Page name: Risk-It-All-For-Love [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-02-14 01:36:35
Last author: Kelaria
Owner: HellzHalo426
# of watchers: 17
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I wish I could say this was a happy wiki about a couple who risked everything and it all turned out well in the end as they clung to eachother, deeply satisfied in life. Yet it wasn't. It was a "Romeo and Juliet" story.

Every 20th of each month wear a heart on your face because Skyler did . He said " its better to wear it on your face then on your sleeve so it wont fall off , just smudge ."

To see the schedule of when to wear a heart on your face please go to RIAFL Calendar Any requests for special days please message one of the Presidents. Thank you.


This wiki was started to reach out to Auden and Skyler. Whom we had been informed killed themsleves. In a most recent search we found out that 2 girls decided to pose as Auden and Skyler and stage their death as a project.All of the pictures on this first page is the girls. Ive also just recently found out that there was no REAL Auden and Skyler. They were false Identities. I must say in my own opinion that it was a revolting act that hurt many people. I still hope that this wiki may serve for the kind of love we wish we all had. The REAL Auden and Skyler

<img:> <img:>

I love hearing people's opinoions on gay marriages or relationships. I absolutely hate it when people say, " Let them! " Or, " They shouldn't be allowd to. " Now, I don't care if you're for it, or against it, it's your own opinion, but excuse me...They? Who are they? They are your friends, your family, your neighbors, your enemies, your cuzins, aunts, uncles, ect. They are people. They all have the same damn rights. So why don't we get full use of all of those rights? Beacuse people have to lable, and make "us" different. We are you, and you are us. Homosexuality was declined being considered a brain disorder about fifty years ago. So you lable "us" like we're criminals. Is it a crime, and a punishable crime, to be born a certin way? Is it punishable by death? By refusal of marrage? Some people consider it so, beacuse "we" are considered discusting, and revolting to society. Tell me, all you heterosexual couples, how would you feel if the man/woman of your dreams--the one you love with all your heart--kissed you in public, and you got beatten with bats, or even worse, killed. How would that make you feel? I'm sure I share the fear many homosexual people do about expressing affection in public. In fear of our lives. Wow, love almost seems not worth it if it means risking your life. But in my opionion, I'm as good as you are, I'm no better, you're no worse. we're all people, and we all deserve equal rights. There is the scenerio that gay marrages would bring more people to the U.S., but I believe if you are a U.S. Citizen, in " The land of the free" You should be free, and not be under false hope of living a happy life. and loving the person that your heart belongs to. And be able to freely express that love, with no negitive consiquences, in public, in private, and in matrimony. So that's my take.


Lyrics to Auden and Skyler
Dashboard confessional X Hands down
Breathe in for luck,
breathe in so deep,
this air is blessed,
you share with me.
This night is wild,
so calm and dull,
these hearts they race,
from self control.
Your legs are smooth,
as they graze mine,
we're doing fine,
we're doing nothing at all.
My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
The words are hushed lets not get busted;
just lay entwined here, undiscovered.
Safe in here from all the stupid questions.
"hey did you get some?"
Man, that is so dumb.
Stay quiet, stay near, stay close they can't hear...
so we can get some.
My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me, so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury, or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
Hands down this is the best day I can ever remember,
I'll always remember the sound of the stereo,
the dim of the soft lights,
the scent of your hair that you twirled in your fingers
and the time on the clock when we
realized it's so late
and this walk that we shared together.
The streets were wet
and the gate was locked so I jumped it,
and I let you in.
And you stood at your door with your hands on my waist
and you kissed me like you meant it.
And I knew that you meant it,
that you meant it,
that you meant it,
and I knew,
that you meant it,
that you meant it.

Banner was made by [moira hawthorne] and removed by [moira hawthorne] Im sorry that this was a sham... but Im glad that two boys aernt dead... Time Enough For Love ... waiting for the human race to grow up! ok sham or not ... this still applys!

