Page name: Valusia XVI [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-10-16 02:29:10
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia XV

A short time later the two women were walking along the street that led to the mid-town markets. Rosi explained that some shops would be a little unconventional, but would have everything Lily was looking for. They ducked into a shop where they found all types of different fabric skirts and tops almost every shade Lily could want. "Well pick some and try them before we spend good coin." Rosi prompted her.

Lily picked simply white top and a white see through skirt and silken open sided pants to go under. A few white hankercheif like things to go around her arms and adorn her hair. She then picked out while they were out shopping picked up a new black coat. And a few black shirts too. Everything was self adjusting so she didn't have to try anything on and she had Kar's size memorized.

Rosi then led her to the shop where there were several objects created by magical artisans that played music or even just beats as she had wanted. Unbeknownst to either of them, Sarah had spotted them while she was looking through the market for something special. The machines were not cheap, but the craftsmanship was amazing. Rosi waited while Lily looked at her hearts content before asking, "Is this more of for bedroom time or are you gonna use it for something else?"

"I don't know. Maybe for entertainment at the tavern. My mother made all of the girls learn this dance. All of us had to be versed in all things high class." Lily giggled as she looked around at all the magic little things.

Rosi smiled and then paid for one of the magical boxes that could play many tunes and joked with Lily that it was for the tavern then and they would get their money back. "Shall we stop and get some lunch and perhaps something to drink before heading back?" Rosi asked walking out of the store.

"A drink but men have been watching us. We should stay in the public and don't go.near alleys Don't look around either. Just two.girls put shopping is all we are doing." Lily said pointing to a drink stall with plenty of people around it all.

They got some tea from the vendor and sat under the awning of his shop, enjoying the breeze that blew down from the mountains. "Lily, when Da'Karis made that man and woman leave the tavern why were you so afraid of them?" Rosi asked curiously. She had thought she spotted the woman from that night quite a few minutes ago, but dismissed it. Sarah not far away kept them in her sights, Galin wanted her to try talking to Lily and possibly seeing if she could convince her to go back home with them.

"He... Was a bad man from before. He calls himself family. Uncle even. But he's not. He's a monster. He has tried to kill my father and has several times tried to take my mother for himself. Now he makes this army of people and puts them all over the world. Everyone should fear and hate him. He is evil." Lily said all in hushed tones. Speaking softly and pausing when people passed by. Her mother really had frightened her of her uncle. Reading the family book didn't help either. She didn't know what her uncle was up to but she wanted to stay out of it and being with Kar did that.

Rosi reached out and patted her hand, "Well, he must not be too evil cause he backed down from Da'Karis and that shows he isn't stupid." Then she recounted several tales when some tried to resist being asked to leave and in most cases regretted the decision. "So, your clothes, New stuff for 'Kar' and the music box, anything else you need or want before we head back?" The people thinned out a little bit as most hurried to find somewhere to have lunch before returning to the day.

"I'm all good now! I want to help people Rosi. Maybe I will dance for the tavern after i practice for a while." Lily giggled softly as she carried her packages with her friend back to the tavern. Since Kar was gone she was going to eat downstairs with Rose. At least that's what she had planned. Rosi might have a different plan to use for her day off.

They walked back to the inn arm in arm until they got to the side entrance when Rosi let Lily go, "I'm going to put my stuff in my room. How about you do the same then come back down and we'll eat lunch and torture the wait staff." she said with a teasing giggle. She kissed Lily's cheek and went up the stairs to her room with everything she had bought that afternoon, neither of them had seen Sarah follow behind them determined to talk to Lily in Galin's defense.

Lily smiled at her friend and got ready to take her own things upstairs to Kar's room, she wanted to surprise him with what she had gotten for him. But she stopped when she heard someone speaking to her.

"Excuse me... Lily? I was hoping I could talk to you, just the two of us." Sarah asked gently smiling in a friendly way her hand on the younger girls shoulder, Sarah hoped a private word between them would make the girl feel a little more at ease with Sarah being there.

"You! You were here with my... with that man." Lily finished her sentence lamely, she didn't even want to acknowledge the possibility of him actually being her uncle here to take her home. obviously that couldn't be the case.

"Yes and listen I really do just wish to speak with you, see I even came on my own today." Sarah offered in hopes that the girl wouldn't run off or call that man who had made her and Galin leave the previous day to chase her out again.

"Well... I'm not going to listen! I have no business with either of you!" Lily said with a scowl, she didn't want to hear her at all but she had been brought up like a noble and this woman had done nothing to her, Lily bit her bottom lip and stood waiting.

"I thought you might be unhappy but listen... Your mother asked us to find you. Galin is ever so worried about you. He fears that man is using you, he really only wants to take you home to your mother." Sarah said trying to urge the importance of Galin wishing to protect Lily and not do anything malicious to her on the young girl, she also thought speaking of her mother would help convince her.

"He is not using me he is protecting me! My mother has other children to keep her happy!" Lily said starting to look a little uncertain of herself slowly.

