Page name: FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:34:17
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Five: Into the Darkness

Hize nodded to Angela. "It will be dangerous." He then looked at Rosiel. "You should stay here like your sister says, it would be too dangerous for you to go back into the mansion." His eyes held concern. "This ritual is not meant for you, but they will take control of you to perform it. It is better if I go, I would perfer to go alone but if your sister insist then so be it. They cannot touch her unless it is by your hand or by the order of my sister, so you must stay here."
Rosiel hugged Angela tightly. "I'll stay here...but be careful.." he said, letting go of her and sitting down. Tabitha put a hand on his shoulder. "I will protect him, Angel."
Angela nodded, then turned to Hize. "Let's go."
"Follow me, you three should go back up the way you came, that entrance is no longer used." Hize said as he looked at Tabitha, Umi, and Rosiel. "Come with me Angela." Hize took her hand gently and led her towards another exit/entrance. "Through here but you have to be quiet, the priests might hear you and we can't let that happen." Hize entered the small passageway quietly. "Follow me."
Angela kept as silent as possible, keeping her flashlight in her hand, as she followed Hize through the passage. She put the flashlight on low, so they could see, but no one nearby would see the beam of the light.
"Lets take a short break, this passage should be out of the way of the priests by now, they don't come this far, beyond the underground gate leading into the chambers isn't used." Hize sat down on the stone ground. "Can you tell me something, why did you come to the island?" He looked into Angela's eyes, his stern and clam eyes to her semi-frightened ones.
Angela sat beside Hize. "I had heard the legends...but I wanted to know the truth. I wanted to know the real story. I set a date and was going to come...but then I started to have visions. Visions of candles, of rituals, of my brother and I staring at each other. I got scared, because every night they became more real. I cancelled the trip, but Rosiel convinced me to go. He said that something told him that we needed to come, and he said that the story would help our career. I believed him, and we rescheduled the date for a boat." She sighed and smiled a bit. "I believed that Rosiel knew what he was I consented, and tried to ignore my visions. The boat people could only give us an older boat, and we practically drowned in the rough seas before we got here and met Yoko."
"I see. You probably should have stuck with your first instinct, the island is more dangerous then you might think." Hize said as he folded his hand in front of him. "I found out the hard way, I came here only because my mother left me a letter with my adoptive parents telling me I had a sister. I came here to find her, and unfortunately I did."
Angela shook her head sadly. "Terrible...what she does," she whispered, looking up. "I think Rosiel and I have gotten closer on this trip, but other than that, there's nothing here that's good about this place."
"There is some good to this place. I have been here for a few years. At first I loved it, though my sister and father asked me not to leave the house at times when the villagers could see me, they were afraid of the ritual. But recently Yoko began becoming cold and corrupted, she didn't want to die, but she wanted everyone else to. She kept telling me 'We'll be together forever, I promise, with no one to take the either one of us away.' She would smile at me, she was kind to me only it seemed, then even that changed. That's when she chained me down to that wall. I don't know what happened to her, its as if she is being controled by something." Hize said as he looked down at his hands.
Angela shook her head. "Maybe....maybe the village needs to have a ritual again, to see that it is wrong." She looked at him. "Perhaps if they see the truth behind the horrors of the ritual, their eyes will open, and they won't want the ritual to remain as a constant value to the village."
"I think the village knows killing is wrong but, its their way of life. They don't know any other ways, they still live in a century that is dead to our culture. If you didn't notice here, woman have little to no power, except on who they might belong to, they have no electricity, they don't wear common day cloths, they wear Yukatas, kimonos, they were old fashion Japanese clothing. This island is basically frozen in time."
"Then what can we do?" she asked. "If there's no way to bring the village out of the time, the only reasonable thing to do is leave, but that won't help the twins who will come."
"No, what we have to do is destroy it." Hize said looking up. "A village frozen in time, locked into the mist of a dead woman's grasp." His voice was soft when he said this, he glanced down at his but looked up again as he heard something opening. He looked down the passage and saw a stone passageway opening up in the wall. "I did not mean to do that."
Angela shined her light into the passage. "I suppose we should go's better than anything else," she said lightly. She moved her arm into the passage to reveal it better with the light. "Unless you want to split up."
