Akantha Kostas
User Name: [
Character Name: Akantha Kostas
Mutant Name: Barrage
Abilities/powers: Explosive telekinesis. Essentially, she can blow things up with her mind. The more she focuses, the larger the explosions she can make. With less focus she can create small, fast firecracker explosions and with intense focus she can cause much larger and more dangerous ones. Her power seems to reside where her third eye is - directly in the center of her forehead. If someone distracts her or messes with that spot then the results could be grievous indeed. She is then unable to aim and could misfire anywhere, as well as potentially blow herself up if she tries to use them anymore. Healing from this type of injury is accompanied by a massive migraine and an inability to use her power until it completely healed.
Sex: Female
Age: 18
Date of Birth: April 3, Aries
General Appearance: Akantha is Greek, or at least that's what she knows herself to be, and quite the Amazon. 5'10, leggy, busty, and rocks an hourglass figure that she's rather proud of and not afraid to show off. Her skin is dark olive, mouth succulent, nose straight, all leading up to a pair of bottomless black eyes with elegant brows arching over them. She wears her thick, glossy black hair in a long mohawk with the sides buzzed to show off the tattoos there, and often pulls it back into a ponytail that somehow manages to still look feminine. Physically, she is quite a woman and has curves covering her athletic body.
Additional Appearance: Akantha has a pension for "standing out." NYC will do that to a person. Her ears are gauged enough to stick 3 cigarettes in the grommets, her tongue has a silver barbell through it, both nipples are skewered with silver barbells, belly-button (which she shows off constantly) has a skull dangling from the piercing, two barbells through the end of one eyebrow, a ring through her septum, and her ears are pierced with double industrials on one side and double conches on the other.
She has one arm completely filled with colorful tattoos, all of which depict skulls, zombies, dead flesh, blood, and the macabre. The other has a shoulder piece that wraps around and onto her entire back and is a giant sea-battle between a krakken and a ghost pirate ship. She only got around to tattooing one leg but it is her favorite and covers from her toes to her entire butt-cheek in a mad collage. The tattoos her buzzed hair shows are of 3 skulls on each side. Her style is a combination of punk, urban, and thrift store steals.
Personality: Akantha is what one might call a "free spirit." She likes to shock and awe – making people uncomfortable brings her great amusement. She’s not
emotionally dramatic but seems to demand attention with the way she walks hard, talks loud, and pokes mischief around. She lives larger than life and moves through it with nonchalant authority. Rebellious, defiant, lazy, and fiercely independent, she just wants to go through life at her own pace and set the whole thing ablaze on the hellish ride to the end. Akantha loves to party, break the rules (either obviously or discreetly, she doesn’t mind), sleep around if she desires, and be unapologetic about everything she does.
Special Skills: Picking locks, ditching the cops, graffiti, hitch-hiking, poetry (she shares with no one but can be seen writing), and she can speak fluent Greek.
Place of Birth: Thessaloniki, Greece but was raised in NYC from the time she was 4
Weapon(s) of Choice: 'SPLOSIONS! She has also been known to flick a knife or break a beer bottle or just beat the tar out of you with her bare hands.
Medical Information: She's been in and out of hospitals for broken bones and for 'mental disorders' so there is a long record of her in the East New York Mental Health Clinic, but she personally believes there's nothing wrong with her and refuses to identify with the labels.
Not-So-Brief History: It was just Akantha and her mother Nicia for almost all of Akantha's life. She has no idea who her father is and resents her mother for never speaking of it, since she's pretty sure she knows what happened. Why ELSE would a mother hate their only daughter so much? They live in a shithole apartment in East New York (little more than a slum), living next to drug dealers, crack heads, sex offenders, and murderers. The apartment complex itself was riddled with bullet holes, broken windows, a broken down fire escape, and pests. She and her mother spend most of their time fighting: verbally and physically. Akantha was usually banged up when she was younger, until she grew big enough to start giving Nicia black eyes of her own. They have a terrible relationship built on emotional abuse, physical violence, resentment, and mistrust.
Needless to say, Akantha didn’t spend much time at home. She grew up on the streets, getting into simple street urchin trouble with the other kids: stealing from cash registers, getting the homeless guy to buy them alcohol, breaking and entering, vandalism, etc. Her pack when she was young quickly turned into her gang when they got older. They sold petty drugs like weed and mushrooms, which financed most of Akantha’s body modifications. As they grew, Akantha started to question the world around her, wondering why there was always a cop ready to beat her down into her place, but never there when her mother was doing the same. Why was it ok for the upper crust to remain in the lap of luxury while the peasants milled like ants in the street? Deeply, she began to loathe the system and her crimes turned more pointed: blowing up Starbucks, violently protesting the police, vandalizing an entire bridge with anti-establish
ment propaganda, etc.
Her life before her powers was a revolving door of school expulsions, juvenile detention, passionate fights with her mother, and gang life that gave her a sense of family.
