Page name: FT-Chapter Twelve:Deception [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-09-18 16:20:04
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured|Chapter Twelve:Deception

Chapter Twelve:Deception

Angela looked back at Isha. "Hold on." She reached down to her skirt and tore a small piece off of what little there was to be a skirt. She wrapped the piece around Isha's wrist. "There. Now we can tell the difference between you, Mina, and the real Yoko." She smoothed her skirt a bit. "Maybe I can get better clothes as well...I'm practically running around in the nude."

Isha nodded. "Let us go and find your brother and mine." Isha started towards the stairs. "Mizeru take..." Isha paused and turned and looked at Angela. "By chance, my friend, what is your name?"

Angela smiled a little. "My name is Angela. Angela Mikatsu. My brother's name, when you meet him, is Rosiel."

Isha nodded. "Thank you. Mizeru please take hold of Ms. Angela and let us go." Isha looked to Mizeru who nodded. Mizeru stepped forward and grabbed hold of Angela's arms and held them behind her.

"I apologize if I cause you any pain." Mizeru said, his voice held a tint of annoyance. Isha led the way up the stairway she paused at the top and looked around at the passageway. Her eyes were cold and held no emotion. One of the guards passed by and bowed to her in both respect and fear.

"Lady Yoko." The guards voice was low as he hurried passed.

Isha merely followed him with her eyes. The guard paused for a moment as if waiting for a reply. "Get out of the way." Isha's voice was cold and sounded exactly like that of her sister's. The guard looked at her with wide eyes and scurried quickley away. "This way." She said hushly to Mizeru and Angela.

Isha led the way down a long passageway that led to the other side of the temple house. Her eyes shifting from side to side taking in the surrounding enviroment. She paused a moment to listen to the movements in the house, she closed her eyes and chanted a short encantation. When she opened her eyes they glowed a moment as she spoke the calling. "Damien I call thee forth!"

Damien's form came quickly, first blurry, then finally looking solid. He looked over at the three, and his eyes landed on Isha/Yoko. He visibly flinched, taking a step back as he saw what he thought was Yoko. But then, he realized he was summoned - only his Lady Isha could summon spirits. He stepped forward once more. "Lady Isha...?" he whispered.

"My apologies for my appearance dear friend. This is the only way to walk about unnoticed until they find my sister in one of the cells below." Isha sighed softly, upset with herself for her current outwards appearance. She then bowed deeply to Damien in apology. "My apologies I give to you dear friend." She then straightened herself up and looked at Damien. "Might you be able to lead us to where Angela's brother and the other is being kept?"

Damien nodded, looking at Angela and Mizeru only briefly. "Come with me. They aren't too far." He beckoned with his hand and led the trio quickly down two hallways. He stopped in a hallway that only had two doors, strangely enough. "Her brother is in here," he said, pointing to the left door. "The other is in here." He pointed to the other door. "Her brother is awake....but the other is still sleeping."

Isha bowed to him in thanks. "Thank you my friend, you may take your leave of us now. Should we need your help I shall call upon you again." She smiled at Damien as she looked at him with her soft eyes. "Thank you."

Damien bowed low to Isha, and then disappeared.

Isha turned to look at Angela and Mizeru, "One room at a time my friends." She turned back around to face the door that Rosiel was within and slowly slid the door open, as she finished opening the door she spoke a single word to herself. "Telios." within a second her appearnace turned back to normal. Her eyes fell upon Rosiel who was staring out the window of his room. "Rosiel I shall presume." Isha asked Rosiel as she and the others entered the room. Mizeru made sure the door was closed behind him before he let go of Angela.

Rosiel looked over at Isha, his eyes seemingly clouded over in a haze. When he gaze fell upon Angela and Mizeru, he smiled only a bit. "'re okay."

Angela went to Rosiel's side and he enveloped her in a hug. "Ros, I was so worried about you!" She looked up at him. "Are you okay? Did Yoko do something to you?"

Rosiel shook his head. "She brought me here, and that's all. A few priests have been in to speak of the ritual and talk about preparations...but that's it."

Angela nodded, taking his hand. "We're going to get out of here before anyone goes through the ritual."

"But, Angel..." Rosiel whispered quietly, so only she could hear. "I...I don't want to go..."

"What?" Angela whispered back. "Ros, why?"

Rosiel looked at Isha. "Yoko stuffed Hize in the other room. Could...could my sister and I have some time alone?"

Isha blinked for a moment. But did not move. "I have no reason to leave her alone with you at this time. My brother can wait." Isha said her voice calm, her eyes never leaving Rosiel's face.

Rosiel's eyes narrowed.

"Ros, it's okay," Angela said. "Look, don't worry about any of this. You're probably still out of it from when we were taken." She took his hand again and led him over to Mizeru and Isha. "We should go check on Hize. All of us."

