Page name: linoldbio39 [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2008-12-11 22:23:32
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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One presumes you are here either because you stumbled into the house by random, or because you wanted to see who the hell I am. Whichever the reason, if you were interested enough to start reading, by all means don't stop now. Unless, of course, you have something more important to do, which would not surprise me in the least. But I digress.About Lin

Curious, protective, temperamental, shy. These are all adjectives that might be appointed to my case. Avoidant, awkward, all around asocial. Until I let you through my defences and become adorably (annoyingly?) affectionate. Occasional attention whore. I would apologise, but it changes nothing.

I am a poet who quite enjoys writing villanelles, sonnets (both notoriously difficult) and haiku, but most of my work falls within freeform. Then there are the stories. I like to think I have talent. However, I am more than aware of my shortcomings. I'm working on them.
Also an artisan and a photographer. Avid reader, lover of music and part-time art enthusiast, occasionally dabbling in the fields of drawing and painting myself. Enrolled in the University of Oulu as a freshman student of English philology and thus far loving it. The other great passion of mine is history; however, in truth, I live by three little words.

Everything is interesting.

I'm better with books than with my fellow sentients, I suppose. Most of the time. I have conflicting feelings about having people's attention focused on me. I love singing to an audience - if I'm standing on a stage, safe, where they can't reach me. Speeches, presentations and the like are another thing entirely.

If (somehow, miraculously) I grow a spine and learn to deal with people, I am going to be a teacher, preferably of the English language. My pupils will most probably either love me for my kindness or hate me for my perfectionism. It's rather a toss-up, but as long as they learn something in my class and refrain from walking all over me (thus evoking my temper), I'll be content. I don't need apples anyway; sadly enough, I'm allergic to them.

I always fall for those I cannot have, and for this reason exactly I will end up a bohemian spinster with at least three cats and possibly a pair of budgerigars. Or a snake. Walls covered with shelves full of classics, textbooks, dictionaries (I'm a nitpicker, deal with it) and whatever else I have found myself carrying out of various bookshops; any free space occupied by posters and framed illustrations. A quiet little nook near a window sporting an overstuffed armchair and a small table where I can curl up with a mug of green tea and become absorbed in whatever tome I'm currently reading. After permanently retiring from the classroom I'll open a book café selling freshly baked goods, my own handicrafts and second hand books.

My sister had quite the different scenario for my life, but that is another story for another day.

Of course, I may find a life companion eventually, but I ain't holding my breath. This does not mean I'm looking for a partner - especially online - so don't even bother trying. You'll only get laughed at.

Holy shite, I'm writing a novel here. Where was I?

Ah, yes. Books. In addition to things you'll find in a bookstore, I like to spend hours upon hours reading fan fiction. I am a slash fangirl, and no, I feel no shame about it. How I get my kicks is none of your business.

What with all the other geekery already out in the open, it will probably come as no surprise that I am a roleplayer as well - currently involved in a Dark Heresy campaign with fellow uni-goers. I miss D&D, especially Living Greyhawk, but this isn't half bad either. I still get to slice adversaries into tiny little ribbons.

...whoever said I have suppressed aggression?

Moving on.

I am completely, totally, utterly addicted and devoted to Elftown; being on the crew has only made the affliction worse. No other Internet community has held my interest this long or to such a level. It must be something in the water. In the years I've been here, I have accumulated a respectable number of wikis on my watch list; pages I either own, am otherwise directly involved with, or keep an eye on for fun or work. One of the most important wikis on that list, one of the best ideas I ever had, is Portfolio Contest. My beloved brainchild. You should definitely take a look as soon as you finish reading this overly long description. That should be briefly, since I rather think I'm running out of things to say.

You see that drawing of a girl with a tophat and the Oxford English Dictionary? Yeah, that's me, as depicted by the lovely [Triola]. The drawing is a link to a wiki where I've put random facts about myself. If, after all this rambling, you are still interested in knowing more about me, do drop by. You may find that I'm even more off my tree than you previously thought!

I would like to tell you that I'm always up for a chat, but that would be a lie, and quite the blatant one at that. Do not, however, be discouraged from sending me a message. I don't guarantee a deeply intellectual conversation, or even a silly one, but at least it will show up in your member statistics. Also, to be quite serious, I do attempt to reply to any Elftown-related inquiries as soon as possible.

Chibi Lami (above) © [Triola].
CBW banner (below) © [pixish].

Coal black wings

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