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2006-07-10 14:09:54
Last author: rebeccajlsk
Owner: HellzHalo426
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                                                              RIAFL Members


This is the second members page to Risk-It-All-For-Love. Please comment next to your name. Even if it is saying the same things as someone else. Thank you.

12. [Poindextra] It brought tears to my eyes to read what was written on that page. My thoughts are with them, and I have seen first-hand the kind of torment      s get.
13. [bina_bug] I wish I had gotten the chance to get to know them. It's always heartbreaking what other have to go through, even though they deserve so much better. I'll pray for them and their search for acceptance and tolerance.
14. [Slaughter™]~its sad but heroic at the same time....
15. [nokaredes]
16. [Feasting on Needles] *sniffle*
17. [Rhymes With Orange] some people don't realize that you can't help who you love, and these boys have made the point that no matter who you love, it is worth it in the end.
18. [Ark angel of heaven and hell] the world is so wrong right now, driving two love struck teens to   , may their souls and love be together and at peace
19. [Sashu] people see what they want. they never come to see that either, why people     s that is.
20. [camntheshadows] if only more people saw it through our eyes
21. [Gypsi] From now on, I'll wear a heart on my face on the 20 of every month.
22. [Pooty; Down With The Clown] When I heard about this I thought I was gonna cry... Soo sad, but soo sweet.
23. [Froya]
24. [Goldice] when will people learn that prejudice just causes hurt?
25. [Weeman] I pray that nobody else dies over their love being torn apart by others. This story has struck me since I have      friends, and I wish that they never         the way these two did. Heart on my face, every 20th.
26. [*laugh*]It's sad they had to go but love is a very powerful thing. every 20th no more heart on my sleeve.I hope their lives are much better now than they ever were before.
27. [Ego Diligo Tu] Well I guess my member name is out of place here since it did hurt in this instatnce..although one could argue...but i wont, Because its things like this that make me sad. And I hope that they are happy whatever after life there in, They deserve to be the happiest people ever. They risked it all and in the end gave it up because no one could understand their love. I will wear a heart on my face everyday to remember them not just on the 20th.
b29. [Sweet Decay.] This is the most amazing story I've ever seen on the internet. To die for love is like living for the person you love. It's amazing and cannot be described by those who don't love.
30. [Ktcm]
31. [Insanelife] This is an amazing story. Yes, very sad, but also beautiful. These two were so in love that they were willing to die just to be together in the end. I don't think words can describe a love like that.
32. [Ashoka Virlym] The story made me feel likt i knew this two for a long long time.I do wish that i knew they seem to be great boys.*tears form*well they did what anyone would do to be together for ever.They love each other more than the air they breathe.*lowers head*well I hope they found peace and happyness.*smiles alittle has a tear ecaspe and runs down my face*
33. [Nonchalant] It was an honor for the world to have a couple willing to go that far for love. To have just two people who wanted to be together forever and if they couldn't be together, they would        . That is so sad, but it is a relief on the world. *tears stain my cheeks*
34. [Ria Sagura] Love is sacred and should never be messed with, what they had was the perfect act of doing what they feel is right.
35. [Talon the deRANgeD lil fox   ] that is so sad yet at the same time beautiful that those two loved eachother that much.
36. [*Night_Shade*]- 'Romeo and Juliet' romances are tragic, and it's hard to believe it still happens today. Society tells us we have exceptance. If there's a such a thing in the world right now then tell me...why are these two lovers six feet under?
37. [¤ WORLDS ¤happiest¤ EMO ¤™] That story is so sad, but can some what understand how they felt... I actually cried partly because of how sad it is and partly how I tried that once over a guy... RIP
38. [Ophelia_Ogaard] I know exactly how they felt. It's hard for some to accept      s, but love is love no matter what!
39. [beautiful _ darkness] I am going to wear a heart on my cheek for the rest of this month and on every 20th of each month i will also. this is the    story ive heard and i know that they will be happy together. RIP you two
40. [Lord Asriel]........
41. [022590] Love is Love. Risk it all for it.
42. [~Crimson Angel~]
43. [Our Lady of Sorrow] Rest in Peace somewhere where no one is   d because of their love.
44. [Staceface87]I shall also wear the heart on my cheek,im proud of you guys. Rest in peace and Bless
45. [Zardra] so sad what todays society is forcing us to do to prove that love is love no matter what...
46. [SuicidalEternalX] That is so sad... But that is what we resort to when people can't take anymore...
47. [Bitchy] I'm sorry I dont know the people, but it's tragic. Why should people be so bothered if two people are in love? No one should care if they are the same   or not if they are in love let them be.
48. [Izzles] This is so heartbreaking. Love should never be     . My heart goes right out to Auden and Skyler. I know that I'll be wearing a heart on my face on the 20th. xxx RestInPeace  
49. [x-Whorror-x] Love knows no boundaries, RIP Auden and Skyler
50. [punk-chick]
51. [shadow_angel] love is love. love who you want and don't let the world get in the way. love will find a way to win.
52. [Bonita_Chica] This literally tears my heart in two to see people treated like this because they love someone not only is it wrong but it makes me sick to know that homophobes killed these two people I would spend the rest of my life fighting against those who don't support this
53. [Pin pricks and razorblades] I hope one day people like "US" can walk down a street as safe as "THEM"
54. [!*Hippy*! ♥Marie♥] I love a grl...she means everything to me...I'd give my life for her...just the same as "they" did
55. [~Dama_Licious~] I Have The Same Hopes And Dreams As All Of You Do And I Hope It Becomes Legal For "US" To Marry Who Ever The Hell We Want To Marry You Go Girls And Guys For Fighting For What You Believe In
56.[boards and broken strings]That is so sad. People are people no matter who they love, And no one should think differently.
58. [left this place go on elfpack]that is so sad you should be behind them all the way
59. [FAiLURE. // By. Designer. Jeans.]
60. [PyroFreak] love is love!
61. [~*~Dread Pirate Bonnie~*~] "all you need is love" Ewan McGregor-Moulin Rouge
62. [AshAsphyxiation] I dont let anyone tell me that marriage is for opposite sex. This story brought tears to my eyes. People can't hepl if they love the same sex. Love is love.
63. [Erwin] god i hate president bush!!! marriage is about love and it's wrong for people to say that your feelings aren't real or allowed bassed on the persons sex....
64. [.Forever Dreaming.] - if 2 people want to be together let them.. no matter wot sex they are!!!!
65.[Ive left.] why and how do people have the right to judge people just because they fall in love with some1 of the same sex.... they are in love no matter what so can't they just accept that?!
66.[Rx Virus] i agree with [Ive left.], I know what it is like to have to hide your feelings for someone of the same sex from everyone but them. People who judge others obviously just have something missing from thier own life. To be bi or gay is a choice that effects no one except that person. Love is Love, nomatter who it is shared with.
67. [Sad Lonely Angel] we have all this anger and death, discrimination, and yet we aim for world peace.......we will never get there *shakes head*
68. [taking back sunday] people should be people. we are no different then the next leading brand of dishsoap...
69. [rebeccajlsk] This is so sad. x


