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2009-01-15 09:04:17
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Valentine Art 05, page 1



Winners: Valentine Art Contest - 2005!

"Happy Valentine"
By [Ocean Soul]

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Valentine Bunny"
By [selardorart]

All submissions:
This page: Valentine Art 05, page 1
And Valentine Art 05, page 2</center>


Thank you to all that contributed!


Art must be done by Elftowners and posted here by the original artist. Which means, no matter how much you might like a particular image on somebody's house, you are not allowed to add it here without the artist's permission. Please put forth your best effort and the best quality, i.e. no drawings on lined notebook paper. Any such entry will be removed. Each member may enter 2 entries!! Last but not least it is possible that an artwork has the same title as another one, this is not against the rules as long as the artist's names are clear.

Since the chosen images will be featured on Main Street and may be included in the poems, we would like to keep them fairly small. Your image should be no wider than 300 pixels and the height should be no more than 500. Be creative but please keep that in mind!

Submissions for Mainstreet will not be accepted if they feature violence or disturbing actions. All mediums, excepting photography, will be accepted.

What will we be expecting? Creativity and Valentine themed pictures with a fantasy or sci-fi twist, such as orcs dressed as cupids, or aliens in love - you get the idea.

We will be picking two images as the winners.

How to post it here:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Don't forget to write its title and your user name. For example:

1. "Title" - [insert user name]

Deadline: Feb. 6th

Two Valentine images will be chosen by the Council and the Assembly among all those presented. Participants will receive special Valentine badges and the winners will receive Masters of Building badges.


Post Artwork here

1. “Title" - [insert user name]

1. "Dragon Love" - [bluefarie]
In the caption heart in the picture, it says "young love"

2. "A Rose for You" - [Jenbells]

3. "A Very Fairy Valentine" - [AnnMiuka]

4. "Valentines day in ET" - [The Dark Lord]

5. "The Symbolic Past" - [Sharpline]

6. "Heart Key" - [Carol Lynn]

7. "pucker up!" - [bluefarie]

8. "And in the spirit of Valentine's day..." - [the Indigo]

9. "Lallic and her Raven" - [Elinore]
(the first of my two entries)

10. "Love's Embrace" - [Elinore]
(the second and final entry)

11. "Valentine's Card" - [Gunila]

12. "Be My Valentine" - [a clockwork orange]

13. "oposits atract" - [Fire fae]

14. "Jalen's Eternal Plea: I love you?" - [Ceres_de_Rehka]

15. "Hope you find your perfect match too" - [Cathos]
Doctor Who and the Daleks are copyrighted to the BBC and this version of a letter box is copyrighted to the Royal Mail.

16. "There are no rules when it comes to Love" - [una]

17. [ugursarac] :)


18. "BUNNNNNNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYY!!!!" - [Cookieholic]

19. "Birds of a Feather..." - [---deleted account---]
(And yes, this was painted from scratch)

20. "Smile!" - [Levoton]
You don't mind seeing it bigger, do you?

21."Be Mine..." - [Mom]

"I give you my Heart."

22. "Eternal Love" - [Amerthyst]
Can be seen larger here:
May add another image later on.

23. "wings of love" - [cutelinear]
enjoy...and hope i win..

24. "Fantasma" - [Phrenzy]

25."A World Without Love" - [Winged Cupid Painted Blind]

26. "That ole devil called love" - [Amalaswinta]
Original sized pic (and others):

27. "Tender" - [VivaciousVixen]
Love is Tender and Knows no Gender.

28. "When opposites attract" - [Last Years Craze]
Originally done in watercolours, but it looked uneven and messy so i blurred it a little in Adobe. Hope you like it guys!! :)

29. "Cupid's new helper" - [Last Years Craze]
I guess that i got bored with seeing Cupid shoot arrows everywhere, so i think he should have a new helper who blows *love bubbles* at everyone..wouldnt hurt as much would it???!

30. Happy Valentine - [Ocean Soul]

31. Sweet Valentine - [Amalaswinta]
thought I'd also do a "cute" one ;-)
Original size + others on my website:

32. "Dream kisses reality" - [Ocean Soul]

33. 'Valentwined' - [Blue Highway]
Inspired by and dedicated to [GreyCloud]

34. 'Ewwww gross!!!!Cooties!!!' - [Wulfgar37]

35. LOVE - [jasmine86]
I thought I'd use my first doll I ever made.

36. "Jealousy" - [DracoDormiens]
Hm. My scanner blurred the colors. I hate my scanner.

37. "I, Promise" - [Cloudwatcher]
Poem by [TheSzerdi] :)...i think it may be a little to big..if i make it any smaller you cant read the words!

38. "Friendship is keen" - [Gwendolen]

39. [yusuf] -

40. This item was removed




Go or return to:
- Valentine Art 05, page 1
- Valentine Art 05, page 2
- Valentine Art Contest - 2005
- Valentine Poetry Competition – 2005

Username (or number or email):


2005-01-29 [goneawayagain]: i want to see this pictures spiritee, please do send it to me

2005-01-29 [the Indigo]: its at her house XP

2005-01-29 [Sunrose]: and in earlier versions of this page :)

2005-01-30 [TheBurning]: we dont need to add color to these pictures right i mean if we post

2005-01-30 [Sunrose]: Not per se, but it gives you more chances :)

2005-01-30 [Blue Highway]: Did you see the entry of [Saya`] on the next page? I think it is the simple lines and the ABSENCE of color that makes it a very strong and catching drawing...but it's only MY opinion ofcourse :)

2005-01-30 [Sunrose]: Did you read my answer right? :)

2005-01-30 [Blue Highway]: You mean that the use of color will increase chances to win? Or did I miss something? :)

2005-01-30 [Sunrose]: Yes, that doesn't mean not using color automatically makes you lose.

2005-01-30 [Blue Highway]: 'Artistic Innovation' ;D

2005-01-30 [Sunrose]: ;)

2005-02-02 [Gwendolen]: Could someone possessing the password change my entrys title? Not happy with it at all... :( I just couldn't think anything better earlier. Something like "Sisterhood/Friendship is keen" would fit much better. :/

2005-02-02 [Sunrose]: I liked the title, but I changed it for you :)

2005-02-02 [Gwendolen]: Thank you, but could you still remove the sisterhood part and that slash-mark? ^-^'

2005-02-02 [irulan]: I changed it! :)

2005-02-03 [Gwendolen]: Thank you! ^-^ *happy*

2005-02-05 [Dumpysaurus]: Heeeeee! I didn't know you entered this, Gwen! Awww, so koot. ^_^

2005-02-05 [Gwendolen]: Heh, I've kept it as a secret this far... ^-^ But where's your entry? Hmmm? o.O

2005-02-07 [Dumpysaurus]: I've been busy, and alas, I think it's too late. I'll try to do something for the holiday, though. e.e

2005-02-08 [Dead_Alewives]: MNA! the contest's closed? I was about to enter MY valentines art! sarcasm (the one on the top)

2009-01-14 [Artsieladie]: I'll be back to finish this up. My computer has installed updates and needs to restart. :P

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