Page name: Valusia IV [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-06-08 22:41:42
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia III

Lily's dreams were a jumble of things, Gerard, his odious uncle, and Da'Karis everything up until now even memories of what she saw in the city. She woke at one point as the thought struck her that only out of all the people to ever see her naked only Da'Karis survived. She rolled over and fell back asleep until a soft knock at her door and Rosi's voice called out. "Good morning Lily, it is time to rise and shine, we have a bit of work to get to today." Her tone was its usual playful and as she finished she had a seat on the bed beside her and shook her lightly.

Lily sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Morning Rosi, I had the most peculiar dream last night, what are we having for breakfast and what kind of work will you show me today? I got Da'Karis his food last night and everything, even finished cleaning out all the fireplaces. I swear though if he doesn't start taking me out with him I'll bandage him up myself when he comes back!" Lily chatters away getting up and out of bed instantly awake from her slumber. She washed her hands and face properly and got dressed not minding at all that Rosi was there besides naked females didn't bother Lily in the least. She left out the embaressement part and seeing Da'Karis naked part as well. She didn't need to know about that. At least not from Lily. Lily was soon dressed in a fresh skirt and blouse, shoes on her feet and her hair quickly put in a braid down her back. She was tempted to cut it being in a new land and all but then again it reminded her of home and she wanted to keep her hair as long as it was even if she accidently sat on it now and then.

They went downstairs and Lily got her first real good view of Goram, she was surprised he was a gnome. Sitting at a small table near one of the firplaces playing chess and speaking with Da'Karis. He was dressed like a normal person and drinking from a mug of hot tea, he did look her way and nodded to her. Rosie pushed a tray into Lily's hands and told her, "Go get their breakfast order, Goram was less than enthusied when I put him off to come wake you." She then turned around and took up another tray and went to a table where other inn guests had come down and were waiting to place an order.

Lily swallowed the suddenly dry mouth and put a smile on her face while straightening her shoulders. Walking up to the table she kept the smile on her face even as the closer she got the more she remembered last night and the state of clothing Da'Karis was not in. Which of course meant she had a nice little rosey blush on her cheeks. "Your order for breakfast?" She asked softly, She wasn't exactly certain on how to pronounce Goram's name and she still had trouble with Da'Karis's as well so she thought it best with her nervousness and sudden onslought of shyness that skipping their names would be best. After all she wanted to leave a good impression still and messing up their names wouldn't leave a very good one at all, though it seemed Goram didn't like her much anways as it was.

Da'Karis looked up at her, "Two eggs a slice of ham and some bread, please." Goram did not look up, "One egg, two sausages and bread." Rosie walked passed and poked the old gnome in the back of the head, "Be nice to Lily or I'll spit in ye food, old goat!" She looked at Lily and winked with a smile before heading to another table. Goram hurumphed and smiled at Lily and Da'Karis looked amused at her remark.

"Sorry she's bad... I'll be back with your food any more to drink?" Lily giggled softly, she was a little more at ease now that Rosi had come to her rescue. Once she affirmed their need for more tea and or coffee she went to the kitchen and gave the order over before getting them refills. She then ran to another table to take an order for other guests. The good thing about Lily was her easy smile, her gentle nature and her uncanny ability to remember what anyone said to her ever. It probably came from her quick speech when no one else could understand her when she was overly excited. Still though Lily was quick on her feet and dextrous with her hands as she served customers and took orders. It almost seemed like she was dancing as if there was music playing that only she could hear that she danced to. Once the food was done she brought it to the table immedietly serving Goram first. Blushing when she set down Da'KAris's food for him.

"Why is it when you set his plate down you blushed?" Goram asked wondering if the girl cracked the rough exterior of Da'Karis. Rosie again walked past and poked him in the head, "Maybe she is intimidated by this evil old goat with no manners, Goram." Da'Karis chuckled lightly at the old gnomes expression at being corrected by the young lady. The other tables were very happy that the food arrived hot and that Lily got all of the orders correct. As they paid to leave they left extra coins for Lily all in all she had earned twelve coppers and five silvers on top of the wage she'd be paid.

"No...I... well I just... You know it's... well I... I'd better go." Lily stood and stuttered and ummed while she stood there blushing harder and harder as she failed to make words come out like she usually could. In the end she fled so Goram wouldn't tease her anymore, because she was sure he was teasing her. So keeping busy was better then standing there stuttering like a child. She washed the tables and gathered the dirty plates quickly delivering them to the kitchens. She was a very good waitress even though she had never had a job before. And she kept trying to give Rosi some of the money too. Which was rejected each time. But At least she would be able to purchase weapons soon, hopefully. After all how was she going to help Da'Karis and repay her debts to him if she wasn't armed and able to help in the first place. She also needed new clothing that actually fit, she was quite a bit smaller then Rosi in many places. Thoughshe took after her human father more then her half elven mother, she was still a small woman. While Conner was more slender like the elves.

