Page name: Lab 218: Lobby [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-09-07 03:58:55
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: The Black Goat
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The Lobby

The lobby appears similar to that of a hospital waiting room with linoleum flooring, a few scattered chairs and a couch that looks as if it might be infested with something. Every surface is coated with a thick layer of dust and dead bugs. At the back of the room is a set of windowless double doors with a key pad entry and a hallway leading to the east side of the building. To the right of the room is the front desk, enclosed completely and separated from the main sitting area by a pane of glass. A rancid scent lingers near there.

Silera padded into the room and glanced around. Her stomach grumbled crankily and she was started to get irritated with this place. The scent was nauseating and she hissed softly to herself. She tilted her head as she walked across the floor, her feet leaving prints in the dusty floor as she approached the front desk. A computer... That might hold some answers. She tapped her fingers against the glass before striding to one of the chairs and picking it up. She blinked once and then threw the chair as hard as she could against the glass.

The chair bounced off the glass harmlessly, not even leaving a dent or chip along the clear surface.

Silera growled restlessly as the chair bounced off and crashed to the floor at her feet. She stepped forward to examine the glass and suddenly slammed her hand against it in frustration. Of course, she wasn't expecting it to do anything, she was just slowly working herself into a temper. She was starving and it was just making her temper worse. Finally she turned and started creeping towards the doors. She needed to eat and but she wasn't quite ready to burst into the unknown and so reached the door way of Laboratory #218 and paused as she strained to listen for signs of life, especially after the noise the chair would've made.

Thanks mainly to the materials the building was constructed with neither the sound of the chair hitting the glass or the noises that followed as it tumbled back down to the floor carried out of the room. However, the glass wall seemed to shudder when her palm collided with the surface, as if the force from her hand was reverberating throughout it.

Silera moved from her position and tried to open the doors. When they didn't open on command, she shook them violently before turning and stalking back to the glass. So far it was the only thing that had shown any promise and she came close enough to land another blow. She wasn't quite aware of her powers and as more adrenaline filled her, her body slowly started to make the subtle changes that marked her as a special.

The glass gave another shuddering when she hit it again, one that visibly rippled through the surface.

Silera grinned triumphantly at the sight of the glass giving way and threw her shoulder against the glass. She wanted in, and she wasn't willing to give up especially with such promising signs egging her on.

With the force of her shoulder ramming against the glass it emitted a loud cracking sound, and a web of them appeared, spreading out like wildfire. One more solid blow would break it in its entirety.

Silera hissed and grinned victoriously. Violence solved any problem, a sentiment that was completely confirmed as she slammed her shoulder against the barrier again and stepped back to watch it shatter. She stepped forward over the glass as she glanced around trying to locate anything that would look like it could hold some answers.

As soon as the glass fell the rancid scent of rotting flesh wafted up in full force. As Silera leaned over the desk she would see the body of a woman with a gun resting beside her outstretched arm and a bullet hole in her head. Surrounding the body are various papers.

"Ack" Silera gagged as the stench hit her full force. It was nauseating and she wrinkled her face in distaste, however, she did push on until she could look down. She wasn't affected like she should've been by the body... She felt no sadness about the passing of the woman, only disgust at the scent and even a hint of dismay at the thought of the meat going to waste. She leapt on top of the desk and dropped down next to the body in Lab 218: Front Desk

When he popped into the Lobby Marcus noted several things, the smell of fresh air outside the double doors and the stench of death behind broken glass. He figured his companion probably either broke the glass or she was in there looking around. He walked forward to Lab 218: Front Desk to see what she was into.

Luca stepped in cautiously, scanning the room for signs of danger before noting the footprints left in the dust. He reached up to his ear piece and tapped it. "Someone's been through here fairly recently. Following their trail now."

"Copy that Luca, just be careful." Michael responded.

Luca walked over to the desk to glance what lay behind it, crinkling his nose when the rotting stench of death assaulted his nose. He was about to hop over anyway, seeing that the footsteps lead into the dark office beyond, when he heard footsteps behind him and turned just quick enough to see Shrill slip into Lab 218: D-Block. Wondering where the hell it was going, he followed after.

