Not done for me, but dedicated to me by [Kaimee],
because I provided appropriate compliments for it as she said ;P
And how could I not?! It is gorge! *steals it* :o
The original: <URL:img/photo/15586_1122446764.jpg>
A placeholder for [Janouk] and because I think she already did a great job *huugs* Update 20th of April 2006: [Janouk] finished the portrait! Wheee =D And she gave it to me as a belated birthday gift *^__^*
Original photograph: <URL:stuff/SunWintergarten.jpg>
What a surprise! So sweet ^___^
Done by [Kileaiya]
A surprise gift for me from [All_Most PUNK]! xD
(and his minions :PP)
- Art and text by [pixish].
- General help by [Levoton].
- Texts and idea by [All_Most PUNK].
Note: Nicknames given to me by [Ittai] (Lickitung)
and [True, plain and simple] (N00bmon^3)
*hugs all loadz* ^_________^
Actually [Charybdis] killed my hat and then tye-dyed it! Ö
But [LadyMoon] made me a new spiffy hat! <|:D
OMG! My other new hat! It is ze awesome!!!
*humps [Charybdis]' leg* :D