Lord Josmar's Bid for Dominion
Because, who wouldn't want me in charge of things?
I know what you are thinking and I feel that I should go ahead and answer those burning questions in your head, so here we go.
Why Would You Want This?
I have been a member since May 24th, 2007 and can honestly say that Elftown is the most frequented site on my laptop. I spend most of my free time on here and find myself sitting here clicking the refresh button, just waiting for something to do.
I always wish I could contribute more to Elftown and I feel this is the best way to fulfill that wish. Helping others and making the jobs of the current council easier.
What Makes You Think We'll Pick You?
I get on Elftown several times a day and hate to go a day without logging in to check up on everything, even if I have to do it from my phone.
I have little to no problem multitasking as I am usually posting here, checking Facebook, and watching Netflix all at the same time, and that's not even including having to watch over my children.
I have created many wikis on Elftown and have a good feel for how they work as I currently run a two different RPGs:
Halo C.E. RPG
Level Five
Also, these personal undertakings:
Lord Josmar's Emporium of Useless Information
I <3 Rubber Duckies
The Elftown XBL Directory.
I have some experience putting up polls in wikis from my unofficial contest
Support Our Council Banner Contest
I have experience in the forums and won't get lost or confused, I am also trying to familiarize myself with the
Elftown Chat
I am a friendly person and am very difficult to push "over the edge". I try to take the calm approach and shut down most problems before they grow worse. And even when a time comes that I do get overly upset, I am quick to forgive, look past the situation, and move on.
What Do You Want To Do For Elftown
I would love to eventually be appointed to the
Guards and help enforce the rules of this community. As well as becoming one of the
Wiki Bosses once I have proven myself. I would love to help out on the
Daily Poem as one of the
Daily Poem Bosses. I could also help with the
Statisticians, selecting, managing, and posting polls.
To sum it all up, I am willing to do whatever task is assigned to me.
What Have You Done For Elftown
I am creator and mod of the
Dia de los Muertos Festival contests and I helped [
Nioniel] mod the
easter festival.
I have been honored with the following positions/badg
Featured Member
Reference Photographers and an EPRM Champions.
Reviews Group (In training right now).
Literature Judges
Christmas Poets
ET Roleplayers
Donor of Writing
Daily Poet
Featured Wikigraphers
ET Artists
ET Photomanipulators.
Saint Valentine Photographers
I have made several suggestions for competitions and polls for the Main Street.
I am a member of the C.U.R.E. Committee for the C.U.R.E. wiki.
I am getting involved in the Text Adventures wiki and hoping to bring more RPGs into the mix.

Anyone Willing To Fight For You?
1) [Nioniel] - An excellent and active member of Elftown, I think that [Lord Josmar] would be a useful and eager member of the Elftown Crew.
2) [shadow of darkness] - I can't think of anyone who's more eager to do something for this site. I've been here longer than he has, but sadly I have no desire to contribute more than my mere presence. lol I'm in many RPGs with him, including the two of his own making, and can honestly say that he's a wonderful GM and I feel I can trust him with that sort of power.
3) [Aeolynn]
4) [Ravenclaw] - I shall take the blame for making Josmar join Et.
5) [Alexi Ice] - Always helpful. I think he will make a wonderful edition to the crew.
- Apply to the Crew