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2008-12-16 [Linderel]: [Dragonous]: Please fix the format of your entry, as well as the grammar and spelling errors in the body of the poem.
2008-12-16 [Dragonous]: oops sorry
2008-12-16 [Dragonous]: Better Now?
2008-12-16 [Linderel]: I can't actually see any difference... so, no.
2008-12-16 [Linderel]: Seems that [Falx] fixed it for you, [Dragonous]. [Falx], I'd appreciate it if you stated in the comments whenever you edit someone else's submission. :)
2008-12-17 [Falx]: Aye,aye captain.
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Please fix your format. There also two slight grammatical errors in your poem.
2008-12-18 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: what is wrong with my format?
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: I wonder at people having to ask this over and over again...
It's the 'Written by' part. Look very carefully.
2008-12-18 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: is it fixed?
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: Yes, the format is fixed. Now I'd like you to see to the grammatical errors. They're both in the second stanza, one on the first line. The other is a missing apostrophe.
2008-12-18 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: Better? (Sorry. I'm really bad when it comes to grammer.)
2008-12-18 [xX-SG-Xx]: it's spelled grammar. xD
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: You missed the first one. 'breath' should be 'breathe' :)
2008-12-18 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ooh. haha thanks guys. ^.^
2008-12-18 [*OGD*]: Did the last author write both of those poems, who wrote the second to last one? "Lusting After Venus"
2008-12-18 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: I wrote the last one but thats my only one.
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: Hm, yes. Perhaps I should poke him with my official bolded letters.
[Chetleon]: Please fix the format of your submission. We'd like to know it was you who wrote that.
2008-12-18 [Linderel]: [LynnAnneBrown]: Please fix the format of your submission.
2008-12-18 [Alexi Ice]: I shall chastise him for it, but I fixed Ethans work just because he won't be on till well into tommorw... I think...lol.
2008-12-19 [LynnAnneBrown]: [Linderel] Thank you for bringing attention to my error so that I could correct it.
2008-12-19 [Linderel]: Part of the job description, madame. :)
2008-12-19 [Dragonous]: Linderel I know you have to get annoyed with us no grammer having poets.
2008-12-19 [Alexi Ice]: Grammar. Or was that a joke?
2008-12-19 [Dragonous]: Wasn't intended to be sorry.
2008-12-19 [Alexi Ice]: Oh ok, it would have been funny. ^^
2008-12-21 [Chetleon]: Oh god, thanks Mitsuki! You know me to well! Ha.
2008-12-21 [Alexi Ice]: No problem ^^ I'm happy to help!
2009-01-07 [Ravendust]: I really don't think you should advertise for people to purchase your book of poetry here, that's not what this page is for...
2009-01-07 [Linderel]: Indeed it is not.
2009-01-07 [xX-SG-Xx]: [Ayame the Snake] did you mean to "breathe" in her, or to "breath" in her?
2009-01-07 [Duke Devlin]: I think they meant the former. ;)
2009-01-07 [Ayame the Snake]: there i changed it, inhale *nods* i actually like inhale better anyway, but thank you!
2009-01-08 [Linderel]: There are some other spelling errors as well. Two, to be exact. You might want to fix those. :)
2009-01-08 [Ayame the Snake]: i hope that was it, if not let me know
2009-01-08 [Rice]: Duke your poem is really good~
2009-01-08 [Linderel]: Ayame, it's 'more than', not 'more then'.
2009-01-09 [Ayame the Snake]: oh...thanks
2009-01-10 [Hedda]: This page has forgotten people who come here without clicking via Mainstreet or <URI:poems.
2009-01-11 [Linderel]: Well... it does say that the poems are featured on Main Street.
2009-01-11 [Hedda]: Yes, on the 15th row...
A line on top explaining what this page is about would be nice. Like "This page is about the featuring of poems on Mainstreet.".
2009-01-11 [Linderel]: Fine, I'll add it at some point.
2009-01-15 [Linderel]: [Junko987]: Please fix the format of your submission to abide by the Daily Poem Format.
2009-01-16 [Chetleon]: She's won't be on till later. I'll do it for her.
2009-01-16 [Chimes]: It's still wrong.