Rosie had rebuffed Lily's offer to split the tips with her, while it was a sweet offer it was unnesscary. Goram had went back upstairs to his office while Da'Karis sat near the fireplace and read from a book for a long time. He would return upstairs and preform his usual workout routines then rest for a short time before deciding if he needed to track another target. Watching Lily though he wondered what he would wind up doing with her after a while. He supposed they needed to send her back to her people, he just wondered if it would be a huge fight to get her to go.

"Want more tea? Don't answer cause it's too late I noticed yours went cold and untouched so I made this one for you. My mother says it helps calm the mind and prepare the body. But then I think she didn't want me to have it because of the herbs she puts in it makes it taste a little unusual. I had no idea that it was a common plant here though! Image my Ranger training coming in handy at being a waitress. Um I was wondering.. I know you like to train near dinner time... Would it be okay if I came up and practiced with yor throwing knives again? I almost got the hang of it and I know it's bad to praise yourself but I'm the best at throwing daggers I've just never thrown any that were slightly curved and could curve themselves." Lily said putting the tea down silently next to him on the table. He could smell the desert plants that were somewhat common in the tea giving it a sweet smell but would give it a little kick. The reaction the body had to the tea was as if one had taken a shot of liquer but without the affect. Still it burned going down and it did give you better concentration and it had a very slight numbing affect that helped the body push a little harder then usual.

He looked up at her and directly into her eyes for a short while, "If you promise not to misthrow because of your blush." He took a sip of the tea and smiled at her again, he would allow her to come up and practice of course. But, he was curious why she was blushing so much, could it have been from her seeing him last night? "Finish your duties down here and then feel free to come to my room." he said standing up and taking the tea with him. Something in what he just said made Lily almost think he intended doing something else with her.

Lily blushed but cleaned up the table he had been sitting at. She worked the rest of the day happy and fast paced, like she was usually. When her shift was over though she took her tips to her room and she didn't even have a safe place to put it. So she put it in her other shoes for now. Most people would check the dresser and under the mattress first so she figured she was safe enough. Then she changed into some britches and headed up to Da'Karis's room, knocking on the door softly she hoped he was fully dressed this time because she didn't know what she would do if he was washing up again. Or even shirtless. He had to be one of the most handsome lookoing physically attractive men she had ever encountered.

He opened the door and allowed her inside, he was dressed which put her mind at ease. "Feel free to use the daggers I have set out." he indicated where the small throwing area was. He proceeded to another area where she watched him scale the wall to a small ledge and from there moved across a small ledge by just his hands. It was obvious to her that he could climb very well and there were few places he could not get to. Da'Karis while focused on his task, he continued to know where Lily was at all times.

Lily watched him for a few moments and then shook her head she'd never be able to do that. Climb through the trees yes scaled walls no. She grabbed the daggers and she could throw them well straight but she wanted to practice with the curving arch she knew they could do. That was a little more difficult though she landed on the target she never got close to the center. When throwing it straight she hit the bullseye of the target every time. After a few hours her hands began to cramp and her throwing got worse so she had to stop. But it was fun she was literally beaming with happiness at getting to practice with new blades. She just wished she had a sword to continue her studies with. Soon enough though she would be able to afford one of her own.

Da'Karis was hanging from a rafter by his legs when she finished, it was something that he needed to be able to do. He could do things like this and in some cases could do things others would never think of trying. "So, now that you are done with your throws what are you planning to do now?" he asked not looking directly at her. He figured that it was the times he peered into her eyes that made her blush and didn't want to make her uncomfortable. After a few seconds he dropped to the floor and stood back up and turned to Lily, she was very beautiful and he wondered why anyone from her home let her go.

"Taking a bath and then going to bed, Waking up in the morning working downstairs and maybe working on throws again. Or if I have enough money buying a short sword. I don't like being unarmed. Though I should probably get clothes... because I can't go home with three peices of clothing only. Or pay for a ticket or ride or whatever.... So I should probably save up money for that too. Until then... just continue to practice and try to make you let me help you to pay off my debt." Lily says crossing her arms over her chest and looking at him with what she hoped was her mothers stern look.

