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2023-04-11 03:24:36
Last author: Sheamus Finn
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Modern Magic

A short while later the screens began to wink out, and most of the lawyers in the conference room took their leave as well. "Sorry about all that, it is an old custom that has taken place for everyone of your relatives who have done business with this firm." he said pushing the paperwork across to Samantha. "If you wish you can look over the portfolio tonight and sign it officially tomorrow.We took the liberty of opening Theodore's brownstone here in New York for your use. It of course is yours at the closing of the estate, as is everything else included." Archer explained.

Samantha took the paperwork portfolio and opened it, she then looked up to him. “Thank you. As long as it’s alright I’ll stay the night there?” She asked.

"Once the papers are signed it and the rest of his estate will belong to you." Mr. Archer said with a small smile.

She began to look over some of the paper work then looked back up to Mr. Archer, “Will 11 a.m. work to be back up here to do the proper signing?” She asked as she stood up and out reached an open hand to him to shake.

"Of course, I will pass this along to you." He handed her the key to her uncle's brownstone. "I will also have Sireen give you the numbers for the car service and anything else you might need." He smiled at her warmly.

She took them gently and her eyes went to the color and she smiled, “Thank you.” She told him as she turned the keys over in her hands. She slid the keys into her pocket and excused herself from the room.

Sireen and Briana were sitting in her office and waved as Samantha left the conference room.

Samantha approached Sireen, “May I have the numbers to the car service.” She smiled to her. She pulled out her phone to enter the number.

"Of course." Sireen said writing down several sets of numbers and handing them to Samantha. "The first set is for the service, they are twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. This four digit code is for the security system as well as the password if the alarm goes off. I took the liberty to advise the security company about you staying in the brownstone. And the last phone number is for a local service that can deliver groceries or anything else you might need." Sireen said with a smile.

Samantha smiled in return and took the paper. “Thank you Sireen. Is the car service still here?” She asked her. She looked to Briana and showed her the paper.

"We can recall him, the car should be in the parking garage." Sireen said dialing the number for the driver. "Do you want me to make any reservations for you while you are here?" she asked waiting for the driver to answer the phone.

“Maybe some dinner would be nice. Do you recommend anywhere? Take out would be fine with us.” Samantha replied.

"There are tons of places, all over New York." Sireen said with a giggle. "Your uncle had an almost standing reservation at the Tavern on the Green inside the park. And he also used to order UNO for pizza." she offered.

“Pizza sounds good.” Sam looked to Briana and waited on her approval. Once the car service was paged she thanked Sireen and went toward the elevator.

Briana pulled up the website and found a deal, "Ohh, two individual pizzas, appitizer and soda?"

“Let’s get that!” Samantha encouraged her and when the elevator sounded the doors opened to the bottom floor where through the front door they could see the car waiting for them.

Briana made the order and smiled at their driver, "We are swinging by UNO to pick up dinner, and then onto the brownstone?"

"Of course." he replied and opened the door for them.

Samantha smiled and got into the car and buckled up. She held the paperwork in her hands and began wonder all that was being left to her and why. She looked to Briana, “Hope you’re up to looking through this dictionary with me?” She held up the paperwork.

When they arrived at UNO the driver went in to get the food while Briana took a look at the portfolio that Samantha had. "Wow! Your uncle had quite the stock portfolio plus properties in a lot of cities. It'll take a bit to narrow everything down."

Samantha looked at her, “I wonder why he would leave it to me? I mean there is others in the family I’m sure that know much more about this type of stuff than I do.”

The driver returned with the food and placed on the passenger seat and they continued on to the brownstone. Briana whistled when they pulled up out front, "Which floor did he live?" on she asked Samantha.

"Miss, he owned the whole brownstone. This is what they call a single family townhouse." the drover said before exiting the car and opening the door on the passenger side. The building was seven floors and Briana looked from the amazing building to her best friend.

Samantha looked to her friend and made a face of total astonishment. As she got out of the car she looked the seven story building up and down. With the portfolio in hand she waited on Briana to follow her. She then looked to the driver. “We have to be back at the office at 11. Will you please pick us up in the morning for plenty of time to get there and maybe some coffee?” She smiled to him.

He nodded, "I will of course bring in your bags. If you wish to grab the food miss." Briana smiled and went to the passenger front door and grabbed the take out. "I can stop at Zucker's or anywhere else you might like, Theodore wasn't much for coffee. I doubt you will find any in the kitchen." he said as he pulled out both bags and headed up the steps behind Samantha and Briana.

Samantha pulled the keys out that she was given and unlocked the door. She let the driver step in the bags first. “Sounds good to me.” She said to his response about the coffee. As the door swung open and the driver entered so did the girls. Looking around the place was in immaculate condition. Clean, spotless.

"Don't forget the code Sam." Briana nudged and pointed to the panel by the door. The driver placed the bags by the door. "Is there anything else before I leave?" he asked.

Samantha quickly entered the code at the alarm and then turned to the driver, “Just your name.” She smiled.

"Ryan." he answered before stepping out and shutting the door behind him.