Marcus skidded to a stop when he saw the open doors and smiled, "Looks like the way out is that way, but lets be careful and make sure no one is waiting for us?" He moved to the doorway and peered outside hoping that freedom wasn't too far away.

"No way they are this stupid." Silera muttered to Marcus as she stepped cautiously into the lobby. She could see the open doors but she wasn't quite ready to barge through them. Instead she hung back, her watchful eyes studying the outside while Marcus snuck up closer.

The doors opened to an empty park lot surrounded by a high chain link fence. The gates, which had previously been chained up, now lay open like an open invitation. There was, however, a small security orb still floating around and it turned it's lone red eye to Marcus as he peered through the doors, suddenly flashing a blue grid across his face as it scanned and analyzed him.

Quickly Marcus moved back to Silera and told her about the fences, "Oh, if that don't speak trap nothing does so we have to figure a way to lessen any chance someone could catch us. Any ideas I didn't see anyone, but you never know who's really out there." he said hoping she had an idea or two.

Silera flinched as the orb scanned Marcus, almost as if she'd been expecting him to get vaporized. She studied the machine nervously before turning her attention to the outside. It had to be a trap, these doors had been closed only a little bit ago. "Maybe this is where they came in?" She offered quietly as she snuck closer to the doors. Finally she took a deep breath and stepped outside. Her ragged feathers were fully flared as she tentatively wandered out further, waiting for any sign of trouble.

The small security orb whizzed around after scanning Marcus, only to come back and stop in front of Silera's face as well. Once again the blue grid flashed before winking out of existence, and the lone sentry spun and flew back out to the Laboratory #218 parking lot.

Marcus snagged Silera by the arm, "Maybe they came in this way and their friends are waiting for us. Go grab our friend from behind the counter and give her a fling out the door. If they are waiting they may take a shot at anything coming out, otherwise we'll sneak out and stick close to the building until we know which way we are going." Hopefully if there was a God he'd forgive them for tossing a dead body around like a football. But this was all about survival and not being locked up or becoming a lab rat.

Silera jerked when Marcus grabbed her, nearly suffering a minor heart attack from the tension. "You're right." She agreed and retreated back further into the lobby and crossing into the Lab 218: Front Desk. Right before reaching her destination she glanced back, distinctly unnerved by the floating orb and the way it had scanned her and then flown off.
After several moments and a rather loud and high pitched outburst, Silera heaved the corpse over the desk and on to the floor near Marcus.

Well, if this idea wasn't sending Marcus to hell his snicker at Silera's reaction to what sounded like a rat was sealing the deal. "Are you alright?" he managed to ask even as he forced himself not to laugh anymore. "The orb thing flew up that way, how far do you think you or we can toss her?" he asked already thinking of what to do next after tossing the body outside. "When we get moving go to the right and stay low and back against the building alright?"

"Shut the fuck up." Silera snarled at Marcus as she realized he was laughing. She glared at him for a short moment with narrowed eyes before turning her attention to the doors. "I'm not sure this will work. If anyone is waiting outside they'll be looking for movement. Us tossing a body outside will only alert them to us being here... It's not like we can make her get up a run."

Marcus held out his hands to placate her, "Sorry, well if we don't toss her or come up with an alternative plan we need to hide or give up. Or we go out back to where I found Lysander at the pharmacy and try heading out the back." that blew his plans, so he waited for her ideas.

"Maybe if we dart out... Use the body as a shield to help us get away." Silera said thoughtfully, "We can catch them by surprise and if we're fast enough we can break through before they have time to react?" She picked up the body and hoisted it over her shoulder so that the woman's corpse blocked her a little bit. "Speed may be better than strength right now... We don't know how many people are coming."

"Okay now where do we put her? I don't see anyone around and it's not like she's very big so if that little bot went up to someone or something on the roof I suggest we hold her over our heads and go out single file." Marcus said.