When she was 13, her powers manifested for the first time. She was running from a cop who caught her in the middle of graffiti-ing an underpass. She was a skinny little tomboy at this point, but still quite tall and her legs carried her faster than the fat, lazy cops’. However, he was still a grown man and kept on her tail like a dog on the hunt, so the chase lasted longer than she had anticipated – over fences, through alleys, taking him the best way she knew through her own streets to the warehouse district, where she intended to lose him in the enormity of it all. But he was still on her tail – he shot once and missed, but the anger was enough to trigger Akantha’s dormant power into full wakefulness. As she huffed towards the nearest warehouse, the doors of it blew clean off, stopping the petty criminal in her tracks for a moment. The cop stopped too, shocked, and then backed off to request back-up in potentially a larger case than that of a street urchin vandalism. Akantha, daring even in her youth, barged straight into the warehouse and kicked out a window on the other side, making her escape.
After that, she decided to put her mind to the test, since she had a feeling that the blast had come from her. After a couple of firecracker-like explosions, Akantha knew. She was different. She showed only one person to begin with, her boyfriend Sword, who was also a mutant who ran in different circles, but soon her whole gang had found out what Akantha could do and their level of seriousness skyrocketed: GTA, armed robbery, greater quantities of drugs, offering protection to those who could pay, etc.
But Akantha didn’t like where this was going. They were becoming greedy little bastards, no better than the cops they so hated or the government that employed them. She passionately explained how they should funnel their energies towards something useful, but her comrades were lazy and complacent, happy to have a weapon on their side that left no fingerprints. So, Akantha ventured out, using the ruse of her petty gang life to cover for what she did at night: acts of anarchist terrorism. She blew up Starbucks after hours, turned nice cars into smoldering parts, blew kneecaps off of cops who she could see were not doing their jobs properly, attacking insurance buildings and corporations, anything she could think of. So long as she was within eyesight, she could make explosions wherever she wanted. She was plastered all over the news, the streets in a panic as the people feared another 9/11 as the papers, stations, and magazines all speculated about the origin of this terrorist. She earned a name for herself, “CHAOS” after she exploded all of the windows in a large credit card company building to read “chaos”, watching gleefully from a rooftop a few blocks away.
This led to an anti-mutant mob’s growing interest in her. No evidence led them to call foul play and one day they found her. After knocking her accidentally in her 3rd eye, her powers went awry and she was forced to fight them off unarmed, nearly losing her life until some crazy bitch on a bike showed up and distracted the majority of them, giving Akantha her chance to escape.
At 15, her mother gave birth to her baby sister, Zona, whom she dotes on without restriction. Zona was originally a cause of strife between the mother and daughter, since Akantha knew she’d love this baby and not her, but when Zon was born she took an immediate shining to her older sister and Akantha found herself quite enamored.
Her bad behavior became worse until one day quite recently, she was caught and tried for arson and convicted as an adult. There was no hard evidence to link her to the arson, so she was let off easier than the judge would have liked, though they had enough evidence to prove she was there. The courts demanded that she either enroll in a reformatory school or spend a year in jail. Luckily for her, Xavier found her easily on Cerebro, and came to her court hearing in the nick of time to extend his services at his School of Gifted Youngsters. Since it was either jail or the bald guy, she chose the bald guy.
Relatives: Akantha's mother, Nicia, is 100% Greek and a total mess. Her father is Armano Glint, but Akantha knows nothing about him since Nicia won’t speak a word. Zona, her baby sister and most favorite person in the world, is 3.
How long your character has been in the mansion: Brand spankin' new
Akantha Pics
Dormitory 307
Current Attire: She is clad today in a pair of low-rise black skinny jeans that cling to her shapely curves without mercy and a white t-shirt with El Dia de Los Muertos skulls on it, the hem of which clearly displays her pierced belly-button. Over this is a black denim jacket that helps to hide the red bra you can see through the thin material of her shirt. Topped off with red Converse sneakers.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)
 | ...; ... |  | ...; .... |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | 2; Talk about boring. Next. | | |
 | 3; This one is interesting, even if her cat-like hissing is old. She hears she's a traitor...well that's good to know. |  | 3; He looks like one of her own but was acting all butthurt about her questions. What was she supposed to do, NOT ask more about this whole kidnapping business? |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | 4; She seems properly guarded, mistrusting, and capable of getting into trouble. She'll see where this can lead. |  | 5; Sexy, but too vanilla for her taste. Shame, really, since she'd like to climb all over him. |
 | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | 5; Interesting character. Definitely the most interesting she's met since she's been here, and the most informative. She might enjoy getting into trouble with this one. |  | ...; ... |
 | ...; ... |  | 3; Barbie is a rule following goodie-goodie, but she's not too annoying about it. |  | ...; .... |
 | 6; Funny kid. He did her a favor by letting her keep her bag in his room, and doesn't seem to take life too seriously. This could be a fun alliance, especially with their powers combined to make mischief. |  | 0; He fucked with her smokes. | | |
| | | | | |
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