2009-01-17 [Chetleon]: Oh my, it is? Ah, never mind, so missed that. Okay, thanks Chimes.
2009-01-17 [Chimes]: Welcome. :]
2009-01-21 [Junko987]: No. It's okay. I trust him. thanks, EL.
2009-02-03 [Linderel]: [speakyourwords]: Please fix the grammar of your entry.
2009-02-03 [speakyourwords]: what's wrong with the grammar? i followed the format... or are the roman numerals bad?
2009-02-03 [Chimes]: It's the lack of capitalisation
2009-02-03 [speakyourwords]: ah. I rarely ever capitalize things in my poetry - I don't know why. I'll change it.
2009-02-03 [Linderel]: Much better now, thank you. :)
2009-02-04 [speakyourwords]: No problem :) sorry about that
2009-02-08 [Every Rose Has Her Thorn]: I may have already posted that poem here, but when I looked through I didn't see it. If someone should notice a duplicate of it, please let me know and I will gladly remove it. :)
Also...on the capitalization
2009-02-08 [Doormat]: ee cummings is ee cummings. We could go further and add concrete poetry...But yeah. There is a format for a reason :P
I'm sure if you replaced grasshopper with "rpophessagr," English profs would not be impressed.
2009-02-24 [Linderel]: [LinkTurrner]: Please correct the grammar and spelling of the poem 'Death' or it will be removed.
2009-02-26 [LinkTurrner]: ok I fixed it
2009-02-27 [Doormat]: "Knifes" is spelled wrong.
Protip: "knives." :)
Also: u=you and "so get use(d) to it."
2009-03-01 [Leb]: [Talos Cyrion], you are on the border of plagiarism of this song: http://www.azl
2009-03-01 [Rice]: I agree with you Leel, that poem is just a different take on the song.
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Though plagiarism isn't same in theme or topic... it is same words. Some of the words are the same, yes. But it having the same theme and/or topic doesn't make it plagiarism. I would suggest editing the words that are in both though.
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Some of the sentences are taken directly from the song, just word change.
'I tried to dull the pain'. - 'I tried to kill the pain'.
'I want to die!!!' 'I want to die'.
'Am I too lost'. - 'Am i too lost'.
'I’m dying; I’m bleeding, praying for salvation' - 'I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming'
Sorry but this is plagiarism.
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Ah, missed those. It is possible that it was accidental... but they'd have to not have heard the song.
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Same title...same song.
Accidental my arse...excuse my laungage but this is OBVIOUS plagiarism. -_-
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Hence why I said it's possible and that they'd have to not have heard the song.
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Possible..it's blatant. -_- Sigh....whatev
Can't wait for them to come on and explain themselves >8(
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Well, it's up to the poem bosses to deal with so if they do come to explain themselves it's poem bosses who should reply. ^^
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Maybe I should contact one? Or do you think these comments are enough?
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: The comments will be enough. :] They'll see them.
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Ok good.
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: Yes you need to give them time to disscuss it in the forum first. This seems like it might bring about some debate as well, which might take time.
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Alright~
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: [LinkTurrner] - Heya Wolfie, I fixed your poem for you since you tend to come and go a lot ^^ You only missed a couple of minor mistakes, nothing major! I love the Dare to dream one, by the way! Totally cute.
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: [Rice] - 'Oh darling you yearning aren’t you.' Just a question, should that be 'Your yearning aren't you' ?
Other than that I just have to say that your poem is beautiful!
2009-03-01 [Rice]: Thanks and THANKS 8D
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Akane, you really shouldn't edit other peoples submissions without their permission. If the bosses want them to change things they will tell them.
2009-03-01 [Linderel]: Actually, we've been allowing people to fix obvious grammar/spelli
As for the plagiarisation thing: it will be discussed.
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Ah, but was it a mistake, or was it poetic licence? :P
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: No problem Keyser! I love the metaphor (did I spell that wrong?) It was so amazing!
[Chimes] - As well as what Linderel said - [LinkTurrner] or Wolfie as I called him has been allowing me to edit his writings and poems for a long time now, months even. I only edit my friends work when I know they wouldn't mind, that is why I told Keyser about her work instead of fixing it myself.