Briana waved and turned around, "I think Ryan is pretty cute. So, this whole place belonged to your uncle?" They were on the second floor which was the main entry in a grand salon. Samantha had a listing of what was on every floor in the portfolio. Briana walked toward the back and smiled, "Found the kitchen!"

Samantha followed her and looked around. “He had good taste.” She said to her friend. Opening the portfolio to a marked page she found the house and all seven stories labeled to what each floor held. She showed Briana.

"The master suite is the whole fourth floor! Holy shit!" Briana said. "So, I can crash either on the fifth floor or the ground floor?" she asked looking at the floor plan and tracing her finger over the staircase.

Samantha gave a giggle, “I have never seen a place so fancy!” She said with a smile.

Briana went into the kitchen and opened the containers, "Oh these honey bbq wings smell devine! Get in here or sacrifice your share." she teased.

Samantha smiled and went to the wings and picked one up and gave a groan as she took a big bite. “Where has this been all my life?” She giggled.

"Did you notice the elevator?" Briana asked. "Now that is fancy." she said taking a bite of pizza, "Oh this is so much better than anything we had in Philly."

“A elevator? Where?” Samantha looked around quickly as she chewed a piece of pizza. Her eyes widened as they landed on the elevator Briana had spoke of. Taking another bite of pizza she pointed to a page on the paper that held labeling of the house. “Look at the size of the master bedroom.”

"I know, it's a whole floor between Master bedroom and bathroom." she commented as she led Samantha to the elevator and pushed the button. The door opened and inside was a clean looking elevator big enough for three people, maybe more. "Shall we explore your new swinging pad Sammy?" she asked with the floorplan in hand.

“Absolutely!” Samantha smiled and pushed the button to go up to the master bedroom. The doors on the elevator closed. Next a shift was felt and the elevator went up. A ding sounded and the doors opened to the master room.

The roomm was amazing, Theodore had decorated the room in mahogany with a king size bed, fireplace and a dressing area and walk in closet. Everything led to an expansive Master Bathroom, Briana looked around very impressed with all of it. "According to the floorplan your office/study is on the top floor." she said glossing over the next floor with the next set of bedrooms.

Samantha was barely listening as she gocked over the huge bathtub that had jets. “Oh my god.” She purred.

"Don't forget there is a laundry and home gym downstairs as well." Briana added. "And one more floor up is the other two bedrooms. And looks like a bedroom downstairs for a cook or a maid."

“Bri, look at this tub!” Samantha said as she walked over to it and used her hands to point out the size and jets. She looked back up finally, “Is he rich?”

Briana flipped a couple pages then almost swooned and sat on the closed lid of the toilet, "Sam, this place is valued at almost fifteen million dollars."

“Holy mother of god!” She sat down on the edge of the tub and looked to Briana, “And it’s mine when I sign the paperwork tomorrow.” Her eyes widened as all this was starting to hit her.

"We really need to go through all the paperwork in this file." Briana said. "It lists all his assets and accounts which go to you. Wow, did you see this paper about artwork on loan to major museums around the world?" Briana asked quietly.

“Maybe we should go to the study and sit down and look through it properly because I never say anything about artwork.” Samantha said with a shrug. She stood and looked at the map of the home.

They rode up to the sixth floor and entered the study, Briana whistled again as this room was amazing. "Look at all the books and the fireplace, even has a small wet bar and it's own bathroom."

Looking around in amazement and awe she twirled on the hardwood floor. “This house is amazing and beautiful.” She told Briana. She pointed at the desk and went to it and sat and began to open the paperwork the lawyer had given her.

Briana sat across from her and took a folder and opened it and began to read, "Wow, your uncle had a lot of money tied up in a lot of places." There were houses in London, Paris, Rio, Cairo and San Francisco all were very expensive. Briana showed her that Theo had art in several major museums around the world. Even more eye opening was that Samantha was about to inherit major stocks in almost 2/3 of the Fortune five hundred companies and some of those paid into major charities and groups all around the world. "Sam, I bet you are the richest woman in the world right now. But, with all the diversification you are low key rich. Look here, Theo was the majority owner of the law firm even."

Looking over the papers that Briana was reading aloud she looked up to Briana, “You mean no more living with my best friend?” She gave a wink. She leaned back in her chair next with her arms behind her head. “What else it say?”

"Shit, I should be asking you where my room is?" Briana teased. She looked around the room, "Damn and most of these are first editions. This is unbelievable, but look at this." she said holding up a letter with Samantha written across it in Theo's handwriting.

Samantha’s eyes immediately went to the hand written paper addressed to her. “What’s that?”

"Looks like he left you a letter." Briana said handing her the envelope. "I'm gonna find an empty room downstairs. If you need me just text me." she said standing up and giving her a hug.

Returning her hug she smiled at Briana and watched her leave. Once it was quiet she looked at the envelope that held her name written in cursive. She turn the envelope over and began to open it slowly. She lifted a piece of loose leaf paper out a few minutes later. Unfolding it she felt her heart do a flutter.

