Page name: linoldbio38 [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-09-29 16:54:19
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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About Lin


<white>Dancing on the street
in the middle of the staring crowd
I look stupid, I know
but it makes me feel so proud
this feeling of absolute freedom</white>


<dgrey>Most of my life, like that of any other, has been a long journey of trial, error and self-discovery. I've made my share of mistakes, learned from them best I could; had, lost and regained friends and companions; found talents and weaknesses. There have been moments of pure joy and utter despair. Times during which I was in dark places, but somehow found my way out. Issues and complexes left behind by those shadows. Times, however brief, when I was at the top of the world where nothing sinister could touch me. Strength and hope given me with that light.
In short, I've gone through the typical tribulations and mood swings of human kin everywhere, and without a doubt will continue to do so.</dgrey>


<white>I'm hoping against all odds
that you would finally see me
so, yeah, I'm losing my touch
and my frail grip on reality

In my life there's one thing sure
I'm just your ordinary girl
completely plain and dull
But this music makes me beautiful
yeah, it makes me feel alive</white>


<dgrey>No, nothing truly out of the ordinary here. Although, to be fair, I might just as well claim this young lady has no mundane bone in her body, and none would be wiser of the truth. It's entirely subjective either way, so you could simply trust me when I say that perhaps I am a hint unique. I certainly seem to associate with the eccentric types, and what is it they say?
Birds of a feather flock together...</dgrey>


<white>Most of the time
I really don't feel like smiling
but when I'm with you and hear these songs
I'm sure I could rise high, flying</white>


<dgrey>So, who am I?
Student, poet, artisan, sister, friend, bookworm, music lover. Slightly geeky, slightly obsessive, curious, protective, shy. I am as affectionate as I am avoidant. At most times it is probable to find me either browsing Elftown, writing a story or poem, reading, or talking with friends, and never without something playing in the background. I like to think of myself as open-minded, and strive to understand every possible point of view on any given issue. The standards I set for myself are sometimes unreasonably high, but perhaps one day I will achieve and even surpass them.

Due to recent developments, I now find myself living in a student apartment with two other girls, far from home and my Finnish friends. I'm finally enrolled in university, but it seems that there is always a price to pay. It could be worse, though; as it is, I adore my teachers, and nothing stops me from going back home every month. The subject I'm majoring in is English philology with the hopes of becoming a teacher one day. (I'll be the teacher who drills proper grammar and spelling into your heads until it actually sticks. Of mercy there shall be none. And I'll be starting the students on RP if I have any say in the matter.) Subsidiaries are as of yet undecided on, but it's only my freshman year - I have time to narrow my choices. I also hope to go to a Dutch university as an exchange student, both for the experience and to get closer to [Teufelsweib] for a while.

One day when I can afford it I'm going to go for a thorough tour of the British Isles. If I can't get married at Stonehenge, I at least want to see it once in my life. Hadrian's Wall, Scotland's lochs, Wales' sheep; all of it and then some. After that, continental Europe. I've been bitten by the travel bug, and the itch is never going to fade. Presuming everything works out, I'm about to get a taste of Greece the following August with some Elftown friends (together we are Le Skurpists, the insane quintet; you have no choice but to love us).
After reading this bit, it can come as no surprise that I have an adventurous streak. It is at times rather dormant, I'll grant you, but I love to explore new places - especially through a camera lens.</dgrey>


<white>In my life there's one thing sure
I'm just your ordinary girl
completely plain and dull
But this music makes me beautiful
yeah, it makes me feel alive

I have a rhythm in my blood
this voice was made to sing
For a moment, forget everything
and let me take you with me
to a world somewhere far above</white>


I wish to fly on these skies.
<img300*0:stuff/windingroad.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/SkyFire.jpg> <img300*0:stuff/redroofbluesky.jpg>

Lyrics and photography © me.
CBW banner (below) © [pixish].

Coal black wings

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