Page name: Disciples of Soth XV [Exported view] [RSS]
2018-06-24 03:45:34
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth XIV

Lord Soth did not waste time after introductions were made, turned to the wizard standing off to the side. "Open the portal for them to arrive at the destination. Time is short." Three other female disciples picked up Sarah's luggage and hustled through, they could fight but would fall quickly, Angie and Forra were there to ensure Sarah's safety. Galin pulled Sarah close as the other two prepared to enter the portal, "Be safe my little dove, I will send word when you are to return. Until then enjoy the Blue Lady's hospitality." Sarah would go through last after Angie and Forra, Galin was sure that his ally would be impressed by the show of force.

Angie was sort of amazed to see Lord Soth being so... gentle. While his words were still gruff and he was still commanding... towards this emissary he seemed much more... intimate. However Angie did not linger lest he got angry with her. She had her own luggage and carried it through the portal right after the weaker fighters that were also going with them. Angie didn't prefer portal travel. It made her spine shiver, but she stepped through with zero hesitation and out the other side to asses the situation they were in and the place they would be in for a while. She knew Forra would be right behind her and didn't worry.

Sarah smiled at Galin, her eyes trusting and full of love, "I will do my best without you there my lord. I will miss your touch at night and your company every day." Sarah all but purred leaning up and forward to kiss his lips. She was certain he was busy and she didn't wish to take up all of his time. She would do her best for him, as she had said. With her things gone and her guards awaiting her she only had this goodbye before she left.

On the other side of the portal waited their host, the Blue Lady sat waiting for Galin's emissary. The first few through the portal were nothings that did not concern her, then came the two bodyguards which were more impressive. The one was a scarred warrior and then a blackguard, it made he all the more interested in who Galin would send. Surprisingly a rather simple maid stepped through although upon closer inspection her mouth hung open. The woman looked amazingly like Alehial Ravenwood. "Welcome to Pachuca Emissary of Soth." her steward announced, The Blue Lady herself inclined her head and waited to hear what the woman had to say.

"Thank you very much. It is a great honor to be here." Sarah said with an appropriate bow, having been told of the Blue Lady's penchant for outside the norms of society's behavior such as Bearlon for example. Sarah in her flowing gown felt a little under dressed, everyone was wearing armor, except for servants. While she was dressed in fine fabrics and wore expensive gems and such however she was no warrior and was in fact a mistress by occupation now. Though here she was an emissary and so she stood again proudly and with her back straight.

Angie took note of the guards, of the Blue Lady herself, of the men's collar's and outfits. Angie being a red head... scarred warrior who stood almost a foot taller than most women, was a little used to standing out. for now she just tried to look intimidating as a guard should. Though her gaze lingered over the Blue Lady, who was quite attractive, she kept herself at the ready in case anything might happen. Ambushes weren't always immediate.

The steward turned and looked back at her mistress and noting the movement of her hand regarded the Emissary, "Lord Soth did not send forward your name Lady? It would seem too formal to simply refer to you as the Emissary of Soth, my mistress wishes to dine tonight with you at the home you are given during your visit. It used to belong to a trusted member of the nobility until she betrayed and tossed her lot in with a group of spies from Andor." For Angie and Forra this set up a warning, Lord and Lady Ravenwood had sent people here to Pachuca.

"I would be delighted to have company such as her for dinner. My name is simply Sarah, my Lady. I do hope, my company is enough to entertain." Sarah said with a sweet smile and another small bow. Her hair was even braided in the same manner as Alehial Ravenwood, making the similarities intensify. Sarah was polite and soft spoken, clearly well learned.

Angie resisted the urge to raise a brow. It seemed the Blue Lady was testing them. Being put in the house... of a traitor showed them clearly how much she trusted them. However this was Lord Soth they were talking about. Any man or woman that completely trusted him, was dead to say the least. However Angie was completely loyal which meant she would protect Sarah's life more than her own.

Forra was interested in where these spies had gone, but figured the mission is what mattered most. She waited to see what would transpire next. It did seem suspect that they would be staying in a traitor's home, but that mattered little to Forra. Let anyone set foot inside to harm the Emissary and she would serve her god proudly.

The Steward turned and called out, "Tereza." and a middle aged woman came out and bowed to them. "Tereza, will serve your needs while in Pachuca, both as guide and source of information about the country." After another motion from The Lady everyone began to leave the courtyard leaving Sarah's group and Tereza behind. "How may I serve mistresses?" Tereza asked kneeling before them.

"I am sure the Blue Lady has many things to attend. So first let us visit the residence in which we will be staying. Then you can tell me of this country, and help to prepare for her ladyship to dine at our residence." Sarah said with a smile to the Blue Lady and then Tereza herself. "May we be dismissed my Lady? To properly prepare for your arrival of course." Sarah offered tilting her head to the side and smiling sweetly.

Angie wasn't certain if Sarah was being diplomatic... or flirting with the Blue Lady. Either way she was cute. And getting to see the residence before the arrival of the blue Lady would let them properly place their own guards as well.

"At your leave, Lady Sarah." The Blue Lady said. She then stood and left with the steward close behind and of course her guards. Tereza called male servants to take up the luggage and led them to the residence, the house was amazing along with gardens and pool. Once they entered the house Tereza introduced the servants that would be here, all of them seemed concerned about the new arrivals.

Sarah was quick to introduce herself to the servants and that as the lady of the house she was in charge. She then told them to prepare for the Lady's arrival for dinner. the next thing she requested was a completely tour in and out of every room. She ended in her own room and sat on the edge of the bed. she let out a shaky breath and a small laugh before throwing herself onto the bed on her back. "Not too bad!" she laughed softly.

Angie set up in the room next to Sarah's and simply threw down her bag. She then turned to Forra who she was bunking with yet again. "Well?" She asked wondering what the Blackguard had seen that she had not.

Forra also put her bag down and began to loosen her armor, "My first thought is that I wonder if our Emissary graces his Lordships bed and that is how she came to her title. Second is the Blue Lady herself and how capable she truly is between ruling and keeping the men down she must always be looking over her shoulder." She sat on the bed and smiled at Angie, "Lady Sarah is easily defended between us and the fodder Soth sent along. I suggest we split the time and people to guard her, until the need for both of us to be active at her side."

"She looks familiar to me... but I just can't think of why. More like however is that she graces his bed chambers. I did note that all men wear... very thick necklesses here. ones that women do not." Angie had said as she readied her things around the room for ease. "I agree splitting the time would be wisest. Until we are needed for protection or needed for show." Angie said with a grin to Forra.

