Page name: Poke'mon Lovers Forever! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-06-05 03:19:10
Last author: The Dizzy Raven
Owner: The Dizzy Raven
# of watchers: 14
D20: 14
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Pokémon Lovers Forever!



Birth date of Fan Club:
April 27, 2009

This is a place where Pokémon fans of all ages and races from around the world can come here and have fun! You can discuss your favorite Pokémon and video games, and even exchange tips. Enjoy!

[The Dizzy Raven]
Co owner
[Ghost the Hybrid]

Poke'Lovers - Members page: Add your name here!
Poke'Banners - Check them out and add one to your house!
Poke'Art - Feel free to upload your fan art here or just browse!
Poke'Adventures - Pokémon roleplay OPEN!
Mukki's Poke'Art - Pokemon Fan Art By [The Dizzy Raven]

Pokémon Info.: (Numerical Order)
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Kanto
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Johto
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Hoen
From<img:>to<img:>Poke'mon From Sinnoh
Sneak Peek: Generation V
[Information on the Pokémon and more images coming soon]

It's Super Effective! - Here you can find all the info about attacks, types, natures, and abilities.

Games and Movies:
<img100*0:> Poke'mon Games - Here is a list of all games released world wide.
<img100*0:> Poke'mon Movies - Here is a list of Pokémon movies.

The news have moved to the wiki Poke'news and it will still be updated when ever we get any news so stay tuned

Game Events:
The events have been moved to the wiki Poke'mon Events make sure to visit the wiki often to get up to date with the events that is going on and for future events.


Elftown links:
~ Pokedex
~ My Own Original Pokemon...


Confirmed releases:

Pokémon Conquest:
Japan                        released
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            June 18, 2012
Australia                    June 21, 2012
Europe                      Not confirmed

Pokémon Black2:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Autumn 2012
Australia                    Spring 2012
Europe                      Autumn 2012

Pokémon White2:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Autumn 2012
Australia                    Spring 2012
Europe                      Autumn 2012

Pokédex 3D pro:
Japan                        June 14, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Not confirmed
Australia                    Not confirmed

Pokemon AR searcher/dream radar:
Japan                        June 23, 2012
Korea                        Not confirmed
North America            Not confirmed
Australia                    Not confirmed
Europe                      Not confirmed


Pokémon manga to read online:

Pokémon Adventures
Chapters 1-364:

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon
Chapter 1:

Pokémon Ranger: Shadow of Almia
Chapters 1-4:

Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
Chapters 1-6:

Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai
Chapters 1-5:

Kaitou! Pokémon 7
Chapters 1-12:

Pokémon DP
Chapters 1-25:


Pics are borrowed from

Username (or number or email):


2010-06-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yes soccer or as i call it the REAL football

2010-06-18 [Mortified Penguin]: It's just football. Then there's American football... which is a lot funner to watch...

2010-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i disagree

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: Yeah, but your opinion doesn't matter though... *eats ramen*...

2010-06-19 [IonicRose]: I agree with Yume. Soccer is WAY better then American football, and I'm American. XD. American Football is just a bunch of neandertals running around tackling other guys >.>

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: And that isn't fun to watch? You think armor clad people violently smashing into each other and tossing and kicking a ball around isn't more interesting than just some guys in T-shirts passing a ball around and, if they're lucky, scoring once every 45 minutes or so? Soccer is simplistic and cheap. American football is a much more sophisticated and difficult sport that involves intricate strategies and wit. It requires much more strength, precision, and fitness than soccer does.

I suspect you don't like American football because you don't understand it. That coupled with the fact that you're the type of person who loathes their own country. Anything American, you probably can't stand. You likely support any and everything anti-American as well.

2010-06-19 [IonicRose]: Excuse me?! Who do you think you are to tag me as someone who hates my own country?! You have me wrong. I don't hate my own country, I think It's one of the best countries to live in. I am just not a fan of making sport of trying to kill the other team. It's stupid and pointless plus the injuries are ridiculous!! I like baseball and basket ball some, I just have no use for American football. And soccer takes much more speed and precision, although I do agree that U.S football takes more strength then soccer, but who cares?! And NEVER try to throw a lable on me again, do you hear me?! You know NOTHING about me! So come back and tell me what and who I am when you do know me and can make a correct assessment, oh wait, I'd never give you the chance!! So you can take your sorry Football loveing ass and your lables and hatefull remarks and shove them where the sun don't shine!  

