Well... I have quite a few and they seem to be growing at a remarkable rate... I may put poems up here as well... anyway, should I just get on with it?
It goes without saying really, but if you steal ANY of them, you die!
Estantia-This is me in the rp world, mostly found in freeform rps like taverns. Joe Marder-Mage thief of many names. My first other rp chary. Sara Xanthis-Beautiful, tall and half lioness. Enough said. Cirrasa-Wind mage/being. So far has no surname. The 11th Clan- The group that Estantia is a part of and its world. 11th Thoughts- The theories and more general information about the multiverse and systems the 11th clan work in. 11th Auras- The aura system in more details, graphics for auras slowly going up.
Other Stuff!
Estantia's Application- Stuck with Personal statement? this might give you some ideas. Estantia's Art- For my various pieces, ok so mostly it's the 11th Clan...
P.S. Feedback is welcome and please put it in the comments box beneath the story/character!