Forra grinned back and came to Angie and began to help her with her armor, letting her fingers linger when she could rub her lover in just the right places. "I have heard there is a bath in this place with hot water, shall we play like the day you brought me to your side?" she whispered kissing behind Angie's right ear. They would have a little time to see to their own needs before overseeing their charges dinner party.

"It wouldn't hurt to investigate every room right?" Angie chuckled softly wrapping her arm around Forra's waist and bringing her up tightly against her own body, leaning down to plant a kiss upon Forra's supple lips.

Once they parted Forra purred, "Or we can try out the bed. But I do think that the baths sound like a much nicer place to enjoy each other." Her hand finished losing the armor and slithered up inside Angie's top to play with her breast. Either way, she was sure they would work up a appetite.

"Minx." Angie moaned softly before nipping at Forra's neck. "Let us go to the bath." She managed to murmur out as she gripped Forra's rear firmly in her hand. massaging it gently afterwords and pushing the blackguard away from her so she could think and walk properly.

Forra smiled at Angie, "I'd run ahead of me lover. For if I catch you I will devour that body in whatever room I lay hands upon it." While the warrior she used to be had never considered sex with another woman, the blackguard loved the thought and especially with Angie. Very few women other than Shadow and their mousey little friend had graced their bed, but she did wonder about the Emissary. She was soft and had very delicious curves, together perhaps she and Angie could open her horizons or at least make the trip pleasurable.

"I know that look!" Angie laughed, her little blackguard friend was thinking of another partner. Angie didn't waste time however and finished discarding her armor. Then she gathered up a drying cloth and walked off. Forra would follow certainly, and Angie was interested in checking out the bath. Certainly their ward was in her rooms getting things just as she liked. It was strange, Angie felt she recognized the emissary but couldn't for the life of her really place the girl. Where would she have even seen someone like her?

When they arrived at the baths, both women had to admit the place was wonderful. It was all marble and warm, Forra dropped all of her clothes and descended into the water and moaned, "Hurry Angie this water is wonderful. I have found my favorite room in the entire house." The gem above her heart sparkled and Forra smiled at Angie sitting against the far wall of the bath so she could watch Angie disrobe and enter the water.

"Why hurry if it stays warm." Angie laughed softly at her partners clear enjoyment and luxury of the bath. She dropped her own clothing with not a lot of grace and then slowly entered the pool. She was covered in scars and not nearly as pretty as Forra, her pale skin covered in freckles, her red hair on top and bottom. In beauty standards Angie was not at the top of the list, especially if the puckered scar on her face was included. She slid into the water and let out a satisfied sigh. "You are right... it does feel great."

What Angie really did not understand was while others might look upon her with revulsion, a blackguard serving the god of slaughter found her amazing. "I meant hurry up so I may bathe you or just place my hands upon you." she said with a laugh. Her gem again sparkled a blue then red light moving inside like a storm cloud rolling, Angie had only ever seen it do that when she first put it on her friend.

"Well in that case!" Angie laughed, she spotted the gem and wondered at it for but a moment, she half walked half swam to Forra and upon arrival kissed her deeply. One hand grabbing her breast and gently messaging it, the other gripping her sumptuous ass to fondle roughly.

Forra moaned happily as her tongue slid into Angie's mouth and her own hands began to rub her friend's body. This would be a wonderful trip if they got a chance to play and then spend nights alone in a well appointed bed with Angie. Unbeknownst to the two warriors, Sarah had also heard about the baths and had found the alternative route to arrive there. She was watching from the former owner Helene's favorite spot to watch a guest or soon to be lover in the hot waters.

Sarah who had been getting worried she wouldn't be able to find a way out of the halls she had entered into quickly covered her mouth and got into a more comfy position to watch the two 'guards' that had been sent with her. They seemed to know one another rather more intimately then suggested earlier.

Angie abandoned Forra's mouth to travel down her neck and to her breasts. Devouring them and letting her hands wander over rear and then to Forra's core. Teasingly and slowly playing with the blackguard's clit and gently biting her breasts.

"Mmmm Forra!" Angie moaned, rolling Forra's nipple between two fingers semi roughly. Her other hand dragging her nails hard enough to leave red lines up her back until she could grip her hair at the base of her neck in a firm grip. While it was fun to play in water it did limit their positions a bit, but Angie was willing to Let Forra take lead for a little.

Forra pushed Angie back against the side of the pool then lifted her up to sit on the edge, giving Sarah a much better view of her guard. The Blackguard suckled happily at her comrade's chest before pushing Angie's thighs apart and diving into her lover. She settled in lapping hungrily at Angie's sex letting one hand squeeze a breast while the other played with her thigh.

"Fuck! YES!" Angie moaned cursing at the pleasurable feelings. While she didn't love being manhandled Forra had learned quickly by her own tutelage and that of Shadow's. she spread her legs for her lover and panted harshly as her climax built up quickly. the hot water adding a haze and heat making this much more passionate and hot.

Sarah moaned softly before biting her lips. This was so amazing! She'd never witnessed other people having sex... nor two women at that! they certainly looked like they knew what they were doing and how to get the best reactions out of each other. she found herself in need as well and slipped her left hand into her top to toy with her own nipples and her right hand dipped to her wet hot core to begin playing with her own clit immediately.

Forra smiled devilishly and stopped pleasing Angie before lifting herself from the water and laying Angie back. She kissed her friend's mouth and let her fingers spread and play inside Angie before whispering, "Lady Sarah is her watching, just across the pool, let us give her a show?" She then began kissing and nipping down Angie's body until she again could lavish her tongue against Angie's sex and leaving her own available to Angie to further tease Sarah.

"whore!" Angie laughed giving Forra's pussy a light slap. She then grabbed the Guard's hips roughly and pulled her lower so she could nibble forra's clit. After only a few passes she licked her slit before roughly shoving her tongue inside of the blackguard. One of her hand squeezed the woman's rear hard enough to almost dent the flesh as well.

Sarah gasped softly and worried her lip that was trapped between her teeth. She quickly pushed two fingers deep within herself to try and keep up with both women. Perhaps this was what Lord Galin had been hinting at? If it was like this... Sarah probably wouldn't mind a threesome after all. She was amazed though with how the two women were going at each other. Her and Galin weren't usually half so rough as this with each other.

