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Eyden13 (sleepy)

Member #188315 created: 2009-08-14 18:56:49Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Jessica M. Calaway

My new Tattoo

Drawing missing.

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Hi! Welcome to Eyden's Humble abode.

I've been gone for three years as I've gone through college and some much needed growing up. I have finally figured out what I want to do with my life, which means I'm here for good. Please be patient with me as I get everything back on track.

I love to role play, read and writer. After all that's why I'm here. A book/story/ RP draws into a different world. When I open the cover of a book a portal opens up, allowing me to explore and imagine a world different or similar to my own. That incredible feeling sweeps over me, making me feel that anything is possible. Over time I managed to open that portal by myself without any book or story. I could do this because I was creating my own world. My own place to let my imagination roam free like a bird in the sky. This special place that I create is filled with emotion and experiences that I have gained through my life time.

I started writing because it makes the emotions I feel, the places I created, and my views seem more real. As if I could actually touch, feel, or even smell what I dream of. Thus I am creating a portal to a different world for someone else to see and experience. Knowing that I can give someone else that amazing feeling I get when I open an book is a feeling that has no defined definition. I can only hope that the readers of my works are able to draw in my perceptions, and experience the stories for themselves.

So Roam Free I Will

Eyden Crew Application


My RpsMy Writings My Readings
A Book Of Miss Guided Fairytales

Eyden's Brain Babies
Eyden's Stories
Eyden's Characters
Character of Eyden

Eyden's Reading List 2011
Eyden's Reading List 2014

My Contributions My Pages My Fun
Elftown Writing Workshops
Assemble of The Character Challenge RP Room
Musical History
Greek Mythology

Fruits Basket Zodiac- mod
Pubs, Guinness and the Irish Luck- own

Aeo's ET Adoptables
Chess Tournament
Child Abuse Haters
ET roleplayers
Maze of Guile
The RPers
Thats the way the cookie crumbles
Writing Addicts Anonymous


Storm Queit Dragon

by: [Eyden13]

As tears ran down her face, she died slowly inside for her show of weakness.
Rain pounded down on the ground, symbolizing the rush of blood.
Her heart pounded in her ears, causing her to hear her life receding.
The thunder clashed

Fear rushed in her veins, as she wondered what would come next.
As her father rushed her, panic enveloped her body.
She felt pain throb, her body reflecting her internal being
As glass pierced her skin, the thunder covered her screams.

No one came to help, for no one heard
As her father came, no one cared enough
To stop the Storm

by: [Eyden13]

If I scream will I be heard.
This shape I am put in as a punishment.
I see her descendent
Holding the amulet close
Only to have questions with no answer
But you see she is wrong
For I have all the answer she needs
But I can not speak
I, in the shape of a dragon, can not answer
Even thou I can clear the skies.
She will sit there
Only to have questions
That shall only be answered when the curse is broken
Until then I shall love her quietly
Just as I watched her assertor
Trying to find a place
Only for her


Feel Free To leave A message!


<img:stuff/aj/188315/1320359195.jpg>   <img:stuff/aj/188315/1281065947.gif> <img:stuff/aj/188315/1320357246.gif>
My house is a Safe Zone  -Midsummer writer winner for 2010

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Age: 23Year of birth: 1991Month of birth: 11Day of birth: 23

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 27°11.652'N 82°39.660'W

Place of living: USA-Florida

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Computer interests
emailmusicstrategy games
videoweb design

folk musicgrungehip hop
jazznew ageopera

Other interests
board gamesbooksbridge
card gamescookingcrime stories
plantspoetryrole playing
theatreThe Town Heraldtravelling

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Height: 163

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