Da'Karis was a slightly unimpressed but said nothing, instead he turned and walked across the room. I believe I will wash and most likely read for awhile, you are more than welcome to remain here. He removed his shirt and put it in a pile with others that needed cleaned and went to the basin. "However, how much training have you had with a sword Lily?" he asked as he began wiping himself down. He needed a day or so to decide on how to both find his target and how best to finish them.

"Well I forced my parents to teach me the basics around five or six... but I started training with my grandfather around seven with swords, we tried several and I don't think I really had a favorite until nine. Then mother started to train me with the southern elven style and I've been practicing ever since then. It was My big sister Lyriel that taught me how to use throwing knives though and I love those! So I practice all the time with those. My brothers tease me telling me I want to be a better swordswoman then mother. But I just want to get out and go have adventuresd of my own. I have to say though for my first adventure this one hasn't gone very well at all." Lily said sitting down with a small unhappy look on her face. In fact her first adventure was quite a disaster, and she wasn't sure if she ever really wanted to travel away from home ever again. Though she was having an okay time now with Da'Karis and Rosi.

"So you finally start to discuss your family with me?" he asked noting how easily she gave information away. She had been guarding the information since he rescued her and he had a feeling just a little more information would tell him who she really was. Da'Karis knew she was from an influential family in Andor and now knew they were adventurers as well. A knock at the door interuppted his next question as Rosie poked her head inside, "Well I wondered where she got off to, shall I bring up dinner for you both?" Da'Karis inclined his head, "Ask Lily, she is the visitor here."

"I can help go and get it Rosi, You don't have to feed me." Lily said rushing to the door she hadn't even been thinking when she opened her mouth and told him when she had begun to train. She was such a fool. Always always think before you speak! She chided herself after all if he knew she was a ravenwood who knew what else might happen to her. "I'll be back Da'Karsis." Lily said with a big bright smile at him before she grabbed Rosi by the arm and left him in the room alone for a few moments.

On the way down the steps Rosie looked askew at her new friend and wondered why the increased talking speed. "So, Lily what did you say that has you so flustered now?" she asked almost teasing. The arrived into the kitchen and began to look over what the cook had on hand to fill plates. Rosi was quick to snag a crock and begin filling it with roast beef and vegetables before setting it on a tray. "Quickly now grab a nice loaf of bread for the two of you to split and maybe some wine as well." she instructed Lily while she waited for the blonde girls response.

"Yes Rosi!" Lily said with a smile before grabbing said things and returning to put them on the tray. "There's nothing really, I just said a little to much, you know like I usually do when I open my big mouth and talk away. Nothing too unusual Rosi I promise just more then what I actually wanted to say about myself!" Lily laughed softly as she grabbed the tray from Rosi. "You carry the glasses so I don't srop them and break anymore glasses then I did today!" Lily laughs softly, she did however break three glasses throughout the day while working and she had had to pay for them from her tips. She didn't mind however, she was used to causing some mayhem at least.

"I at first wondered if you and he had something happen..." she began then giggled and followed Lily up the stairs. Lily was truly a sweet girl and Rosie liked her, she just wasn't sure if Lily could handle what Da'Karis did. Rosie herself never asked too many questions even though she cleaned his laundry and more than often had to empty the bloddy water. "So, Lily I never did ask, did you come here all by yourself or did you come with others?" Rosie had known that Da'Karis had liberated her from some slavers that coninsided with his mission.

"I traveled with others and seperated with them once we came here. Da'Karsis helped me out of a bad situation after I seperated from my traveling partner. He is a nice man. But he won't let me help him which is rather aweful of him at least I think it is." Lily said with a shrug though she didn't want to talk about it she did want to forget all that had happened to her. But there was nothing she could really do without lying to everyone. Even to her parents when she got to go home. She would have to lie to everyone about what happened to her here.

Rosie stopped short, "Lily you are aware what Da'Karis does and who he deals with correct?" To hear her friend say he was 'aweful' for not letting her help was surprising. They arrived at the door and went inside, Da'Karis was out standing on the window sill and quite out of ear shot. "I believe he has never considered having a partner or even an apprentice, it will be many years before that." She set out the plates and everything and opened the crock and put out the food for them.

"Oh I know he's a hired killer. But my mother says everyone has reasons for what they do and sometimes what they do aren't who they are." Lily says cheerfully as she helped set the table for Da'Karis and her though she didn't beleive for a moment he wasn't aware of what they were saying. After all she lived in a family of many talents and some of them were not completely human by standard deffinition. "Besides Rosi just cause you work in a tavern doesn't make you a drunk does it?" Lily asked with a coy little smile on her lips.

