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Maeve104 (Eyes open, kid. Eyes open.)

Member #181774 created: 2007-01-31 17:34:53Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share


A photo of a drawing I made of Geranothe the drac-lizard. I'm still in the process of finishing it. Done in colored pencil.


A beautiful sunset entered in the Landscapes 2009-10 competition.

Elftown Badges:
<img:stuff/Worm1.gif> <img:stuff/CostumeDesigners2.gif> <img:img/new/Donnorart2.gif> <img:/img/new/DonorPoemVday2.gif> <img:img/new/DonnorPoem2.gif> <img:stuff/pheacock1.png>

These mean I'm one of the Donors of Writing after winning the Elftown Creature Marathon for Vampire Poetry, one of the ET Artisans, Donors of art, one of the Saint Valentine Poets, Daily Poets and one of the ]Reviewers@wiki]!

Elftown titles and orders
AdventurerTravelling bard

Hooooookay, so the old description was getting rather boring, so here's a new one for y'all! ^^

Maeve:Noun-Gaelic. Definition: Songbird.

I do not judge, I do not pester, I do not make rude gestures or talk about your mother. I do not long for company, but I don't mind making friends. :) I do not give out personal information either. Pretend I'm that stranger on the train who you only know for the span of time in which you share a car. You may not know their history, or even their name, but they are pleasant enough to share some time and a few tidbits of information with. A story, a song, a piece of advice for the road.

Which is strange, because I've never been on a train. O.o I think it'd be like riding on a bus, but maybe noisier and slower. Unless it was a bullet train. But I always picture trains like the ones that were built back in the 1800's-all whistle-ey and smoky and clanky. :D Fun fun.

I'm also a teacher in the Elftown Academy!
Come learn about Fencing.

Check out my RP characters!

Maeve104's Characters Bio Page

Check out my art!

Maeve104's Art Page

Maeve104's Art(still in progress)

Maeve104's Poetry Page

Quote Collection

It is there, spinning and swirling in front of me. The thing I want most is right before my eyes, but I cannot grasp it. For if I do it will become bent, misshapen, a broken shadow of a true dream. It is fragile, so you must wait for it to come to you, that teasing and twisting butterfly. -Unknown

Everything is funnier if you add "Ye Olde" to the front of it or "In Space!" to the end of it. Go on. Try it. -Me

People may give up on hope, but hope never gives up on people. -Me

With my freeze ray I will stop the world. -Dr. Horrible

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: Travelling around

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
maths and engineeringstrategy gamesWindows

adult popalternativeclassical
countryfolk musicheavy metal
new agerocktechno

Other interests

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: thin

Height: 173

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