"Splitting up is not an option, it would be too dangerous." Hize looked into the passage, it was covered in cobwebs. "It looked like this hasn't been used in ages. Mine as well use it." He entered and held out his hand to Angela to help her in.
Angela took his hand and followed him into the passage, shining her light into the passage so they could see easier, and not trip on the steps. "I just hope that this brings us to someplace better than here."
"You're not the only one." Hize said as he watched the passage door close behind them. "Well looks there's only one way to go now."
Angela nodded, walking with him down the passage, to the very end. She shined the light around, looking at the new surroundings. "Another passage, or what? You know this place better than I."
"Hey this is a brand new area to me, so everything we do is going to be by gut instinct." Hize said looking around, the passageways steeming from the one they were in were also covered in cobwebs. "The most we have to worry about are spirits I think, these passages don't seem to have been used for ages."
Angela nodded, taking one passage carefully, shining her light before her. As she rounded the corner, she spotted a spirit nearby, but it was kneeled on the ground and sobbing. It was a boy, wearing a white kimono, and obviously a seer. "I'm sorry....I didn't want to kill her...." he moaned on the ground.
Hize followed Angela and looked at the spirit. His eyes softened. "Yaras nekahet." He sloely chanted to calm the spirit. "Marias velas toneas." Hize slowly walked forward. He bowed to the spirit as he turned his head to look at Hize and Angela.
"Don't bother with him," a voice said behind them. "He's broken to the world." Damien stepped forth from the darkness, looking at Hize and Angela. Hize looked at Damien. "You're a seer as I am aren't you?" Hize looked at him pausing for a moment. "No you were suppose to represent the dark seer, like my sister is suppose to." Hize looked at Damien and bowed his head. "Can you help us?"
Damien looked at Hize, and his gaze turned into hate and anger. Angela looked at Damien. "Damien....what's wrong?" The teenager only looked at Hize with hate. "Did you come to kill my sister too, to take her away? You'll die too, you know.." he muttered, stepping into Angela's light. His kimono was covered in blood, at the wrists and at his front, all the way down to his ankles. A large gash was in his chest, from a sword wound.
"No, I didn't come to kill her." Hize looked at Damien with no fear. "I would tell you the reason I am here, but a lady is present and I will not speak my intentions in front of a young lady." Hize looked into Damien's eyes. "Do what you wish to me though if you wish, but your true enemy is also ours."
"Hize..." Angela said quietly, looking at Damien. "He's in his cycle. He's been killed again, and he wants to kill everyone in the temple, no matter who they are. He and Tabitha said this would happen...."
"Then let him do as he wishes." Hize past the young spirit. "Hurry up Angela, if you want to get off the island alive." Hize then turned his eyes to look at Damien. Hize's eyes were blank, holding no emotion what so ever. Almost as if ice had frozen his heart on the spot. His face was expressionless as he looked at the young spirit. "I won't become you...." He silently thought to himself, before turning and continuing down the passageway.
Angela hurried down the passageway, shining her light along the dark, rocky walls. When she came to the end, there was a Torii gate, and torches along the walls, as if the passage went from being deserted to being populated. She followed the torches cautiously.
Hize was walking ahead of her, he paused and waited for her to catch up. The life in his eyes had returned and expression showed on his face again. "Are you alright Angela, you shouldn't go too fast, save your energy for us getting out of here." He told her, a note of concern on his voice.
Angela stopped beside him, then kept walking. "I'm sorry...I'm just worried about Rosiel. I don't want him to stay here any longer because I'm slowing him down," she said. "I got him into this, and I want him safely out."
"Hey don't blame everything on yourself, its not your fault." hize laid a hand on her shoulder. "Do you want to rest and talk for a bit? Its alright if you do, I don't mind." Hize said kindly, he squeezes her shoulder softley as if to comfort her.
"No...we should keep going. We can't waste time here, or we could run out of time. You may know your sister better, but my head is screaming, because those priests are around, and staying any longer is death for sure," she said. "We need to keep going. He's waiting for me to come back," Angela finished, putting her hand on his. "I appreciate your kindness, though."
