Page name: Prelude to Ducky [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-06 18:57:10
Last author: Easterling
Owner: Mirime
# of watchers: 24
D20: 9
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(By [Mirime])


(By [True, plain and simple])



New banner for Ducky, made by [Easterling]. It also contains a new, brilliant quote from this very wise Elftowner. ;)

The wisdom of [All_Most PUNK]...

on the salem witch trials and 'trial by ordeal': "They had to declare you innocent after you drowned. After all, you can't burn when you are totally wet."

"A five day weekend isn't a weekend... is a week with an inferiority complex."

"I've always believed in democratic consensus... And then I take the final desicion and crush anybody who doesn't agree with me under my heels."

His way of expressing his opinions:

"I think that pizza with pineapple is wrong. Not the pizza, not the pineapple (I can't eat a lot of it, but I like it) but both things at the same time."

Ah, how we love our [All_Most PUNK]...

The musician...

The man of many faces...

His inventive spirit...

His playful nature...

His contemplative side...

It's impossible to upstage--- hey, is that other guy wearing chainmail--- his unique personality...

But he never loses his cool!

(He'll turn your world upside-down)

We Love Punky Ducky!

~[Mirime] (co-creator)
~[Sunrose] (co-creator)
~[Ocean Dreaming]
~[True, plain and simple]
~[Athene Noctua]
~[Sunny Silverunicorn]
+[Isilando] (Senior Member)
@[Ittai] : Oh my god! :D is that an acoustic?
~[Shreya] Who doesn't? :D
*[Aikon I] go worship his songs
#[The Dark Lord]
$[OvertheMoooon] I'm here under protest
~[jediaerin] Of course, Duck man! Fashionably late...
Ü [Levoton] Thanks for the pillows.
å [botlum]
& [Ihsahn] nice guitar :o
£ [Erestor]
~[Kaeirdwyn] probably should have put my name here nearer to the top to make you think I was here all along(which I was, at least in spirit)*hugs to my Ducky*
?[lady nytmare] not sure i should be here, but I luvs u! :p
[Teufelsweib] didn't find this wiki until punk told me about it >< a shame.
¤[someelf] me luff ducky/Punk ^-^ He's so cool :3 *secret fan* XD
§[HardRockAngel] Might as well add myself to the list, no? =P

Username (or number or email):


2005-04-10 [Mirime]: what else could it be?

2005-04-11 [All_Most PUNK]: Pixie: Magic and a lot of good wishes// Mir: Ah. And no, I don't. And don't give away all my secrets ;) // Pixie: It's not easy to accomplish that level of scruffness. But it's totally natural :D And scruffy is the exact word I like to use to describe it. // Mir: Well, it's not being dirty. I bath every day.

2005-04-12 [Mirime]: hehe, ok dear, I won't tell anything else ;)

2005-04-14 [All_Most PUNK]: Thanks :D

2005-04-14 [Wyndon]: Arrg!I feel like a nerd!

2005-04-14 [All_Most PUNK]: Why, Trigg?

2005-04-14 [Wyndon]: Well,me and my family were having a conversation about the philosophy of religion,and I got interested and so I entered the conversation and I couldn't beleave all the big words that came out of my mouth.

2005-04-16 [All_Most PUNK]: Well, and what position were you defending?

2005-04-18 [Wyndon]: Cute one.

2005-04-19 [All_Most PUNK]: You were defending the cute position about philosophy and religion?

2005-04-19 [Wyndon]: Oh.I thought you meant what family member position.Like the smart one and the talanted one.I was defending the position of the fact that(and it was also kinda a conversation about hate groups and gay marrage)that marrage is not about gender,age,religion or anything like that but it's about love.

2005-04-26 [All_Most PUNK]: Positions inside groups. I like to be the negative leader :D *hugs Trigg* Good for you, defending the sensible position. I'm proud. Of course, it was also the cute one :D

2005-04-28 [Wyndon]: =>.<=(Embaressed mew face)

2005-04-28 [All_Most PUNK]: :D

2005-05-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Thanks, Inshan. She apprecciates the comment. // Should I name my guitars? Neither of the two have a name. What do you think?

2005-05-04 [Ihsahn]: yes you should :O

2005-05-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Ok. I accept ideas, then. You can see one of them up there and the other... well, I don't have pictures of it, but it looks as a black strato.

2005-05-04 [Ihsahn]: hmmmmm I'l have to think on that

2005-08-31 [Wyndon]: It's almost mah birfday!

