Page name: FT-Chapter Two:Secrets [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:33:20
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured|FT-Chapter Twelve:Deception

Chapter Two: Secrets

Yoko sat in her room infront of her dressing table, staring blankly at what was suppose to be her reflection. She guided her brush through her long black hair that she had removed from her ribbon. She had chanegd into her bed cloths upon arrival in her room. A wooden board lay against the bottom of her door, it acted like a lock. She placed the brush gently on the table. "They are taking daifu away, just like that woman, i will have to teach daifu another lesson." Seh said softly to herself. She glanced out the window of her room at the garden. 'What happens to houses when gardens catch fire?' She smirked to herself and began to concoct a plan in her mind.
Rosiel woke up a few hours later, feeling very stressed for some reason. He felt like the very walls were caving in on him. He shook his sister awake. "Ang...maybe we should go the rest of the village..and look."
"We can wait until morning.." she mumbled.
"No, now!" he cried, getting her out of bed and out the door of the bedroom.
"What has gotten into you?" she cried, as he dragged her down the hall and to the main hallway. "You're really scaring me, Ros."
Yoko layed awake in her futon for a few hours before getting up and lighting the lamp beside her. She slowly got up from her bed, being careful to make little to no noise. She removed the plank from the bottom of her door and slide the door open. The lights were all out that meant everyone was asleep. 'I have to be fast.' She was implying to her plan, she slowly walked downt the hall, sheilding the light so no one would wake. Only small bits escaped her fingers and cast down on the floor.
A woman appeared in front of the twins and dissapered quickley. the room became cold instantly. "Rosiel... stop Yoko." Those three words remained as the crimson eye woman appeared again. "She has..." The woman dissapeared again. "Fire." The woman appeared and finished that last word. Each time she had appeared before the twins it seemed as if she was having trouble breathing. The room became warmer, and the woman's image didn't appear again.
Rosiel and Angela stared at where the woman was. "Let's go, Rosiel," Angela cried, running back to the room, grabbing her things, and looking around for Yoko. Rosiel followed her.
Yoko entered the garden and walked to the closest tree. She then, stood a small distance from it and tossed the lantern at the ground which was covred with dried leaves. The flame burt upwards and consumed the tree, the tree twitched for a moment and then fell on the side of the house. Th flames licked the wall before they caught. Yoko smirked as she watched smoke rise from her house. She took her bed cloths and burnt them slightly and covered herself in ash, she then ran from her house, to see it burn from farther away.
Rosiel sprang away from the wall as it caught fire. He called to his sister over the din, and she ran back to him. The wall collapsed inwards behind her, and they ran to the front door. "We can't go back for him - it'd be suicide!" Rosiel cried, kicking the door open. Angela stopped, however, and took out her camera. She took a picture of the spot where the woman was, then ran with her brother out of the house, to the end of the block, crying for help.
Yoko saw Rosiel and Angela running towards as she was frantically talking to one of the villagers. "You're both alright! Thank goodness! What of daifu did he get out?" Yoko appeared to be concerned for her father. She turned back to the villager. "Please help me save the temple! And my father!" The villager nodded and ran off to recruit more help.
Angela looked at Yoko, but Rosiel got behind his twin, a little afraid of the young woman. "We almost were hit by a burning wall. I'm sorry, but we couldn't get to your father, but I'm sure he got out somehow."
"I hope so. I was downstairs for a drink of water and I heard creaking. I ran outside to see what was going on and then a tree fell against the wall of the house. It got my bed yukata, and it blocked my way back into the house. I ran to get help once I put the flames out on my yukata." yoko's eyes held a fake concern, the girl was a really good actress.
Rosiel still looked at the girl with uncertainty. Angela squeezed his hand. "Well, I'm glad you're okay, Yoko," she said, then took her brother to a safe spot nearby, sitting down with him on the ground. Rosiel whispered to her, "I don't like that girl. You saw that woman."
"I have to say that that woman was no image. There is no technology had to have been a ghost. But don't worry. We have a week to spend here, then we leave."
Yoko glanced over to where the house was, the smoke was beginning to thin. She smirked a little and her eyes narrowed as she watched from a distance where her home use to stand. "Lady Yoko." One of the villagers came up to Yoko, Yoko's smirked vanished and she returned to acting scared.