And by the way, yes I like soccer better because it does take a lot of talent to score a goal, why do you think that a team may only score once or twice during an average game? Because it takes so much talent to get around the other teams defence to actually score! And as far as precision goes to be able to kick the ball just right to weave through several defenders and a goalie defending takes a heck of a lot of talent and a bit of luck. And talent wise, have you ever tried doing a bicycle kick? I know you probably don't know what that is so I'll break it down for you, it's where a striker is facing the opposite from the goal and flips to kick the ball at just the right moment and actually hits it in the goal. With the speed that the ball is coming as well as the lack of visibility it is a slim chance to actually hit in the goal because just being a half of a second late to kick it at the best point can throw a ball off by a few feet! So don't call soccer simplistic if you don't know enough about it to say a word!

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: Yep. Just as I suspected. You're one of those whiny, uptight emo chicks that takes everything as a personal insult and never takes the time to see things from another point of view. You're just as shallow as the preps and jocks you most likely despise, but you refuse to see it. You think you're better than them, but you aren't.

I actually played American football for two years, so trust me when I say that it does require more speed and precision than soccer.

So tell me what exactly you find enjoyable about soccer?

2010-06-19 [IonicRose]: *laughs* whiny uptight emo, huh? You do NOT know me. You know nothing about me! You are just trying to throw another lable on someone you do not even know just because you could not come up with something clever that is actually factual. You just claimed that I hated my country just because I enjoy soccer better then football, you expected me to just let that go? And it seems like you are the one with a defencive ego problem, I mean Yume just stated her opinion earlier and said that it was real football, that was her opinion, and your comeback was that her opinion doesn't matter here, when this is her wiki, so yeah I think if anyone doesn't have the right to fuss about someone's opions, it's you. As for me and my 'emoness' you can ask anyone who actually KNOWS me and they would tell you that I am not even close to 'emo' I am a individual, not a lable. So please stop throwing those on people you've never actually spoken to when you weren't challenging their National Pride. Which by the way, if I hated the U.S so much then why was I cheering for them to win at the cup even if they are the underdogs? Oh that's right, because I'm supporting my country!

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: There you go again, being a whiny little emo kid. And way to completely dodge my question, bro. Quit trying to change the subject.

What exactly do you find enjoyable about soccer?

2010-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: miranda don't bother he does that all the time

2010-06-19 [IonicRose]: *yawns* you're really not worth my time anymore, Penguin. I have better things to do. And I answered your question about how I enjoy soccer on the 2nd paragraph on the first comment to you.

2010-06-19 [*Phoenix*]: *hugs Mira* ^-^

2010-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *hugs phoenix and miranda* check out the vid link in my mood please

2010-06-19 [*Phoenix*]: *hugs back*

2010-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: wheeeeeeeeeeee

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: "because it does take a lot of talent to score a goal"

This is your sole purpose for enjoying soccer? Because it takes talent to get a goal?

2010-06-19 [*Phoenix*]: *Growls*

2010-06-19 [Mortified Penguin]: If you're gonna act like a dog, I'm going to have to spay or neuter you.

2010-06-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: don't bother phoenix he will keep doing that

2010-06-20 [IonicRose]: ^_^ Thanks Phoenix and Yume! I really appreciate it :). *hugs y'all back* and I'll check out your vid in just a second Yume. 

*sighs* ..and Penguin, I just enjoy soccer because I think it's fun to watch, it's the only sport that has ever enthused me enough to watch the games on TV. I can't help it that it doesn't appeal to you, just like you can't help it that American football doesn't appeal to me. I don't really have the time or energy to argue with you and make a scene anymore. I have to pack and get ready to go head to a summer college program tomorrow. So we can either agree to disagree like two mature people or be immature and argue and hate each other. *yawns* personally I'm finished with arguing with you.