Rosie returned the smile and shook her head, "I know that, but in some cases there isn't much to the person except what they do." She started to say more, but Da'Karis headed back in their direction. "Well, is dinner ready I need to rest before my contract tonight." he eluded that he did have a job coming up. Lily realized that he must not tell her everything and that she would again be left alone. Reading the looks around the table Rosie kept any comments to herself and retrived the serving tray, "Well, I'll return after while to tidy up the dishes, enjoy the food."

"Thank you Rosi!" Lily called after her friend who had hurried out of the room. She then turned to face Da'Karis and put her fisted hands on her hips not realizing she must look just like her mother. "You can't keep me out of the loop every time you have a job! I'll never repay you and I'll be stuck here forever if you do that! I mean really is it too hard to say Lily go and be a distraction to those creepy thug looking guys over there. No it's not that hard and you are being evasive and not very nice about it I will tell you. I thought we were becoming friends. I mean yes sure you certainly don't have much to say all the time and yes you can be intimidating and I know you run around killing people who they are I don't know whether or not they deserved it who knows that either. But I do know you are nice because you wouldn't have saved me if you weren't and the way you've been treating me like a child or a puzzle or something well I don't like it at all thank you very much!" Lily rattled on before dishing his food and her own and sitting down at the table. Then she went silent as she sent up a prayer before she began to eat with very proper manners.

Da'Karis was taken aback, Lily beofre now had been quiet and spoke very little at the idea of helping him. "I need no repayment for freeing you Lily and if you are so steadfast then fine. I will use you tonight, you however will not be able to wear armor and I will have to hold your weapons until the proper time and you must follow my instructions impleciately." He said nothing else and instead began to eat as well, if Lily wished to help him then he would include her. It would be easier to get into the marketplace with Lily in tow rather than finding a way to breach the walls themselves.

"Great! I can't wait to see how you go about your work. Even to help you. I can't even have a knife though? Because I have to say my hand to hand combat is more poor then my uncles." Lily said biting her lips from saying anything further, especially about him not being her blood uncle and being a different race even and owner of a tavern. She really had to start watching what she was saying. Even if she had to bite her lips to stop halfway through a normal sentance. It was still better then blurting things out that he didn't need to know about.

"No knife until we are done with the assignment and that is if we need fight our way out. You will need to dress as a slave girl and I will take you to the market that did business with Gregor his contact to The Circle is what I need." Da'Karis wondered if she would refuse to help him, knowing that she would have to play slave girl and dress the part. If not then he would find another way inside, and getting out might get harder. He began to layout his equipment and waited to hear her protests.

"What do Slave girls wear? And what kind of role? I mean if it's easy I'm sure I can handle it but you might have to actually tell me things instead of being all dark and mysterious and silent. Because unless you tell me what I need to do I really can't do them now can I? How much would I be helping on a scale of one to ten. With this mission specifically?" Lily asked and scolded all in one breath. She really did want to help him but she didn't know if she was actually capable of this role. But she woulddo her best once she actually understood what he wanted her to do for him.

"I will get the clothes, they won't be much and you will go inside the market with me as a slave to be sold. Then when I get my information we will be taking our leave, I will carry extra knives with me in the case of a fight. Is that enough of a briefing or would you like for me to say more?" he responded in his usual even tones. Da'Karis hoped he would not have to burn another building down, but if he was left with no other choice. "If you wish to back out Lily I will not mind in the least, after all the job and contract are mine not yours."

"How do slaves normally act and what do they wear?" Lily asked not feeling like she was really part of this. She felt like he was using her for something. "Fine I'll do it even if you're gving me the short end of the stick." She said crossing her arms under her bosom, and wearing the poutiest look she knew how to make on her face. She wanted to tell him what for but she did owe him very much and had to repay that debt.

Da'Karis went at great lengths (for him anyway) describing how Lily should act and what the outfit would be. Slaves in Valusia never wore shoes and dressed plainly, some in almost rags. He would get Lily somewhat better clothes for her modesty sake and in case they had a harder time than he figured. "If you do not wish to be a part of this, then by all means you may remain here. I do not wish to put you into danger Lily." he said opening up the wardrobe with his equipment in it.