Hize nodded. "Alright, stand back a moment okay?" He removed his hand from Angela's shoulder and postioned himself in front of the door. "Angela from here on out we have to be fast, got it?" Once he saw Angela nod Hize raised his hand in a swift motion to the door. "Cavias!" The door swung open and hot air radiated from the passage that lay with in. An alarm bell began ringing once the door opened signaling the gaurds. Hize grabbed Angela's hand and pulled her along the passage at the fastest pace he could run without Angela tripping. Angela ran as fast as she could, slightly behind him, and they ran down a large corridor. She held the light out in front, guiding them, though she figured Hize knew this path through his sister. She could hear voices nearby, but they faded several times as they continued to run.
Hize stopped short, and quickley pulled Angela back before she could fall over a small cliff. The heat was emense and almost overpowering here. Sweat ran down Hize's face and dropped from his chin. As it hit the ground a slight sizzle could be heard. He glanced down over the cliff and watched a small stream of lava oozing along its course. "The fire chambers..." His breath was heavy as he tried to catch his breath. "We should stop and catch our breath for a moment, they should be a ways behind us still. They will need Yoko to re-open the door that leads here. Just don't sit down." Hize said as he took his eyes away from the lava and turned to Angela. "Are you alright? I didn't hurt you when I held onto your wrist did I?" his voice held a deep concern for Angela, he didn't want her to have any damage done to her.
Angela breathed heavily, not answering for a few minutes. "I'm fine....don't worry..." she said slowly. Light persperation was on her face, but she wiped it away with her hand. "I'll be okay.." She looked at him, and his question hit her. "No, you didn't hurt me."
"Good" He said between breaths. Hize's head was ringing with the beginning's of a headache. "Come on." He said as he straigtened up. "We better keep going, we'll walk for a bit." He started heading down on of the passages. "Its this way." He smiled gently at her.
Angela looked down again before following him, looking around. She paused a couple of times at the unfamiliar setting, but easily caught up to Hize, not wanting to get far away from him. She knew that he was her only guide, and her only hope to get out of here.
Hize guided Angela slowly through the passage. "Its quiet.... too quiet." He mumbled to himself, but brushed it off as he saw a door ahead.
Angela looked around, a little nervous at his words, but walked just behind him as they reached the door. Her flashlight's beam landed on the door, illuminating the door for him.
Hize slowly approached it and sighed slowly. "I don't know the encantation to open this door, only the dark seer is ever suppose tp open it, but I can give it a try."
Angela looked at him. "Yoko is the dark seer in your line.....and Rosiel's back there....If you think you can do it, go ahead."
Hize was looking over the door as Angela said this. "You and Rosiel are not true black and white. Neither you or him could open this door probably, no offense of course." Hize was still staring at the door. "Now I have to figure out a way to undo the seal." He stepped slowly forward and felt pressure begin to apply to his skin. He crept slowly forward, the pressure becoming greater with each step. As he grew nearer to the door his skin began to break open and trickles of blood slid down his skin. Hize was trying not to focus on the pain that the seal was causing. He pressed himself against the door and began pushing on it. "Erectar." He muttered. He said the same word over and over again as the door slowly opened against its own will. "Angela go now!" He screamed to her, blood was flowing from cuts all over his body now. "Hurry!" He called to her as he felt a trickle of blood enter his mouth.
Angela gripped her flashlight tightly as she squeezed through the door's opening. She stopped on the other side and turned back to him. "Come on!!" she called. She reached out her hand for his. "Hurry!"
Once Angela was through Hize took hold of her hand and was pulled into the stairway. The door closed quickley behind him. "You okay?" He said between breaths. He was sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. The feel of the cool wall was pleasing to his back. His shirt was ripped in several places and he was covered in blood. He looked up to Angela and smiled warmly to her. "We better get going." He slowly stood. He held his left shoulder with his right hand, he had pressed up against it to keep the door closed so it hurt a bit. "Lets go." He straigtened himself and looked at Angela. "Kay?"
Angela dug into her side bag for anything of use. She pulled out her small camera and jammed it into her pocket, then proceeded to pull out some bandages. "Here...I grabbed these while in the other house.." she muttered. She walked up to Hize and carefully applied them to any large cuts she could find. "It's not much....but I don't want you to keep bleeding."