2010-06-20 [Mortified Penguin]: Who said I didn't like soccer? I love it. I played for nine years. It's just boring to watch, unlike American football. The same goes for baseball. It's incredibly boring.

2010-06-20 [IonicRose]: Oh... Wow this was all rather pointless then.. >.>

2010-06-20 [Mortified Penguin]: So is this un-sharpened pencil, but I can still jab you with with it really hard! >:(

2010-06-20 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you're welcome miranda

2010-06-20 [*Phoenix*]: Mort, you can skedaddle back to Bob's Diner. We don't want you here.

2010-06-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i agree with phoenix

2010-06-21 [Mortified Penguin]: How about you both stop being so unnecessarily confrontational with people and just try getting back on topic... this wiki is about Pokemon, you guys. I know you all enjoy your lame, weeaboo lifestyles, but discuss it somewhere else.

Now let's all talk about Pokemon. Meoth's ability to speak English means that he's an intelligent being. Which means all Pokemon are highly sentient and intelligent. So essentially, trainers are capturing these Pokemon, some of which are apparently more intelligent than humans, and forcing them to fight viciously until one of them faints and is placed back into it's tiny, round prison. Pokemon trainers are kidnappers and traffickers who take Pokemon (who might as well be people) from their friends and families and abuse them and contain them. Are trainers no better than Hitler? Should Ash be arrested and raped violently in jail for his horrible, atrocious crimes?

2010-06-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: phoenix what games does you have for gb/gba/ds?

2010-06-21 [*Phoenix*]: If you knew the Pokemon story, you would know that Meowth was experimented and that made him able to talk. He was as normal as the other ones. Pokemon are just like animals. It would be like experimenting on a rabbit.
Trainers aren't kidnappers either. Would you just leave a stray cat out in the cold? I know I wouldn't.

I have Crystal for Game Boy Color and HeartGold for DS.

Sadly that's all I have.

2010-06-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you're wrong there phoenix, there's an episode of pokemon that shows how meowth learned to talk and walk on 2 legs.

and i'm still curious what gb/gba/ds games you got

2010-06-21 [Mortified Penguin]: Ash knocked out and kidnapped a Caterpie from the wild. That's where it lived and where it was born. And yes, he set it free eventually after it became a Butterfree, but that doesn't make it okay. It's like kidnapping a kid and making them fight other kids until it faints and eventually, when they grow into adulthood, letting them leave.

2010-06-21 [*Phoenix*]: Hmmm....Well, my bad. It's been a long time since I've seen it...I'm actually re-watching the original anime, but I'm only one episode 15 or something.

^ Look above. I already said.

I must say you do have a good point, but it's just the way the game goes. I personally think of them as animals and pets, not kids. If you think of it as a cat: if a mom cat has kittens, eventually all the kittens are taken from the mom and cared for by people. Then the cycle continues. It's the same with people too. People are cared for by their parents then they leave their parents.

I don't know anything about wild Pokemon families, but I guess it would make sense that they had one, like the flock of Beedrills in the anime.

2010-06-21 [Mortified Penguin]: Plus, Ash was a thief. He never did give Misty her bike back.

2010-06-21 [*Phoenix*]: Ya. I do remember that! xD I never really did like Ash. He was always so dimwitted...I want to read the manga. I first couple pages were good so I want to keep reading it.

2010-06-21 [wicked fae mage]: I hated how dumb he was! Battle against Ritchie...he used Squirtle against Butterfree as opposed to Pikachu against Butterfree. He then used Pikachu against Butterfree and then Charmander instead of saving Squirtle for Charmander and saving either Pikachu or Bulbasaur for his Pikachu. And that's just one example. Plus, he'd battled by his friend before and he knew what his friend would use. And he chose to use a Pokemon that hated him and refused to listen to him. Especially opposed to switching out Charizard for Tauros or Muk or any other of his Pokemon that listen to him....

2010-06-21 [*Phoenix*]: I so agree. I didn't like how he wouldn't listen to Misty, but he'd listen to some random guy he met in the forest (Brock's dad). He gives a really bad example on what a trainer should be like.