Forra gasped when Angie slapped her then dove back into her friend with abandon, her hand slipped around and began to tease her nether hole. She then looked up right into Sarah's eyes and smiled before licking her lips and lowering her head back to Angie for more pleasure. It would be very interesting to see what Lord Soth's emissary would do with such a blatant offer, this might be a truly interesting mission.

Sarah couldn't stand it any longer, They knew she was there anyways... after all if she wasn't mistaken the blonde had looked right at her and practically offered their companionship to her. She was so wet and her body so hot she needed relief... she stood and walked out into the room properly. Hesitant and shy now that she was out in the open with them. But she slipped off her dress and covered her breasts made her way towards them. "M-mind if I join?" she asked softly.

Angie had been enjoying herself when she noticed the movement. she didn't stop however and instead shoved two fingers into Forra roughly. "come my lady, we will try to be more gentle with you." Angie said leaving Forra's womanhood to her hands rather than her mouth now. She was still moaning and her voice was even huskier than usual. Forra certainly knew how to tease her, having learned quickly how to torture Angie pleasurably.

Forra groaned and began to lightly nibble Angie's nub and her finger began to press into Angie, "Yes, come my lady. I believe you've made yourself ready for us to taste you." Her mouth went back to work as her other hand reached out for Sarah, waiting to welcome into the fold of sexual enjoyment.

Sarah hesitantly reached out with her free hand, the one not covering her breasts and took Forra's hand. She wasn't really certain what she should do with the two of them pressed so closely already.

Angie nearly growled at Forra before she waited for their charge to kneel. the lady looked uncertain but certainly eager. To test just how eager Angie let her free hand roam the lady's thighs before cupping her sex and inserting a finger. "Quite ready Forra!" Angie chuckled before groaning and thrusting her hips against forra. "Fuck!" She cursed before gently pumping her finger in and out of the much smaller woman beside them.

Sarah had knelt to be closer to them and blushed ever so softly when Angie touched her. She then moaned as her guard began to finger fuck her ever so gently. But the woman clearly knew what she was doing because she touched the most sensitive of places inside of Sarah making her much wetter and forcing her to pant from only a few strokes in.

Forra not to be outdone moistened her finger and probed at Sarah's darker hole as she moved about to let the high lady hopefully explore her nethers as well. She however did not stop pleasing Angie, while the new addition to their sexual play was arousing. Angie was her lover and shared her bed frequently, Sarah may only be a passing fancy to the two women.

Angie made a few adjustments to her position beneath Forra, not leaving her but instead making room for the Lady to explore as she wished. She still stroked the lady softly, knowing she wouldn't have a penchant for anything too rough like Forra and her generally enjoyed. Angie added another finger inside of Forra then and continued to roughly stimulate her.

sarah moaned and panted her hips twitching as she didn't know if she wanted to thrust forward or back, but they knew how to make one feel good. Not to be entirely outdone and having a little practice with her teacher from before she leaned forward into the space the scarred woman Angel? her name eluded Sarah at the moment and she didn't really care too much as she nuzzled first Angel's breasts and then Forra's using her hand to gently play with angel's nipples she then went to Forra's breasts and sucked and nibbled on them.

Forra groaned as Sarah worked on her breasts and began to push deeper inside the lady listening to her moan and pant with pleasure. She wanted Angie to climax so they could turn their full attention to Lady Sarah and enjoy her noises as they did her body.

"Shit!" Angie cursed as Forra continued to keep pace the entire time and this lady and her delicate gentle play was such a contrast that it didn't take long at all for her climax to squeeze tightly over Forra's fingers and her muscles to contract. She sharply thrust into the small Lady Sarah trying to be mindful of being too rough on her as she came.

Sarah hearing the curse smiled she knew what that meant, so she used both hands and mouth on Angie's chest to help stimulate her strongly during climax. The more she felt during, the better it would be Sarah knew. However with the rough thrusting of Angel's hand Sarah too gasped and moaned, with the other woman's finger in her rear feeling Sarah rocking in little motions forward and back.

Forra chuckled as Angie climaxed, "Shall we turn our intentions my lover?" Angie would know it to mean both of them fully focusing on Sarah.

"It is time to return the favor little Lady." Angie chuckled as she disentangled the lady from herself and withdrew her fingers from the lady Sarah. "Let us find a better position Forra, to better please our Lady." Angie said with a grin as she snagged Sarah's wrists and pulled her forward and up as Angie got to her own knee's.

Forra moved and began to play with Sarah's breasts teasing and pulling gently then more forcefully on her nipples. The facial expressions of the lady made her more interested to see how far they could take her. "My lady such beautiful breasts, made for such exquisite pleasures as well as suckling a child no doubt." she commented before leaning down and licking her left nipple. Her other hand rubbed Angie's backside, just to spur her lover on.

Angie grinned at Forra and then pulled Sarah up onto her knee's. Angie's front was facing Sarah's back now and Angie lifted Sarah's arms above her head so she couldn't use them. It left Sarah's entire front exposed and pushed forward slightly, Angie even used one of her own knee's to spread Lady Sarah's knee's further apart. "There... now that is a sight to behold." Angie said in her husky tone of voice into Sarah's ear from behind. she snaked her free hand not holding Sarah's wrists between her legs to teasing touch and stroke the Lady's soft thigh's.

Sarah at first was confused and a little hesitant at being the sole attention, then her arms were snagged she didn't have a whole lot of say and moaned when Forra began to tease her breasts. "Ah! Th-thank you!" Sarah said her cheek's utterly red now at being so exposed in this position and being at the mercy of Forra's attentions. She was panting already just from the nipple play and Angel's hand teasing her thigh but not touching anything important yet.

Forra released Sarah's nipple and made a line of kisses up to Sarah's mouth, once there she slipped her tongue inside and explored. Her hands continued to roam and play with Sarah's chest even reaching back to play with Angie's. "Angie, shall we splay the lady's legs wide and take turns with the swipe of a tongue? Or perhaps each of us enjoy her breasts while both of our hands toy with her sex?" Forra asked breaking the kiss only a moment.

Sarah moaned and closed her eyes enjoying the kiss. These ladies certainly knew how to do these sorts of things very well. Sarah had thought they were guards but now she wasn't so certain exactly what they were.

Angie laughed. "Let's mix and match." She said with a grin before she seated herself on her buttocks and pulled Sarah down with her. Sarah's head lay on Angie's breasts and her back over Angie's leg's leaving the lady's knees bent and open completely. Sarah had let out a noise of surprise and maybe fear but Angie ignored it. The Lady would enjoy this in the end. This new position allowed Angie to reach for a small wash rag however and she used that to tie the lady's hands together gently and then hook them over her neck. with now two free hands Angie massaged and kneaded Sarah's breasts.

