Page name: loverapists [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-06 13:01:20
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 16
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This badge gives you power.
Just don't try raping a random person on the street, mere mortals find it disturbing, and you may be put in what they call a 'prison'.

love·rape - noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
- noun
1. the loving compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is lovingly forced upon a person.

love·rapist - a person who commits an act of loverape

It is to be noted that both the victim and the perpetrator are ultimately very willing.

Who are loverapists, and where can you find them?

Loverapists, as they are affectionately known (some prefer to call them caps lock humpers) can be found lounging around Elftown, raping almost anyone who passes by. Apart from that tramp in the corner. Some loverapists are part of the 'Cleavage Club' which is another elitist group.

Put simply, loverapists are made by other loverapists. You cannot become one on a whim. If we want you, we will rape you and give birth to you.

Our theme song:

A brief history of the loverapists

[Teufelsweib] raped [Levoton] and thus [sequeena_rae] was born.
[Linderel] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Teufelsweib] was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Linderel] and [Levoton] were born.
[sequeena_rae] raped [Teufelsweib] and thus [Tingis] was born.
[sequeena_rae] raped [Linderel] and thus [Jitter] was born.
[Jitter] raped [Linderel] and thus [Sunrose] and [Ocean Soul] were born.
[Jitter] and [Linderel] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [starry_bellend] and [Delladreing] were born.
[Linderel] raped [Ocean Soul] and thus [pixish] and [iippo] were born.
[Linderel] raped [Jitter] and thus [someelf] was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped...Well, everyone, and from [sequeena_rae] [Atayemi] was born.
...from [Linderel] [Nita] was born.
...from [Jitter] [Melocrie] was born.
...from [Teufelsweib] herself another [Teufelsweib] was born
[Jitter] and [Tingis] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Nite_Owl] was born.
[Nite_Owl] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Keii] was born.
[Linderel] raped [Tingis] and thus [Columbine Goblinglow] was born.
[Jitter] raped [Linderel] and thus [Triola] was born.
[Triola] raped everyone with a condom but [Jitter] gave birth anyway to another [Teufelsweib]
[Triola] raped [sequeena_rae] and evil Lami was born :O
[sequeena_rae] raped herself and [Angel In Red] was born.
[Angel In Red] raped [Linderel] and a mini squee was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped [Linderel] and [Tableau Vivant] was born!

<sings>we are family...</sings>


Supreme illustrious [sequeena_rae]
Supreme illustrious [Linderel]
Supreme illustrious [Teufelsweib]
Supreme illustrious [Levoton]
Supreme illustrious [Tingis]
Supreme illustrious [Jitter]
Supreme illustrious [Sunrose]
Supreme illustrious [Ocean Soul]
Supreme illustrious [starry_bellend]
Supreme illustrious [Delladreing]
Supreme illustrious [pixish]
Supreme illustrious [iippo]
Supreme illustrious [someelf]
Supreme illustrious [Atayemi]
Supreme illustrious [Nita]
Supreme illustrious [Melocrie]
Supreme illustrious [Nite_Owl]
Supreme illustrious [Keii]
Supreme illustrious [Columbine Goblinglow]
Supreme illustrious [Triola]
Supreme illustrious [Angel In Red]
Supreme illustrious [Tableau Vivant]

Username (or number or email):


2007-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: oh wow, I returned after quite a while and well... we seemed to have grown :P

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Yes, we have. :3 *humps*

2007-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: *rapes everyone here* ^___^

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om o____O

2007-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: ...*just realized the consequences* O___O

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: *giggle*

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: ...SQUEEVORK!!! XD
I nominate [Atayemi] to be born from me!

