Photo missing.
Drawing missing.
I'm a life-long sci-fi and fantasy geek. That includes mainly older tv shows and movies, and a lot of books. My sister always claims I don't read books, I eat them. My favorite authors are an interesting mix of modern and old; serious and comedy. Michael Crichton; Christopher Stasheff; Dean Koontz; Robert Lynn Asprin; Edgar Rice Burroughs. I collect old books as well, since I shop mainly second hand book stores and pick up whatever catches my eye.
My 9-5 job is retail. Which can be both boring and highly frustrating. I always carry a notebook with me to work, though, and try to get as much writing done as 15 minute breaks allow. When I’m not distracted by whatever novel I’m currently reading. I’ve written one thing or another for pretty much my whole life. Poetry, fanfiction, and original stories. I use the blog I listed exclusively for my writing.
I do draw, but not consistently. I do have an obsession with video games, cake decorating, and kaiju movies. I've RPGed, but not in recent years. That's pretty much it.