"I ah! w-wai... NNnnn!" Sarah moaned and had to admit that this new position made her completely vulnerable and without being able to move much made everything that much more erotic. She was fairly dripping now with excitement and could honestly say she sort of wished Galin were here too. Surely this would please him a great deal. Her nipples ached with how horny she was and the cool steamy air made her skin tingle pleasantly. "P-please! Please nnn I need! ah! I need somone! " Sarah moaned softly panting still and trying to wiggle. She needed friction or release.

Forra kissed Sarah again and then abandoned her mouth kissing a line down until she gently licked Sarah's stomach. Stopping to be playful a little and then moving ever so more slowly toward Sarah's sex. "Beg for me Lady Sarah." Forra said before beginning to tease and pleasure the envoy. She was surprised how excited the lady was and began to increase her pace and tempo.

Angie grinned, she had no idea Lord Soth's Lady was such a little submissive. It wasn't the image she had when thinking of Lord Soth and his plan's. More like the Lady Ravenwood he had kept going after until recently. Wild and unpredictable seemed more his suit. Angie pinched the Lady's nipple gently tugging and twisting it. almost punishing her to make her moan more. This was making Angie hot again too.

Sarah moaned into the kiss and whined at the cool air touching her delicate parts. "please! Please I need it! OOOH gods, yes! So good! I! AAah!" Sarah wiggled minutely trying to thrust her hips and arch into Angel's hands at the same time and not being able to move at all. It was frustrating and so erotic. It didn't take long for Sarah to orgasm while they were still teasing her essentially. "Please! please I need more! I need something inside me!" Sarah mewled, her voice thick with emotion and desire yet still very feminine.

Forra smiled and left Sarah and Angie to go to her bag and retrieve something, "I have a surprise for her do I not my lover? Lady Sarah, do you really desire something inside you? Tell me do you prefer length or width inside you?" Angie knew that Forra carried a couple magical sex items with her and it seemed Lady Sarah was about to meet them. Quietly Forra put one of the dildos into Angie's hands then quickly while Sarah was in her sexual daze attached a small pair of clamps to Sarah's nipples.

Angie grinned, now Forra was going to really enjoy herself as well it seemed. What a sight it was to behold, this smaller woman, who basically belonged to their boss begging them for pleasure. Angie gripped the dildo in her hand and thought Lord Soth was probably more a girth man then length, though she had no desire to find out herself. "Oh do you ever." Angie chuckled.

Sarah looked between the two of them uncertainly in her foggy mindset and when the clamps were put on she gave a yip of surprise and pain. "What?! Why?" Sarah asked looking up at her scarred 'captor' in confusion. she felt the woman's other hand not holding a wooden phallus tease her womanhood and she breathed sharply. Her nipples throbbed in the clamps and the woman's fingers teased her. IT was very conflicting for Sarah not to mention she was still in a position that didn't allow her to move more than a wiggle. "What are these?" Sarah managed to gasp out trying to remain coherent.

Forra smiled wickedly, the clamps were connected by a small chain which she tugged at to elicit a little pain and pleasure. Angie would shortly begin with the phallus and it would all begin to make Sarah climax wonderfully. "Do not fear Lady Sarah." Forra said kissing and licking around Sarah's breasts as she gently tugged the chain, "The clamps will enhance the pleasure, I promise." There was one little toy left in her bag and only one orifice left to place it inside, but perhaps they should leave that for later.

Once Angie deemed her sufficiently teased she slowly inserted the very tip of the phallus and with small thrusts only just inside of Sarah continued to tease her. Forra was truly a gorgeous sight when she was like this Angie decided, More so than any other time's barring torture. She seemed to shine, more beautiful than before. Angie's other now free hand took to rubbing the Lady's clit every so often, just to add to that tension.

Sarah moaned and whimpered, she gasped and shuddered. The clamps were tight, uncomfortably so but Forra's hot tongue seemed to soothe the pain part and as soon as the phallus entered her Sarah moaned deeply and her cheeks flushed. She whined softly at only the tip but gasped sharply and tried to thrust back against it when Angie made those small thrusts within her and teased her clit so unfairly.

Forra leaned over and slipped a finger inside Angie and then into herself before offering it to Sarah. "Taste us my lady, perhaps if you're good we'll give you more." she said again pulling at the chain. She would not wait much longer, the clamps would come off during her climax and would heighten the sensations.

Sarah moaned softly and opened her lips obediently for Forra. Suckling on the other woman's fingers and wrapping her tongue around them. Her eyes unfocused as she was feeling so much and all over with no control of her own.

Angie moaned softly and grinned before thrusting the phallus deep into the lady causing her to arch sharply and give a carnal cry of surprise and pleasure. Angie continued to deeply thrust into the Lady to bring her to climax.

Forra waited for this and as Sarah reached climax she pulled the clamps off letting blood rush back into them. She then pressed her lips to Sarah's again and teased Angie's breast again.

Sarah had all but stopped breathing she was so overwhelmed, her orgasm came hard and her nipples gave her such a rush of relief. Her eyes rolled and her body shook, until she went limp and could breath again. Her eyes however were totally unfocused and glassy.

Angie removed the phallus from Sarah and grabbed forra roughly by the hair, bringing her mouth to her own for a deep and forceful kiss. Angie was again feeling quite ready to take Forra in a rough and womanly fashion.

Forra returned the kiss as her hand slid between Angie's thighs to begin playing with her lover, Sarah had been fun but for her taste there was no greater lover than Angie.

Angie gently moved Sarah to a comfortable position not entangled and loosed her arms. With her other arm full of Forra, Angie roughly bit forra's neck down to her breasts, biting and suckling on her nipples alternatively. She then brought the phallus to her lover's pussy and slowly pushed it within her. Moaning at her skillful fingers.

Forra groaned feeling the magical toy fill her as Angie manipulated it, she reached for the clamps and attached them to Angie's nipples. This had been a wonderful diversion on their first night in Pachuca, and she wondered what the next several days would bring. She began to move around until she and Angie were facing each other's sex and she greedily began to lick her lover.

Angie grunted at each tug of the nipple clamps Forra gave and moaned at Forra's greedy little tongue. She however did not let up thrusting the toy within Forra and alternated the rythem from long and deep, to short teasing thrusts. she used her mouth of course to nibble on the clit of her lover.

