# of watchers: 18
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Wiki-page rating | ![]() |
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Friendly: | 0 |
2004-10-11 [cipher_felsong]: The sad part is I should have looked for that. Heheh. Course, I never got around to the website section on Adobe Illustrator... But oh well. CMYK= Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, blacK. ^_^U
2004-10-11 [Malnu]: I knew that one Annie. *grin* Someone was quick to post the response though.
2004-10-11 [Bratt]: I'm not sure who the artist is to this picture, but unless someone can prove its theirs I don't think it should be used on the Elftown Logo. I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything but I get kinda ill when I see images I've seen on the net for quite a long time "appear" on a block of color and called art. http://www.yor
2004-10-12 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: hmm... i see what you mean
2004-10-14 [FiSHr.]: right who needs flaming...... lol......... not
2004-10-15 [sxalo]: I think that elf pic is rather nice to be honest.
2004-10-15 [sxalo]: I think anymore submissions should go onto a next page
2004-10-15 [FiSHr.]: yeah but she stole it
2004-10-17 [Wizard]: well, I just added a pic I did some time ago, but I'd changed it to make it suitable for this subjet
2004-10-18 [Images]: Yes! I think I just got in under the wire :D
2004-10-18 [Dirty DaVinci]: Great work, Images....I have a good feeling about your work...
2004-10-19 [Images]: Thank you [Dirty DaVinci] . I put a lot of time into it. There are a lot of great entries in the contest; yours included :) Nice turnout.
2004-10-19 [Images]: I uploaded an image of just the Elf to my house. She looks a little friendlier close up :)
2004-10-20 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: I've finished my map (added water and stuff), but I can't upload it to any website cos it's too big, and if I make it smaller it looks horrible... I'm gonna ask my brother to sort it out when he get's back in the weekend, I'm saying this so you know that my final entry is still to be put up
2004-10-27 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: ah crap... my picture isn't there, forgot to save it to elftown... oh well, I'll do it now anyway
2004-10-27 [Sunrose]: I don't see a difference with the one you had uploaded before... ?
2004-10-27 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: it dissapeared before, so I saved it to elftown... for some reason I can't get the one with water to upload on any site cos it's too big :s
2004-10-27 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: that's the first place I tried :s I was able to save it once but the quality was so crap I got rid of it again... I just got an idea, can I leave the picture that I have now up there, but also add the one that has water, so if somebody can't clearly see something they can check the first map
2004-10-27 [Sunrose]: Sure ^^
2004-10-27 [Deadly_DNA_Girl]: yay, it's finally there... I thought the quality would look like rubbish, but it's still oke-ish... I've gone off the picture myself actually, but I worked on it for so long I decided to put it here anyway... thx sunrose for the help :)
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