Page name: FT-Chapter One:Travellers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-07 05:33:06
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured|FT-Chapter Twelve:Deception

Chapter One: Travelllers

Yoko ran up the gravel path to the temple, her yukata ruffled a bit against the light breeze. The mist still hadn't lifted for the past three days, it was thicker then usual anyway. It was always foggy on Lost Isle. Yoko slid the front door open and quickley removed her sandels and entered into the living room, looking for her father. "Daifu! Daifu I am home!" She looked around the house before deciding he must be in the temple praying to the gods. She decided she would not bother him. 'I best head to the dock, the boats have no light.' She rushed out the door, pausing for only a moment to re-place her sandels back on her feet. She then rushed out the door towards the dock to light the lanterns.
However, because the lanterns had no light, a small boat was having trouble coming to the island. Angela Mikatsu and her brother, Rosiel, sat in a tiny boat barely big enough for the two of them, with Angela rowing. "Angel, we could crash at this rate....let's stop.."
"Ros, I can't stop. We're only 10 minutes away or so..." Angela replied, but she knew she should stop. The waves were pretty high tonight. A huge wave hit near the boat and knocked Angela off. "Angel!!!" Rosiel screamed. She surfaced moments later, however, and got back into the boat, shivering. Rosiel grabbed the paddle and rowed on his own to the isle.
Yoko reached the port and lit the lanterns just in time, she saw a boat entering into the harbor. She ran to the sea house and recieved some rope so the visitors could tie their boat to the dock. The Sea master was sick on this day and Yoko had offered to aid any visitors to the isle. She took a lamp out with ehr to the edge of the door and watched as the small vessel slowly approached.
Rosiel docked rather clumsily up against the dock, looking down at his wet and shivering sister. "You okay?" he asked. "I'm...fine.." she muttered, pulling herself onto the dock, grabbing some rope nearby and tying the boat up. "Be careful with your leg, Ros," she cautioned, helping him onto the dock. She then leaned down and grabbed her bag.
"Excuse me." Yoko approached with the lantern held high. "Welcome, to Lost isle. My name is Yoko...Yoko Nagahara I am the high priest's daughter. I apologize for any inconvieniance you may have had. There are no places currently, but if you wish I am sure my father would allow you to stay at the temple house with us." Yoko looked at the two visitors, her eyes were unmoving.
Angela looked up at Yoko and gave a bow of respect, pulling her brother down as well. "Thank you, that's a very kind offer. I'm Angela Mikatsu, and this is my brother, Rosiel."
Yoko bowed to them in return. "The fog is thicker then it usually is during these months. It would be best for you to stay close, and do not stray from the path." Yoko's voice was gentle. "Please follow me." She then turned and began walking towards the temple house.
Angela nodded, about to follow her, but Rosiel made a small noise. "What's wrong, Ros?" "I don't like this place...." he muttered. She took his hand in hers and led him with her after Yoko. "Don't worry about it, Ros. These people are just locals. We'll find our story, and leave." Rosiel only nodded, glancing worriedly at the other houses as they followed behind Yoko.
Once they reached the house Yoko opened the sliding door and entered. She blew out the flame int he lantern and set it outside the door. She gently removed her shoes and set them to the side and waited for her visitors to enter. After they did so she slide the door closed behind them. "Daifu!" She called. She stepped up and into the house. Yoko's father emerged from a sliding door to the side. "Yoko, you are home." The temple priest's eyes wandered to the visitors. "Visitors?"
"Hai Daifu. There is no other place for them to spend this night, I have offered them shelter here." Yoko bowed to her father, whp merely nodded.
"You may enter." He said to Angela and Rosial. "Yoko prepared tea for our guests." Yoko bowed and retreated to the kitchen.
Angela took off her wet shoes, and carefully stepped into the room, followed by her brother. She bowed to the man beside her brother, the two looking identical. "Thank you, sir, for letting us into your home," she said.
"It is a pleasure to have guests in my home." Yoko's father led Angela and Rosiel to the tea room. Sitting mats were on the floor and a slidding door took up the far wall leading out into the garden. "Please sit." Yoko's father then took a place on one of teh four sitting mats on the floor. Moments later the sliding door leading into the tea room slide open, and Yoko was outside the door, sitting on her feet. She placed a tray of cups and tea on the inside of the door before pushing herself inside as well. She slowly closed the door behind her, she then stood and walked over to her own sitting place, and began mixing the tea. Her long black hari was tied behind her with a ribbbon. The scratching of the tea brush against the bowl echoeed like drums through the silent room.
