Page name: FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-04 02:59:14
Last author: Fuu
Owner: Fuu
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FT-Chapter One:Travellers|FT-Chapter Two:Secrets|FT-chapter Three:The Seer|FT-Chapter Four:Chambers of Light & Dark|FT-Chapter Five:Into the Darkness|FT-Chapter Six:Embrace of Fire|FT-Chapter Seven:Return to Hell|FT-Chapter Eight:Rays of Light|FT-Chapter Nine:Path of Despair|FT-Chapter Ten:Safety|FT-Chapter Eleven:Captured

Chapter Nine:Path of Despair

Mina slowly led Angela along the rocky path, holding a lantern high above her head. Please be careful Ms. Angela, the path is very uneven and you don't want to fall." Mina smiled at the young woman behind her and made sure her pace was not too fast, but just fast enough to get through the passageway. "This passageway is called the Path os Despair in case your wondering. It leads straight through the mountain and was onced used as a major way of connecting both sides until the tragedy."

Angela nodded, looking around. "Tragedy? What tragedy, specifically?"

"The high priestess of the Village of Sight threw herself from the cliff on the farside of the island. Not long after the mist surrounded Lost Isle." Mina stopped for a moment and sighed. "And this passageway became a burial sight, a tomb you might say, yes a tomb. For before the priestess took her life she..." Mina took another pause as she drew ina deep breath to remain calm. "She massacred over half of the temple staff in this passageway, she... she torn their bodies to pieces and left them in a bloody heap. Ove 30 people, she killed them with her own hands." Mina took a deep breath and grasped her hands together, she was shaking.

"That's....that's terrible....I'm so sorry to hear that," Angela said, then stopped, seeing her shaking. "Hey....are you okay?"

Mina took a deep breath to try and calm herself. "Yes I'm fine, it is just a terrible memory. My parents were among those slaughtered and... unfrotunately I was there to witness it. I was hiding when she came down the passage. It was horrible. I was terrified, unable to move." She took another breath. "It's just a bad memory."

Angela nodded, following her. Something was on her mind, but she wasn't sure if she should ask....Finally, she took a deep breath. "What was the priestess' name?"

"Nagahara, Nakako Nagahara. She was the high priestess at the time." Mina looked back at Angela. "Why do you ask?"

"Nakako..." Angela breathed. "The's familiar."

"I've heard that it is forbidden to speak of her, I wonder where you could have heard her name." Mina sighed and continued walking. "Watch your step, you don't want to fall, the rocks are very pointy."

Angela nodded, continuing to follow Mina, her stride careful. "I don't know....maybe I just think I've heard it. That happens sometimes."

"I see." Mina said as she continued walking. She held the latern aboce her so to see her footing better. After a few moments she stopped. "Here..." The light cast upon the ground revealing dark spots on the ground and walls. "Here is where they were all slaughtered. It's the halfway mark between the two villages as well." Mina took in a deep breath to feel a sharp pain in her chest. She began to cough as she tried to catch her breath, her hand clung to her chest as if in desperation. The coughing died down after a moment and she was able to breath normally. "Maybe we should rest for a few

"Are you okay?" Angela asked, coming to her side. She glanced around at the dark spots where blood, and bodies, once was. "What's wrong?" she asked Mina, now worried for her companion.

Mina shook her head. "It's nothing, it always happens when I come through this tunnel to bring flowers here." She smiled. "Nothing to worry about Ms. Angela."

Angela nodded. "Well, just be careful, okay? I don't want anything else happening to people on this island."

Mina nodded. "I understand, do not worry about me I shall be fine." Mina then stood and turned toward they direction they must go. "We should continue."

Angela nodded and continued to follow Mina, keeping an good grasp of where they are for future reference, and making sure no one was nearby. Yoko had already put Angela's nerves on full-alert, and the blood in the cave just made it worse.

After a little while Mina finally broke the silence. "You seem a bit on edge Miss Angela, worried about something?" There was an edge to Mina voice that she didn't notice was there, it sounded almost hateful but still the voice held her innocence.

"I'm just a little on edge about leaving Rosiel alone so long....and the thought of the massacre all around us. It's just a bit....unnnerving, I suppose," Angela replied, not really noticing the edge to Mina's voice.

"Don't worry, I'm sure if anyone finds him he will be taken care of, after all they don't want to hurt him." Mina smiled at her words as she continued down the passage, the bloodstains on the walls continued as they drew closer to the exit. Her eyes glistened for a moment red when she turned to face Angela but went back to their normal color almost immediatly. "Isn't that right, Ms. Angela?" Mina asked the edge stronger in her voice now.

Angela glanced at her, now worried and wary from her voice and eyes. "I don't want anyone taking care of him unless they're getting him off this island and to safety, which will probably be me.....if the fog ever lifts...." She walked towards the exit, up to Mina. "Look, I'm sorry, I just want to get back to him and the others. I think I'll feel better when I know we're all safe and together again."

"I understand Ms. Angela, I'll be sure to get there...safely." Mina looked at her for a moment before turning back around and walking again. Her eyes were beginning to turn darker. "Don't worry about that Ms. Angela, your brother will be safe when you have returned to him."

Angela watched Mina, beginning to become uneasier about her situation and Mina's change. "Oh, look. I think that's the exit," she suddenly said, seeing a brief bit of gray light flood into the cavern from ahead. "Looks like we're just about out of here." Angela picked up the pace, heading up to the exit.

Mina stopped short in front of Angela and turned around slowly to face her. "No Ms. Angela, I am sorry to inform you but we are not going anywhere. You are going to leave." Mina's eyes flared crimson red as her lips parted into a smile. Her pale hair quickly darkened until it was the color of raven wings. She looked exactly like Yoko. "Is something wrong?" Mina voice had lost its innocence and now contained malice, rage, and hatred all combined into one. She began to approach Angela, the walls of the narrow passage brushing against her priestess robes. "You seem startled Ms. Angela, why don't I help you ease your fear!" Mina's voice rose as she reached out a hand to grab at Angela. Unfortunately the scroll that was around Angela glowed causing Mina to back away and cover her face from the light. "What is this?!"

Angela looked down at the scroll, then at Mina/Yoko. "You can't touch me while I have THIS on!" she said, taking a few steps back. She went back on her one foot, then ran forward, shoulder out to ram into Mina/Yoko.

Mina screamed as Angela made contact with her. The scroll brushed against her skin and her scream grew louder as it burned her. She stummbled back through the exit of the cave and held her arm close to her chest. She looked to Angela and rushed forward to try and attack her again only to be engulfed in the light from the scroll. Again she screamed in pain as the light shrouded her in something like a fog. "I will make sure you will never return to your brother!"

Angela only ran past her, calling over her shoulder, "I'll never let you touch him!!" She hurried back to the house where she left Rosiel and the others, weaving through various alleys to throw Mina/Yoko off the trail. She finally got to the house, heading around to the back. "Rosiel, guys, I'm back!!" she called.

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