2005-09-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Happy almost birthday! :P

2005-09-04 [Wyndon]: Yep,september 9th,this upcoming friday

2005-10-19 [Mirime]: speaking of birthdays.... 10 Nov. approaches.... ;)

2005-10-20 [Wyndon]: *Heavenly choir*

2005-10-20 [All_Most PUNK]: Ohhh, a Kaer! :D *hugs his Kaer*

2005-10-20 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, 10 Nov is coming. And everybody knows what that means? I want presents!!! Also, and even more important, 10 Nov is Mir's birthday, so she wants presents too!

2005-10-20 [Sunrose]: Same birthday? omg, hehe ^_^

2005-10-20 [Mirime]: Yes.... a match made... somewhere >.>

2005-10-25 [All_Most PUNK]: Yep, Sun, same birhday. Scary, uh? // In Hell, of course *images of Bonnie and Clyde come to mind. Also images of sleeping come to mind, but that has nothing to do with the comments and everything to do with the time*

2005-10-25 [Mirime]: aww, nothing at all to do with me?

2005-10-25 [Sunrose]: Yes pretty scary :p // Aaaaahw....

2005-10-25 [Janouk]: OMG I have the same bithday as Itay :)

2005-10-25 [Sunrose]: :O Edit: and he came online when I read this!

2005-10-27 [Wyndon]: So,what's everyonje doing for halloween?

2005-10-27 [All_Most PUNK]: Mir: The first time I had written "images of bed" but I realized that that was going to be interpreted... well, in the interesting way. I always hope to dream with you, though. // Janouk: You share it? Who sees it on Sundays and who sees it during the week? // Sun: Nothing to say to you. Sorry :P // Jack: I prefered Trigg. Anyway, I'm doing nothing :D

2005-10-27 [Sunrose]: *cries* you're always out of words with me ;____;

2005-10-27 [Janouk]: I wish he wouldn't have anything to say to me because he confuses me ;___; :p What do you mean exactly? One could at least have the weekend, not just a Sunday, tsss...

2005-10-27 [All_Most PUNK]: Sun: Yeah, that seems to be happening a lot, isn't it? That's no good. // Janouk: I can totally stop talking to you, if that's what you want. I wouldn't like to confuse you. And it was a joke, as if it was a child and you were sharing the care of it. Anyway, I'm stopping the impossible explanation now.

2005-10-28 [Mirime]: hehehe well I understand punky dear ;)

2005-10-29 [Wyndon]: Lol

2005-10-29 [All_Most PUNK]: You always do, honey :) // Trigg: You are Trigg again :D Nice.

2005-10-29 [Wyndon]: Woot!

2005-10-29 [All_Most PUNK]: :D *hugs the little one*

2005-10-29 [Wyndon]: LOLI'm a teenager now!

2005-10-29 [All_Most PUNK]: Yeah, but for me you are still the little one... even if you are growing up. Kids these days grow so fast.

2005-10-29 [Wyndon]: Travie and Sergie try to kill other guys who hug me!*Giggle*

2005-10-29 [All_Most PUNK]: Really? I'm not especially worried. *hugs again* I'm sure I can with them *fierce smile*

2005-10-29 [Wyndon]: Tee hee!I'm bad.I'm going out with both of them!(And he doesn't know I'm going out with the other one)

2005-10-30 [Janouk]: I can totally stop talking to you, if that's what you want. :o NOooooO! That's not what I meant! And I got the joke ^^

2005-10-31 [All_Most PUNK]: Trigg: Ohhh. Bad, Trigg, bad. I'm still gonna hug you any time I want to. // 'nouk: Ok, then I'm not gonna stop talking to you. That is, if you ever answered messages ;)

2005-10-31 [Janouk]: *sobs* Well, it didn't take me 11 months last time ;-)

2005-11-01 [All_Most PUNK]: No, that's true. But I think you still have a very old unanswered message by me ;)

2007-08-26 [Wyndon]: ........... uhh....... this place still EXISTS O.o

2007-08-26 [Sunrose]: Jajajaja :P

2007-08-27 [Teufelsweib]: last comments were in 2005... beautiful :')

2007-08-28 [Kaeirdwyn]: Not they are now:P

2007-08-28 [Teufelsweib]: yes, but you know what I mean... don't spoil my moment! =p

2007-08-28 [iippo]: PUNK Moves! :P

2007-08-28 [Teufelsweib]: veni, vidi, laughi =p

2007-09-03 [All_Most PUNK]: This place is a state in the mind, it can't stop existing. Like me.

