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*Artsie's* Art - LIBRA [Logged in view]
2009-06-14 14:19:30
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Total: 24 images
- The Scales -

Libra - an Air sign, a Cardinal sign.

September 23 - October 23

Stone: Peridot

Starstone: Sapphire

Your ruling planet is VENUS.

The color of choice for Libra is BLUE.

The animal associated with your sign is none. The symbol associated with your sign is the scales of balance, which you continually seek in your self and your life. The scales were also adopted by our judicial system to symbolize a balance of fairness in the law which is emphasized by 'blind justice' holding them.

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac and is associated with justice. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a pleasant, charming, fair, perceptive, idealistic, refined, and diplomatic character, but one which is also prone to frivolity, flirtatiousnes
s, indecision, deceitfulness, and insecurity.
Libra governs the lumbar region, lower back and kidneys. Its subjects must beware of weaknesses in the back, and lumbago, and they are susceptible to troubles in the kidneys and bladder, especially gravel and stone. They need to avoid overindulgence in food and especially drink, for the latter can particularly harm the kidneys.
In terms of geography, Libra is linked with China, Japan, Denmark, Austria, Argentina, Tibet, and South Africa.
[ Positive Traits ]:
Diplomatic and urbane.
Romantic and charming.
Easygoing and sociable.
Idealistic and peaceable.
[ Non-positive Traits ]:
Indecisive and changeable.
Gullible and easily infuenced.
Flirtatious and self-indulgent.
[ Likes ]:
The finer things in life.
[ Dislikes ]:
Being a slave to fashion.

Symbols & Stars for LIBRA... ---> 

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Elftown Graphics *Artsie_ladie*.
---> [Artsieladie].</center>
Check out this wiki of mine:
Astrology & Zodiac
[ ALSO: ]
What's your sign?!
Hosted by [Mom]!

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May God Bless You!
Have a Great Day!

[ ALSO :]
*Artsie's* Art - ARIES
*Artsie's* Art - TAURUS
*Artsie's* Art - GEMINI
*Artsie's* Art - CANCER
*Artsie's* Art - LEO
*Artsie's* Art - VIRGO
*Artsie's* Art - SCORPIO
*Artsie's* Art - SAGITTARIUS
*Artsie's* Art - CAPRICORN
*Artsie's* Art - AQUARIUS
*Artsie's* Art - PISCES</center>
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