You can still call me Mitsuki the wolf girl, by the way.
[Linderel] - SOWWIE ! ^^ I am a poem boss now on Elf12 and am used to it. Lol. I will make sure to stop immediatly >> Can I at least still point out mistakes *puppy dog eyes* (I want to be a poem boss so badly...Lol...
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: *metaphor. :]
You should probably have noted that then :P So then people like myself couldn't get the wrong idea. :P
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: Thanks, I was wondering. Lol.
Lol, probably but...how many people would call someone with a name like Vlad150 Wolfie? Lol. I have also edited one of [Chetleon] poems before, because I know that he can sometimes dissapere for days at a time. I would never EVER fix someones poem that belonged to someone who was not my friend and would not understand why I did so ^^ I know boundries when it comes to elftown.
2009-03-01 [Linderel]: Yes, pointing out errors is something you can do, though I usually prefer that you just fix them if they're something obvious (like 'i' instead of 'I' or a format error).
As for becoming a poem boss... well, you'd have to wait until I decide to retire. ;)
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: Yeah, also, I didn't know which one you'd fixed due to that too. :P So, yeah, it didn't help.
Yeah, you announced it with Ethan, I think. You mentioned that he was your friend, you may have even included what you fixed, I forget.
Linders can't retire! She's the Poem Queen! *clings*
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: Really? ! You don't want an apprentice or something? Oh well! Being a poem boss on Elf12 is good enough for me now, it is just as fun!
And awesome, thanks...can I italicise them so I can get peoples attention? *More puppy dog eyes*
2009-03-01 [Alexi Ice]: [Chimes] - Next time I will note it just for you, no problem! I just fixed what [Doormat] pointed out before, since Wolfie does not always have internet and I did not want his poem to be removed because of that fact alone.
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: DP Bosses and Image bosses don't get Apprentices do they? At least, I've never seen one XD And I never was one, being an Image boss.
Thanks XD I don't like being confused. XD
2009-03-01 [Linderel]: I will take an apprentice when and if I decide to retire.
Eh, whatever. Just try and remember not to use bold. I don't really care whether you start using italics or not. :P
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: That answers my question. :P
2009-03-01 [Linderel]: Well, I'd show them the ropes, make them read the DPB guide I wrote up, and observe how they do their first featurings... I'd sort of call that taking an apprentice. :P
2009-03-01 [Chimes]: True. :P
2009-03-02 [Alexi Ice]: It was a joke anyway, Lol.
2009-03-02 [Chetleon]: Does everyone love pointing out that I like do dissapear? Perhaps I ought to write a poem about it. "Leon Dissapears" Hmm. .
2009-03-02 [Alexi Ice]: You should! ^^ And yes, I love pointing it out because it means that I hardly ever get to talk to you !
2009-03-02 [Linderel]: [LinkTurrner]: I removed the poem 'Dare to Dream' as you had already submitted it at an earlier time.
2009-03-02 [Alexi Ice]: Honestly, I dont like the poems I have up right now? Can I take the bad two down and replace them with new ones or is that cheating?
2009-03-02 [Linderel]: Go right ahead.
2009-03-02 [Alexi Ice]: Awesome! Thanks!
2009-03-03 [Alexi Ice]: You can kick the last one off if it violates rule number three, I wasn't sur eif it would count as appropriate or not
2009-03-06 [Alexi Ice]: [little flag] - Oh! I like the last one you posted, very good.
2009-03-08 [ladynightengale]: So I just posted a poem, but I'm not sure I did it right... Someone help me out?
2009-03-08 [Alexi Ice]: The format is right. I didn't check for spelling and grammar ^^
2009-03-08 [All_Most PUNK]: Lady, format and the rest seem ok, but it's longer than allowed, if I'm not wrong.
(Not trying to steal your job, Lami, don't worry)
2009-03-08 [Alexi Ice]: Four lines over, actually. The limit is 50 lines minus the spaces in between the lines. I forgot about that rule. Lol.
2009-03-08 [Linderel]: There are also a couple of grammar/spelli
2009-03-10 [Alexi Ice]: [Rising Death Dragon] - You have a couple of spelling errors that you might want to fix.
