Page name: FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:34:00
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Four: Chambers of Light and Dark

Yoko smirked. "So." Was all she said, she turned and pressed against a statues arm, which opened a passageway for her. "Your lives will save our village, you should feel honored." She made her way down the staircase, the heat that radiated from the deeper chambers washed over her as she entered in, the heat entered the chamber behind her, where Angela and the guards were for a breif moment as the wall closed.
Angela struggled against the guards. "Let me go! ROSIEL!!!" she screamed, but the guards only held her tighter and forced her down the passageway. "ROSIEL, HELP ME!!" Once at the bottom of the passage, there lay an open path, of rocky underground. "Yoko!" cried a voice from deeper in the passageway. "Let my sister go!!" the voice cried, as Damien stepped forth from the darkness. "I told you to let her go!"
"She isn't you sister Damien, your sister died in the ritual, just like she was suppose to." Yoko glared at the young spirit, the past seer. "And there is nothing you can do." Yoko looked at Damien with a sneer upon her face. She was protected by talismans, so even if a spirit wanted to harm her they couldn't. "Now why don't you be a good boy and go curl up in a corner of something." Yoko walked past him and downwards towards the fire chambers.
Angela glanced at the sorrowful boy, who only stood there. Suddenly, his hand reached out and went through her, and she was hit with yet another vision, of Damien spying on the ritual from afar. From his vantage point, she could see the second exit to the upper house, not far from the ritual site at all. Angela came out of the vision exhausted, and as the priests dragged her, she could only hope that Rosiel was nearby, and was ready to help her. If not, the ritual would be completed, and she'd lose her life.
Damien looked at Yoko. "Her ritual was failed from the start, priestess. This one is doomed to fail as well," he said. Failure, as both he, the priests, and Yoko knew, was not an option. Failure was degrading to the seer more than anything, but if the ritual failed, the seer could die earlier on, or he may kill himself. In Damien's case, he was killed because he spied on and attempted to stop the ritual.
"Then let it fail." Yoko told the young spirit. "I'm sure you would enjoy your comapany, now leave before I feel forced to cause harm to you." As Yoko was now the priestess, she had no resrcition on what she could do to living or non-living.
Damien nodded, walking to the wall and disappearing through it. Angela reached out a hand. "No, come back!!" she cried, but he was gone. Still reaching out her hand, the priests pulled her to the end of the tunnel, opening into a larger room. She struggled fiercely against them.
Yoko continued down the stairwell until she reached the fire chamber, a giant bonfire was blazing in the center of the stone chamber. Rosiel and Umi stood on the other side, Yoko smiled. "Master Rosiel, thank you for coming." Yoko now answered only to Rosiel provided his orders did not go against the ritual.
Rosiel turned around and looked at Yoko, nodding. "Rosiel, help!!" Angela cried, struggling. Rosiel looked over at his twin, his eyes cloudy and cold. "The ritual must be performed. There is no stopping it; it is destiny."
Angela finally ripped free from the priests and ran up to Rosiel, grabbing his arms. "Rosiel, wake up! Listen to me!!" she shouted, shaking him. Rosiel began to be a little more of himself. "Angel..."
"Yes, Rosiel, please! Please come back to me," she said. She held onto Rosiel quickly, putting her arms around his waist. Rosiel came back to his old self, looking at his sister. He put his arms around her and hugged her. "I'm here, Angel, don't worry," he said.
Damien appeared behind Angela, in between her and Yoko. "You must go, now!" "Master Rosiel, why would flee?" Yoko looked kindly at Rosiel, her eyes were warm towards him. Umi looked up at Rosiel, her eyes were scared but also pleading. "Master Rosiel?" Umi said in a small voice. The priests were looking at the young seer, their thoughts slowly re-entering his mind.
"Damien." Yoko turned cold eyes towards the spirit, she reached her own energy to him and began to close a cold, invisibe hand on his thoat. Even if he was already dead he could feel the pain of sufficating and die a second time, and if he continued to die, he would grow weaker, until he couldn't even exist as a spirit. "How dare you try to stop us, you were a failure, you dared to try and stop me now? What do you wish on this village, your own village, young master Damien." Yoko spit the last words practically as she continued to encase the young spirits thorat.
"STOP THIS!" The woman, the balck-haired woman, that Angela and Rosiel first saw appeared through the wall. "Yoko end this, stop your deathly deeds before it consumes what bit of soul you have left." The woman quickley made her way to the side of Damien. "Master Damien." The spirit pryed Yoko's magic free and away from Damien. "Master are you alright?" She turned her head to Yoko. "Yoko how can you do this to your friends, your neighbors, your family?" Her eyes pleaded with the young priestess.
"This is of no concern of your High Priestess Nanako, mother." Yoko bitterly said the last word as if it were a curse. Yoko began to reach her spirit out to her mother now, trying to kill this woman that had bore her into the world.
