Page name: la rp 7 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-02-21 04:29:03
Last author: Phil Crooked
Owner: Phil Crooked
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back to LA RP 6 . or the main page legand of ashar

"Crow thats got to be the creepiest thing i have ever seen" slara said

" yeah imagine how it felt " says crow lightly

Slara shivered at the thought.

" no need to shiver , the feeling is a feeling of comfert , of freedom " Crow says enlightenly

"well," Haru says looking at the ground, "you could use the stone, i'v put more energy in it by getting wounded. but only if you want to, i don't wanna pressure you."

Crow look sto haru and smiles " thanks for the offer kid but its to late now my wings are that of a dragons , its alright i always fancyd them anywayse , besides there was a reason i turned down the stone you know , i will never use anything that of a vampire or starial could come back , hes in ME you know , a part of him , but enough to reserect him , giving the right sercomestance " says Crow gentaly

"ok," says Haru looking at the ground again, "i was just offering it, and i felt bad and all."

" i know , look kid take this " Crow throws him a map of Chupas " Chupas is a world where the soulz of fallen sorcerers go , see they do not go to hevon or to netherealm they go here , its a dark but cawlm place , in there is the ruler names Harogeth , his apperance might be frightfull but his heart is kind , he holds the remady you seek , we will indeed travel to this world in are jurny keep the map and you will find him "

" Where are you 3 goin'?,"asks Haru looking at all 3 of them.

" I assume all are quests are not the same , i personally want to find that Shadowd sorcerer who saved hevon , im not able to go there now though i need to rid myself of the evil that flowd in me threw my years in the netherealm " says crow in wondering tone

"Well," says Haru getting serious, "i'll stand by and protect you until we are near Harogeth's hideout or castle, or what ever i'm gonna destroy."

"My mission is very unclear to me, but i try to give crow a hand." says slara in a serious but gentle manner.

" and that hand is needed " says Crow softly

"Thanks but after we help haru i need to get to the islands of earth world to take care of some unfinnished buisness." slara said kindly.

" earth , i understand as long as you know youll be missed " sais crow

"it won't be for long i just want to see some family and you guys can come it will be like a 3 day stay, my sister is getting married but she wants me there,so she said to come when i canand to 'bring some guests' so if you guys just wanna lay low after haru gets his cure thing then your more then welcome to come." Slara said invitingly.

" sounds like fun , er that is if your family wants a long haird kid with big ass wings at a wedding " sais crow with a bit of humer in his voice

"Of course they would love you crow, and haru and klix can come to if they want." Slara chirped happily

" yeah alright sounds like a plan , ive never been to a wedding before , remember not to feed the birds drie rice though " crow sais commicly

"Of course," slara looked at him and blushed "weddings are lots of fun."

Crow looks into the sky " i want to be married one day that would be so fun .... well i asume .. its sunrise already "

"Yup i guess getting married would be its own adventure."Slara replied dreamily

"yeah " Crow lies down on the grass " this world Kunark is home to a mystacal dragon named tharse i must speek to him about the nexus that leads to chupas "

"so where do u think we will most likely find him?" Slara questioned crow. she layed down on the soft green grass next to him

In Crows head he hears a voice, "I am alright. Though i am injured. The thing is here with me though it does not seem to know I am-" suddenly the voice is cut off, leaving a solid, cold, empty silence.

Crow leeps to his feet " so much for being relaxed what the fuck was that! "

slara gets up and puts a hand on his shoulder "are you ok crow?"

" i dont know , ill be fine , yes , dont worry " sais crow in a shaky voice

"babe are you sure cuz u r kinda shaking "slara held his hand but then let go when it didn't seem to have effect.

" its Klix im worried shes not ok she told me she is ok but shes hurt " Crow looks at Slara " we have to find her before we find the dragon "

"I think i know what is bothering her but i could be wrong." slara said

" i wish i knew my minds so clutterd i can hardly think " Crow hugs slara " sry bout that , hey i think we should be on are way now "

"right so klix dissapeared behind a bush bout a mile back we should go there first" slara opens her angelical wings

" oh this will look funny " Crow opes his Dragonic wings " lets go then "

A thought rips both Slara's and Crow's minds, something close to a gutteral, seething, scream of pain.

"Crow" slara says while flying"what the hell was that? it sounds like klix over there" she points

slightly stunned by the screem Crow almost falls " shit , i didnt like that , lets chek it out "

"neither do i" Slara sped down to a small clearing to where the noise was coming from.

Crow speads down with her

Slara landed on her feet

Crow lands on his face " owch , still getting used to these wings "

"Nice," slara replied sarcastically

"isnt it so?" says crow as he stumbes to his feet

"yes but listen we need to talk." slara grabbed his hand and turned crow around "Before we go on with this rescue mission."

"it seems you two might want to be alone," says Haru looking at crow and slara, "i'll go ahead, but not too far, ok?"

"No its ok i will talk to you later about it crow k?" slara dropped his hand and started walking towards the deeper end of the clearing leaving behind crow and haru.

"umm.." Haru says looking at the ground, "are you two ok, you don't have to tell me anything more than yes or no, but, i'm concerned about you because you are the only 'friends' i've ever had, and i don't wanna lose that. nobody's ever scolded me, stood up for me or anything exept you three, and i want that to last for as long as possible."

"Yea were cool but haru in case you haven't noticed klix isn't with us she disappeared remember we are trying to find her, so tensions are kinda high between us that all." Slara reassured him

"yeah," haru says looking at the ground, "but still, we need to stay together and cooperate, not argue, that's all."

"Of course" slara still walking ahead at a rapid pace. all of a sudden everything went black for her and she fainted.

