Page name: loverapists [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-01-06 13:01:20
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
# of watchers: 16
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This badge gives you power.
Just don't try raping a random person on the street, mere mortals find it disturbing, and you may be put in what they call a 'prison'.

love·rape - noun, verb, raped, rap·ing.
- noun
1. the loving compelling of a woman through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse.
2. any act of sexual intercourse that is lovingly forced upon a person.

love·rapist - a person who commits an act of loverape

It is to be noted that both the victim and the perpetrator are ultimately very willing.

Who are loverapists, and where can you find them?

Loverapists, as they are affectionately known (some prefer to call them caps lock humpers) can be found lounging around Elftown, raping almost anyone who passes by. Apart from that tramp in the corner. Some loverapists are part of the 'Cleavage Club' which is another elitist group.

Put simply, loverapists are made by other loverapists. You cannot become one on a whim. If we want you, we will rape you and give birth to you.

Our theme song:

A brief history of the loverapists

[Teufelsweib] raped [Levoton] and thus [sequeena_rae] was born.
[Linderel] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Teufelsweib] was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Linderel] and [Levoton] were born.
[sequeena_rae] raped [Teufelsweib] and thus [Tingis] was born.
[sequeena_rae] raped [Linderel] and thus [Jitter] was born.
[Jitter] raped [Linderel] and thus [Sunrose] and [Ocean Soul] were born.
[Jitter] and [Linderel] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [starry_bellend] and [Delladreing] were born.
[Linderel] raped [Ocean Soul] and thus [pixish] and [iippo] were born.
[Linderel] raped [Jitter] and thus [someelf] was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped...Well, everyone, and from [sequeena_rae] [Atayemi] was born.
...from [Linderel] [Nita] was born.
...from [Jitter] [Melocrie] was born.
...from [Teufelsweib] herself another [Teufelsweib] was born
[Jitter] and [Tingis] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Nite_Owl] was born.
[Nite_Owl] raped [sequeena_rae] and thus [Keii] was born.
[Linderel] raped [Tingis] and thus [Columbine Goblinglow] was born.
[Jitter] raped [Linderel] and thus [Triola] was born.
[Triola] raped everyone with a condom but [Jitter] gave birth anyway to another [Teufelsweib]
[Triola] raped [sequeena_rae] and evil Lami was born :O
[sequeena_rae] raped herself and [Angel In Red] was born.
[Angel In Red] raped [Linderel] and a mini squee was born.
[Teufelsweib] raped [Linderel] and [Tableau Vivant] was born!

<sings>we are family...</sings>


Supreme illustrious [sequeena_rae]
Supreme illustrious [Linderel]
Supreme illustrious [Teufelsweib]
Supreme illustrious [Levoton]
Supreme illustrious [Tingis]
Supreme illustrious [Jitter]
Supreme illustrious [Sunrose]
Supreme illustrious [Ocean Soul]
Supreme illustrious [starry_bellend]
Supreme illustrious [Delladreing]
Supreme illustrious [pixish]
Supreme illustrious [iippo]
Supreme illustrious [someelf]
Supreme illustrious [Atayemi]
Supreme illustrious [Nita]
Supreme illustrious [Melocrie]
Supreme illustrious [Nite_Owl]
Supreme illustrious [Keii]
Supreme illustrious [Columbine Goblinglow]
Supreme illustrious [Triola]
Supreme illustrious [Angel In Red]
Supreme illustrious [Tableau Vivant]

Username (or number or email):


2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: BOLLOCKS!
Stupid badge.

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Oh for goodness sake >_<

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: It'll do >.>

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: We loves it. :D *hump*

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: W00t!! *hump hump*

2007-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: oh wow!!! =D

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: :D

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om so hilarious. xD

2007-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: om lami did you start omming too? XD

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Apparently I did. xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Om X)

2007-04-22 [Tingis]: whahahahahaha

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om. xP

2007-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: OM xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Om [Tingis]!! :D

2007-04-22 [someelf]: Oh god o_o

2007-04-22 [Teufelsweib]: =D!!

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: *giggle*

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Yaaaay. xD This is so tired. :P

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: What is xD

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: ...wait, no, I take that back.
Om we are so awesome! xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: We absolutely effing rock!

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Right!
... I haven't been raped yet. :o xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Haven't you? :o *rapes!!!*

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Oooooh! <3
*gives birth to Jitters* xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Yeeeeeaaaaah!!! :D

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: Oh my xD *rapes Linderel*

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: o_____O
Another baby is born and its name is... Sunrose? :O

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: I don't know xD Let's get twins Sunrose and Ocean Soul :P

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om yes! :D

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Om another pair of twins :D My, we are fertile xD

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: lol

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Very. xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Someone rape meeeee I want twins xD

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: I want twins IRL -.- *rapes squee*

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Come on, let's do a gangbang! *rapes Squee*

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Practice makes perfect jitter ;D YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Woooohooooo! xD

2007-04-22 [sequeena_rae]: Omg!!!!

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om. The family just keeps on growing. :P

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: Omg I'm the offspring of jittings and Linderel and Sunrose is my sister? xD

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: twin even xD

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Yup. xD

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: interesting =P

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: The thing with me, Vorkje, Squee and Keys is pretty interesting as well. xD I'll get a headache sorting that out. :P

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: It seems you are squees mother and daugther, and vice versa xD

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: No, that's Squee and Vorkje and Ki and Vorkje. I am Vorkje's mother and daughter. xD

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: Omg see, I am already confused x_x

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: That's okay, it's not uncommon. :D *rapes*

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: Omg *is raped* O.O

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Who shall be born this time? :D

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: I don't know >> Any idea?

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Hmmm. Pixaysh? iippo? xP

2007-04-22 [Ocean Soul]: both? seems a lot of twins come out of the loveraping xP

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om! Okay. xD

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: hahah xD reminds me of old nice IRCing days xD

I haven't been raped yet

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Eh? :P

2007-04-22 [Linderel]: Om, who shall do the honours? :O

2007-04-22 [Jitter]: nevermind xD

2007-04-23 [Sunrose]: om how did I get in this? :P

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: I gave birth to you. xP

2007-04-23 [Sunrose]: wow :P

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: *giggle*

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Hmm. :3 *rapes Jitters*
Om stealthraping. <_<

2007-04-23 [Levoton]: Why are there only girls in here? =P

2007-04-23 [Ocean Soul]: Maybe because it's weird when a guy writes "*rapes you*"? >_>

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Girls' club... Our orgies are always girls-only, too. xD

2007-04-23 [Levoton]: Well, actually, it sounds much less weird if a guy says it... :P But I see your point.

2007-04-23 [Ocean Soul]: Quiet when I'm trying to be smart xP
Naw, you're right, and I'm right, so we're alright xD

2007-04-23 [Levoton]: Hahah. xP

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: Om I'm raped by Lin? *gives birth to Elfy*

2007-04-23 [Vou]: D: Wow. You guys are awesome.. xD

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: yeah we like girlpr0n ;p

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: Definitely only girls XP

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Om yay! xD

2007-04-23 [sequeena_rae]: Om our family is growing x)

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Yeah! :D Does everyone have time to rape everyone at least once before we run out of people to give birth to? xP

2007-04-23 [Jitter]: we can give birth to us again xD

2007-04-23 [Linderel]: Hahaha. xD

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