"Hello My Dear, I know it has been a little while since we have had a chance to talk. There are a lot of changes soon to be happening to you and I wish I could be there to help you. You have an amazing future ahead of you and I have no doubt everything I was steward of is in good hands. Yours always Uncle Theo."

Her eyes shifted up and she replayed the letter in her head. Her mind began to swirl and she laid the letter down and reclined in the comfortable office chair. She closed her eyes and felt the sense of peace wash over her. As she sat there she began to twirl the chair, she paused and opened her eyes, the huge tub called her name. She went over and examined the large tub closely then flipped the tub faucet in and let it fill up.

When she got inside and began to relax there was a knock at the bathroom door, "Sammy, did you forget to bring your suitcase upstairs?" Briana was giggling out in the bedroom, "Well, it is over on the couch so you aren't streaking downstairs to get your clothes. See you in the morning."

Sam sank into the tub as she began to giggle, “Thank you, see you in the morning!” She called to Briana. As time went on she tip toed out of the tub and dried off. As she wrapped her towel around her body to cover her up the silence in the big nice room was grabbing her attention.

She found the controls which turned on the fireplace and then found a beautiful wine colored fleece robe with heather grey embroidery. She had forgot that Theo was almost the same height she was now. It reached to her ankle and was so very warm.

Wrapped in the robe she went back to the desk and sat down and opened the paperwork to continue going through it before tomorrow.

As she waited for the elevator to take her back up to the study she turned off the fireplace. When she got back up to the study she looked around and found the controller for the fireplace there. Sitting back at the desk she flipped through the papers for at least another three hours before she found herself feeling tired. She could either curl up on the couch up here or go back down to her bedroom and the large bed waiting down there.

She decided went to change into her night clothes and then went with her bag went to her large bed waiting for her. She made her way to the bed and curled up on it. Almost instantly she fell asleep and slept till morning. When morning came she was awoke by her alarm from her phone. She had slept well and felt more relaxed and energized. Getting dressed for the day she made sure and made the bed and gathered all her things before heading back downstairs.

Briana was awake and sitting with Ryan unpacking the carryout bags he brought with him. "Morning Sam, look at what Ryan brought!" The was a large carryout coffee with creamers of different kinds and a large assortment of bagels and cream cheese along with some bacon and even avacado spread. Ryan turned and nodded, "Good Morning miss Wynn."

“Morning Ryan!” Samantha called to him as she went and took her coffee. She sat down with Briana and had their breakfast. The food was delicious and the coffee was very fresh.

It was about nine thirty, they had a hour and a half until they were to be back at the law offices. Briana between bites asked, "So, once you sign the papers what's the plan?"

“I don’t know. What do you want to do? I’m sure I’ll have places to go and sign more papers.” Samantha told her.

Briana looked at Sam then to Ryan, "Well mister Ryan what is there to do in NYC after most businesses close?"

Ryan shrugged, "Depends on what you like to do, broadway shows? clubs? sports? Almost anything you can think of."

Sam looked at Briana and almost choked on her bagel. She gave a few coughs then took a quick sip of her coffee.

Briana smiled, "Well Sam what do you think?"

Swallowing hard she giggled then smiled at the both of them, “Can we hire you to take us around?” She asked Ryan.

"No, but I offer my services for free. But, there is still a lot of things going on in NYC tonight. You'll need to give me something to go off of."

Sam nodded and smiled again, “I like to drink a little but don’t like the bar drama. Maybe a couple of rounds of pool too. Just like the old days with Briana and me.” She gave another small laugh and nudged her friend with her shoulder.

"Sharks: Pool Hall it's at 30 Rockefeller Center." Ryan said after looking at his phone. "I think it's just right." he suggested as his phone beeped. "Sireen wants to make sure everything is okay this morning, should I send her a reply?"

“Sure! Everything is golden!” Samantha replied to Ryan as she finished her bagel. “I’m ready, are you?” She then asked Briana as she stood up from the couch.

Ryan helped clean everything up, leaving Briana and Sam a chance to talk. "Pool? I hadn't thought of playing again after the tequila incident." she teased. Sam's stomach groaned thinking about the time she drank too much tequila and threw up all over the local bar's pool table.

“Hey it might find me a guy and you can have Ryan.” Samantha smiled and gave a tap on her friends arm. “Besides I’m not drinking tequila ever again. I’m a beer gal.” She laughed.

"Oh, second night in New York and looking for a booty call?" Briana chuckled. She quieted down some when Ryan returned to the room.

"Ready ladies?" he asked opening the door for them.

Smiling and nodding at Briana she turned and went toward Ryan. She took a moment to see if Ryan had a ring in his finger, just in case. “Thank you.” She told Ryan as she exited the door. Right before she left she grabbed the paperwork from the door side table and held them tight. She got in the car and waited on them.

There was no ring and Briana came down the steps after arming the security system, Ryan opened the door and shut it after she was in. He then walked around the front of the car and got behind the wheel, "Well, here we go.”

Giving a sigh she looked to Briana and smiled. Her hand slipped over the paper and she looked down at them again. Her mind worked as she wondered what would happen after she signed the papers.

Modern Magic 3

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