It didn't take long for both woman to reach climax and Forra moved around to lay facing her lover. "Shall we wake the Lady and see her safely to her room? I doubt she could handle another round of pleasure with us for some time." she said removing the clamps from Angie's nipples. "I would like to look around the grounds and perhaps a short walk from the front gates." sounding more like a guard than blackguard.

Angie hissed when the nipple clamps were removed and kissed Forra gently. "I'll wipe her down and carry her to her chambers. I agree that she might not be able to handle the both of us again soon." Angie chuckled, she got up and grabbed a washrag. Soap and hot water in a pan wiped their mistress down quickly but very gently, rinsed her off and grabbed a drying clothe wrapped her as well. She then tenderly picked the lady up bridal style. "If you could get the doors, Love." Angie smiled at Forra her winsome charming smile. "We can take that walk around."

Forra smiled and sat up, "We should head to the direction the lady came from, I suppose there is an entrance close to her bedroom." It didn't take her long to find the lady's hidden passage, "Sarah was watching us for some time. I'm glad we made the sight one she enjoyed." she opened the door and walked forward toward the steps that would lead to Sarah's bedchambers.

"I'm glad she decided to join in!" Angie laughed softly, trying not to be too noisy for their mistresses sake. She was also walking careful not to jostle the young woman. Once in the bedchambers Angie was a little surprised how humble the room appeared and yet there was an enormous bed in the center. It could easily fit Angie, Forra and Shadow. Angie lay down the lady and covered her with the blanket before gesturing for Forra to lead the way. They were both still naked, so clothing was needed before they went on this walk.

"It's always nice to have one so soft between us." Forra commented as they walked back to their chambers. Several house staff the encountered dropped their eyes unwilling to make contact in case the pair of warriors would grow angry with them. Upon re-entering their chambers Forra shut the door and began to don clothing for the walk. "You best get dressed so we can walk the city, otherwise get back in bed." she said with a smile.

"One of us needs to be diplomatic!" Angie laughed pulling on her clothes as well. " I do wonder though if the Lady will want to join again or if perhaps we scared her off." Angie pondered pulling her shirt over her head. She tucked in her shirt donned a leather waist protector and then her belt over that. She also put on leather bracers, then laced up her calf high boots. she ran her fingers through her short cropped hair and was ready to go as she could be. Even with the scar on her face she looked less intimidating than she did in her usual armor. Almost similar to how she looked when she first met Forra.

"It matters little, she was fun, but if she isn't up to another round we can find another or just keep to ourselves." Forra said as she put on her boots. She was dressed normally but had both a magic ring and set of bracers along with her weapon at her hip.

"Shall we be off to explore a bit then partner?" Angie said with a grin, she liked how pragmatic Forra was and wondered if she had been that way before too. Probably. Angie didn't think about it anymore than that passing thought however and she took the lead and walked out of the door. the other men they had brought should be enough to guard the Lady while they went out and had a look around before the Blue Lady came for dinner.

"Yes, let us find out more about this place." Forra said. As they left the gate it was clear to see they were an interesting pair in the city of Pachuca. They spent several hours walking around the neighborhood of the house, until Forra spotted a small ring with several people gathered for one of the fights.

Angie did notice one thing... She and Forra seemed to be giant compared to most citizens here. Angie was close to six foot tall, and Forra wasn't tiny by any means, but the men and women both didn't come too close to their height. "Should we go see what's going on?" Angie asked, she could see very well Forra was interested, but she had gotten a little bored on their walk and antagonizing Forra was fun... and dangerous.

"Yes." Forra said almost trance like, "I would like to see what is going on." They walked up to the group and looked over top, three men were fighting inside the ring and the crowd was betting on who would win. "Bah, all they are doing is having men fight, where is the sport in that?" Forra asked getting shocked looks from some of the spectators.

"What did you think it would be?!" Angie laughed loudly, Drawing more stares. "Women are dominant here, we've seen all the evidence of that." Angie said patting Forra's shoulder with one hand. The other hand had her thumb hooked onto her belt. It seemed poor Forra was getting bored as well, this might not be the most exciting job they had gotten from Soth, but it was a high profile one. If they did good here it might mean they got better missions in the future.

Forra waved off her lover's concern, "My god delights in conflict, sometimes without that I find some melancholy." She smiled and ordered drinks while they found a spot to watch the fighters. In the morning she would try to find something to brighten her mood other than sexual pleasure.

"I am sorry to hear that. I doubt we'll find much here to entertain us." Angie said taking a sip of the drink once it arrived. She had to admit it was rather tasty, their lady was sure to like it as well. Watching the fight was fun, though the males weren't really fighters it seemed, at least not trained ones. It was mostly brawling, which was fine as well.

"From what I remember of the Blue Lady, she may test our abilities to protect Lady Sarah. For now I will control my bloodlust." Forra said from behind her drink. One of the men managed to win the contest and swaggered about the ring and Forra shook her head, "Even in a society controlled by women, men still swagger like they've done something that changes history."

"Any leader worth their salt would. Men will always be proud of what they do. They can't help it, most of the blood goes into their tiny sacks." Angie said finishing her drink and setting it down. It was funny even after being together a while Angie didn't know anything about the Blackguard and her god, nor Forra herself outside of physical traits and likes and dislikes.

The man paced around for a few more minutes as the patrons went back to their drinks, then he went into a tent nearby and a few minutes later a female voice obviously enjoying herself came from behind the canvas.

"The women around here seem easily pleased as well." Angie commented with a chuckle. "So tell me a bit more Forra. About your god and what not." She said leaning back in her chair comfortably.

"Erythnul, God of Slaughter? Normally, those who worship him must hide, but being inside The Disciples means I do not have to hide and can carry on my masters work."

"Cause of all the dark stuff? Weird. Me I've never aligned to any gods really. Seemed a little... too fervent for my tastes. But I have to say I just love the way you handled yourself by my side in our little fun room!" Angie said with a soft laugh as she finished her drink. "I wonder if there will be another fight soon?"

"Probably just more men, not enough bloodshed. Give me a long bloodied battle or masacare." Forra responded to her friend. She finished her drink and looked about them this place was a women's paradise. Men served women in both drink and pleasure neither as well as another woman ever could.

"I can't say this place is paradise for either of us... but neither is it all that bad. I agree though as long as I can get my hands dirty I'm having a much better time!" Angie said with a grin, she was aware of the looks both women were garnering, because of Angie's scar, and also because no one had ever seen such large woman around before. "We should head back. Dinner will be soon enough and that will bring about our duty." Angie said getting to her feet. All this luxury wasn't particularly her style, but she could see their Lady enjoying their time here.