"Lily please Soth as been speaking with your mother, if you wish I'm sure he would let you speak to her as well, so you could let her know you are alright and that you aren't hurt. You're mother is so worried Lily, don't make her worry so, what if she made herself ill with worry for you? Would you want her to be so heartbroken that you left?" Sarah cajoled, "Come to the house... Galin will let you speak to her and will do nothing to you I swear it. He only wishes to reunite you and your mother, You should at least let your poor mother know you are in good health. I'm sure you've not sent any sort of reassurance to her, She thinks you captured or dead I'm sure. Let him try to make his life right." Sarah continued smiling sweetly at Lily.

"N-no... I have sent a letter... Mommy wouldn't be bothered that much... No, he's still evil! I don't... believe you." Lily said beginning to really worry about what kind of effect her leaving would have on her family. She hadn't thought to much on it before, but three pregnant women... her brother... she did leave at a rather rotten moment.

"Lily do you think really that your mother wouldn't worry about her little girl in some unknown place far away and out of reach. Please dear just come and speak to her, let her know you are okay, as her daughter you should ease her at least that much shouldn't you? I won't leave your side I promise, please Lily let your uncle help you." Sarah smiled sweetly and reassuringly at Lily.

Lily chewed her bottom lip for a moment before setting her things on top of a nearby table. "I... I'm only coming to speak to my mother. I'm not going home and I don't want them to know where I am either." Lily said looking unsure of herself, it was true this woman had done nothing bad to her and her uncle hadn't been forceful or done anything bad. "O-only for a few minutes and then I have to return." Lily said finally giving in, after all she loved her family and was sure they were in fact being driven crazy by her being out of reach and gone. She had never really met her uncle before either so she decided to give him one chance at least to let him prove himself to her personally.

"Wonderful! Come right away! Don't worry I brought along some bodyguards to keep us safe, Galin will be so pleased Lily he really will!" Sarah said clapping her hands happily before taking the young girls hand in her own and leading her out of the tavern. Leaving Lily's purchases on the table and taking lily along to the house, in her skirt and tunic just as she was.

When they reached the house where Sarah stayed with Galin they were admitted quickly by the butler, "Welcome home mistress Sarah and your guest, Master Galin returned home a little while ago and is cleaning up. May I get you tea or anything else while you wait?" Galin had come home from his visit to The Circle, his more savage and cruel tendencies being sated and decided to get a bath and wait for Sarah to return.

"No thank you, could you please inform Galin that I brought his niece here? I'm sure he will be very happy to receive such news." Sarah said with a big smile directed at Lily, Sarah new Galin would want to know she was here so he could prepare himself accordingly, and after she had convinced the girl to come into the house she didn't want her getting scared off right away. She had promised she wouldn't leave the girl's side and she was making good on that promise to her.

Lily was chewing on her bottom lip nervously, after entering the house she became tense and wary. Waiting for men to come around the corner with weapons drawn or her uncle to be in armor and bloody and coming after her to kill her too like he almost did to her brother. Her hand stayed tight in Sarah's and she shifted uneasily, this house was grand and expensive and she was currently dressed like well a barmaid. Because she was technically. She was glad though that Sarah was keeping her word about staying by her side.

She heard footsteps on the stairs and then Galin entered the sitting room and stopped for a second. He was unable to believe with everything and everyone at his disposal his mistress would be the one to bring Lily to him. "Thank the Gods you are safe young lady." he said sitting across from her, not wanting to spook her. "Your mother has been so upset, terrified at what evils might befall you child. And yet you are well as I can see a true testament to how capable you are. Please tell me how you came to Valusia, then I will attempt to use the magic that will let you speak to your mother." He hoped the praise would lessen her distrustful opinion of him.

"On a boat." Lily said softly keeping her eyes on her uncle since he entered the room and her vision. She wasn't about to take her eyes off of him just in case. She wasn't really here for a casual chat and she didn't believe for a moment that he was worried about her like her mother would be. But this might be the only way to speak to her mother without her finding out where she was a sending others after her. Lily didn't want to leave Kar. "I'm only giving you a half hour before I'm gone." Lily said trying to show him she wasn't afraid and could set her own rules.

Sarah smiled and patted Lily's hand. "Don't worry, he won't do anything I promise Lily. You're mother will be so relieved to hear from you dear. Give Galin a chance, he really does want to help you." Sarah said calmly, she was obviously the calming reassuring presence that was keeping Lily there and in the mood to talk.

"Indeed, I am no longer the monster I was once upon a time, but I would rather convince you instead. And the man who brought you here, your mother described someone far different that she believed spirited you away from Andor." The butler brought tea and cakes and left them alone, Galin offered Lily first choice in both tea cups and in cakes. "Just to prove there is no duplicity I will take a little piece of any you choose." he offered before pouring all three tea and taking a sip of his own.

"He's... not here anymore. We split up. He didn't spirit me, I had left with him." Lily said looking between Galin and Sarah, she picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. She didn't really want to talk but if he was telling the truth and he was getting information for her mother... then she had to give him a little bit of information. "When can I speak to my mother?" Lily asked softly clearly she was nervous and wasn't comfortable sitting here speaking with them.