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: The format, too.
2009-03-10 [Rising Death Dragon]: umm, where in the poem does it need fixing?
2009-03-10 [Alexi Ice]: Written needs to be capitolized and this sentance;
'than you cause you broke my heart.'
The word Cause shouldn't be there, I belive you mean to say because or cuz' which I am not sure if slang is allowed or not.
There are also a lot of random commas...not sure if that is stylistic or what.
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: I would accept 'cause.
2009-03-10 [Alexi Ice]: I was wondering about the slang thing earlier, actually. That gave me a good opportunity to bring it up.
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: I don't like cuz, but as I said, I will accept 'cause. Note the apostrophe. :)
2009-03-10 [Rising Death Dragon]: How's that?
2009-03-10 [Alexi Ice]: Yeah I don't like cuz either, mostly because everyone says it (even me sometimes) It is a sick and twisted force of habit.
How's what, [Rising Death Dragon]
2009-03-10 [Rising Death Dragon]: The change in my poem or does it need more change?
2009-03-10 [Triola]: Thanks :D
2009-03-10 [Linderel]: There's one more thing to correct. It's 'separated'.
2009-03-11 [Rising Death Dragon]: <--Not a good speller. I changed it a little.
2009-03-12 [Leb]: Which one?
2009-03-12 [Alexi Ice]: The 'Waiting on spring' one - where it says please dont let me freeze to death. Of course if you mean it litterally...I mean it figurativly. Lol.
2009-03-13 [Linderel]: And I ask you to leave feedback for messages. :P
2009-03-14 [Alexi Ice]: Oh! LOL. I forget >> Ok no worries.
2009-04-12 [Nuriko-kun]: Umm.. I was gone when my poem was picked. Is there any way to see the past Daily Poems, or at least mine? I can't remember which one(s) I submitted ^^'
2009-04-12 [Linderel]: Yes, you can click on the 'More poems' button on Main Street and search with your member number. Also, the comment left in your guest book about the feature should mention the poem's title.
2009-04-12 [xX-SG-Xx]: Goddamn it, Ill fucking change that damn poem then. D<
2009-04-12 [Nuriko-kun]: Thanks for the help, Linderel :) But... for some reason, I can't find the "More Poems" button... Am I blind, or is it really not there?
2009-04-12 [xX-SG-Xx]: Sorry, sorry. lol I apologize.
2009-04-13 [Dragonous]: I know its a little different from my normal work but it comes from the heart and thats what matters.
2009-04-13 [Linderel]: [Dragonous]: Please fix the grammatical errors in your submission. Also remove the part not abiding by the format.
2009-04-15 [Dragonous]: Sorry Linderel it is fixed now.
2009-04-15 [Deus Ex Taco]: You still need to change the other your to you're
2009-04-18 [Chetleon]: Is it just me or are all my submissions gone?
2009-04-18 [losthero]: No I count two of them
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: It's just you Ethan, I found two. If there were more they were probably swallowed by the que thingy
2009-04-18 [losthero]: hit CRTL+F and type your user name (Browser search function)
You can search that way :P
2009-04-18 [Alexi Ice]: Can you really?
2009-04-18 [losthero]: Yup IE and Firefox both support it and I believe Opera and Safari do as well...
2009-04-18 [Deus Ex Taco]: And Google Chrome can suck it long and hard =D
2009-04-18 [losthero]: That browser has a lot of work before I really use it
2009-04-19 [Chetleon]: Well yes, I've know that, I guess I was just tired last night. Oh well, thanks anyway.
2009-04-20 [losthero]: It happens...
2009-05-04 [Junko987]: Ethan, it's "guess". :p
2009-05-04 [Nuriko-kun]: Are we allowed to replace one of our poems with a different one, to keep with the "no more than four" rule?
2009-05-04 [Linderel]: Yes. But you could also wait until the current ones move to the queue. :)
2009-05-04 [Nuriko-kun]: Okay, thanks ^-^
2009-05-21 [Linderel]: [Easterling]: Please fix the format of your submission. :)
2009-05-23 [Easterling]: I hope it's ok now. :)
2009-05-24 [Linderel]: It's alright, yes. But your newest submission has a very consistent spelling error throughout.
