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Poetry Corner - The Music of Life

Your name: [Linderel]
Title: Sunburn
Where poem can be found: Both in my diary and my poetry wiki Coal black wings.
The poem:

Crimson gold glow of the sky
painted inside my eyelids
even as I escape the world
with a weary sigh on my lips

Today my skin
is tender after the lick of flames
and my smile
strained false pained

Your voice
is like the most beautiful music
in a way that can't be understood
giving me life and robbing me of it

And if you don't know
what you do to me
and if my voice does not make your heart beat
I still wish to listen

Sun has died again today
but my burned skin will not heal
before it beats down on me again
in all its terrifying cruel glory

Your name: [Doormat]
Title: Music
Where poem can be found: Exciting Escapades Of the Mind
The poem:

Music for the future, music for the past,
Music for the present, of feelings ever last,
On stormy nights, where blood runs cold,
Or blaring out to summer skies, big and bold,
In time to break the miseries,
To us, music are mysteries,
For it cleanses our body and our souls,
Renews the flames and keeps the coals,
Spins the wheel, intrigues the mind,
As I’m sure you’re to find,
Music clearly revolves the earth,
Sending the old and giving birth,
Wipes our mind of worries and cares,
And creates joy for all our ears.

Your name: [Schob]
Title: lets all dance to insanity
Where poem can be found: [Schob]
The poem:

lets all dance to insanity, and swim in the lakes of dream,
then follow the lovely butterfly, o’er cliffs and seas that gleam,
waltzing with the air, and tangoing with the steams,
all like the insanity , of my frozen scream.

Your name: [ceridwen]
Title: Truthful Tune
Where poem can be found:
The poem:

A note comes fluttering
Out of my sliver flute
Flying like a butterfly
Straight out of it’s cocoon

And I know it should sound so beautiful
Just like her song
But it’s scratchy and impure
Tears come streaming along

Frustration overtakes my mind
Hatred wrapping around my soul
Like a sweet ribbon
Only, the color of coal

I don’t understand these feelings
It was such a simple task!
It’s like the pure music
Took off my mask

Suddenly all this anger
All of my despair
Is flooding out of my mouth
While I pull out my hair

Nothing seems right anymore
Everything just seems so wrong
And I can’t help but think
That this hope may not last too long

But instead of contemplating
All these incredible lies
Instead of hoping, wanting, caring
I sit here and cry

<Your name: [shadow_of_life]
Title: Rainy Weekend Symphony
Where poem can be found: ShadowLife
The poem:

This warm rhythm of footsteps and falling rain
Chokes my heart and makes me trip
The city symphony sweeps and dwells
And me along with it – in its tender rain-soaked grip.

Didn’t know it would hurt so much to watch
And listen to it at the same time – this song
So stubborn to sound brave and harsh
And which doesn’t know where it belongs

So it wanders the city with me, for I hear
My tears are on its invisible sheets
When I passed by lovers in fear
That I’m the only one alone on this street

An orchestra of million souls plays
In harmony with everybody’s pains and joys
And leaves the whisper wind in our hair
And when it rains its music overflows

Do never stop to hear it, for you’ll kill
The only sound which accompanies me when
I walk the streets and sing how sad I feel
… The footsteps and the falling rain ...

<Your name: [blackenedrose*]
Title: Music of life
Where poem can be found:
The poem:

My day will soon be done.
I shall have followed the footpaths,
Winding out into the open
Where sunset shadows lie softly upon the autumn meadows.
There will be twilight and evening star and a clear soft call.

Two worlds will blend into one,
And we shall find it as easy to pass,
As going out into the meadows
Where the trail leaves the cherry thickets
That is crimsoned by the touch of an early frost.

Through rifted clouds we shall catch a glimpse of our eternal home.
Our deepest dreams will begin to come true
And our sublimest visions will begin to unfold, in reality.
We shall pass from the hemmed
In circumstances to the glorious freedom of immortality.

No longer shall we "see through a glass darkly,"
But face to face.