Once back in the house they dressed in their armor and discussed the plan for this diplomatic dinner. "In all the newness of this place we don't know if Sarah is awake or still sleeping off our little group play." Forra said with a grin. Sarah and herself slept contentedly after playing like that, Sarah might need some more time.

"We should check on her first then I should think. Then see where she would like us posted. From what I know of the Blue Lady, she is a formidable warrior in her own right, so Lady cannot be left without guards." Angie said finishing tightening her armor comfortably. The serpent should be close to done with the meal as well.

"I doubt she has one or another opinion on our postings. She doesn't seem like the kind of person who thinks about that." Forra commented also checking her armor bindings. They then walked down to Lady Sarah's room and knocked waiting to be admitted. One of the servants they brought opened the door to admit them into the anti-room to wait on Sarah.

"I'm glad you are back, I was getting a little worried you might be late. I was informed the food should be done presently. No word has arrived about our guest of honor however." Sarah said walking out of the bedroom, she was wearing a native gauzy dress, it had a solid strip around the bust and hips but the rest of the dress was a soft see through clothe. It made her curves much more accentuated. "I was told this was a more formal dress here... I do like the jewelry here though." Sarah giggled softly, as she stepped a little delicate jingle from little bell's around her ankles sounded and the bracelets she wore jingles as well. She had her hair twisted up on her head in some fashion as well.

Forra moved past Sarah and looked over the other jewelry that the lady did not put on herself. "M'lady I must insist the pin and your ring from the master be worn, for your safety." she said holding her hand out to Sarah. "And it may not hurt to place a warding spell upon you." Although she was unsure if she could still produce a spell like that from her palidan days.

"Wearing the ring always, but if you think the pin then very well, as for spells I don't know any and I didn't think either of you could use magic?" Sarah asked tilting her head a little looking at both women. Sarah turned then and went to the dresser in the room and pulled the pin out of a drawer and put it upon her breast at the top of the dress very plainly seen.

Forra nodded, "I doubt I can work the magic for a ward, but I know your pin and ring have protective spells upon them. Besides it will be nice to remind the Matron that you are Lord Soth's envoy and to afford you the proper respect during this dinner." She turned to Angie and nodded that she believed the Lady was ready for company.

"Looks good to me... for an envoy, anyways." Angie snickered and winked at Lady Sarah. She had been leaning against the wall watching the two women interact. She had to admit Sarah was curvy and the outfit accentuated it. Lord Sith had good taste.

Sarah blushed softly remembering what had happened earlier in the baths. "Yes well... ahem" Sarah cleared her throat and moved towards the door. "We should double check on everything, the Blue Lady will be here soon."

Forra let her eyes drift over Sarah's backside and then meet Angie's before mouthing "later" then set up behind Sarah. Their soldiers were set into position and served Soth first without fail and would die to protect Sarah. The servants were waiting with news on the meal and of course the Matron's arrival.

Angie nodded softly and took up her place beside Sarah, nodding to the soldiers as they set up at the entrance. Awaiting the arrival of their guest. And Sarah asked how the food was coming. It neededd to be ready when the Blue Lady arrived.

They were assured the meal would be ready, then they went into the gardens to relax before the Matron arrived. Forra looked around and noted that there was some blood on the stones. She smiled, there had been battle here and someone might not have survived.

Angie also noted the blood and looked around to notice the details of the gardens with a better perspective. There had certainly been a battle and it had been very recent. More of an insult to them by putting them there.

It wasn't long before they were advised that their guest had arrived, Forra smiled, "Did she bring any guards or staff with her?"

"None m'lady. Her guards have remained at the gate." Thereza said before turning to return to the house and their guest.

"Let's not be rude ladies. Angie can you escort her ladyship out here and have the servants serve refreshing cooled drinks before dinner." Sarah said getting to her feet from the lounger and smiling at her guards.

Forra broke into a wide smile, having Angie lead The Matron to them was putting a positive foot forward. Angie was formidable warrior and bringing a warrior like their guest to Sarah showed calculation or sheer luck.

"As you will Lady Sarah." Angie smirked at their mistress and winked at Forra before turning and heading to the front. She told a passing servant to get chilled wine for the ladies to enjoy. She was prepared to meet the Blue Lady as they had seen her earlier in the throne room.

Where as Sarah was dressed in a diplomatic fashion the Blue Lady was more military uniform. Still no presentable weapon, just a simple dagger at her waist. "Mistress Sarah wishes to begin our first meeting in comfortable surroundings, please lead on." she said

Angie bowed, and then lead the way into the back. Sarah had made the decision to not even attempt to remove the blood. And so had not made any servant attempt to cover or clean it. Only to bring refreshments to the poolside. Angie lead the way onto the patio and took her place opposite Angie just behind Lady Sarah.

"My Lady what a pleasure to have you for a meal all to my own!" Sarah said with a bright smile, as she took to her feet and gave a courtsy to the blue lady. "Might I pour us drinks before Dinner?

"Of course." The Blue Lady said, "I wanted to bring something as a gift with you coming to Pachuca. Although I couldn't find anything apropiate, except that there was a group from Andor that fled from here not too many days ago. And I've had them under survelliance for some time."

"A group you say? That is interesting my lady! Do you know their where about now? Oh heaven's what am I saying?! Please, have a seat!" Sarah got to her slippers feet and poured two glasses. She smiled charmingly at the older woman and brought both glasses over so she might have her own choice.

The Matron took the glass in Sarah's right hand, "At least one Ravenwood, male warrior who wields a bastard sword and his companions. His name is Mathius and if he and they were to not survive the trek out of my kingdom then I'd be more inclined to grant Lord Soth's request." She took a sip and glanced at Angie and Forra, she despised Mathius Ravenwood and his family and if they were to die she would lose little sleep over it.

"I'm certain we could arrange something, I believe Lord Sith would also be pleased, the better mood I can get you into my Lady." Sarah said with a smile. As she sat back down and took a drink from her glass. Sarah had read up on some of the exerps of the war and knew a little how the Ravenwoods had humiliated the Blue Lady. Sarah was supposed to do whatever she could do get a garrison within the city of Pacchuca.