"hey, hey!" Haru yells looking at slara trying to wake her up, "get up! i'm helpless without you and crow! i know where klix is! i'll be back i'm gonna look for her, gurdus staroos! you're protected as long as i'm gone OK? i'm gonna go get klix! i'll be back for you and crow!" Haru dashes into the forest following klixes smell, "ah! there she is, OH, SHIT!" Haru says looking at Klix, klix was unconsious and Haru was face to face with an army of pixies, "i'm not prepared for this, i gotta run!" and Haru dashes back with Klix over his shoulder, when he got back to the camp he put klix down and shot a wall of fire at the pixies to scare them off.

Slara was still unconcious with crow and didn't seem to be waking up any time soon.

"damn!," Haru says under his breath, "water! i'm gonna go get water, i'll be right back!" Haru comes back with some cold water and pours it on himself, "damn it!" Haru runs back and gets more water and pours it on slara, "wake up! NOW!!"

"Holy shit thats cold!" slara awoke

"good you're awake! i need you to wake the other two up, i'll fend off the man eating pixies!" haru says forming a sword from fire, "have at ye vile evilness!"

Slara gets her bow and arrow and kills all the little pixies. "You were saying".

"i was just giveing you time," Haru says with out looking at Slara, "ther's more, you help those two, and i'll use the shield, that'll kill em' faster, the sword's just fun."

"True here i got 'em" slara replied as she lifted them bith on her wings.

Getting up to his feet Crow stares at the two " hasnt it been a wile " Crow mumbles to himself " urgh " Crow morphs into a 4 armed dragonish snake being " you two oviusly dont need me here " Crow uses his spiked tail to dig a hole into the ground " if you need me just shout my name "

"would it make you mad if i asked what you were doin!?" Haru yells down the hole.

" im calling upon something! " Crows yells back

"ok, i'll leave you at that!" Haru yells back, "can i keep killing pixies?"

" go at it " sais Crow quikly

"Alright crow i am going to help him unless u need me. do you need me ?" Slara called to crow.

With no answer to slaras question flys out of the hole " here we go kids "

the ground shakes and splits open
out of the broken earth sprouts the dragon
Crow mentiond before " WHY HAVE YOU CALLED UPON ME FALLEN GOD!? "

" I have but a simple question to ask , where is the nexus to chupas ? " asked crow firmly

the dragon looks north " with in the binding snow lies the answer you seek to know " the dragon begins to crawl back to his resting place " call upon me when you arive " the dragon gos back into the grund and the ground closes back up

"well we found the dragon" Slara implied

" you where going to tell me something slara , what was it " Crow says still looking at where the dragon was standing

"its nothing" slara looked away from crow to the ground

" right well , you know you can tell me anything " Crow sais finally unfocosed on the dragons stench

"Of course i am fine don't worry bout me." Slara tried to reassure him.

" well of course im going to worry about you " crow sais softly " but im going to force you to tell me what it is if you wish not to "

"Crow i promise it is nothing" Slara turned away from him.

" we should leve now , we have a long way to travle " says Crow in a slightly worried voice

"No wait i will tell you but your not going to be happy about this but promise you won't hate me forever." Slara pleaded

" i cant hate you slara " Crow assurd

"I just don't wanna ruin things between us, but along with my sisters wedding i have to take care of other business like an arranged marrige that was set when i was concieved that i just recently found out about." Slara confessed a tear dropped from her long eyelashes.

" dont crie slara , who is he? " Crow said in a bit of a broken voice " but i mean what the fuck , ive known you all this time and you never told me never even fucking mentiond it to me! do you hate me this much slara!?!" the look in crows eyes went from worried to angry very quikly and it almost seemd of fire burning within them

"I am sorry i don't hate you at all try to understand i just found out a couple of days ago! Please understand i don't know who it is! i want to get out of it i need to be with you." Slara cried more

" i love you so much slara , this is so fucked up , but..... i mean how are you ganna get out of it?" Crow sais trying to keep his own eyes from dripping

Slara looks at him wide eyed.

" all i can do is be there for you , i dont want to lose you slara.." as a firey tear drips

"Will you marry me? i don't wanna marry some stranger." Slara gets on her knee.

Crow just sits down and stares at his hands " umm.. i mean YES OF COURSE , but what about they guy , hey wait , get up " Crow pulls slara to her feet and flys her to the top of a neer by hill " lets do this right " Crow gets on his knees and pulls out a giant perfectly made dimond ring " ive been wating fo rthis all my life " will you marry me slara? "

"Yes are you crazy but i asked first do u wanna marry me no i totally kidding of course i will!" Slara squeals and jumps into his arms.

Crow spins slara around " i love you , oh wait , hey is klix still sleeping?"

contenue rping on the new page LA RP 8

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2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: "Crow thats got to be the creepiest thing i have ever seen" slara said

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: dont say it in the comments , rememnber?

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: ohhh

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: yea srry stupid moment

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: lol went blonde? lol

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: for a second there yes i did

2005-02-20 [Phil Crooked]: p.s. haru dude ill have a pic of the leader of chupas sometime this weekend

2005-02-20 [InuzukaKiba]: thanks man, i'll put my characters pic up soon

2005-02-20 [a little piece of sunshine]: lalalalalalalala

2005-02-21 [InuzukaKiba]: so how long are you gonna be unconsious?

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: not long i promise

2005-02-21 [InuzukaKiba]: ok, i need you to wake up, hope fully the water helped

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: i did

2005-02-21 [InuzukaKiba]: good now i have to fend off vile evilness!

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: i have to go srry don't get too far with out me k?

2005-02-21 [InuzukaKiba]: ok

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: i am back not very far huh?

2005-02-21 [a little piece of sunshine]: well that was intresting bye bye cyaz laterz hotties lol don't get to far with out me

2005-02-21 [Phil Crooked]: again lol

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