"Damien, take the young Master and his sister to the other side of the island, wait there for me. Take Umi as well." Nanako, even though she was a spirit, her powers were far greater then Yoko's were. Nanako was from a direct line, Yoko was a mixed blood child. Nanako's father had married his cousin, but Nanako had married outside the family blood. Making Yoko's weaker from the non holy blood in her, that was what corrupted her.
Damien grabbed Umi and ran off in the direction of the exit. "Let's go!!" he cried. Angela took Rosiel's hand and ran with him. "NAKAKO!!" Rosiel cried as they dragged him up the steps. Damien looked back at the young man. "She'll be okay. I'll get you out of here, to the second exit, but the problem is, I can't leave the mansion until my cycle takes me home. I should meet you around that time," he said. "You must get out, before I start to kill again." He got them to the door, and stopped when a ghost in a white kimono stood in their way.
"Damien, I shall take them from here," the female ghost said. She took Umi's hand gently and led the three outside through the exit. Angela stopped and turned back to Damien. "Damien...will you.."
"Don't worry about me. I am a seer, though a failed one. They respect me, but they will come for your brother. Go to him, Angel. Your wings can shelter him from this dark place," he said, pushing her out the door. The female ghost led Angela to the main village, hurrying them through the path.
Umi hurried as fats as she can looking up at the female spirit. "You seem familiar, you seem to be like a seer, but a dark seer? Like Yumi, and I was was the seer of the light? You look like the old young master Damien, are you his sister?" Umi looked at the girl, her eyes narrowing. "Could you be...." Umi cut herself in mid sentence and kept running, she had to think.
The female ghost rounded a corner, stopping them near an atrium, letting them inside. "We shall be safe here," she said. Angela and Rosiel sat down, leaning against each other in exhaustion. The ghost looked at Umi. "My name is Tabitha, and I am Damien's twin sister. Don't call me the dark seer, because I'm not, nor is he the light seer. This village is wrong and corrupted - it always has been."
"Now I remember you were the failed ritual, the last ritual before the half blooded priestess allowed the corrupted blood to take her." Umi spoke as if she was older then she looked, and in truth she was. "You are not the only to fail, though you are one of the few that both have died." Umi looked into Tabitha's eyes. "There was a time when the village needed no seer, not one of dark or light. My sister and I, we were the first, the first seven years of our lives, everything changed, so drastically. As if the winds of time were pulling us backwards, thats when the island came to be lost isle, it wasn't named that before. The other name was long forgotten, but I remember, I don't want forget. The island wasn't like this before, until they came. Strangers from another land, the changhed people's hearts, some of them stayed on the island. Years later the ritual began, the foreigners thought it best to take two of one face, and make them whole. Into a shade of grey as they said. Twins represented ying and yang, black and white, good and evil, and all the others. They told us no twin was neither good or evil, they were already shaded with both, but they wanted only one face not two with the same." Umi was staring at wall, past Tabitha now, as if the stone had something in it that she use to know. "Yumi and I were seven, they wrapped us in robes, fancy, Yumi wore one of pure black, and I wore one of pure white, tied about both our waists were sashes. We ran, we tried to run towards the main land, the island was still connected to it then, but when we reached were the pass land should've been, the island was seperated from it." Umi quieted and allowed her eyes to wander to the ground next to her. She dared not continue unless need be.
Tabitha nodded, then looked at Angela and Rosiel. "This village has always been corrupted. It feeds into the darkness of everyone's hearts, and it eats away at the people. Darkness and Light never mattered. Damien was Dark, not Light, and still I was sacrificed. Dark and Light should not detirmine one's fate. The village needs to be lost forever...and always forgotten."
Angela was hugging Rosiel gently, his head rested on her chest. He sobbed against her, and she cried quietly with her head on his. Umi looked at the two twins, her eyes saddened. "I am sorry you had to go through this, you should have stayed away from the island." Angela looked up at Umi. "It's my fault...I wanted to find out about this get a story out of it for my job.." She held Rosiel tighter. "We need to leave, as soon as possible."
"I am afraid its too late now." Umi was looking outside to the world outside the small cave. "The mist is too heavy now, because the ritual draws near. It will not thin nor perish until the ritual is complete or until the high priest or priestess has been removed." Umi let her eyes wander to the ground. Her eyes widened and she quickley went to her hands and knees. "I hear something." Umi pressed ehr ear to the stone, and ehr eyes windened even more. "There is someone below us!"
Angela got up and pulled Rosiel to his feet, pulling him back away from the stone. He gripped her arm tightly, and she kept one hand on him, the other on her flashlight towards the stone. She wouldn't let anyone else take him away.
Umi looked at the twins like they were insane. "What are you doing, the voice is crying out for help!" Umi looked at them as if they were the worst people in the world. "The person is alive! Help me see if we can find a trigger of some sort, maybe there is a passage."