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Bweeee. xD

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: *is raped* Can I give birth to [Melocrie]? :P

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Sure. xD

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: *gives birth to [Melocrie]* xD

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: Homg I was booooorn! XP

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om! xD

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: Another person who says 'om'?! XD

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Yeah, it's kinda... infectious... :P

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: xD It makes me laugh.
Mainly because I see it everyday in Squee's mood. :P

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Hihi. x3

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: :P

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: ...Om

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om. *nod*

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: Om my God xD

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Who what where? :O

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: Just wanted to om say om as well om :D

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om. :D

2007-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: om my om! :O

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: SHIT!

2007-04-23 [Teufelsweib]: I raped myself =3

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om noes a double. o___O

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: Om doppelganger lmao

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: OM! XP

2007-04-23 [someelf]: Oh my god! I was born! I even didn't realize =O!!!
*Hugs [Linderel] and [Jitter]* MOMIES! =3

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: My giiiirl :D <3 *huggles*

2007-04-23 [someelf]: *giggles more and nuzzles* I got two mothers.. That's so freaking awesome xD

2007-04-23 [Atayemi]: So have I! :D

2007-04-23 [someelf]: ^__^ We be lublubed =3

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: How many [Teufelsweib]s do we have now? xD

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Umm, two or three, depends on how you count I guess. :P

2007-04-24 [Nite_Owl]: Wow, lotta rapin goin on XD Owlie must get in on this geniusness hehehe

2007-04-24 [Teufelsweib]: there are enough [Teufelsweib]s for everyone! =D

2007-04-24 [Linderel]: Om. xD

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: Wow I'm a bit late to notice I'm born too 0_o well, thank you mom and mom!

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: You see! We do NOT need men!!

2007-04-24 [Teufelsweib]: you're welcome XD
and indeed, women can survive with a refridgerator only! :O

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: Om someone rape me I must give birth to t3h owlie!!!!!

2007-04-24 [Teufelsweib]: tuala didn't rape anyone yet! :O

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: [Tingis] rape meeeeeeee!

2007-04-24 [Jitter]: *rapes squee*

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: Lmaooooo!!

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: *rapes the squee with great passion*

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: Homgggg!

2007-04-24 [Teufelsweib]: XD!!!!! you got double lucky tonight :P

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: *giggle* :3

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: I'm so proud ^^

2007-04-24 [Jitter]: hahaha xD

2007-04-24 [Linderel]: Om, another double rape. xD

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: Om is getting violent around here xD

2007-04-24 [Linderel]: *slaps Squee's arse* Bwaha. :P

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: O_O

2007-04-24 [Linderel]: You know you like it ;3

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: You know I really feel like raping Slavork

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: *glare* My kindeys hurt :( (no really, they do xD)
Rape heeer!

2007-04-24 [Tingis]: *rapes vorkje* do you drink enough water squee?

2007-04-24 [sequeena_rae]: Erm, I don't know o.o
By that response, probably not xD

2007-04-24 [Linderel]: *pets t3h Squee*

2007-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: EEP!!! *is raped* ^___^ hmm.. who to give birth to now... =P

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: Hehehe, Owlie's been birthed :P Now I must stake out willing victims of loverape, mmmmyisyis

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: Yes yes Owlie, fly my pretty flyyy!!!

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: *stares at squee and raises brow suggestively* Wht helllloooo there..... tee-hee >:D

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: *innocent* Yeeees Owlie?

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: *lecherous grin* hehehe...mmmmmyes indeed....mwah!! *pounceglomplovelerape--weeeeeeee!* XD

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: Wheeeeeeee! *insert BOINK noises here* Om Owlie is a pervert, and omg who to give birth tooooooooo? I pick....[Keii]!!!

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: Aw, an adorable little loverape child of my very own :P And I am quite proud of my pervertedness, it accomplishes much hehe

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: Yes, we shall rule the world!

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: Huzzah for absolute monarchies (aka renamed totalitarianism)! >:D

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: I get first dibs on the UK >.>

2007-04-25 [Nite_Owl]: Sure--you take Eurasia and I'll take the Americas, and then we'll divide the rest in half, how's that? As long as we get free BBC channels around the globe :D That'd be nifty.

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: Al righty! Free BBC channels for everyone!!