"News of my father?" She asked hurridly.
"Gone, mi'lady. It would appear the high priest was unable to get out in time." The villager bowed to Yoko in respect and pity for her. "Of course until a new high priest has been appointed to the temple, you will be our lady priestess."
Yoko nodded, she was already considered a priestess due to her birthright as the daughter oft he high priest. Now she was in charge, the temple had high rule over the island, so she could do what she wanted. "Very well, I will take on my new found duties as High Priestess." Yoko replied and bowed to the village woman. "You may take leave now." The woman left and Yoko walked to where she saw Angela and Rosiel walk off to. "Miss Angela, Sir Rosiel, it is not wise to venture off by yourselves when the mist is so thick." She said smiling to them, as she peered around a corner.
Angela peered at the girl. "We'll remember that. I'm just trying to gain a better perspective on the people and their emotions. I'm a journalist, so I need to report this back, of course."
"I see." Yoko appeared friendly, after all these two young ones were still her guests. "Well we have a new home now, as I have been appointed high priestess, we will be staying in the God's mansion. My father and I use to live there..... before my mother passed away. But its alright, shall we go?" She asked them, she knew the way to the God's mansion, the haunted mansion that was said to shelter the spirit of her mother and others.
Rosiel squeezed his sister's hand in fright. Angela looked at him, then turned to Yoko. "Sure, why not?"
"Please follow me." yoko said as she led the twins to the mansion. The mansion was like the rest of the island, dark and gloomy. The temple house was more cheerful. "I am sure many of my families old things are still inside, so there should be no problem. I already asked for it to be cleaned so everything should be ready for us." She pushed open the mass door and entered into the entrance hall. Compared to the outside of the house the mansion's interior just didn't fit. It was so............grand.
Angela stepped into the mansion with her brother behind her, and she glanced about at the surroundings. Perfect for spending time in, also perfect for her story. She couldn't wait to begin her research, but she felt drawn to what her brother said. A part of her wanted to leave, and part of her had known that she had seen the dreams he spoke of. She knew what those dreams were, but she was still willing to stay and fight her fears, and his.
"Lady Priestess." One of the villagers who had been a servant of Yoko's family for years approached her. "Everything has been prepared Mi'lady." Yoko nodded to theyoung woman
"Please show my guests to their room." Yoko commanded her. The servant nodded and bowed to Angela and Rosiel, she then lead them to their room.
Rosiel closed the door to their room once they were there, going over and looking through the clothes in the closet, then checking to see if his sister's clothes were dry. They were, so he gave them to her. He pulled out a black kimono for himself, slipping it on. Getting rather cold, Angela took out a white kimono from the closet and also put it on.
"Any ideas?" she asked.
"Let's just sleep....that woman scared me too much..." Rosiel muttered, getting into bed. Angela followed him, putting her arms around him to comfort him. "We'll be okay, you'll see," she reassured.

Later on that night, Angela walked through the halls, holding her camera in her hand. Her camera was old, as was most of the things she had. The island required that no new technology could be brought, besides a watch. She, however, did not bring a watch, Rosiel did. She had to go and find her grandmother's camera. She browsed the hallways, now, looking for anything of interest....perhaps the ghost from earlier.
A hand made her jump in surprise. She whipped around, shining her flashlight, coming face-to-face with Rosiel. "Angel.." he muttered.
"Sorry, Ros. Thought you were someone else." "I couldn't sleep....I saw people, crying out to me for help..."
"I saw them too, Ros. This place is strange," Angela agreed. They browsed the hallways together, her in her white kimono, him in his black kimono. She held the flashlight in her one hand, and kept the camera at her side in her sash. Rosiel kept hold of her one hand, refusing to let go.
A little girl was walking behind them for a few paces, she looked almost real, except slightly see through. "You soudn't be here." She said softly making Rosiel and Angela jump. "I won't hurt you, don't wowwy, I'm onwy sepen. But tee owder ones get angwy sometimes." She looked at Rosiel and Angela. "Can wo weally see me?" She asked, she had never met anyone but Yoko who could see her and the rest of the dead villagers.
Rosiel was trembling, despite himself. His weaker form was scared of the ghost before him. Angela was nervous, but kneeled down to the height of the ghost. "These others that get angry....why? Why do they get angry?" She looked at the girl carefully. "What has caused them this much pain? Why are you still here?"