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2005-07-24 [JunkyJunk]: It shouldn't matter who you love. Whether they are man or woman, love is what it is. No one can change that, even if those who ARE trying to change it walk to the ends of the earth to do so. Because those who love have already been to the edge, and made it back with their One. I will never let my heart rest on my sleeve again, but on my cheek.

2005-07-24 [~Crimson Angel~]: boo

2005-07-24 [chelle RocKs]: i will wear a heart on my face in the name of

2005-07-24 [Deadly Cartoon]: i will wear the heart on my face. why cant people just let love be love?

2005-07-25 [Shooting Star Shadow]: becuz of the church has made it to where love is a "sin" and that if you love someone then you might as well get ready for hell and the fact that everyone is so scared of the church becuz the church pretty much has the U.S. under its control no one stick up for what is right which is true is love no matter who its in between

2005-07-25 [Staceface87]: sorry to appaul everyone but all of this was bullshit.

2005-07-25 [Staceface87]: the real auden and skyler were girls being bitches but were caught and feelin pretty shitty now.

2005-07-25 [HellzHalo426]: We know

2005-07-25 [*Night_Shade*]: Yep, it's actually kind of hilarious in an ironicly morbid sort of way....>.<''''''''''''

2005-07-25 [Slaughter™]: still makes a good point....

2005-07-25 [HellzHalo426]: *nods*

2005-07-29 [boards and broken strings]: yea

2005-07-29 [left this place go on elfpack]: this is so sad

2005-09-25 [ahsataN]: its so sad,every time i read it i start to cry.

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