2007-09-03 [iippo]: I hope that sometime, if I concentrate and try long enough, I will reach the purifying All_Most PUNK state of mind... *dreamy*

2007-09-06 [Kaeirdwyn]: Ahhhh yes. The All_Most PUNK state of mind....we all wish for it, dream of it and it is always slightly out of reach...*smile*

2007-09-06 [Teufelsweib]: I once didn't sleep for 36 hours, I spent those watching cheap-ass gore movies and some disney ones... I think that was quite close to that state of mind. :)

2007-10-04 [Wyndon]: *Ish Zen*

2007-10-04 [All_Most PUNK]: I'm not sure if I like what you imply about my state of mind, Vorkje.
In any case, I'd prefer if iippo and the other people didn't reach my state of mind. I prefer to enjoy their states of mind. And I've said state of mind waaaay to much. I'm going to sleep.

2007-10-04 [Isilando]: What about saying state of mind in every sentece? Like, that we could circulate states of mind every week? Iippo's state of mind, pubky's state of mine, slavork state of mind, and other people's state of mind. It would be fun to change your state of mind every once in a while. My state of mind is getting me tired. So, state of mind that is. State of mind had a little lamp, little lamb, little lump.

2007-10-04 [iippo]: Isi is in a crazy state of mind. And why does Pubky get state of mine, I want my state of mind be all mine. >:S

2007-10-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Isi, some states of mind would be dangerous to be in. Like Charlie Manson's state of mind. Or those boring person's state of mind. You know the persons with boring states of mind I'm talking about.

I'm willing to sell mine.

2007-10-10 [iippo]: I'll buy it :)

2007-10-10 [All_Most PUNK]: What do you offer?

2007-10-10 [iippo]: I have this rubber chicken with a pulley in the middle...

2007-10-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Deal!

2007-10-11 [Wyndon]: I know how to fence using a rubber chicken

2007-10-11 [All_Most PUNK]: How?

2007-10-12 [Wyndon]: It's quite easy. I learned how to fence at the renaissance faire, then Katie and I just threw in the rubber chickens.

2007-10-12 [Easterling]: I hate rubber chickens. *shivers* I've never been able to even look at them for a long time.

2007-10-12 [All_Most PUNK]: Why? What do they cause to you?

2007-10-12 [Easterling]: *shivers* *gets cramps* D-don't talk about them...

2007-10-12 [All_Most PUNK]: O_O I've never seen that reaction to rubber chicken

2007-10-12 [Easterling]: J-just take them away please...

2007-10-12 [All_Most PUNK]: But there's none here :P

2007-10-12 [Wyndon]: I BEG TO DIFFER MUAHAHAHAHA!


2007-10-12 [Wyndon]: The chicken chokers are coming!!

2007-10-13 [All_Most PUNK]: Omg, we'll have problems O_O

2007-10-13 [Teufelsweib]: <img:ws23.gif>

2007-10-13 [All_Most PUNK]: OMG, Vorkje is here. Problems will be worse than I thought.

2007-10-13 [Teufelsweib]: I always come peeking around when I smell trouble =p

2007-10-13 [All_Most PUNK]: I think that it's the other way around: you bring the smell of trouble when you come peeking around.

2007-10-13 [Teufelsweib]: no, I bring the smell of fish.
the trouble follows the trail =p

2007-10-15 [Easterling]: *runs*

2007-10-18 [All_Most PUNK]: I hope she doesn't fall off that... Ouch... cliff.

2007-10-19 [Easterling]: *echo echo echo...*

2007-10-19 [All_Most PUNK]: *looks down cliff* Maaaan, duuude, this was a high cliff.

2007-10-19 [Easterling]: *shouts from the bottom of the cliff* Don't worry, I'm a Swede, my head didn't got hurt... XD

2007-10-19 [Teufelsweib]: which means I can from now on throw swedes of cliffs without guilty feelings? =D

2007-10-19 [iippo]: No Slavork, you really shouldn't, that's a waste of food. :/ *disapproves waste of food*

2007-10-19 [Teufelsweib]: but I like to play with my food...=(

2007-10-19 [iippo]: You can play with all the food you will eat afterwards. But if the food gets ruined in the play, you can't do that.

2007-10-19 [Teufelsweib]: who says it'll get ruined this way?=p

2007-10-19 [iippo]: If it doesn't, you can do it is all I'm saying. So if you'll go to the bottom of the cliff to get it back and then eat the swedes, then you can do it.