"I don't like being without any weapons... but if all else fails I do have at least one magic spell I can use to get me out of a tight situation. So I'll be fine! Um... You really think people will buy that I am a slave?" She asked curiously she'd never seen slaves before because thanks to her parents work no one they worked with ever owned any and they certainly didn't condone it in her country. Or Sildea for that matter. She was amazed he was willing to talk so much but because he had she listened to everything he had said and tried to remember it all.

A while later dressed in a plain cotton dress with her hands bound she followed behind Da'Karis up to the wooden stockade that marked the slave market. He had not spoken about how long they would be there, but he did explain he needed to know the layout and if needed he would leave and come back for her. The guard at the gate admitted them with little effort and commented that he might get more for Lily as a concubine and swatted her behind. They walked to the lead slaver and Da'Karis began to deal with him, the man was half a head taller than Da'Karis and offered to discuss terms in his office. Da'Karis agreed as long as Lily stayed inside the office with them, as he didn't want to lose his investment.

Lily had to clench her fists and grind her teeth to keep herself silent and still from the guard who had taken liberty's on her. But she kept silent and tried very hard to keep her shoulders hanging low and her face to the ground. It was very difficult as she was used to standing and walking like a proper noblewoman, not to mention as a warrior she was always looking people in the eyes and now she was not allowed to do things like that. Slaves lives were worlds different from her own and she was curious was else was different. Though she never wanted to find out what being a concubine was like. She stayed silent but she did sort of wish the cotton dress was more covering. It didn't have any sleeves and it was shorter then she was used to. But then people wanted to see her arms and legs to make sure she wasn't diseased and that she was strong and healthy. She was biting her lips to keep herself quiet and she had to keep reminding herself not to stand up properly, she couldn't however take any of her spirit or the fight out of her eyes.

Da'Karis had smudged her face with dirt and used some of it to dirt her blonde locks the last thing either needed was to be identified. Once the office door was closed the Slaver instructed him to have the slave sit on the floor and took his own seat. "My friend she is an exotic looking thing, but I doubt she will be worth too much after her virtue has been claimed. I can see fit to pass you one hundred gold to you and not a coin more." Da'Karis nodded then asked a simple question, "I have been told you have dealings with The Circle, I'd be interested in supplying them with more slaves, if the money was good."

Lily couldn't help but wonder was one hundred gold coins high or low for a slave. She blushed when he spoke of her virtue and it helped to keep her quite for a while. Like hell anyone was getting it without them being the person she chose though! Even if something went wrong, she'd rather fight to the death. She listened closely though and peaked around at the office. She needed to pay attention to things around her. Weapons windows and doors. Da'Karis had given her a list of things to keep an eye out for her own safety and to stay out of his way. She would strt now, though she was hating the feeling of dirt on her skin and in her hair. She wanted a bath.

Da'Karis was shown the way out, after the Slaver told him that he had a contract that the Circle contacted him when they wanted new slaves. Another slaver took her to a cell and put her in with several other women and children. All were similarly dressed and all dirty like she was, Lily had heard people talk about living in squalor, but had never really seen it. A woman picked up a child and motioned Lily to come sit by her and a couple others. "I am Mirhska and this is my daughter Kina, are you from Valusia my dear?"

"No... I was put on a boat and now I am here... I'm Lyra." Lily said using Lyriels nickname from when Lily was a child. It was close enough to her own and yet different enough no one should notice. Besides all covered in dirt like she was no one should recognize her anyways. She shivered not liking the feeling of dirt all over herself or the looks the guards were giving her, she felt very alone and nervous now that Da'Karis was gone and she was working very hard on not talking very much. It was a very big struggle. At least for her it was but her thoughts were all over the place.

Both mother and child looked malnourished and Kina's breathing was laboured, her mother rocked her and tried to comfort her. "I pray your stay here will be short and someone good will purchase you. If you do not make them money they do not take very good care of you here, I have seen several slaves die waiting to be purchased." Kina cried a little then whispered, "Mamma, i'm hungry." Lily knew that because the slavers did not value mother and child they were starving them to death.

"I will pray to my gods that you get bought soon by good people." 'Lrya' Lily promised, she didn't like seeing people suffer especially kids that could have been her own siblings. Lily was a little worried more so now that she saw how badly Kina and her mother were treated. Hopefully she wouldn't have to wait to terribly long. At least not so long as she gave herself away in some way or another.

As the cage began to bed down Lily began to wonder how long until Da'Karis would return for her. Noises in the stockade made her jump, soldiers patrolled on the walls and people in the cage coughed and tried to sleep. A muted 'thump' got her attention on the roof of the building, was salvation here or just imagination. Minutes later soldiers hustled past the cage and their discussion was about someone gaining entry. A few people began to whisper and some wondered if their family was mounting a rescue attempt.

