Page name: Puppy Poll [Exported view] [RSS]
2009-08-09 21:15:10
Last author: Linderel
Owner: Linderel
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Voting of the


Important! Read before casting your vote!

1. Do not vote for your own entry.
2. Do not solicit votes in either diary, mood, wiki, or description.

Breaking either rule will result in immediate disqualification.

Get it? Got it? Good. Carry on.

3275) Which entries should win Puppy Division Part Deux? Vote for up to three photos. (No administrator)

Number of voters: 39
a) <img100*0:img/drawing/185126_1240101931.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Tynuka-Rhytishy]

b) <img100*0:stuff/puppylaughtingtrin.jpg>
Number of votes: 5 (13%) Voters: [sequeena_rae], [Easterling], [pixish], [Erubeus], [Teufelsweib]

c) <img100*0:stuff/pupsepiatrin.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Delilah88]

d) <img100*0:stuff/curleypuptrin.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [W.L.]

e) <img100*0:img/photo/71483_1148151527.jpg>
Number of votes: 6 (15%) Voters: [hanhepi], [shotokan_gal], [Paul Doyle], [Aikon I], [moira hawthorne], [~Crimson Angel~]

f) <img100*0:img/photo/71483_1241140247.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Erubeus]

g) <img100*0:img/photo/71483_1211086478.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [sweet.tx.tea], [Eyden13]

h) <img100*0:stuff/.skybed8weeks.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Nioniel]

i) <img100*0:stuff/.sky8weeks2.jpg>
Number of votes: 4 (10%) Voters: [Akayume], [shotokan_gal], [Vou], [Aikon I]

j) <img100*0:img/photo/151305_1243778675.jpg>
Number of votes: 6 (15%) Voters: [Azuri], [Jitter], [Paul Doyle], [Teufelsweib], [Iske], [~Crimson Angel~]

k) <img100*0:stuff/dopeySmudge.jpg>
Number of votes: 8 (21%) Voters: [NOOOPE], [hanhepi], [Tynuka-Rhytishy], [Eyden13], [GypsyMoon], [Keira], [moira hawthorne], [~Crimson Angel~]

l) <img100*0:stuff/Smudge2.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Delilah88]

m) <img100*0:img/drawing/73640_1244836659.jpg>
Number of votes: 17 (44%) Voters: [Easterling], [The Black Cat in Your Path], [Atayemi], [FamousPanda], [Triola], [Akayume], [Rice], [Talkris], [Vou], [Tynuka-Rhytishy], [Eyden13], [ally], [pixish], [Teufelsweib], [Duke Devlin], [Iske], [~Crimson Angel~]

n) <img100*0:img/drawing/73640_1244837505.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [hanhepi], [Talkris]

o) <img100*0:stuff/aj/169023/1244990262.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Tyy(:], [W.L.]

p) <img100*0:stuff/aj/169023/1244990361.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Keira]

q) <img100*0:stuff/aj/169023/1244990674.jpg>
Number of votes: 6 (15%) Voters: [FamousPanda], [Akayume], [Tyy(:], [W.L.], [Delilah88], [moira hawthorne]

r) <img100*0:img/drawing/183149_1245944163.jpg>
Number of votes: 2 (5%) Voters: [Mortified Penguin], [pixish]

s) <img100*0:img/drawing/183149_1245944503.jpg>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

t) <img100*0:stuff/aj/39710/bella1.jpg>
Number of votes: 0 (0%)

u) <img100*0:stuff/aj/183174/1246512125.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [Tyy(:]

v) <img100*0:stuff/easterling_dogfriend.jpg>
Number of votes: 1 (3%) Voters: [shotokan_gal]

w) <img100*0:stuff/z/73640/animalssss/i1248139148_3.jpg>
Number of votes: 14 (36%) Voters: [FamousPanda], [Triola], [クロナ], [Talkris], [Sir. Robert], [Vou], [Paul Doyle], [Easterling], [Bente], [Aikon I], [ally], [Teufelsweib], [Iske], [The GraveDigger]

Username (or number or email):


2009-03-31 [FamousPanda]: They are both mine that are in a tie

2009-03-31 [Linderel]: Doesn't matter. It's the image that wins. :)

2009-03-31 [FamousPanda]: Alright.. didn't know

2009-04-02 [FamousPanda]: [ReineBloodwolf], the thing at the top says vote for your favorite 3. You voted like 15 times, =/ just thought I should point that out.

2009-04-02 [Forbidden Rampage]: Sweet. I've only voted twice.

2009-04-06 [Vou]: [MoRoxy] voted for every single one...?

2009-04-12 [FamousPanda]: When will this one conclude =D?

2009-04-17 [Linderel]: Shite, I should really start using those to-do lists again. I'll wrap this up within the next couple of days.

2009-04-18 [FamousPanda]: Lol alright.

2009-07-10 [Lady of Lore]: Has it concluded?

2009-07-10 [Linderel]: This one? This one concluded ages ago.

2009-07-10 [Lady of Lore]: Ah, just wondering if the winners had been chosen ^_^ Thanks Lin

2009-08-09 [Forbidden Rampage]: I... love puppies. They make my life.

2009-08-09 [Easterling]: Is it possible to vote for more than one? :P

2009-08-09 [Linderel]: See instructions. :P

2009-08-09 [Easterling]: I'm sorry, that part didn't show at first, I've got a slow internet connection so the wiki looked a little weird at first.

2009-08-09 [Linderel]: Well, at the time of your comment I was probably still editing. <_<

2009-08-09 [Easterling]: Yeah, anyway. Now I've voted. :)

2009-08-09 [Linderel]: Yay. :)

2009-08-13 [Paul Doyle]: What a cute contest! Very hard to choose.

2009-09-08 [Linderel]: I am holding this poll open until Friday evening (my time). If you think you can get any more people to vote (not that there's any question about the first and second place), please do so.

Number of comments: 37
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