2004-09-11 [ArchangelGabriel]: Right thats sorted, [Saint Dragon] just had an attack of the 'little **** of a brother'.

2004-09-12 [BlackDragon]: What do you mean Lobsang??

2004-09-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: His little brother has been on his acount and is making mundane coments

2004-09-12 [BlackDragon]: Hehehe... Im lucky, my younger brothers cant write :P

2004-09-12 [ArchangelGabriel]: Thats why when ever i leave elftown i log out so no one in my house can use my acount, not that they'd try

2004-09-12 [BlackDragon]: Yea, the same here.

2004-09-13 [Penguinlord]: i guess my sister doesn't care enough to use my account!

2004-09-13 [ArchangelGabriel]: neither does mine, shes got her own, not that she ever ueses it

2004-09-13 [NuclearHobbit]: My sister's got her own.

2004-09-13 [ArchangelGabriel]: hey nuclear, how you?

2004-09-22 [Gone!]: An informative wiki on dragons. *happy tear*

2004-09-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: i always find that the other wikis are all about becoming dragons or imortalising dragons so i felt it was time people knew about dragons

2004-09-23 [Gone!]: Or rping as dragons. I find learning about dragons rather than just imagining being them or around them shows much more respect to the idea of the existence of dragons. That's why I love this establishment.

2004-09-23 [Eloura]: YAY

2004-09-23 [NuclearHobbit]: If dragon sare cold blooded (yeah, I finally remebered my question!) then how can they fly at night when there's nothiong to heat them? Or in the snow where it is cold? I alwas thought that they were warm blooded, or at least could regulate their own body temp., which I guess you can only do if you're warm blooded (although I was never aware I could, and I think I'm more of hot blooded, loose my temper easily, erm..)

2004-09-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: ah, good one. Right, Dragons hibernate in winter. And they use thier flame to warm thme selves up

2004-09-23 [Eloura]: ok i also wondered trhat thank you

2004-09-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: LOL, does any one else have any questions?

2004-09-23 [Eloura]: yes. how did dragons originatew

2004-09-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: THats on one of the pages. Try some where in the dragon handbook

2004-09-23 [Eloura]: ok thank you

2004-09-23 [ArchangelGabriel]: Dragon Evolution, that should be it but the page hasn't been updated for ages.

2004-09-23 [Eloura]: ok i will check it out * smiles to show how happy she is *

2004-09-23 [Gone!]: I have questions but I'm reading the info provided on the wiki first to see if I can get the answers.

2004-09-24 [NuclearHobbit]: "their flame" what exactly is "their flame" ? And if they hibernate in winter, up North they would be hibernating all the time. (Even where I live, half the time they would be asleep.

2004-09-24 [Penguinlord]: that is why we never see them...

2004-09-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: their flame is the fire that belongs to the dragon. THey use the fire to make each other warm. I'm sorry i don't know much about this particualar part of dracology but their are a lot of holes still to fill.

2004-09-24 [NuclearHobbit]: And they're hollow boned like birds?

2004-09-24 [Penguinlord]: well i expect that they would be too heavy to fly otherwise.

2004-09-25 [Gone!]: So we need banners? I'll try to come up with one while I'm creating banners for other wiki I'm apart of.

2004-09-27 [ArchangelGabriel]: yep, good banners. And yes hollow boned (i would apreciate it if peoiple had a look around for answers before leaving questions like that)

2004-09-27 [Gone!]: So their scales surve as protection to their hollow bones...I see.

2004-10-02 [aimfire]: personally my expirence have pointed out that not all drragons are cold blooded....

2004-10-02 [ArchangelGabriel]: Explain.... I'm open to any ones findings if they can abck them up with a myth more than one hudred years old

2004-10-03 [NuclearHobbit]: describes them as being warm hexapods... I can't find any myths more than 100 years old, but tehre are a lot of scientific reasons...

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: It doesn't have to be 100 years exactly it just has to be smthing other than a modern book

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: Ah.... Not interested in scientific reasoning then? I'd better go and start looking up mythology

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: no, conclusisionws taken from ancient ledgends are fine but dragons like EG Swamp dragons which turn up in the Discworld series can not be taken seriously

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: So, what dragons can be taken seriously? Because everyone has their differnet ideas of what make a dragon, eg DnD, chinesase, George and the dragon, etc.

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: An intresting question *thinks* not D&D, thats mde up by people who don't belive. Mytnhs where written iun times when everyone truly belived that caves where stuffed with dragons

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: I was thinking about the warm/cold blooded discution we've been having. And will now start up a wiki page called Are dragons warm or cold boolded?

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: Not DnD? Mmm... Hoe do you know that they don't belive? Sorry to bring this up but, I'm just one of those annoyinly curious people. :)

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Pedant is the word your looking for

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: It is? Oh. Thankyou.

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: I'm in the process of starting a wiki for Pedants. So do you want to comment on our live debate?

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: Okay

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ok to which?

2004-10-04 [NuclearHobbit]: There were two statements there? Sorry, not quite with it today.

2004-10-04 [ArchangelGabriel]: Poor you

2004-10-05 [NuclearHobbit]: In nswer to the question: okay to either.

2004-10-06 [Shreya]: I corrected a typo in the link to the Imaginary Dragon Store, I hope you don't mind:)

2004-10-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: Not at all, thanks, my spelling is awfull. What security level do you have to change passworded wikis?

2004-10-06 [Shreya]: I'm one of the guards :) We have the privs so we can take care of troublesome/harassment wikis .

2004-10-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: Can you change peoples houses as well?

2004-10-06 [Shreya]: Yes, if they have images that do not follow the Uploading Art Rules

2004-10-06 [NuclearHobbit]: Sounds like a good job.

2004-10-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: It must take up a lot of time though

2004-10-06 [Shreya]: It's a lot of work :)

2004-10-06 [ArchangelGabriel]: So what do you think of the new wiki system?

2004-10-07 [NuclearHobbit]: new system?

2004-10-07 [Penguinlord]: tried editing a wiki lately? there is a new system of who can edit and view it etc.

2004-10-07 [NuclearHobbit]: woah.... have to admit, I haven't, since I have only two (I think) wikis, and one of them doesn't need much editing by me, and the otehr one hasn't been updtaed recently....

2004-10-07 [Penguinlord]: hehe. i own about 8 wikis, regurlaly edit about 12, each with about 20 subwikis...

2004-10-07 [NuclearHobbit]: hehe, you must have fun.   I just had a look at one of mine. Saw what you mean.

2004-10-07 [ArchangelGabriel]: I've got the same problem as penguinlord, Building RPG's can be hard as well...

2004-10-07 [Penguinlord]: hehe... so you realise..

2004-10-09 [Erestor]: I like the new site well done[ArchangelGabriel] its great!

2004-10-09 [ArchangelGabriel]: Its still very bear but at least its up there, i submitted it to google earlier so it might turn up in dragon related searches

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: May I join?

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: umm i added my nameif that was okay cause i want to learn about this stuff.

2004-10-16 [Fearless Dragon]: hi

2004-10-16 [ArchangelGabriel]: yay, people adding themselves, thank you. I'm glad peopel are taking the hint

2004-10-16 [Innocent as Sin]: ummm so I did a good thing?

2004-10-17 [ArchangelGabriel]: yes, thank you ^_^

2004-10-17 [Innocent as Sin]: yay! *dances* i did something right for once...

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