[Oh! Its a Riot xx]


1. [Casval] That people drive their own children to such acts, saddens the souls. Love is love, and for it life lives.
2. [Dance Louder, Sing Harder]- those poor guys
3. [f_4ever] It's pitiful to see just how stuck up people can be to not realize that there are others out there, being torn apart for not being able to love who they want. My thoughts are with Auden and Skyler. May they rest together, in peace.
4. [IX.Dollface] RIP together you guys...
5. [oXoX-Nikki Jo-XoXo]-Oky i don't know these guys but they seem really kewl...RIP forever together
6. [Panda-monium] Some die too young, and some die long after thier time, but for those who love, they never truly die, for the world is changed forever by their union.
7. [Rain Kissed Angel] ....without love...what do we have in this hell?
8. [freak101]
9. [moira hawthorne] Time Enough For Love ... waiting for the human race to grow up! ok sham or not ... this still applys!
10. [~AzureSkyy.-] Love .. Is Love .. Is Love. Who you're in love with, is your own business ... People can't see how very right True Love is ... Because they can't feel what you feel, see how you see ... That is the single, most despairing part of it all. If only people weren't so blind.

****** No one else sign here please continue at RIAFL Members Thank you.*******


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2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: what's me?

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *giggles* ^^

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: nothing *smiles innocently*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Now I get what the calender is for!

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Wait...I am missing something...*blinks* I shouldn't skim read...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: uhh.. *whistles and twiddles my thumbs looking around the room*

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: .> hey anyone wanting to talk to a bored , grape soda high freak message me for my yahoo... im BOOOOORRREED

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *hides face behind hands and continues gigging knowingly*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Um...sorry Mr. Beefy, I don't have yahoo o.O

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *continues whistling*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Ack! what did I miss! *hurries to read all over again* But there is 4 would be easier if y'all just told me. *grumbles*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *face grows hot* oh...

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: .< but im bored...

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I assure you boredom is not fatal

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *smiles while trying to look innocent*

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: ur no fun... *runs away*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: eep...I didn't mean to insult him. And you are not innocent. :P My face may not regain a normal shade for a while

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: im sorry. *pouts*

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: im here... just bored...

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Awe, don't pout, I can't stand it when you do that. *wraps arms around* I just can't help blushing is all. And I never said it was a bad thing not to be innocent.

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *smiles slightly and looks up at you*

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *squeals with happiness* aww! *jumps up and down* :D

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *blushes*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *goes red* heh...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *slips one arm round Manda*

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: ok im being ignored im taking this off watch... i keep thinking its important >.> no offense

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I am not trying to ignore you, but alas, you are slight annoying in your persistance. If you so bored, go join an RP or something. Contrary to popular belief it is not my duty to entertain you

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: eep...gah, sorry I am tired I think and it is bringing out my defensive side...

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: ..... i dont rp its gay and u judge and assume too quickly i never said shit to u

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: and I will take offense to you saying that this wiki is not important. In my opinion that is a horrible thing to say and just by you saying no offense doesnt change what you said,

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *gasp* I take offense to it to! *glares*

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: yeah no kidding

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Is mr.beefy on the member list anyways?

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *growls* eeeeeevil! Panda's comment was quite amusing and clever! Mr. Beefy needs to go close a door on his head!

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: That's just rude!

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: hes not even a member.

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: Mr. Beefy go away. If you don't like this wiki then just leave. No one is making you stay here!

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: again u judge and assume.. i meant i thought u giggling and looking innocent was something important... so instead of asking u to pm it i was gonna remove this from watch.. everytime u chat i see it pop up as news.. easy there turbo u misunderstood

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Mr.Beefy I wonder why you are even talking on this wiki if. 1. your not a member and 2. are offending members

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: well I take offense to your seeming "dislike" of RPs. You dont have the right to establish what RPing is or isnt. You arent a god.

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: U PPL NEED TO CALM DOWN ... FUCK ... i have no problem with you .. u all attack me cus YOU misunderstood.... well isnt that exactly what ppl do to gays????? ... go think about it ... if u gave me a chance to explain u wouldnt have hurt me like this... ur no better than gay haters u should be ashamed

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: yeah, it's offending me!

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: Oh go take a f'n chill pill!

