Page name: Disciples of Soth VI [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-07-08 17:31:53
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth V

Galin turned and smiled at Sarah, "I see you have brought 'our' breakfast in bed this morning." He figured he would return his attentions back to Alehial at some point later after he talked with his guildmaster. He patted the bed beside him and again smiled at her. "I see that you got up quite early this morning to make such a good breakfast. Later Lady Sophia wishes to visit with you, maybe even take you out to pick up some clothes and other things for while we are here."

Sarah smiled brightly and set the tray down between them. She was determind that they would both eat before anything else happened. It was too often he distracted her and she didn't get to eat breakfast either. This time Sarah was going to force the issue if she had to so she could make sure they both ate properly.

Galin ate his breakfast and smiled at Sarah, "So is our current dwellings appealing to you? I do not know when our host will return, so we should enjoy our time here. I will be leaving for a short time today for a meeting, would you like for me to arrange an escort to go into the city to shop?" As he spoke he slid his hand up Sarah's leg moving his finger tips in small circles. He would take Sarah before they bathed for the day and maybe even while they were in the bath, everything was going his way and he needed to keep control.

Before Sarah could respond a knock sounded at the door, "M'Lord Soth a man in your service has arrived with dire news for you only sire." Galin's eyes showed a touch of impatience with being interupted for what he was doing. "What business is it that he would disturb me so early in the day?" he called out ire tinging his voice. The response sound a great deal frightened, "He says only M'Lord it has to do with his assignment and Lily Ravenwood." Galin's hand flew from Sarah's thigh as if she were on fire as he hurried to dress, "Seat him downstairs, I will speak with him shortly."

"Have a good day Master Soth hopefully since it's starting out so good it will end that way as well." Sarah called happily. She was glad things were progressing so much for him and the guild. Things would really begin soon if she was any judge, especially since so many people were accepting the guild into their homes, it would only take a little time for them to accept the ideals into their hearts as well. Sarah couldn't help but giggle at how much he was doing for his family, he really cared even though they were so against him.

Galin left and was gone for sometime meeting with a member of the guild about Lily. She had barely gotten up when he returned to the room closed the door firmly behind him. He crossed to her and kissed her deeply and hard as he stripped her of her robe. Then as he broke the kiss he turned her around and wasted no time in taking her, his thrusts where almost rough on her.

Sarah accepted him openly and kissed back in return. When she was taken she was loud and she struggled to keep herself up and to bring him to pleasure. She came multiple times at a few times she raked her nails leaving welts in their wake at how rough he was being with her. She couldn't understand how when he was so pleased with his guild he became so rough and dangerous, and when he was simply happy he was so gentle. Though they had started on the table they moved around a bit until they landed on the ground with the pillows bundled under her and kept her hips up while he took her roughly from behind.

Galin buried himself as deeply as he could inside Sarah before he spilled his seed inside her. He held her hip with on hand and had the other propping himself from laying on her. The news was mixed, Lily was found in the city, but, his man was foiled from taking her by another man. The identity of this obstacle needed to be known to him, thus he might have to pay his new friend a visit. After he finished he pulled out of Sarah and got to his feet and lifted her into his arms then put her on the bed, "Enjoyable as always my little dove."

"Thank you... And I hope the rest of your day goes just as well Galin." Sarah said giving him a soft kiss before closing her eyes and relaxing on the top of the bed. If she hadn't been used to him and trained for it now she might not have been able to take him in such a manner and one might have considered it rape. But Sarah could and did and would always accept him. She loved him and he was following a noble goal.

She was left to her own devices for the rest of the day, Galin knew he would not return until almost time for dinner. A maid knocked and asked Sarah if she wished a bath be run or she'd want to use the pool. With a sudden shock Sarah remembered that Galin had not used his wand before he took her. Was it a possibility that maybe he was bestowing her the honor of having his child.