Angela kneeled on a mat beside her brother, who was glancing about the room nervously. She shivered a bit from the cold of her wet clothes, before she put her bag down beside her on the floor. She glanced at Yoko, and noticing her own disorderly appearance, she pushed her hair back. She wanted to look presentable and formal for these kind people, but succeeded in only looking wet and cold, while her brother showed only suspicion.
"Yoko." Yoko's father began to her as she passed out the tea. "This young lady seems cold, why don't you take her to change into some warm, dry cloths, that are a bit more suitable.
"Yes Daifu." Yoko replied. "Please follow Ms. Angela." Yoko slowly rose from her mat and help Angela out the door of the tea room. "Follow me." Yoko led Angela upstairs to her room, she lit a lamp which allowed the room to brighten up a bit. Yoko walked over to her closet and pulled a white yukata from inside. She retreived a gold sash to tie the yukata with around the waist. She then recahed down to a basket laying on the bottom of her closet and retrieved a pair of socks that would be better then the ones Angela was wearing. "Here you are." Yoko said as she turned to Angela. "This should fit you fine. Do you need any help putting it on, if not I can wait outside the room while you get changed."
Angela nodded. "No, that's fine, I can tie it. Thank you, Yoko," she said, taking off her wet clothes and beginning to put on the white yukata. She finished quickly, tying the golden belt on, checking it in the mirror.
Yoko entered a moment later. "It suits you Miss Angela." Yoko noticed that Angela's hari was falling out. "Let me fix your hair." Yoko retrieved a brush and ribbon from her dressing table and stood behind Angela. She gently pulled out the hair tie and began to stroke Angela's hair until there was no knots left within it, she then pulled it back into a ponytail and wrapped the ribbon, which was gold to match the sash, around Angela's hair. "There, now shall we go down and finish our tea?"
Angela nodded, walking with Yoko back to the table, where Rosiel seemed more nervous than ever about this place. Upon spotting his twin, he looked her up and down, admiring the yukata she was wearing. Angela sat down on the mat beside her brother, taking a sip of her tea.
"It is rare Yoko has brought visitors to the temple house for the night. Nakako was usually the one who did so." Yoko looked to her father as he spoke. "Daifu do not sadden yourself with thoughts of hahaoya, she has gone from us now." Yoko looked at her father with more of a pitying look then a look a daughter would give for her mother. "It was not of our doing she was lost on that night. We should not grieve for her."
"Yoko how many times must a tell you of this matter, the island has not lifted from this fog since that day. The island is grieving for her." Yoko's father looked at his daughter as if she was a ghost. He stared in shock.
"Hahaoya was the one to go out on the cliff daifu on that night, it was not our fault, not yours or mine." Yoko replied, a small smile was forming at her lips but she did her best not to let her father see. Yoko's father then turned to their two visitors.
"I will show you to your rooms." He then stood and headed for the door, he paused a moment to wait for Rosiel and Angela. Yoko's eyes widened as she saw her father leading the guests out of the room and ignoring her.
Angela stood up, taking her brother's hand and leading him to the man's side. She stopped, however, to nod to Yoko silently, before she left the room with her brother and the man. As they continued down the hall to their rooms, Rosiel stopped and stared at a wall. Angela looked at him. "What's wrong?"
Rosiel glanced at her. "My dream.." he muttered, pointing at the curtain that held the family symbol. Angela gazed at it, then pulled her brother along towards the man. "We'll look at it later, Ros," she said, squeezing his hand.
Yoko stared after them 'They are trying to daifu from me....just like she did.....' Yoko's eyes narrowed. She quickley collected the cups and carried them to the kitchen where she washed them in the basin. She then slowly made her way upstairs, she say her father in one of the hallways showing the twins their rooms for the night. She glanced at them, Rosiel noticed her it looked like to her out of the corner of his eye. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the twins, the she quickley turned her head and walked away, almost as if on air.
Rosiel sat down on his bed mat, sighing at the floor. Angela put her arms around him. "I don't know why you're so nervous, Ros. You know those old stories are just rumors," she said reassuringly. She rumaged through her bag and took out her journal, jotting down some notes.
"It's just...the man seems very too cautious, and the girl..." "The girl is nice, Rosiel. She is just upset because her father isn't paying much attention to her, which is natural." Angela drew the symbol of the house in her book. "And what were you saying about the symbol?"
"The symbol...I've seen it in my dreams," he whispered. Angela only looked at him, then closed her book. "Let's go to sleep, okay?" she suggested, laying down on her mat and pulling the cover up. Rosiel pulled his mat until the two mats connected, and he scooted next to her. Angela smiled, then hugged him, dropping off to sleep.

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