2009-05-24 [Easterling]: That's not good. I'll take it away for now and correct it later.
2009-06-17 [*Phoenix*]: where'd they go? I had two poems here. Does anyone know where they might have ended up?
2009-06-17 [True, plain and simple]: I probably moved them to our feature queue at some point, at which point they no longer appear on this page.
2009-06-17 [*Phoenix*]: YAY! Thankies!
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: [your naked night]: Please fix your entry so that it abides by the Daily Poem Format and edit out the grammar/spelli
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: wheres my poem gone
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: The poem hasn't gone anywhere, it's just not the last one on the page anymore. However, it will be removed unless you fix the errors it still has.
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: what errors are there
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: The format is still wrong (just copy and paste from the Daily Poem Format if you're unsure), and there is a grammar error on the third line and a spelling error on the last.
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: [Nioniel]: Check your submissions, there is at least one poem that is entered twice, and your count is currently 6 instead of 4.
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: i cant im using my phone now
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: I'll give you until Saturday, is that alright?
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: please tell me where my mistakes are and yes thats fine
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: I already told you. ;)
But if you can't find them, have a friend look it over. Or a spell-checker, if you have access to a computer with a text editor that has one.
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: well i already did that when you first told me and it didnt say anything else was wrong
2009-06-24 [Linderel]: *blink* You have a malfunctioning spell-checker, then. Alright, show it to someone else.
2009-06-24 [your naked night]: ok
2009-06-25 [Nioniel]: ah, sorries...I'll go back and look.
2009-06-25 [Nioniel]: Fixed...my apologies.
2009-06-25 [your naked night]: how do i get a daily poem badge on here
2009-06-25 [Chimes]: You only get a badge if your poem is featured. :) So, you get one by submitting poetry to here and if it's good enough, they'll feature it.
2009-06-27 [Linderel]: [Thunder Cid]: Please fix the format of your submission.
2009-06-27 [Thunder Cid]: Sorry, force of habit.
2009-06-28 [True, plain and simple]: [Black14]: Please fix the format of your submission.
2009-06-28 [Black14]: Were you talking about the mistake I made with the bold type?
2009-06-28 [True, plain and simple]: Yeah, and there's one more tiny error at the very end.
2009-06-28 [Black14]: Did I get it?
2009-06-28 [True, plain and simple]: Not quite. You just need to change the "By" to "by" and it'll be alright.
2009-06-28 [Black14]: Lol...Fixed..
2009-07-21 [Nite_Owl]: Wow, you guys don't get too many submissions here anymore, I see :o I'll have to start frequenting the place again
2009-07-21 [Linderel]: Yeah, we've hit a dry spell - so that would indeed be appreciated. :P
2009-07-21 [Skydancer]: I get past this bit of frantic helping friends move and I will submit a couple more. :)
2009-07-21 [Nite_Owl]: Pretty sure I haven't submitted any of these, but if they look familiar just take 'em down again :)
2009-07-21 [Chetleon]: I would be submitting more, but I've been busy writing prose lately.
2009-07-23 [Linderel]: It does not.
2009-07-23 [Teufelsweib]: on donors you can see when your badge changes, however :)
2009-07-27 [*OGD*]: Sorry, I sort of edited the poem above mine. Eiffel, insecurities, and paintings were all misspelled. I have a touch of OCD, and I just kinda did it.
2009-07-27 [Linderel]: That's alright, just as long as you say what you changed. Which you did.
2009-07-27 [*OGD*]: Okay, cool. :^)
2009-07-29 [Captain Rachel Black]: no worries. I didn't write it in word and I've never claimed to be good at spelling :D
2009-07-29 [*OGD*]: 'S okay, I'm just insane. :^) Hope you don't mind.
2009-07-30 [Akayume]: I had entered the poem I just put up before, but I edited it a bit so I deleted the old one and just put the new one up at the bottom. Is that all right?
2009-07-30 [Nite_Owl]: As long as you deleted the old version it should be fine. It's your work after all :)
2009-07-31 [Akayume]: Merci Beacoup owlie. (:
2009-08-04 [True, plain and simple]: [Ravendust] - Please fix the format of your submission.
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