Page name: Our Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-05-17 21:31:56
Last author: Ravenclaw
Owner: Madame Black
# of watchers: 5
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Our Characters

To join this wiki, you must first check out the The House Rules and be accepted by a mod. Once you've read that very carefully, you may then message [Ravenclaw] for approval. If everything on your profile looks right, you'll get the OK and I'll add you to the list. Then you can begin!

Below is the Name of the character, the Person who plays them, what Race they are, what their Home Planet is, and their Title.



1) Maj. Rachel Jean Anderson by: [Ravenclaw]
2) Dr. Victor "Vic" Samson by: [shadow of darkness]
3) D'almar Mahalo by: [Mrs Vicious.]
4) Amanda McKerin by: [Mrs Vicious.]



1) Ka’Tra Ka Oka’ra by [Ravenclaw] - Unas - Su’nue - First Officer 
2) Maj. Rachel Jean Anderson by: [Ravenclaw] -Human- P3X-309
3) Vra’nok by [shadow of darkness] - Jaffa - Chulak - Specialist

Use this form when filling out your character


Race/Home World:





Weaponry/applicable belongings:

* * * * *

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2005-09-13 [iippo]: Could the ranks of the characters be also viewed on this page, so we don't need to search through all the character sheets to find out who's who and how to speak to them?

2005-09-13 [Madame Black]: ah, that's a good idea... will do!

2005-09-14 [iippo]: Looks good! ^_^ whee, can't wait.

2005-09-14 [Madame Black]: we need at least two more humans from earth, and we can start ^^

2005-09-17 [ArcticTofu]: you have to look on the balance for weaponry and skills

2005-09-17 [ArcticTofu]: I myself are not exceptional. I am thinking of what to leave out

2005-09-17 [Madame Black]: balance is always good

2005-09-25 [kerry555]: I edited it so you can see the ranks here

2005-09-25 [Madame Black]: actually that wont matter now... really... unless we happen to get another member from earth within the next day. After that, they can be pretty much anything... though your charrie will always be in charge

2005-09-25 [kerry555]: haha! Gotta love being in charge! :D

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