Isha nodded her eyes still not leaving Rosiel's face. "Your position and powers have no effect on me," Isha told him, her eyes growing narrow as she looked at him. She then turned on her heels and walked over to the door leading to Hize's room. She slowly slid the door open and stepped aside so the others could enter before her.

Angela went in first, still keeping a hold on Rosiel's hand as though she was afraid that he'd turn and hit Isha if she didn't restrain him. When she entered, however, she looked for Hize and found him on a bed in the room, sleeping still. She walked over to him, and once at the bed, she let go of Rosiel's hand to sit beside Hize on the bed. "Hize..."

Hize groaned as he rolled over and slowly open his eyes to find Angela sitting beside him. A smiled crept onto his face when he saw her. "Angela..." He raised his hand and stroked the side of her cheek. "This is a pleasant surprise." His hand dropped as he sat up in the bed holding his head. "Where the hell are we?" His voice was soft as his eyes looked around the room. Finally his gaze fell upon Mizeru and Isha. "And who are they?"

Angela smiled and sat beside Hize, rubbing his back gently to help him wake up. "That's Mizeru. He helped me escape Yoko the first time she caught me...and made me dress like this. And that's Lady Isha - the real priestess of the island."

Hize blinked as he looked at Isha. "But... I thought... isn't... I am so confused." His eyes then wandered to Mizeru. "So not everyone in here is a bad guy then?"

Mizeru nodded as he looked at Hize and then to Isha. "Lady Isha?" Mizeru stepped out of Isha's path as she stepped forward to look at Hize.

"Hello," She bowed lightly to her brother. "brother." Isha smiled as she looked at Hize. "I am sorry but this is not the time for proper formalities, we must leave immediatly before we are discovered." Isha turned to look at Angela. "Are you prepared to leave Ms. Angela?"

Angela looked at Rosiel. "Ros?" she asked.

At the mention of leaving, Rosiel looked hurt, but he sighed and nodded. "I'm ready to go...if you won't leave me again."

Angela nodded as she took Rosiel's hand. "I'm not going to leave you, okay? Just hold tight to me." She squeezed his hand gently. She then turned towards Isha. "We're ready, Lady Isha."

Isha muttered the same encantation as before and within moments she had the exact appearance of Yoko once again. She turned the crimson eyes to look at her company; they dashed from one face to another until they fell upon Mizeru's face. "Take the rear Mizeru, they are to look as if they are captives." Mizeru nodded and Isha turned quickley and slid the door open in a single motion. She slowly stepped though the door and made her way quickly down the hall with the others following her.

Angela nodded, holding her brother's hand behind her back to keep him calm and safe at her side.

Rosiel looked over Angela's shoulder at Hize, his eyes narrowing at how close he was to Angela, before looking back at his sister. Every time he looked at her, his eyes seemed to soften and almost glaze over lovingly.

Mizeru's eyes darted from side to side as they made their way down the corridors. Isha moved quickly and swiftly, barely slowing down when someone was coming. Her eyes focused in front of her as she lead them towards the exit. At a corner she stopped suddenly and turned to face the rest of them, her eyes darted from one face to the next. "We must find another way." She motioned to around the corner. "They're guarding the exit heavily; even as Yoko we can't all walk out of here without more men as escort."

Her eyes fell uon Angela and Rosiel. She allowed her gaze to drift to look upon Rosiel, her expression holding no emotion as she took in his features. Her eyes then snapped to Mizeru. "Mizeru take the others out through the South exit and meet us at the Lake Temple." She approached Rosiel and took hold of the hand not holding onto Angela. "You must come with me, I promise I will bring you back to your sister." He opened his mouth the protest but Isha cut him off. "This is the only way the two of you will live." She paused and then looked to Mizeru. "Take them, get them out of here, quickly." Mizeru nodded and then looked to Angela and Hize. Isha's eyes wandered to Angela's face and she smiled. "Trust me," she said softly to the girl to comfort her from being separated once again from her brother.

Rosiel's eyes quickly darted to Angela, and he gave her a pitiful look. He pleaded with her with his eyes, hoping she would tell Isha to let him stay with her. He held her hand tightly, not letting go when Isha grabbed his other hand.

Angela only sighed as she looked at Isha and Rosiel. "I trust you, Lady Isha," she whispered. She looked at Rosiel. "We'll be separated for a little bit, but I will see you soon."

"Angel..." Rosiel pleaded softly. "Please...don't leave me..."

Angela looked at him with regret. "I'm sorry, Rosiel. Please, go with Lady Isha."

Rosiel looked as though he would cry, but he nodded. "Only for you, Angel," he said. He quickly hugged her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Rosiel," Angela said as they hugged. She slowly let go of his hand and allowed Isha to take him. She sniffed a little, fighting back her tears as Isha took Rosiel away from her.

Hize looked at Angela for a second before giving her a hug. "He'll be fine. I'm sure that Lady Isha girl knows what shes doing."

Angela nodded. "I know she knows what she's doing." She looked up at him and smiled. "Besides, she's your GOOD sister."

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