The clear call,
Touches deep into my soul.
As I know that you do
As you stand in the shadows of the sun
With my love covering you

You will wipe away all tears,
Smooth the wrinkles from my troubled brows forever
Budding life will burst into full bloom.
Every noble desire,
Honest endeavour and generous feeling
Will open like a fragrant blossom
Shedding its perfume upon the welcoming air

My music of life is you

Your name: [.the plastic emo.]
Title: Music Of Life
Where can it be found: Here
The music of life,
Isn't only one song,
But many together,
Like many exploding colors,
That dance across a midnight sky,
Like rings made in water never ending throughout time,
The music of life is are birds singing,
People shouting, cattle bellowing,
The shout of victory or the cry of defeat,
The music of pain, the music of sweet,
And yet the music of life is not alive,
But an image in dreamer's minds,
It feeds on human scemes,
On the lover's cries and the poet's dreams,
And will we all break down and cry when the music of life dies?

Your name: [nokaredes]
Title: The Violin String
Where poem can be found:
The poem:

Taut and drawn, I await, like the blinking lights of a radio tower
Waiting to be brought to life by darkness; then it comes
The lights turn off, and there is only a pinprick of brightness
Shining above me. I am only one, but oh so important I am
My mistress calls me to life with her bow
She tickles my length softly until I sing; my friends join me here in my tune
The wait is over; I am alive, I am singing, I am beautiful

Your name: [Elmiira]
Title: Your song
Where poem can be found: my diary
The poem:

Out there somewhere
you sing the song of life
and in my little heart
I'm listening

Under the bushes I sit
hidden from the looks
of strangers
for all of them I fear

and the only thing I can hear
is your voice
telling me to live.

Lovely words of wisdom,
you know everything
better than me
still I can't give up what I feel

But note for note
you get my heart
and with your music of life
you get me alive

Slowly I tramble from my retreat
and follow your notes
to life

Your name: [Jay Ladlehaus]
Title: Dance Heat
Where poem can be found: my computer
The poem:

The throbbing music fills our ears,
We will draw close, and closer yet.
The sweat is shiny on our brows,
Reflecting reds and greens and blues.

In the flashing light my eyes see,
You swing your body to the beat.
I place my hands upon your sides,
The night air gives me many clues.

Come with me and dance the night,
Do the beat and see the light.
Hug me close; don't e'er let go,
My life's so fast; I'm so slow.

My name: [elf_fu]
Title Rust Lions
Where poem can be found N/A
The Poem:

Lion's gold head in desert
sun moves slow, old.

She does not remember
the way the words
should go.

Only the song.
The way the tune mocks her,
just out of reach on the tip of the tongue

Wanting to roar, instead
she squeaks.


Little pieces of herself
flaking. They form the words
she remembers
But can no longer speak.

Your name: [Keii]
Title: The Music of My Mind
Where poem can be found: Kei's Poetry 2
The poem:

The golden stream of songbird’s flight,
Upon the music of the night.
I dance and prance around the moon,
And rejoice in the chimes that call out noon.

Footsteps on stone ring out to the sky,
Like music to my heart and all those unseeing eyes.
The gentle twitter of that beautiful voice,
Makes the stars dance and twirl as they rejoice.

Gentle lapping of tranquil waves,
Upon the sands that I so crave.
Combines the music of my soul,
And provides a place where I feel whole.

Your name: [Linderel]
Title: Muted
Where poem can be found: My diary.
The poem:

My voice was taken away
so I could not speak
and it was a conscious choice

Yet my heart breaks every time
I raise my head to sing
only to discover

there are no words for me.

And I hear the sounds of nature
with more meaning
than ever before

they are my song now
the world sings my melody

I compose the music of my life
with my tears and poems and love
hoping that one day
I shall have my voice again

so I can sing my music out loud
and never fear life again

Your name: [Cascading water lillies]
Title: Music of my Emotion
Where poem can be found: n/a.
The poem:

A staccato, a rythm, a beat
I move in time with angelic feet
Music speaks to me, echoes out my fear
Kisses my feet, the emotions clear
The air is charged, now anticipation has grown

I dance, I sway
To the audience, I play
Of all the years, of my life
I dance away, in my mood
In one musical interlude
In a world all my own

Like a writer, an artist
The stage my paper, the canvas
I spill out my pain
In a series of beautiful images
Of my most esquisite pain I've ever known

I dance with all that I have fought
Spelling out my thought
With my body I convey a broken heart
The music ends and I've played my part

Your name: [Linderel]
Title: White in D minor
Where poem can be found: Coal black wings
The poem:

Breathe on frosty glass
under fingertips
blue with cold

life force drying out
with every single sigh
the last winter is here

north wind
sings a melody
meant for the weary and wistful

telling of days
gone long ago
and of rare sheltered nights

lying down
on a bed of hay and dried leaves
closing tired eyes

to the very last notes
of a hammering heart


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