Angela nodded, coming to the stone and looking around quickly for anything. Rosiel looked around elsewhere, and found a small hedgestone. He pushed it down, and the dirt under the stone opened up.
Umi led the twins down the small steps that led downward, unlike the chambers that they had been in not long ago, this underground chamber was cool. It was very dark so Umi glanced around for a lantern, but saw she didn't need one as Angela was using her flashlight. The small light wandered around until it fell on a figure that was bound to the wall by chains.
A boy with raven black hair had his body chained to the wall, his shirt was removed and he was covered in dirt and blood. He wore a apir of tattered jeans, that were torn and ripped. "Ung." He grimiched when the light hit him. "Yoko?" He slowley raised his head. "Your not Yoko, who are you?"
Angela looked at the boy, then came closer and handed Umi the flashlight so she could try to remove the chains. "My name is Angela. I'm a friend, don't worry. I don't like Yoko." She struggled at opening the chains around the poor boy's wrists.
The chains relesaed semi-easily. The boy slowly stood up after he fell to the ground, when he stood Umi, Rosiel, and Angela were shocked, they were looking into an identical face of Yoko, except it was on a boy's body. "I can understand why you wouldn't like my................ my sister." He said the last part as if it were some kind of curse, but he also sounded sad.
Angela looked at him. "You're Yoko's wonder you're down here. I bet a certain priestess would never get her chance if she didn't get rid of her brother, and the opportunity to die."
"Yes I am Yoko's older twin, my name is Hize.... Hize Nagahara. Yoko and I were born and raised seperatly, she on the island and I off. I came here months ago to do research for my father, my adoptive one, on the traditions of this island. A village preserved in history. My father on the mainland was Horoi Hazaraki, he owns on of the largest companies in al of Japan. He asked me to come here for research and Yoko was the one to great me. She seemed very surprised to learn she had a twin brother, she never took me into the village, she brought me here instead. At the time it was difficult for me to understand the dialect she used but I know it now. Along with quite a bit about this island, I may have been chained to a wall, but I know how to read." Hize motioned to the wall. "Usually the lamps are lit and they illuminate the wall, but the oil ran out. I am almost done deciphering the writings here." He slowly got up and removed the flashlight from Angela's hand and walked slowly to the wall, using as little of his strength as possible. He shined the light on the wall, which reveiled small carvings in the wall. "I think its a spell."
Angela looked at him. "What does it say?"
Hize brought the flashlight so it signed on the first symbol. "First it starts with a story, then intrustions, then the spell itself, it reads this: When the day turns to night when the sun still shines, a child of mixed blood will be split in two. This child will be both dark and light, death and life, one soul in two bodies. On the day the moon rises in the rays of the sun, the child will become one once again. Though I fear that as I carve these final words of mine into this stone we have made a grave mistake. We have had two young girls, the high priests daughters, perish in the chapel of the devil. I have strayed from the temple for I am afraid for my own daughters, as they are young and of the same face." Hize looked at Angela to continue. "Should I continue?"
Angela nodded, a little frightened by this, but not so much as earlier. "We need to know..." she said.
"When I learned of this I found a way to escape, there is a passage leading off the island, but it seems difficult to reach. The passageway leads under the great sea's current to the main land, I pray my daughter's make it to the passage safely. It lays in the lowest level of the ritual house, below its many floors that lay above the ground. But it is sealed by ancient magic."Hize paused for a moment to catsh hid breath."This is the encantation that MUST be spoken to escape through the passage." Hize turned to Angela. "This is where the spell part starts." He returned his gaze to the caerved words."In darkness and light, I bid thy power. Fortune and honor begone from this place. Death rings the bell tower and darkness draws near. Passage by water I bid thy allow, For in all..." Hize turned to Angela. "That's where it ends." He indicated the last marking on the wall which was etched down to the bottom of the stone wall. "If you look closely I think you'll come to the same conclusion I did. Who ever wrote this came to a quick and unfortunate end." Hize motioned to a dark spot that splattered on the stone wall and a large area of darkness on the stone floor.
Angela looked at the dark spot. "We should leave before we're next. The only place I'd figure would have that knowledge would be the library in the large mansion. go there..." she whispered, looking up at Rosiel, who sat on a stone and looked tired. "To go there would mean risking our lives, and Rosiel's mind."
"Let me go then." Hize said as he looked at Rosiel and Angela. "I know how to avoid the priests and my sister. I know the mansion very well and I can get in and out quickley." He looked to Angela. "What do you say?"
"I'll go with you," Angela said. "NO!" Rosiel cried, grabbing her arm. "We just got back together..." he whispered. "Ros, he can't go alone. Yoko will kill him even if she senses his presence lightly. You stay here with Tabitha and Umi."

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