"No garrison in my country." The Matron said with finality, "Galin sent you here for another reason. And that lies within the catacombs under this city and an ancient secret hidden there." She smiled and sat back waiting to see what reaction that Sarah might have. "I don't believe in the rumors or the mysticism contained in the scrolls that he has found, but making sure he and his disciples or guild give Pachuca a wide berth is worth it."

"Fun! Secret and puzzles!" Sarah smiled brightly genuinely pleased with the news. "I would love to hear the stories my lady!"Sarah said excitedly sitting up on the chair properly a d leaning forward.

"I doubt you would find them so entertaining my lady." The Matron said, "Once long ago our world was controlled by a race who used the souls of the lesser races to fuel their magics. And I believe Master Galin is in search of a relic of that time." She took a long sip and looked at the three women's reactions, "Or at least the larger part of the shard he possesses anyways."

"Who were the lesser races? And what does the relic do my Lady?" Sarah asked curiously, she stayed in her position but took another drink as well. She was positively curious now with a tid bit like that being the only thing given.

Angie wondered if the Matron were trying to stick them or convince them of something. Either way she stayed stone faced. Something she was actually rather good at, she did wonder as well though if Sarah would demand one of them chase the Ravenwood down and kill his group.

"Why all of the races except them. From what the legends say even dragons were used to power those ancient magics." The Matron said looking over the rim of her glass. "I give you permission to send a small group into the catacombs, if of course you keep the others from escaping Pachuca or at least kill as many as you can." she smiled then looking to Forra and Angie, to catch them they would have to leave and pursue them, leaving her and Sarah alone to become better acquainted.

"Our orders were clear ma'am. We stay with the Lady." Angie says stiffly looking the Matron straight in the eyes. As scary as this woman might be... as badly as Sith wanted to get this artifact he had given specific instructions about taking care of Sarah... and what would happen should they fail.

Sarah stood up then. "I will be a willing hostage and hostess if you give your word that I will come to no harm, my Lady." Sarah said then stepping to stand directly in front of the Matron. She trembled all over though, she was afraid to be alone here, without her guards or Galin to protect her. But Galin needed her to do this for him. He had trusted her with this. With her.

"Hostage?" The Matron clucked and set her hand on Sarah's hip as she stood. "You'll be my guest as your able guards eliminate a shared problem. Even though you just unpacked, you will stay in the palace with me. Under the elite guard that defend me and my family, why if needs be to calm your fears you'll sleep in my bed every night." she said looking at Angie and Forra before looking deeply into Sarah's eyes.

"Lady Sar-" Angie began to try to advice Sarah against this but Sarah motioned sharply with her hand cutting off Angie's words. "Agreed. I will send my guards... in exchange for your protection." Sarah said looking up into the Matrons face. Sarah knew what the Blue Lady meant by her words, and if this was what was needed to get Galin his artifact then so be it.

Angie grit her teeth. Soth hadn't told them anything about this... only that Sarah was to be protected at all times no matter what. "Angie, Forra find them... kill them. Bring back proof, and do hurry." Sarah commanded using hrr best Lady in charge tone of voice. Angie stiffened and nodded her head. "As you Command my Lady." She said keeping her anger to herself.

In truth Forra was impressed, it wasn't every common woman to handle being made an ambassador by Soth. Then traveling to a strange country and in the end being told that you are sleeping in the rulers bed and probably going to be ravished. But, Sarah took it in stride and ordered tham after the group of Ravenwoods. "When shall we leave, M'Lady?" she simply asked.

The Matron turned to them, her hand still on Sarah's hip, "In the morning, I have a huntress following their movements. And we can get you on their path before the get too far from here. Tonight is our dinner and a chance to learn more about one another."

"Shall we go and begin our meal then Lady Matron." Sarah asked softly with a smile up at the taller woman. Her heart was beating a like a trapped butterfly wings, and she felt not entirely sure of herself but as long as she could... force herself to keep going she could calm down later. "And learn more of each other?" She added sweetly.

The next morning, Forra woke early and prepared her spells for the chase which would begin today. Just her and Angie and this huntress, going after this Mathius Ravenwood and his party. Altogether she was almost giddy with the prospect of the battle to come. She looked at Angie still sleeping and fought the urge to climb back into the bed and attack her sexually to bless their hunt.

"Why do you do this? We are not servants of evil. I'm a servant of Saint Cuthbert." the small voice inside her cried out. "Shut up, I serve chaos Erythnul is my god. And I'm not pious lie in armor who denies what she wants." Forra thought back watching the storm inside the gem embedded in her chest. <i>"Please, the Ravenwoods are good people do not raise violence to them. I won't let you do this, I'll regain control and stop you and her!" the small voice tried again in vain.

Forra looked around the room wanting to do something to shut the small voice away, until her gaze rested on Angie. Quietly she climbed under the covers until she rested between the warriors legs and leaned forward swiping her tongue across Angie's sex. With every lick the voice got quieter until she could no longer hear it over the desire building in her own sex for Angie.

"Fuck... wake me every morning thusly!" Angie groaned and spread her legs wider for her lover. She brushed her fingers through Force's hair and smiled down at her once she pulled the covers off with her free hand.

Forra stared up into Angie's eyes as her tongue again swiped inside her sex and rubbed playful on her nub. She then used her free hand to slip a finger inside her lover and thrust it back and forth as she continued. The little voice was gone and she could focus on the hunt today.

"Forra!" Angie growled her lovers name as she climaxed. Her lover had learned of all her sensitive places and how to manipulate them expertly. She grabbed the woman then and pulled her up the bed by her arms kissing her roughly and dominatingly. "Good morning." She said after the kiss before biting down the smaller woman's neck, not too harshly.

She chuckled and moaned as Angie nipped at her neck, "You wish to dominate me lover? Or this a prelude to other parts you wish to bite and nibble on?"

Angie said nothing but she did release Forra from her grasp to grab her belt by the floor and tie up Forra's hands and anchor them to the bed board which was sturdy. "I will make you beg for me." Angie promised her eyes dark with emotion and focus on Forra, her grin sexual and dominate. Though if Forra wanted out they both knew she could release herself.angie had tight it tightly, and now she gathered up Forra's bav to get the nipple clamps. She returned to the bed to gently tease one of Force's breast and when the nipple hardened took it into her mouth to bite roughly at it.

Forra groaned, "You'll have to do better than that. I don't beg easily." However Angie could see the other nipple hardened and Forra's hips were moving slightly.

Angie laughed a deep chuckle, as her other hand reach up to roughly pinch and twist Forra's left nipple. One last good bite to breast and Angie also pulled the lube and other toy from the bag. It was a string of beads, each bead a little bigger than the smallest at the end. "We will see just how much you can endure." Angie said her deep husky voice full of promises of rough touches and pleasure.