"Tee mist keeps us all ere. It seronds tee is land and wont wet us out. Tee otters are angwy becwause she es ill twying ta urt us." The little girl replied her blue eyes looking into Angela. "Nakako sid it wood be ower soon, but it asnt enbed wet, she sid tat many ears ago." The little girl continued to look into Angela's eyes. "Wo an see me ants wo?"
"I wish I couldn't, but yes, I can. I see things like you all the time in my dreams and back at home. Poor Rosiel here has it worse off." She took her brother's hand and squeezed it lightly. Rosiel spoke up, "I'm physically weaker, and I'm older, so I've seen them a bit longer."
Angela peered back at the young girl. "I can see you. Who has hurt you? The only people that I've heard that come here are the priest and his daughter."
"Comnin"The little girls eyes widened for a moment and then she vanished into the air. "What are you two doing awake at such late hours?" It was Yoko who was climbing the stairs with a cup of water in her hand. "Is there something bothering you?"
Angela turned to Yoko and Rosiel got behind his sister, still afraid of the young girl. "Just looking around. I need to write a story, and I thought I might as well start here. I have some great shots of the wonderful architecture," she said cooly, sounding a little excited. Even she could be an actress. "Oh I see." Yoko faked a smile. "In the morning and I would be happy to show you around the village. But for now it might be best for you to go back to bed, walking around a dark mansion without an oil lamp is dangerous. Unless you would like to use mine of course."
Angela nodded, taking Rosiel back to their room, muttering softly once in the room. "That girl..." Rosiel whispered. "She sad..." Angela came to her brother's side and led him to the bed.
"Maybe they won't bother us..." she said, but she figured she would be wrong. Rosiel's dreams had proved true. It was only a matter of time. She looked down at her brother, who was fast asleep on the bed beside her. She laid down beside him and fell asleep, clasping his hands in hers.
"Week Up!" A small voice was calling as loud but as silently as possible into Angela ear. When the little girl spirit couldn't awaken Angela she rushed to Rosiel's side. "Pweas week up, pweas." She was beginning to cry. "Pwease week up, wo ave ta git out. Pweas week up." The small spirit began to tear up as she tried to awaken the twins. "Pweas!"
Angela lifted her head slowly, feeling groggy, but quickly sat up when she saw the girl. "What is it? What's wrong?" she cried quickly. When the spirit repeated her desires, she shook Rosiel and got on her shoes. "Why do we need to leave?" she said, believing the spirit.
"They ill come, they ill come an make wo stay ere wit us. Stay er in tee manpin, wo won be aple to weave. Tee ist es berry tin, wo can git ome ow, but I ont know wen tee ext ime wo ill be avle to ill be. Wo ave to weave now! Wo must urry!" The little girl's eyes were pleading with Angela.
Angela nodded, grabbing her brother's arm and hurrying out the door. Rosiel grabbed her bag before he left, with all of their belongings that they brought. Angela hurried down the hall and to the main door, trying to open it. It was locked. She banged frantically on the door. "Hello?! Let us out!!" she cried. Rosiel gasped behind her, and she turned around. Two arms, cut off, lay on the wooden floor. They soon disappeared, which frightened Angela more than them appearing. Rosiel looked at her. "They know we're here..." he whispered. She turned on her flashlight and looked around. "There has to be another exit. This is a mansion, so there has to be." She took his hand in hers and started down the hall, being quiet but quick.
A teenage boy was making his way down the steps, when the lgith from the flashlight hit him. His eyes shifted to the source of the light, the pale blue color grew angry. "What are doing here?!" Her scowled at them and began to approach, he didn't like the light, and he was going to get rid of it. He noticed Rosiel out of the corner of his eye. "A seer?" He turned towards Rosiel and began to approach him ignoring Angela. "Come with me seer, come here." His whispered beckonging to Rosiel, slowly putting him in a trance like state. "I want you to come here seer, I want to kill you all over again."
Angela looked back at her brother, who was frozen in place, gazing at the teenager. "Ros? Rosiel, wake up....snap out of it!" she cried, shaking him. Rosiel began to come back from the trance, but not quickly enough to do anything. Angela grabbed his hand tightly and pulled him with her into one of the nearby rooms, shutting the door. She pushed Rosiel back into a corner of the room, keeping him a safe distance from the door. She kept her flashlight on the door, afraid of this boy, afraid for her brother...and for their lives.
