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[Alexi Ice] - Best Phoenix Text | [Linderel] - Best Contributor |
2008-09-01 [Linderel]: No energy to finish my story by the deadline :/
But I can still donate it later, right?
2008-09-01 [nehirwen]: What a pity. :(
And of course you can still donate after the deadline, there will be a link added soonish. :)
Btw, if it happens you've finished your story before the crewpoll is up, it will make the poll. ;)
2008-09-01 [nehirwen]:
2008-09-01 [Alexi Ice]: mine is gonna be a fiction story though! and I have NO idea how to post it on here but I am sure someone will help me
2008-09-01 [Linderel]: Caps lock attack o_O
2008-09-01 [Alexi Ice]: lol ^^ that was my bad.
2008-09-01 [Linderel]: Blah. There's two hours until deadline, and theoretically I could try to finish the story... but I don't want to force it. :/ And I'm not sure if I can finish it any sooner than Thursday.
2008-09-01 [Alexi Ice]: Two hours? Geeze...^^ I thought it closed at midnight?
2008-09-01 [Alexi Ice]: I added my story...did I do it right?
2008-09-01 [Linderel]: Elftown midnight...
2008-09-01 [nehirwen]: Midnight is in two hours. ;)
(ET midnight it is)
And you added your story just fine. :) Thanks! ^^
2008-09-01 [Alexi Ice]: Oh! I did not know that.
and no problem, I hope it is up to standard!! ^^ I tried my absolute best!
2008-09-01 [Artsieladie]: Yes, [Linderel], even though the sessions have deadlines, it doesn't mean we are no longer interested in more submissions, because we are. :) Very nice, [Alexi Ice]! :)
2008-09-01 [nehirwen]: I already mentioned that to Linderel, Artsie.. >.>
I agree with the 'very nice' to mitsuki though. :)
2008-09-02 [Artsieladie]: Yes, I know, but I wanted to reinforce to all viewers that the ECM project continues to be open for submissions. I don't want folks thinking that just because a session is closed, that they can no longer submit for/to that particular creature. The link is: ECM Closed Sessions' Submissions. ;)
2008-09-02 [nehirwen]: I know, I had already submitted it to the wiki, since the session is now closed.
And people already knew, since I said it in an earlier comment and added that link.
2008-09-02 [Artsieladie]: Yup! You were probably editing the page, when I was leaving the comment, but the page had been sitting here, when I had added my comment. I don't hit refresh, because this means another 'entire' reload of the page for me and I have to contend with more than enough re-loading on Elftown. :P
2008-09-02 [Alexi Ice]: ^^ Thank you both! ^^
2008-09-02 [nehirwen]: Okey, I understand, Artsie.
In that case, I think you should just trust the fact I can actual handle to mod this section, and will answer all the questions.
2008-09-02 [nehirwen]: Mitsuki, you're most welcome. :)
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