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: Om :O

2007-04-25 [Tingis]: But me hasn't given birth to anyone yet *cries*

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: :o *rapes Tuala*

2007-04-25 [Tingis]: Yay, i feel loved ^_^ now who we give birth to?

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: I don't know o_O

2007-04-25 [Tingis]: ourselves..? 0_o

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: *snicker* That would be interesting. xP

2007-04-25 [Ocean Soul]: Well, vork did it =P

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: This is indeed true. xD

2007-04-25 [Tingis]: Indeed, and we are both children from Slavork!

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: Wait a minute, we have a theme song? *clicky*

2007-04-25 [Linderel]: Oh wow. Nirvana. I likes this thinking! :D

2007-04-25 [Ocean Soul]: I didn't know T__T *listens to it*

2007-04-25 [Jitter]: hahah It sprang to mind O:)

2007-04-25 [Columbine Goblinglow]: Tuala's baby says ':D am I a baby now ? :O xD'

2007-04-25 [Tingis]: bwahaa xD

2007-04-25 [Teufelsweib]: Nirvana! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3

2007-04-25 [sequeena_rae]: *listens*

2007-04-25 [Teufelsweib]:


2007-04-25 [someelf]: Awwe ^^

2007-04-26 [Nite_Owl]: Hehehe,I bet I can guess the theme song lol :P We were singing "Rape Me" in class the other day and security got angry and went Nazi on our asses.....oopsies XD

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: Err... have they no sense of humour? :P

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: You have security? :P

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: It is the US so I wouldn't be surprised in the least that some schools might, and do...

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: You learn things everyday xD

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: Uh-huh. *humps*

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *hump hump* I think we have college police or something..But I never see them...Unless it's the men in the neon yellow coats...Freakaaay.

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: Neon yellow...? o___O *goes blind from the mere thought* Aieeee!

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: Mmmhmm, it's quite a sight XD

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: Eheh... I'll take your word for it. xP

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: Please do xD

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *rapes*

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *raped* Waaaah! *attacks with bag full of bricks*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *does kitty eyes at Squee* :3

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: ..No! I won't fall for it!!!

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *blink* Meow~

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: Noooooooooooooooooo!

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: =^_^= *purrs at*

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *crushes*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *dies and is dead*

2007-04-26 [Teufelsweib]: everyone here is taking over the squee talk :P

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: Om will never defeat the master :P

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *buries Lami* XD

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *is still dead and starting to rot*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *breaks free from the grave* BRRAAAAAAINSSSS

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: ...Shit *runs*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *shuffles behind Squee* Gargh arghhh.

2007-04-26 [Tingis]: Watch out for my demonical mosquito bite!! =O

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *decapitates*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: (Which one, Squee? :P)

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: (Lami mais bien sur :P)

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: (Same in English, please? xP)
*wanders around looking for head*

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: (you, but of course :P)

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: (Haha xD)
*trips over own gravestone and falls to the hole*

2007-04-26 [sequeena_rae]: *quickly dumps mud over*

2007-04-26 [Linderel]: *snores* o__O

2007-04-27 [Nite_Owl]: *watches from nearby tree* (O,o) oooooooooooo.....hehe...

2007-04-29 [Linderel]: *mumbles and digs herself back up, then curls up around gravestone* Mmmm... zzzz...

2007-04-30 [sequeena_rae]: Hokay, so we now have an owl and a resident zombie o.O

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: A very sleepy zombie at that. xP

2007-04-30 [sequeena_rae]: Okay, a drugged zombie xD

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: Hahahahaha. xD

2007-04-30 [sequeena_rae]: *giggle*

2007-04-30 [Teufelsweib]: *bounces through this scenario in an easter bunny suit with a baseball bat*

2007-04-30 [Linderel]: Holy shite o___O

2007-05-01 [Teufelsweib]: <img:> =3

2007-05-01 [Tingis]: 0_o

2007-05-01 [Jitter]: roflmao

2007-05-01 [sequeena_rae]: I want one xD

2007-05-01 [Linderel]: Oh that is so vulgar. xD

2007-05-01 [sequeena_rae]: It's awesome x)

2007-05-01 [Teufelsweib]: I know what to give for Squee's next birthday! XD
it's from a catalogue called "Large" and I get that every few months to order awesome clothes from like that =D XD

2007-05-01 [sequeena_rae]: Lmfaoooooo!!!