Fucking hell. This was turning out to be much more complicated than Silera could've anticipated and she dropped the body and moved to pace restlessly near the door before stalking back to where Marcus waited. The body was to heavy to let them move fast and she just couldn't see it providing decent armor. `Irritated, she bent over the corpse and slashed at the stinking meat with her twisted claws. She would have preferred the woman to be alive so she could hear the screams but for now just tearing through flesh helped her think. Running would probably be best... A quick dash to the nearest cover. She snarled nervously and her feathery crest seemed to rattle restlessly. She turned to glance at Marcus, she'd heard his idea... but she wasn't sure if it would work and she didn't know him. He could be here to trick her for all she knew, apparently Specials were working for the humans now.

Without a word Marcus grabbed Silera by the chin and gave her a quick kiss, "Fer luck, follow me." If someone was waiting he might get it first, but oh well. Turning he took off at full speed through the doorway into Laboratory #218.

The mother fuck. Silera was taken by surprise by the kiss and for a moment she forgot herself as she snarled and lunged after him out into Laboratory #218, forgetting that she could use him as bait as she lost herself to her emotion.

Irah stepped into this new room and instantly registered the smell of dead person. There were multiple foot tracks in the thick layer of dust, so many people had come this way at some point. The glass wall was broken from specifically this side as well. Deciding to look, Irah made her way over to the corpse, the gun she did not find. The skull however was obviously blown, there was also strange bite marks Irah could detect, as well as some fowl gunk wiped on the woman's clothing. Irah made another decision as took the woman's pants off, she ripped the legs to make the pants shorts and tied the extra material around her breasts, then pulled on the improvised shorts. Irah then decided to go outside, because there was an outside. Immediately she felt better for it. She found another disabled Orb and decided to ignore it, she had gotten very little information out of the last one. Looking around she tilted her head and listened hard, her hearing increased many times over, and she focused her eye on trying to see further. She didn't want to walk into anything unexpected. Not like she could remember anything being expected so far.

Laboratory #218

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2014-07-29 [Sheamus Finn]: Yep, its the first one that actually isn't broke, but concern him later maybe right now..getting away takes 1st thought

2014-07-29 [The Black Goat]: Gotcha

2014-07-30 [The Black Goat]: don't forget to move to a new page when she gets out there!

2014-07-30 [Sheamus Finn]: I'm going to Hell, have I mentioned that before? lol

2014-07-30 [The Black Goat]: XD

I just had someone's character drown in a pool of acid and not quite yet dead bodies

where do you think I'm headed?

2014-07-31 [Lirerial]: Can Silera possess dead bodies? Cause that'd be freaking awesome lol

2014-07-31 [Sheamus Finn]: That was a crappy short post on my part, but it was all I could come up with.

2014-07-31 [The Black Goat]: Negative, Silera needs a mind to posses

2014-07-31 [Lirerial]: Darn lol

2014-08-03 [Sheamus Finn]: So, GM or one of us posting Marcus/Silera running single file out the door with the body held over their heads?

2014-08-03 [The Black Goat]: the GM's got nothing lol

2014-08-03 [Sheamus Finn]: Lireial, you wanna handle the post of them running like that?

2014-08-03 [Lirerial]: Sure, I'll take care of it :)

2014-08-03 [Lirerial]: Hey, can you do one more post to lead up to it and then I'll have Silera drag him out with her.

2014-08-03 [Sheamus Finn]: Certainly.

2014-08-06 [Lirerial]: I'm tempting to have Silera toss Marcus out the door and tell him to run with her right behind him. I'm not sure how to have them work with a body over their heads :p

2014-08-10 [Sheamus Finn]: Well....

2014-08-10 [Lirerial]: Ideas?

2014-08-10 [Sheamus Finn]: Ahahaha! <img:stuff/mood17-gif.gif> Did it like a boss!

2014-09-06 [The Black Goat]: hey the security orb is gone, the rooftop agents disabled it

2014-09-07 [Nuktae-tal]: oh whoops sorry from what I read I didn't understand that thank you I will fix it though.

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