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*Artsie's* Art - AQUARIUS [Logged in view]
2009-06-14 13:52:30
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Total: 24 images
- The Water Carrier -

Aquarius - an Air sign, a Fixed sign.

January 20 - February 18

Stones: Amethyst and Moonstone

Starstone: Turquoise

Your ruling planet is URANUS

The color of choice for Aquarius is TURQUOISE.

The animal associated with your sign is none. Rather, the symbol associated with your sign is the water bearer. It is symbolic of the Gods nourishing the earth with life giving energies. One of the first to be called the water bearer was the Greek God Zeus in mythology.

Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with future ideas and the unusual. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a creative, challenging, entertaining, progressive, stimulating, and independent character, but one which is also prone to rebelliousness
, coldness, erraticism, cowardice, and impracticality.
Aquarius governs the legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood, its natives are susceptible to ailments particularly in the legs and ankles, such as cramps, and are also liable to spasmodic and nervous complaints, as well as wind, catarrh, diarrhea, dropsy, goiter and delirium tremens - so that the avoidance of alcohol is important for those Aquarians who have a taste for it.
In terms of geography, Aquarius linked are with Sweden, Canada, Ethiopia and Poland.
[ Positive Traits ]:
Friendly and humanitarian.
Honest and loyal.
Original and inventive.
Independent and intellectual.
[ Non-positive Traits ]:
Intractable and contrary.
Perverse and unpredictable.
Unemotional and detached.
[ Likes ]:
Fighting for Causes.
Dreaming and Planning for the Future.
Thinking of the Past.
Good Companions.
Having Fun.
[ Dislikes ]:
Full of Air Promises.
Excessive Loneliness.
The Ordinary.

Symbols & Stars for AQUARIUS... ---> 

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---> [Artsieladie].</center>
Check out this wiki of mine:
Astrology & Zodiac
[ ALSO: ]
What's your sign?!
Hosted by [Mom]!

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May God Bless You!
Have a Great Day!

[ ALSO :]
*Artsie's* Art - ARIES
*Artsie's* Art - TAURUS
*Artsie's* Art - GEMINI
*Artsie's* Art - CANCER
*Artsie's* Art - LEO
*Artsie's* Art - VIRGO
*Artsie's* Art - LIBRA
*Artsie's* Art - SCORPIO
*Artsie's* Art - SAGITTARIUS
*Artsie's* Art - CAPRICORN
*Artsie's* Art - PISCES</center>
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