"Just make sure I can go after the enemies of Lord Soth with you. Then perhaps, we can celebrate longer and perhaps with Sarah again." Forra said smirking at the beads, she knew what they were for and they didn't worry her in the least. Angie could see her breathing was deep and she was excited at this type of play.

"Spoil sport." Angie pretended to pout but her wicked smile got the better of her. She then leaned up to bite and kiss Forra's lips. Leaving them to trail bites down her lovers neck to her breasts, past those to her soft belly and below even. Her hands spread Forra's legs and she tilted her head to look at her friend bare and waiting. "I can see you are wet already lover. Getting excited?" Angie asked leaning down and spreading Forra's outer lips. Pausing to watch Forra's face before giving her a broad and long swipe of tongue to those nethers.

Forra let out a moan and tried to push her hips to meet that wonderful tongue. "Yes, I am very wet and I want you to make me wetter lover. Angie could see the muscles of her stomach tense and feel her thigh muscle twitch with every swipe of her tongue.

"How badly Forra?" Angie grinned, while it was nice it wasn't the begging Angie promised to make Forra do. She stopped licking and lived up the beads instead. "Unless you are ready to beg?"She asked placing the first bead at Forra's rear entrance.

"Really?" she said tensing as the bead arrived at her darker hole. A slight moan passed her clenched teeth as Angie pushed it inside her body. She had never used the things before, it was only after meeting Angie that she had been introduced to the toy.

"Good girl." Angie chuckled darkly as she gave Forra's clit a good rub with her thumb on the hand keeping her legs splayed open, for accepting the bead inside of her. Angie leaned over and let Forra adjust to the bead by taking a hard nipple into her mouth to suckle and bite.

Forra let out another groan as Angie kept her ready for another bead. They couldn't take too long as they needed to catch up to their quarry. But, she couldn't argue with the pleasure she was feeling.

This time when Angie pushed the second bead within, she also slipping two fingers into Forra's wet waiting hole. "This will move along if you only cooperate dear." Angie chuckled leaning over Forra to kiss her deeply, thrusting her tongue in the smaller woman.

Forra wasted little time in thrusting her tongue back against Angie's and moaning again. Her hips rose from the bed and she pushed against those fingers getting them just a little deeper inside her.

Angie chuckled into Forra's mouth, her tongue playing with Forra's, as her fingers began to withdraw and plunge back within the blackguard. Her other hand began to push a third bead inside of Forra. It should be soon Forra gave in. Angie was not keeping a fast pace for either, instead keeping her just aroused enough and wet enough.

She wasn't sure how much more she could stand, her hips bucked and she gave a strained moan as Angie continued. The pain and pleasure were blending together and driving her body higher.

"Now now Forra... beg for me pet and I'll let you feel bliss." Angie promised in a husky voice, as she leaned forward and gently licked Forra's nipple. As soon as Forra gave in Angie would let her feel pleasure and let her come. What a stubborn woman Angie thought with a chuckle. Besides time was getting short. "We could always try again later and leave them in." Angie offered a compromise.

Forra whined and bucked her hips, the sensations were maddening, "Please...hmppp, please Angie." There was no way she could last any longer, and the idea of leaving them in was not an option.

Angie chuckled and plunged her two fingers deep into Forra. Simultaneously she pulled the beads out slowly knowing the feel of them pulling out and relief would make Forra feel an immense relief. She sucked and bit at Forra's breasts as well. She set about thrusting her fingers into her love, her now free hand coming to rub Forra clit gently.

Finally Forra could not resist any longer and she climaxed thrusting against Angie's fingers and crying out. "YeS, Oh merciful gods!" She cried as another bead popped out of her body.

Angie chuckled before removing herself from Forra's body to get a wrag to clean or off. Leaving her tied for the moment. Once back with the wet wrag she lets Forra's arms loose and wipes her gently clean. She tossed the wrag near the clothes return. "There. Now with that out of the way... we can get to work." She says with a smart ass smile on her face. she loved to see women recovering from what she did to them, but she was already putting on her clothes and under armor padding. "We'll be late if you keep recovering too long Forra." She laughed pulling on her boots and then grieves.

Forra sat up and stared at Angie, "You realize when we return it will be your turn for them?" She quickly began to dress and equip herself there was a hunt today and she planned on doing well by Lord Soth and her god as well. "I cannot wait to find these people and do as the master has told us."

"I look forward to what you will do to me, lover! Lord Soth will be pleased for sure." Angie smiled finished the straps on her armor and her weapons belt. She was ready to go as she would be now. Angie was wary about leaving Lady Sarah but they had been given their orders, so she would fulfill them.

Lady Sarah and The Matron saw them off and to get closer to the hunting team a wizard cast a spell bringing them to the forward camp. They were currently stopped at a small cabin where the runaways had slept not too long ago. The hunter, a woman named Cidora waited with a group of warriors who she made stand far from the cabin while she looked for clues and the next direction. "Greetings I am Cidora and you will stay out of my way while I track these runaways. Once I put you in striking distance you may do as you wish along with them." she explained motioning to the warriors.

Angie raised her brow at the little woman, then snorted at the other 'warriors' but nodded her head and motioned the tracker to continue doing her job. She does however while she has the time activate her pin to report to Lord Soth what was transpiring.

"Do not allow them to escape, if the Ravenwood son returns home he could make life 'difficult' for us and for Pachuca" he intoned to her. The tracker turned over the area twice more and then set off in the same direction as the small party.

Angie now that her orders had been confirmed and there were no problems in having left Miss Sarah to Kit, smiled and followed the tracker, she was ready for a good fight now, with no real need to hold herself back. The party was disposable, and the Ravenwood child would die. Angie grinned darkly to Forra. "Lord Soth says to finish them all." She tells her companion.

Forra was less than happy with the tracker's attitude, "Perhaps we should fuck her into being a less mouthy tracker." She was used to getting a certain amount of respect and the woman had disrespected them both.

"those sorts usually work alone, and outside of the government. Let her have her attitude, if she get's in the way of the mission however... that's another story altogether my dear. for now we need her to track down the strays." Angie said with a sneer and then a smile for Forra.

Disciples of Soth XVI

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2018-05-13 [Sheamus Finn]: Should I merge this with Pachuca?

2018-05-13 [Nuktae-tal]: Makes sense to considering that's where they all are now.

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