"A bath hot water would be best right now I think. Thank you." Galin Hadn't used his wand? Or had he used it before he had entered the room? She put her hand on her stomach, maybe? She shouldn't think about it now, her job was best to be put on servicing her lord any way she could so she asked for the Maid to come back and talk to her. She was a common girl and She would be the best to tell her about fashion and news in this country.

The girl complied and got the water for the bath and stayed to keep Sarah company. "I do not really know what you wish to talk about mistress." the girl confessed. "I do not know about what high women like yourself wear as fashion and as far as news, only that Da'Karis has been seen about the city lately. Besides that I only know that my master and his wife have gone away and we do not know when to expect them back." The word she used was unfamiliar to Sarah Da'Karis.

"What is a Da'Karis?" Sarah asked softly, as she soaked in the water, she wanted to seep in the hot water heat was good for pregnancy. And if it was true then... but she was fine she needed to not over-react to anything. But she did wonder why a servant didn't know anything about the fashion or anything useful, but some kind of creature was seen around the town.

The girl looked around as if waiting for it to pop up and attack her, "Da'karis is an assassin. He has existed her for hundreds of years killing for hire." Sarah wondered for a second if Galin could use a man like him or whatever it was. Once she was down the servant got a towel and waited for Sarah to exit the tub. "Is there anything else you require mistress?" the girl asked when Sarah took the towel from her.

"No I don't believe so. If you can't help me with my other inquiries, then you are dismissed for now." Sarah said drying off and then walking naked across the room to oil her body, not only that but she wanted to brush her hair and make it look nice as well for Galin. she was thinking about this Da'Karis person wondering if he was an elf or something, apparently she was scared.

The girl opened her mistress's wardrobe and indicated where the newest fashions were and what was previous years. She then helped Sarah brush out her hair and even added rose infused water to make it smell nice. The girl was impressed that Sarah was willing to walk around nude, most highborn Valusians were more modest. "What would you like the cook to make you for lunch mistress?" she asked. The cook had stayed even though it was his option to leave as was the servants as well.

"Yes something light, thank you." Sarah said looking over the fashions. It was kind of interesting seeing all the different styles in the same country that was foreign to her own. She continued to look about and look at all the fashions. There was a strange chest binding it looked like just some kind of wrappings. And the bottoms didn't have any rear so it was strange. She tried them on and after a little bit she got used to it. She also tried on one of the less formal dresses she found and it was loose, she wasn't quite as busty as the woman she was wearing the dresses of.

The maid was quick to offer assistance, "I could call for a seamstress if you like m'lady. She could alter the top of the dress to your tastes, or even arrange to make some new ones for you." It was odd how the servants were so accomidating to her whims, but it must be because of Galin and reputation. Sarah noticed a small velvet bag behind the last dress in the closet, one to small for any dress and she opened it. Inside was a riding crop, paddle and a pahlus that reminded her of the one she and Mazla had used in Shadizar.

"So the lady had these kinds of tastes? How strange, her master must not have been able to satisfy her needs properly. "I suppose getting the dresses properly fitted should be done shouldn't it? So I don't shame Lord Soth." Sarah said softly blushing a little before putting the bag aside. She didn't need a phallus, and she certainly didn't need a crop or anything like that.

The maid's eyes had widened and she had blushed deeply when Sarah removed the items from the bag. When she had left to have the seamstress summoned it dawned on Sarah, perhaps the young lady was very well versed with the items she found. Mazla had told her once that a female client liked to be hit with a crop like this. Although to Sarah her host had not seemed like someone who would enjoy being hit, more like doing the hitting. Galin had told her that things here were even more different from Andor.

Sarah pondered the matter and decided she would stop when she couldn't come to any conclusions after all she had been a maid not all that long ago and now she was trying to learn languages and histories of countries she had never even known existed. She had a small education and now she was trying to be a noblewoman it seemed. She didn't really know how to do everything everyone else did but she learned by seeing others do it and trying it out on her own.

Disciples of Soth VII

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