Galin did his best to smile politely he knew that Lily had been taken and was to be sold as a sexual toy and that the assassin Da'Karis had rescued her. "Not all adventures end as promising as they begin, but you seem to have done well for yourself being alone. You are truly as capable as your parents and shortly I will contact your mother and let her speak with you and even give you the ability to contact me should the need arise."

"No. I just want to give my mother a message. I just want to talk to her and go. I don't want anything from you." Lily said, softly putting the cup of tea back down, glancing at Sarah before keeping her eyes again on Galin. She hoped he would leave her alone but she had a slightly sinking feeling in her stomach about being here.

"Very well, I will put you in contact with her and still give you the means to contact me if you do wish to continue communicating with your mother." he said. "Come with me and I will give you some privacy in which to converse." he stood and walked to another room and waited until Lily joined him. Taking his ring he closed all other communication except Alehial and reached out to her. "Alehial? Can you hear me, I have something very interesting for you." he turned and looked at Lily, "Now we wait to see if she responds."

Lily followed and was extremely great full when Sarah followed until she stopped at the door way and urged her on. "She'll answer you?" Lily asked softly, she didn't like being in a room alone with her uncle, but he hadn't done anything else so far so she simply had to trust him a little while longer.

"It had better be." Alehial answered through her own pin, after all the excitement of what had happened that day Alehial was tired and ready for bed. She did still have to check on all the children to make sure they were all in their beds, but she was in the midst of changing when Galin had contacted her. She was tired of not having any news and Galin still bothering her.

"Here child, hold this and think of your mother and she will hear you and vice versa." Galin instructed and left Lily alone in the room to speak with Alehial.

Lily held onto it tightly and thought hard of her mom. "Mom? Mommy?" Lily didn't like being shut in a room by herself in her uncle's house but if this worked then... maybe he wasn't so bad.

"Lily?!? Lily where are you?! Are you okay? Has he hurt you? Has Galin hurt you? Are you safe? Are you well?" Alehial asks instantly her fear and concern fill her voice.

"Mommy! I'm okay, I'm safe! No... No one hurt me mom! I'm okay I swear I'm doing okay..." Lily tried to answer her mother to reassure her, however hearing her mother, Lily is filled with the fright and loneliness of before when Gerard and that other man had taken her and held her. Tears filled her eyes and she wished she was home in her parents arms at the moment.

"Oh Baby I was so scared! I was so worried! Where are you? I'll send your brother for you right away! Okay Lily? It'll be okay I'll come and get you just stay there with Galin." Alehial sent hurriedly rummaging for clothes to put on. So she could call on Darrel and have him get her.

"NO! No Mom... I... I'm not coming home. I... I'm living here... and I'm making it, it's all working. I wanted to let you know I'm okay, I'm safe and I'm happy okay? But I'm staying here and... I'm not coming home. Not for a while. But... Did you really ask Uncle Galin to find me? Did... did you agree to have him bring me home and keep me safe?" Lily asked, she really hadn't believed it at all, but she wanted to assure her mother that she was alright. She needed to hear it from her mother though, her mother who was manipulated and used by her uncle, was working with him now.

"Lily... Lily please... just come home honey... please I'll explain but just come home... Come home Lily." Alehial said her breath catching in her throat as she faced a question she wasn't ready to answer. She began to plead with her daughter to come home. Where she could keep her safe.

"No. I have to go Mom. I love you, Tell Conner... He couldn't have stopped me. I love you all." Lily said before left the room and shoved the item back into Galin's hands. Her cheeks were damp with tears and her eyes red, she sniffled and didn't look at Galin or Sarah. "I... I have to go back now, Thanks." Lily said her voice thick with her tears.

Galin caught her arm and he put a pin in her hand, "Take this, if you need help or simply wish to speak with your mother again use this to communicate the same way with me." He also produced a square of linen and offered it to her to dry her tears.

"Thanks." Lily speaks softly taking both items before she literally ran from the home. She hurried back to the Tavern and hoped Rosi was there and not mad and willing to hold her because Lily really needed someone to comfort her and someone whom she could trust. She was using the handkerchief to dab her tears from her face. The last thing she needed was to be attacked on her way home to the Tavern from Galin's house. She did have a dagger on her and she had learned some things from Kar but she wasn't in a good mental state to fight anyone really.

When she arrived Rosi was sitting out back with her dinner and enjoying being out of the tavern for a little while. She had not seen Lily or Da'Karis for a while and she hoped that Lily was not in trouble and Da'Karis was taking care of his contracts. She saw Lily and her distress and got to her feet, "Lily what is wrong?"

"R-Rosi!" Lily cried running to her friend and hugging her tightly. Lily didn't understand why her mother would make a deal with her uncle. Why her mother would lie to the kids, to her dad. Why if she hated him so much she was doing so many dealings with him, her most persistent villain. Why he was being so honorable but her mother so deceitful, nothing made any sense to Lily and it rocked her all the way down to her very core. If she couldn't trust her own mother, then the only person she really could trust was Kar. Lily cried until she couldn't anymore and simply sat next to Rosi. "I'm sorry... I'm alright, I... I just needed to cry I guess." Lily said trying to smile for Rosi, for once Lily was the opposite of talkative.

Valusia XVII

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