2007-10-19 [Teufelsweib]: will do, don't worry =D

2007-10-20 [Easterling]: Eat Swedes??.... *gets terrified* First rubber chickens and now that... I guess this isn't the right wiki for me to be in after all..

2007-10-21 [Mirime]: I like Swedish fish ^_^ but I've never tasted a Swede ;)
...don't worry though-- Punk's wiki is a safe zone!

2007-10-21 [Easterling]: I'm beginning to doubt that...

[Mirime], will you protect me from [Teufelsweib] and [iippo] ? O_O

2007-10-21 [Teufelsweib]: when I'm hungry, you'll need more people than that to stop me...
I never tasted a Swede either, but it sounds good=3

2007-10-21 [Easterling]: *shrieks*

2007-10-21 [Mirime]: *leaps in front of Easterling and tries to look brave*

Everyone knows Americans taste bad!

2007-10-21 [Easterling]: My heroess!! (^_^)

2007-10-21 [Viking]: Hey, there'll be no eating of people in here!
*glares at [Teufelsweib] and [iippo]*

2007-10-21 [Teufelsweib]: =D

2007-10-22 [iippo]: I think swede sounds bad. It's not unlike a turnip, oui? swede <-- Work your magic, Wikipedia!
Rutabaga!!! XD That is Easterling's new name! Forget Romualda, Rutabaga is here to stay!

2007-10-22 [All_Most PUNK]: *takes a look around, sees the madness and insanity that permeates modern society and turns it into an Elftowner-eats-elftowner world* *shrugs* *keeps walking*

2007-10-22 [iippo]: *walks with PUNK*

2007-10-22 [All_Most PUNK]: *keeps walking* *asks softly* Any idea where we are going?

2007-10-22 [iippo]: *also* I'm just following you. Maybe you're going to work?

2007-10-22 [All_Most PUNK]: Oh, I'm certainly about to leave for work. I have to go to... let's see... 4 places before, so I should arrive there in 3 hours or so. But we won't walk all the time, we'll take the subway at some points.

2007-10-22 [Teufelsweib]: *is left alone*

2007-10-22 [Easterling]: *throws a tomatoe on iippo* I'm not going to accept that... *refuses to be a vegetable*

2007-10-24 [All_Most PUNK]: That's what happens when you try to eat everybody around you, Allison :P

2007-10-25 [Teufelsweib]: so THAT'S the reason why =p

2007-10-25 [All_Most PUNK]: Exactly. What did you think it was?

2007-10-25 [Teufelsweib]: ...I'll not answer that =3

2007-10-25 [All_Most PUNK]: Ok, good. I know why catholic priests run from you already.

2007-10-29 [Kaeirdwyn]: But you don't know why they run from ME!!! *grin*

2007-10-29 [All_Most PUNK]: It's because of what Slavork said about you.

2007-10-29 [Teufelsweib]: I am above you.

2007-11-06 [Kaeirdwyn]: Slavork said something about me??? TO who?? The priests? *Cackle cackle* Interesting...Very very interesting...

2007-11-07 [Teufelsweib]: I have no idea what I said about you, actually =p

2007-11-07 [All_Most PUNK]: Nothing, she said nothing. Don't listen to me.

2007-11-09 [Kaeirdwyn]: LMAO Tell me now!!!!...get's out big giant white lights to put around Punks head for the interrogation....*grinning madly and getting excited*

2007-11-09 [Mirime]: Guess whose birthday is coming up? :D

2007-11-09 [All_Most PUNK]: It was nothing :P

Mir: Yours! Wheee! I'm great at this guessing game ;)

2007-11-09 [Mirime]: Weeeellll, since this is your page, I was actually referring to your birthday :D

But since they are on the same day I guess it doesn't matter ;)

2007-11-09 [Easterling]: <img:>
Happy birthday, dear friend! (^_^)
(I guess I should have wrapped the present in nice-looking paper or something... but.. hope you like it anyway...)

2007-11-10 [All_Most PUNK]: Mir: But yours is more important for me than mine ;D
Happy birthday :D *huggles*

Elin: Thank you very much! And it's a beautiful present :D

By the way, it's still not my birthday here (one hour short from the 10th) so I'm not sure if this will give me bad luck or not.

