Page name: Elianna Miller [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-15 21:09:49
Last author: La Luna
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Elianna Miller


User Name: [La Luna]

Character name: Elianna Rose Miller (Ellie)

Mutant Name: Astra

Abilities/powers: Elianna more or less has the ability to control waves of light, all of them with training. She has the ability to bend light around a object, therefore making it invisible since the light can not hit it and come back to the eye. As she learns more with her powers she can concentrate light to heat things.

Sex: Female

Age/Date of Birth: 17, March 14

General appearance: Elianna has Bleached blonde hair from being in both the sun and a pool too often, that's usually in a thick side braid. She has large hazel eyes that usually are just a ring around her large pupil, taking in as much light as it can. She has a swimmers body, lean. She's about regular height for her age. Her appearance is soft, as is everything about her. Nothing is hard or standing out. Her attire consists of just sweaters and jeans.

Additional Appearance: Her ears are pierced.

Personality: As mentioned before she is soft. She tends to be a bit of a push over, very nice and sweet. She's pretty much unable to say no to people. Let's them walk all over her. But she gets angry when people point this out and try to change her. She doesn't like to be mean but she'll snap if someone drives her too it. She wants to be a doctor when she grows up, she has a affinity for healing people.

Special Skills: She is a exceptionally good swimmer, and besides knowing a lot about first-aide and how to cook Mac-and-Cheese she doesn't know how to do much.

Place of birth: Mystic, Connecticut.
Weapon(s) of choice: She tends to lean toward Flight instead of Fight.
Medical information: She gets more then her daily amount of Vitamin C
Brief History: Ellie has always had a good life. Her father is the governor of Connecticut, her mother owns a bakery. Her house was large and she had a older brother who was very protective of her. She developed her powers at the age of 13, she had turned her dog invisible by accident. Her father learned of the Institution and sent her here for her 'own good'. She wasn't so close to her Father, but she talks to her Mom often and her Brother almost every other day.
Relatives: David (Father), Alice(Mother), John(Brother)

Current Clothing: Red cargo like shorts over her one piece lavender swimsuit. Triangles are cut out of the sides exposing bear skin. She has gray flip flops on her feet.

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)

Lucas Alexander-- 6 He was nice in the pool, bad swimmer though

Justin Alphar--

Kyle Bedlington --

Kenna Duncan --

Elizabeth Charms --

Endelyn Hagan --

Kobayashi Hisoka --

Mimic --

Daniela Morgan --

Mihir Proudclaw --

Eddie Ryder --

Shade --

Korvka Shostakovich --

Vladimir Shostakovich -- 6 He showed her around when she first arrived, very nice.

Light Arely Tilar --

Shana Grace Tilar --

Adrianne Wagner --

Nathan White --

Ivan Wright --

Zeke Savage --

Akantha Kostas --

Luloah Esther Akins --

Valerie K. Sprouse --

Olivier Reeves --

Jessica Masters --

Timothy Maxwell --

Catherine Rubell -- 5 That was the girl in the pool, Right?

Magnolia Cassabella --

Anthony Havelock --

Lirerial --

Evangela "Eva" Brandt --

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2012-03-11 [Duredhel]: happy bday Luna! Char is up! post post ;D!

2012-03-11 [La Luna]: Thanks Dur! Will do! :3

2012-03-13 [The Past]: Correct me if I am wrong... but I believe light and heat are two different things. Sources like the sun and light bulbs give off heat and light, but I don't think they are the same thing :/

2012-03-13 [Figgy]: Looked it up, something about the light reacting with the atoms and molecules in a substance to make them vibrate faster, thus causing heat. So, she could concentrate her light to heat one specific spot of a substance, but not necessarily the air, unless she somehow pulled the greenhouse effect and trapped the heat in a space. I could be wrong, but that's what I gathered.

2012-03-13 [The Past]: Hm, was wondering, as I always remembered stuff like the sun and light bulbs producing light and heat, not counted them as one. Although, how would light cause extra vibration? I mean, we get light from them moon but it is light reflected from the sun, yet if you stand under moonlight it doesn't warm you like sunlight. Of course, that could be because that is diluted, but also could mean that it is only the light reflected back to us, not the heat.

Also, not meaning this in an attacking type way, just confused and curious o.o and I think I am just confusing myself more now...

2012-03-13 [Figgy]: XD It's alright.

Sinlight vs. a brick wall:

"Light from the sun excites electrons in the atoms which constitute the brick wall. How does that electronic energy get converted to heat, you ask. The key is 'radiationless transitions.' Here's how it works: the atoms of the brick are perpetually vibrating. Some of those atoms vibrate sufficiently vigorously that their vibrational energy is roughly equal to the electronic energy (photons) absorbed from the sun--in essence, they are in resonance with the solar energy. Those atoms then make a quantum transition from 'electronically excited' to 'vibrationally excited,' meaning that the energy causes the whole atom to move. We feel that motion as "heat." The atoms which make the jump to vibrational excitation soon collide into neighboring atoms, dissipating their vibrational energy throughout the entire brick, making the brick hot throughout.

2012-03-13 [The Past]: Hm, will go with it, just still a little confused how light can cause an object to react, since generally it reflects of an item. I assume it would have something to do with the wave lengths of light, causing a form of physical force against particles.
Meh, too much physics for a girl doing Classics, so will leave it, but still might wonder later on about it ;)

2012-03-13 [Figgy]: There's a reason I'm majoring in a foreign language and not a science 8>

2012-03-13 [Ms. Steel]: *insert crude joke here*

2012-03-13 [Figgy]: Penis.

2012-03-13 [Ms. Steel]: Cunning linguist.

2012-03-13 [Duredhel]: Pene 8>

2012-03-15 [La Luna]: Alllright... >.> Totally casual...

2012-10-17 [La Luna]: Ellie's in the Media Room

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