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *raises an eyebrow* For your information, I judge and assume nothing. Your profanity is not needed nor appreciated, and if you find us that offensive remove yourself from our presence, also I would ask you not to use that language which promotes negative associations towards specific minorities

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: seriously >.< ;;

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: OO!?..

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: I dont think it could be said better

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Sorry, I tried to be civil

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: ... u seriously need to give ppl a chance to speak before deciding whether or not they mean what u think... if u allowed me to explain ud know i was sry for my language.. didnt mean to put down rp... and why u think i came here anyway... i agree with this wiki.. so u guys need to get me straight before telling me what i mean... please.. i hate fighting just stop u dont know what i meant to be portrayed in my posts now if u still wanna be rude il leave

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]:

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: If you could use proper english perhaps we would understand your portrayed meaning more clearly

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: I apologize for taking offense to what you said and your more then welcome to stay as long as you portray your comments a little more clearly please?

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: you know what.... if you would use proper manners you would be alot easier to try to reason with...

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at them*.......

2005-07-24 [Ophelia_Ogaard]: we don't need homophobes in here

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *grins at Alex*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I don't believe there are any homophobes in here, besides me

2005-07-24 [mr. beefy]: yes im sry.., im always taken in a bad way.. my wordings wrong... it just makes me so angry when ppl get worked up over it... its a mistake.. not even on my part.. its like they KNOW im out to get em and they WONT reasion .. its over the second i click send

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *smiles at Manda*

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *eats a pickle jar*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I have an idea! Let's drop the whole thing. Obviously it was a misunderstanding, and whose fault it is, is irrelevant. I say we leave Beefy here alone, and if he is civil and shows signs of intelligence we allow him to stay here, but...that's just me

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sits down*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Sounds good to me

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Yeah, but your biased :P

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: lol

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: hehe

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *takes Mandas hand and sits down with her at the couch* So.. How bout we change the subject

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *pokes the wall repeatedly*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: Oo?..*goes over to Kelaris to see what Kelaria was doing and watches*Oo?..

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *looks down at shiny speck on the floor* I found one!

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *hands Dragonight a combustable pinecone* :D hiya!

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *looks up hurriedly worried*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles and looks at it*thanks and HI

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: * Draws a stick figure on the wall with crayon*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *looks over at Alex* Nice drawing

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *smiles* Thanks. Its me. *draws another one* Thats you!

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *eats a combustable pinecone and watches the drawing of stickfigures curiously*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: so ummm what do you want me to do?..

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: whatever you want :P

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: make homemade bubblegum! strawberry flavored!

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: lol..ok....

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: yay

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *places a cat on own head*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: :D

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: um..hmm*thinks*hmm

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: ?!

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *has a cat for a hat*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: I gotta*takes it and does something*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: O.O

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: O.O

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *gets to working on something*lalalla.........Puff the magic dragon who live by the sea..

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I loved that little preview thinger when I was a kid...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: I loved those songs when I was a kid. lol

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles has im working*lol

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *watches* hmmm.... :/

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: what's she doing?

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: ....lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala..............................

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: ... O.O

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: o.O

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *steps back*YAYwhoops forgot the names*writes Skyler and Auden and the pic looks just like them kisses then goes somewhere else and starts to draw again*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: aw! *steps up and looks at the picture closely and about 6 inches above the picture writes RIP

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: awe...

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks over*NO you didnt supose to put that....*goes over to them....because if they are in our heart and that they will live on...To my they arent dead they are alive and together forever..

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *eyes begin to water and i look away from the wall*

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: I agree :) Their souls will live forever.

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: Always together...

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *goes over to HellzHalo and hugs.*it's ok shh..

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *hugs Alex as well*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *hugs back *

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *hugs everyone comfortingly*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: lol*smiles*well i beeter get back at my work*goes back where i was and goes back at it*

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: and I'm off to bed *yawns sleepily*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Are you alright, Alex?

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: night night everyone :)

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Night Kelaria

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Yes dear im fine. and night Kelaria!

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *waves*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: Night...!!*smiles and waves goodnight*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *curls up against Manda*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *wraps arms around* Tired?

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: no just comforted by your embrace.