2007-11-10 [Easterling]: It won't - because it was way past midnight over here when I sent it and the present was from me, so.. And - I didn't think you were superstitious?
  Don't worry - I wish you all the good luck in the world, and with a whole wiki-member-list to wish the same thing to you I'd say you're completely safe. (^_^)

2007-11-10 [iippo]: Happy PUNK and Mir's birthday to everybody! :P *celebrates*

2007-11-15 [All_Most PUNK]: Ah, good. And yeah, but I wouldn't temp luck anyway >_>


2007-11-15 [Easterling]: What do you mean with "temp luck"?

2007-11-15 [All_Most PUNK]: I meant "tempt".

2007-11-15 [Easterling]: But... eh.. oh, never mind, then...

Celebrating, yes! *does that, too*

2007-12-12 [All_Most PUNK]: New banner! :D

2008-07-17 [someelf]: <ducky! *glomps* me found wiki thanks to Easterling x33

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: <img:44166_1164145241.gif>

2008-07-17 [someelf]: *knuffels*

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: :O Knuffles?

2008-07-17 [someelf]: I meant hug xD *talking Dutch* -giggles- Sorreh :3

2008-07-17 [Teufelsweib]: you even used english grammar on the dutch word :P

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: Aha :D *abrazo*

2008-07-17 [someelf]: Yeah, I tried to write English but was thinking in Dutch xD -me sozzy-

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: Okeyo.

2008-07-17 [someelf]: ^^' But.. *Tackle hugs* x3

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: Iiihh!

2008-07-17 [Easterling]: *tickles*

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: So much love :P

2008-07-18 [someelf]: *Tackles <Ducky* :D *luffles* <33

2008-07-18 [Easterling]: Love and tackling..

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: *is tackled and fall to the ground on his face*

2008-07-18 [someelf]: O.O *pulls a pillow under him* x3

2008-07-18 [Teufelsweib]: *laughs at*

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: *is all pained on the face*

2008-07-18 [Easterling]: Do you want pitying?

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: Nop. I just want people not throwing me to the ground.

2008-07-18 [Easterling]: So.. you're telling them about how much pain there is and you think that'll make them stop?

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: It's a long shot, I know.

2008-07-18 [Easterling]: You can defend yourself instead!

2008-07-18 [Teufelsweib]: fight back!

2008-07-18 [All_Most PUNK]: *kicks Slavork*

2008-07-18 [Easterling]: *cough* not her.. she's not the one that attacked you..

2008-07-18 [Teufelsweib]: :O *throws hatchett*

2008-07-19 [All_Most PUNK]: To Elin? O_O

2008-07-19 [Teufelsweib]: no, to the one who kicked me? :P

2008-07-19 [Easterling]: Of course to the one who kicked her. You can't just kick Slavork and think you can get away with it...

2008-07-19 [All_Most PUNK]: She seems to doubt it. Maybe even she doesn't know.

And I think I can get away with it.

2008-07-19 [Easterling]: X) You....

2008-07-19 [All_Most PUNK]: Me.

2008-08-03 [Easterling]: *visiting this wiki for a very particular reason*

2008-08-04 [All_Most PUNK]: Ohhh, mysterious!

2008-08-04 [Easterling]: Yeahhhh :D

2009-07-01 [pixish]: *nudges*

2009-07-01 [All_Most PUNK]: *winks winks*

2009-10-20 [Kaeirdwyn]: *hugs* Punky!!!!

2009-10-21 [All_Most PUNK]: *is hugged* :O

2010-10-17 [pixish]: wiki bomb :D

2010-10-18 [Mirime]: ^__^

2010-10-18 [pixish]: ^__^!

2010-10-18 [All_Most PUNK]: And the place exploded? :O

2010-10-18 [pixish]: with confetti :)!

2010-10-19 [All_Most PUNK]: Like a pignata?

2010-10-19 [pixish]: Something like that, except no lollies!

2010-10-19 [All_Most PUNK]: Why not? :O

2010-10-21 [pixish]: The ants would get to them :o

2010-10-21 [All_Most PUNK]: O_O Ants?!

2010-10-21 [pixish]: they like lollies

2010-10-25 [All_Most PUNK]: But where do they come from?

2010-10-29 [pixish]: The ocean :p

2010-11-02 [All_Most PUNK]: Are you sure you are talking about ants and not about dolphins?

2010-11-05 [pixish]: Dolphins don't like lollies

2010-11-08 [All_Most PUNK]: What do they like?

2010-11-11 [pixish]: Tuna :)

2010-11-15 [All_Most PUNK]: I like tuna too!

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