2007-05-02 [Nite_Owl]: <==greatest site ever XD They have a USB rocket launcher I want really bad lol Nerdcore man, nerdcore (^,~)

2007-05-02 [sequeena_rae]: *noses*


2007-08-27 [Linderel]: *pounces*

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: *frolicks with* xD

2007-08-27 [Jitter]: *spanks*

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: *gets mental image of flowery fields with two nekkid cookies running around hand in hand*


2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: LMFAO! XDDDDD

Lami, you crack me up xD

And Jitters; *spankx10*!!

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: We aim to please ;3

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: *bows to*

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: *gropes*

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: RAPEZ!

2007-08-27 [Teufelsweib]: ...squee is majorly digging up old wikis :P

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: No, I dug this up actually :P
I missed the action <3 *molests Vork*

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: I am fucking not lmao!

2007-08-27 [Teufelsweib]: omg.. YOU did, Lami?! XD
whootz *fucks lami back*

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: It was my idea in the first place, damnit! xP
Or... partly anyways. Squee is also to blame :P

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: Err, I am? XD

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: I think you are :P

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: nuh uh is all [Levoton] and [Teufelsweib] xD

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: Yeaaaaaah right :P
It was you I had that conversation about elitist groups with ;3

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: Oh yeah xD

But squeevork raped Keys at Elftown Graphics lmao

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: Heh.
Oh well, doesn't matter really. *slobber*

2007-08-27 [sequeena_rae]: Nope what matters is that we were all born >:D

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: Uhu <3 *spanks*

2007-08-27 [Teufelsweib]: you know... if you read through the raping-thing.. it's a sport getting sense out of it :P

2007-08-27 [Linderel]: Eh? :P

2007-08-28 [sequeena_rae]: Lmao xD

2007-09-07 [Jitter]: *rapes all around so she can drag [Triola] in*

2007-09-07 [Linderel]: :D
Can I be the mom, pleaaaaaaase? :3

2007-09-07 [Jitter]: OK ^__^

2007-09-07 [Linderel]: Yaaaaaaay! :D *slobbers*

2007-09-08 [Triola]: :O *loverapes everyone, but with condom so as not to create any ebil spawn >.>*

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: Ofmg! :O :P

2007-09-08 [Jitter]: Aww xD *condom breaks and I produce another [Teufelsweib]*

2007-09-08 [Triola]: Oh noes, another Slavork! :O

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: We are going to have a lot of Vorkjes here :P

2007-09-08 [Triola]: ... perhaps I can use a Slavork army to counteract Viking's catgirl army when I take over the world...? *ponders*

2007-09-08 [Jitter]: We can never have enough of Vorkjes xD

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: :O
*is one of the catgirls*

2007-09-08 [Triola]: :O enemy!

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: You got that right <3<3<3<3 *lubs upon Vorkje*

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: Meow? :3 *tilts head*
I is also Vorkje's sister :P

2007-09-08 [Triola]: ... oh, darn it, don't do that... >.< ... *fingers itching to reach out and pet*

2007-09-08 [Triola]: Which makes Slavork my... aunt? You being my mother? o.O

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: *purrrrs at you*

Hahaha xD Possibly :P

2007-09-08 [Teufelsweib]: how many mothers do I have? :P

2007-09-08 [Triola]: Many, yourself included :P

2007-09-08 [Teufelsweib]: this place is fucking vorkje invested X_X

2007-09-08 [Linderel]: I dunno xD Three, including yourself? :P
And I'm your da, too xD

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