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: ok ok im done...*looks at it and it was a different pic but the same boys

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *smiles down at Alex, then turns head to look at drawing*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *looks up at drawing..* You guys are so wonderful..

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sigh then falls over*Kiba.......*drools*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: aww <3

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *laughs*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *hands dragon a towel* We just recarpeted. :D lol

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Panda*what ya laughing at?..

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: Nothing, sorry, I have a weird sense of humour

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: :D

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: well I do :P

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: well ok

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *nods*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sigh*...*then laies back down then looks at the ceilling*kiba.......

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: I'm sorry

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: sorry for what?..

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *watches mandas facial expression*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: That you have to miss him...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *nods*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: yea..*curls up*i wish that i kives near him so much so that we can walk to the playground and that or be in my room or his and be there alll day

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: awww! <3

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sits up*..but hi is has closes he can get to me*puts my hand on my heart*Because his here and and his going to be there forever...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Thats so sweet!

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles*...yea i know*smiles*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *nods slowly*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *crawls over to them*

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *looks at and hugs Dragon!*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles and hugs bac*you know im the only guy here?..

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: :P

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks down*

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: we still love ye

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks up at Panda*really*smiles alitttle then hugs Panda*kool

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: *hugs back* Of course

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]:

2005-07-24 [Panda-monium]: :P

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *laies down*...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: sorry fer the pause in talking! and of course we love ye

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *smiles has i look at the ceilling*thanks..i love ya two too

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *grins*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *sigh*....

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *hands dragon a daisy*

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: Oo?...thanks?..

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: ^^

2005-07-24 [KillerQueen]: ....*sniffles*...can i get a hug??

2005-07-24 [KillerQueen]: what the??

2005-07-24 [Lord Asriel]: I'll still wear a heart on my cheek. Simply to see if I can't start something.

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *walks back in and yawns*oh im sorry KillerQueen.

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: That is shit. How dare you

2005-07-24 [Ego Diligo Tu]: How dare who do what?

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: .......

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *growls* Im going to go away for a few moments and regain my composure and make sure I dont say anything I regret.

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: ..Um..ok..

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: we are to understand that neither of these people died or even existed then?

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: Wait for HellzHalo to tell us why she's so upset! I have suspicions that the person who is claiming they arent dead is someone who is a filthy liar.

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *looks at Kelaria*hello *smiles*

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *waves to Dragonight* Hiya! ...... and besides, even IF this story isnt 100% true, there are still many gay couples who have severely hurt themselves, or even killed themselves because of all the hurt and hate they have recieved. :(

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: They are a filthy Liar. Skyler and Auden are very much so real people That plenty of people I know and the other president knows That have talked to Auden and Skyler and to be honest this entire thing is extremely upsetting and angering.

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: surely as president you reserve the right to shut this wiki down?

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: what?

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: Your one of the presidents right? So if you wanted you could destroy this wiki.

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: Sorry. I made a mistake. Apologies hellzhalo, i understood it to be you challenging the authencity...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: Why would I want to destroy this wiki?!

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: NO!! this wiki is not going Down!!

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: *growls* it best not be!

2005-07-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: ..*crosses my arms*I would Risk It All For Love

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: and also. What the freak does this have to do with an ART project??

2005-07-24 [Kelaria]: seriously! >.<

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: heh..

2005-07-24 [Orgasmo]: pfft

2005-07-24 [Ego Diligo Tu]: true..that would be a messed up art project..

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: I dont see what it has to do with art in the first place

2005-07-24 [Ego Diligo Tu]: true

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *nods*

2005-07-24 [Ego Diligo Tu]: I think we should talk to the person who said that they were fake on here...

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: I only have one thing to say and i hope you won't hold it agianst me. Why isn't it recorded in the news. A pretty horrific suicide. The kids names should be in all kinds of stuff. But they only appear on teen sites, passed around by word of mouth it appears.

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: *sigh* I do not wish to talk to that person for my own reasons but you are more then welcome too.

2005-07-24 [Ego Diligo Tu]: ..i might...

2005-07-24 [HellzHalo426]: To Lobsang They were on the news. They lived in London.

2005-07-24 [ArchangelGabriel]: Ok. I'll have another look

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