Lily held her breath she hoped it was Kar, she really hoped it was him. She was cold and hungry and yes she promised to help him but she was only sixteen and she was scared of being in a place like this without any weapons. If she had a knife or something at least! alright she did have one knife. Kar gave it to her, it was really small and it fit in her top under coverings. It was only about two inches long though and wasn't much good in Lily's opinion.

Sounds of panic roused the cage, soldiers were raising an alarm outside and Lily wasn't sure but she thought she smelled smoke. Men appeared and began unlocking the cage dressed like the male counterpart to the female slaves. One mentioned that a man had freed them and bade them free the women and see them to the gates. Mirhska came close to Lily, "We should stick together we can head to the temple they will probably give us shelter." As bodies began spewing forth from the building several were hit by crossbow bolts. There were archers on the main building, but they had a short time while they soldiers needed to reload.

"Run as fast as you can and stay low! Stay in the shadows! Don't stop!" Lily urged Mirh the mother and the other women, if there was one thing Lily knew best it was that moving targets that you couldn't see were the hardest to hit. She didn't know what she was supposed to do now though because Kar didn't tell her what to do if there was a slave break out. So Lily did the only thing she knew how to do, she was going to fight and save people. She ran up to the wall and grabbed the torch and put it out ahead of the group of slaves. It was risky but she was quick and agile. The less those archers could see the better the chances of the slaves to get out and find somewhere to take refuge. She also wanted to be in front to fight any guards that might come up between the exit and all the slaves.

Instead of a slaver guard she came face to face with something much worse, a man wearing a pin of Soth was just outside the gate. He looked twice at Lily and began wading through people coming in her direction. "It's you. Even covered in dirt and wearing a rag I'd know you anywhere Lily." he called out coming closer. The slaves pouring out of the gates amde it hard for anyone to keep track of a single person, even the shape in the shadows. This mission had met with limited success as he didn't find the Circle, but another stepping stone, now to retrive Lily and go back to the inn.

Lily went white as a sheet, she didn't know what to do. This wasn't good a Sothite here? At a slave camp? Looking for her? Why what was her uncle thinking? Why did he want his people to get her. Or was it the evil uncle? Lily didn't know and she didn't want to stay and find out. She couldn't use her magic in this state of mind it was only just usable on her good days. She ducked and weaved through the people trying to put distance between her and the Sothite man. she didn't realize the bodies were thinning out or that she was headed right back towards the fighting.

As she ran into a guard the Sothite caught up to her and the shadow descended into the group. Da'Karis didn't know who the man pursuing Lily back into the stockade was, but figured he was less of a threat then the guard was. His blade entered the small space in the guards armor and the man cried out and dropped his weapon. The sothite seemed more interested in Lily and didn't pay much attention to the other men.

"No!" Lily said in a panick. She ran into a guard and then Kar must have gotten him but then she was grabbed and she kicked the man's knee as hard as she could. She wasn't good at unarmed combat and she fumbled for her one weapon in her fright and nervousness. The man hadn't hurt her or anything yet but Lily's mind didn't need bad things to happen to her before it started coming up with things that might happen. "Shit!" Lily cursed grabbing the short sword from the guard now dead at her feet.

Two things surprised the Sothite, hearing noble Lily Ravenwood curse and the other was the short man behind the guard jump up and connect both feet to his chest. The drop kick put the man on his back gasping for breath and Da'Karis grabbed Lily and they fled out the stockade gate. He didn't stop or slow for many long moments at times finally he found a spot and wrapped himself and Lily in his cloak so he could watch for pursuit. They were close together, Lily could feel his breath against her neck that is how close to one another they were. Da'Karis could see sixty feet in the pitch darkness of the alley and if they were followed he would quickly dispatch them so they could get back to the inn.

Lily was shaking, meeting a Sothite here in Valusia was not something she had thought of. Not only that but it was in the middle of all the chaos and it had really startled Lily. She kept her breathing quiet but mostly hearing Kar's heartbeat was helping to calm her like nothing she'd ever known had before. Usually everything made her more excited or more energetic just generally more. Especially talkative but This man was something else he was just so different. Not only because he was an assassin either. Even though her breathing was labored for her stamina wasn't the greatest out of her family's she hadbeen able to keep up, but his arms around her even though it covered her up completely made her feel safe and protected. She blushed a little though at sudden thoughts at being so close to each other, though she tried not to move and make any noise still.

Valusia V

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