The boy walked through the door and towards the twins. "I don't want you here, I can make you leave. You won't be alive but that okay." He was slowly approaching them. "Don't you like the dead?" His eyes widened as he looked at them, his face looked demonic and corrupted.
"We're trying to leave!" Angela cried. "Leave us alone!!" she yelled. Rosiel, at her feet, seemed to be more affected by the spirit, hugging himself and shaking uncontrollably. "Angel...." he whispered, but she was too busy to help him. She only got in front of him to protect him. When the boy continued to approach, she threw the flashlight at him; it seemed like he hated the light. He withdrew for a moment until the flashlight rolled away from him, before returning to his approach to the twins. After a moment, the woman that Rosiel and Angela had seen earlier in the Temple House before it burned appeared. She attacked the young male spirit, who quickley withdrew, glaring at her with anger. The woman turned to them with kind eyes. "Are you alright? PLease don't be alarmed I am sure that Yoske meant no harm, he is just angry. I am Nakako...Nakako Nagahara." The woman told the two twins, her last name seemed to surprise them, it was the same as Yoko's.
"Yes, we're okay...for the most part," Angela replied, helping Rosiel up and letting him lean his tired body against her. "We can't get out the front's barred shut. We can't find Yoko either...but we don't really want to." Rosiel shivered against his sister's protective body. He buried his head on her chest. "My daughter locks it with charms, to seal in the living and the dead, but there are ways out. I was able to warn you, for a moment...." Nakako's eyes saddened. "Yoko will not let go freely, you must get out, many of us will try to help you escape, but I can make no promises, and neither can they, all we can do is help protect you from the angered ones. And this...." Nakako motioned to the flashlight. "Object you have brought with you, never let it leave your hand, many spirits dislike the light." Nakako then dissapeared but a few last words lingered in the air. "Be quiet, she might hear you."
Angela picked up the flashlight, then led Rosiel out of the room. "We'll be okay, Ros...we'll get out," she reassured him. After walking through several hallways, they finally came to a door. Angela opened it, and inside revealed the Great Hall. She stepped inside and shined the light around. Suddenly, Rosiel burst past her and ran to the middle of the room. "Rosiel?" she called. She rushed after him, soon stopping as she saw him staring at the center of the room, where the fireplace was. She walked up to him. "Rosiel...?" she asked again.
Rosiel continued to stare at the fireplace. Angela got up and looked at it. Seeing nothing in particular, she looked at him. "Ros, let's go. It's just a fireplace." She turned around and began to walk around, but heard something behind her. She turned slowly, and where Rosiel had stood, was now a short-haired boy in a blue kimono. "Rosiel?" she called, unsure if that was him and she was seeing things, or if he had gone somewhere. The boy turned around, and became Rosiel once again. "Yes?"
"Nothing, let's go," she said. Rosiel nodded and came to her side. They continued through the hall.
"Hello." A little girl that looked identical to the little girl from before emerged around the corner, only she wasn't the slightest bit see through. "You shouldn't be up so late, Miss Yoko might get mad, she'll punish you if she finds out." The little girl was holding a lattern and was covered in soot from head to toe. Her light pink yukata was nearly pure black from all of it.
Angela kneeled down to the little girl. "Yoko can punish me all she wants. Do you know where another exit is, besides the main entrance? You know, in case of emergencies? We were looking for the library, for some information, and we want to know where the easiest exit is."
The little girl nodded, her frightened eyes were on Angela. "But they won't be happy if you use it, they'll get angry, and its really hard to get too. The only other one is...." The little girl looked towards the stairs. "In Miss Yoko's room." The little girl finished silently. "But she'll kill you and they'll kill you too if you try to leave."
"Not to offend you, little one, but they can go to hell. Rosiel and I need to leave, and we'll go through anyone to get there," Angela said, standing. She turned around to where Rosiel stood. "Ros, let's go..." she said, but stopped. Rosiel was gone. "Rosiel?"
The little girl looked past Angela confused. "The seer?" The little girl looked at Angela, who obviously had no clue was a seer was. The little girl wasn't really surprised if this girl was visiting the island.

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