Page name: linoldbio6 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-07 10:03:55
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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That is, hello. You have ventured into the house of a strange little creature. Hopefully, you'll enjoy your stay.

Poet; perhaps the largest part of me. I love writing so much I can't imagine what my life would be without it. Through my poems and other texts I express my thoughts, my feelings, and the turns of my sometimes twisted imagination.

Coal black wings for my poetry.
Finnish Poetry for the poetry of myself and some other Finns in our mother tongue.

Singer; what my blood makes me, apart from a writer. I find joy and comfort in raising my voice to sing, and it is indeed another thing I could not live without.

Wild spirit; unwilling to bend to the unspoken rules of society that state what I should be like. I am and always will be exactly what I want. If it earns me labels such as 'tree hugger,' 'freak,' et cetera, then so be it.

Sensitive; I dislike crowds, crammed spaces, loud noises, bright lights, strong smells. People's moods affect me, and unkind words get to me. I have never been quite as social as others would have liked me to be.

HSP United for insight to highly sensitive people such as myself.

Loving; despite everything I've been through in my short life and the bitterness that stems from it, there is still much love hidden in this small body. I love many things and many people in my life and for that ability, at least, I must be grateful.

Heathen; I belong to no church, stand behind no religion, worship no god or goddess. If I had to name a deity I believe in, it would probably be Mother Earth, Gaia, for on some level, I believe that nature has a collective consciousness. Otherwise, I'm agnostic.

...and much more; you'll find out if you get to know me.


Still with meow?


Fruits for you to pick

My personal ABC
Trivial knowledge of Calann
Calann's pictures
Letters from the edge


Do you know how to make the wind sing its melody?

I have drunk the nectar of life
and become intoxicated from it;
I have been hurt by scorn and laughter
to be eternally scarred within;
I have seen the beauty of the world
as well as its hideous, cruel face;
I have listened to music of all kinds
and cried upon the notes;
I have written and sung and danced
and will until my dying day


All graphics taken from Elftown Graphics.

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