Hize smiled at her as she placed the bandages on some of his wounds. "Thanks Angela, you're sweet." He said as she finished up. "Well come on lets get going, we just need to find what we came for." He took her hand and led her up the stairway, he didn't want to lose sight of her, even if she did have a flashlight it was still extremely dark.
Angela held tightly to his hand, keeping her other hand on the flashlight which guided them forward. The darkness seemed endless, and the flashlight did not illuminate much of the stairs. She didn't let go of Hize's hand, too afraid of getting lost. In the distance, what seemed like behind them, she could hear voices mumbling.
Hize could hear them too, and he turned and smiled to the worried Angela. "Looks like they know where we went." He told her jokingly, trying to make her feel a but better. "But hey they can't come in here, and Yoko has never been in here before. She doesn't want to reveal herself as the dark seer." He smiled "So we should still have plenty of time." He turned his head forward again just in time to run straight into another door. "Ai." He said hitting the floor. "He, I'm smart, I now know how to run into doors." He was using the same joking tone as before. He rubbed his head and acted innocent. "I'm smart." Angela smiled and helped him up. "It's not like you did it on purpose," she said kindly. "But, either way, thanks for helping to cheer me up." She turned and looked at the door. "Another one..? Where does this one lead to? Do you know?"
"No." Hize said once he was finally on his feet. "If I had known there was another door here then I probably wouldn't have run into it." He told her, he laughed slightly before looking at it. "There isn't a seal on it, I guess they figured the one that bloodied me up would keep out inturders. This one just has a common lock."
"How do we get through?" she asked, looking at the door curiously.
"Well I'll let you choose M'lady. We can either bust the door down or pick the lock, tis your choice." Hize bowed lightly to her acting as if she was royalty and faked a british accent as he spoke.
Angela smiled at him, then looked at the door closely. "I don't suppose anyone can follow us, so, we could try to break it down."
"As you wish M'lady." He continued with the fake english accent, that seemed so real for some reason. he bowed to her deeply before straigtening up and turning to the door. "The lady wished you down good sir, so sorry for this old chap." He said happily before kicking the door with great force and making it fall backwards revealing a staircase. "What is with all the stairs?"
Angela walked to the top of the stairs and brought her light to shine down the stairs. None of the darkness was brought away by the light. "It's so....dark..." she whispered. She put her flashlight away and walked down the stairs anyway, not being afraid. She stopped a little bit down. "Coming, Hize?"
"Of course I am." Hize followed after her slowly. "I wonder where this leads to."
"I have no idea," Angela said as she went down the steps. When she reached the bottom, there was one door there. Beneath the door, light could be seen coming from it. "Do you think someone's in there?"
"I hope not, because if there is then they might be one of Yoko's followers." Hize approached the door and leaned his ear against it. "I hear some movement inside."
"Let's go in," Angela suggested, moving towards Hize.
Hize nodded and slowly opened the door to reveal a small library. It was sweltering hot inside the room. Some books lay open on the table in the center of the room. A page ripped out of one of the one that lay on the very top of the small pile caught Hize's attention. "It looks like someone was in here." He looked around the room once he made his way over to the table. "But how did they get out without coming back towards us?"
"Not sure," Angela said, looking at all of the books. "Why so many...?" she asked softly, then looked over at Hize. "What's so important about that book, that they needed only one page?"
"I don't know." Hize said as he slowly picked the book up off the table. "Maybe a spell book, or maybe a map?" He asked himself questionly. He flipped the book over to look at the cover, the family crest was on the front of it. "This is the crest of my family, or Yoko's family. The crest of the priests and priestesses."
"I wonder what the person took," Angela said. She glanced around the room, putting her light out. "If they didn't come back towards us....then they're still in here."
"Maybe. I do not believe there to be any other exit to this place." Hize glanced around the room trying to spy any movement but everything was still. He looked down slowly to the book in his hand and noticed a strange glow on its cover. "What's this?" He drew the book closer to his face to see what was on the cover clearer. "It looks like something is written here."
"What is it?" Angela asked. She came to his side and let her light shine onto it. "Why is it glowing?"
"I don't know what it is, it looks like some strange kind of marking." Hize squinted his eyes trying to make out the symbol but failed in his attempt. "It might be important though. We might as well take it with us."

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