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*Artsie's* Art - VIRGO [Logged in view]
2009-06-14 14:46:53
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Total: 24 images
- The Virgin -

Virgo - an Earth sign, a Mutable sign.

August 24 - September 22

Stone: Sapphire

Starstone: Sardonyx

Your ruling planet is MERCURY.

The color of choices for Virgo are GREEN and DARK BROWN.

The animal associated with your sign is not an animal, but an entity, The Virgin, that is associated with your sign. The Virgin imparts purity of intent to the actions of the persons born under the sign of Virgo.

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac and is the only zodiacal sign represented by a female. It's associated with purity and service. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a diligent, analytical, self-sufficien
t, controlled, orderly, modest, and intellectual character, but one which is also prone to fussiness, perfectionism, harsh criticism, coldness, and hypochondria.
Virgo governs the hands, abdomen, intestines, spleen and central nervous system. Illnesses to which its natives are prone include catarrh, cold, coughs, pleurisies, pneumonia and nervous instabilities. Their natures make them inclined to worry and this makes them vulnerable to stomach and bowel troubles, including colic and ulcers. Male Virgoans may have trouble with their sexual organs. Both sexes are strongly interested in drugs and esoteric cuisine and as their delicate stomachs require them to be careful about their diet, it is essential that they treat their fascination with exotic food with extreme care.
In terms of geography, Virgo is linked with Turkey, Greece, Brazil, Uruguay and the Caribbean.
[ Positive Traits ]:
Modest and shy.
Meticulous and reliable.
Practical and diligent.
Intelligent and analytical.
[ Non-positive Traits ]:
Fussy and a worrier.
Overcritical and harsh.
Perfectionist and conservative.
[ Likes ]:
Health foods.
[ Dislikes ]:
Hazards to health.
Anything sordid.
Sloppy workers.
Being uncertain.

Symbols & Stars for VIRGO... ---> 

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---> [Artsieladie].</center>
Check out this wiki of mine:
Astrology & Zodiac
[ ALSO: ]
What's your sign?!
Hosted by [Mom]!

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May God Bless You!
Have a Great Day!

[ ALSO :]
*Artsie's* Art - ARIES
*Artsie's* Art - TAURUS
*Artsie's* Art - GEMINI
*Artsie's* Art - CANCER
*Artsie's* Art - LEO
*Artsie's* Art - LIBRA
*Artsie's* Art - SCORPIO
*Artsie's* Art - SAGITTARIUS
*Artsie's* Art - CAPRICORN
*Artsie's* Art - AQUARIUS
*Artsie's* Art - PISCES</center>
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