2010-06-21 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah and that is just one really good example of how bad he is...I mean in the flying gym he used a grass opposed to a fire type or normal type...water know? And he seems to be selective over which Pokemon he catches instead of following the saying....Gotta Catch 'Em All...

2010-06-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: did you guys know that ash's last name is a play of gotta catch 'em all? it's supposed to be like catch 'em ketchum

2010-06-22 [wicked fae mage]: I did ^^

2010-06-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool fae

2010-06-22 [*Phoenix*]: I noticed that too.

Have you noticed that they've dropped the slogan "Gotta catch 'em all" because there are sooooo many Pokemon now? It's now about friendship...

2010-06-22 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yeah i know

2010-06-22 [wicked fae mage]: But the more the I still hold gotta catch 'em all as the theme. Not enough to get it tattooed...but the temp tattoos in the activity books maybe. ^^

2010-06-22 [Mortified Penguin]: "Gotta catch 'em all" was only a marketing ploy used to get kids hooked on the merchandise. Now that they are, they don't need it anymore.

2010-06-23 [*Phoenix*]: Me too! I still want to catch them all! ^_^

That makes sense. If you listen to the newest theme song it talks about friendship ans stuff. I think part of could be that it's a new generation and with each generation there are different ways to market the product. "Friendship" stuff must be what's getting sold to younger kids here lately.

2010-06-23 [wicked fae mage]: And friendship evolutions. I was hooked because it gave me something challenging to do. I didn't know there was a show until after I had played Pokemon Blue and Yellow.

2010-06-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool

2010-06-23 [*Phoenix*]: ^_^ I also like the challenge of "catching them all." I plan to do that with my HeartGold version.

2010-06-23 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'll try to do that too

2010-06-27 [~Crimson Angel~]: If pokemon were real which ones would you want to have? I'd want Flareon, Ivysaur, Laparus, Raichu, Pidgeot, and Ninetails.

2010-06-27 [Ghost the Hybrid]: if only non legendary then i'd probably i'd like to have lapras, noctowl, luxray, arcenine, tortera and exploud i think

2010-06-28 [wicked fae mage]: Flareon is the top for me...Umbreon, Skarmory...Articuno...Steelix, Houndoom...probably my top six...

2010-06-28 [Hiro Kitaki]: gardivior, mismagius, metagross, milotic,salamence, and rhyperior.

2010-06-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: fae what would you use if you couldn't have articuno... we're going for non legendary teams

2010-06-28 [wicked fae mage]: Oh, wasn't sure about that. Articuno to be switched out for Walrein

2010-06-28 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ok, we just said our non legendaries^^' and i'd like to have harianma on my team too but as we're only alowed 6 in the party....anyways i'd might consider change between exploud and hariyanma

2010-07-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: What about pokemon not in the pokeballs like Pikachu, couldn't you have six and then Harianma?

2010-07-02 [wicked fae mage]: No it still counts as 6

2010-07-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no it's six all in all in pokeballs or not

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, I get it now.

2010-07-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: oki doki

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Smokey.

2010-07-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ooooooooook

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol Sorry.

2010-07-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ok

2010-07-03 [wicked fae mage]: I rhyme at times too.

2010-07-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i do sometimes too

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yay!

2010-07-03 [wicked fae mage]: It happens when I am groggy and spoken to before coffee.

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh, that's never good.

2010-07-03 [wicked fae mage]: Tell me about it. Caffeine addicts need caffeine and hate stupid questions.

2010-07-03 [~Crimson Angel~]: Indeed they do.

2010-07-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: and having hayfever and meds that don't work sucks as much

2010-07-03 [wicked fae mage]: Ow...and I complain about a rare blood type and an allergic reaction to the most common antibiotics...

2010-07-03 [IonicRose]: *yawns* Im badly allergic to mesquito(sp?) bites...

2010-07-04 [wicked fae mage]: Any medicine ending with -cillin for me.

2010-07-04 [IonicRose]: Ughh, that really sucks fae!

2010-07-04 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, they've tried giving it to me hundreds of times despite the first thing I say being: if I need an antibiotic make it sulfur based and not a -cillin cousin.

Though mosquitoes, dragonflies, horseflies, sweat bees, fleas and ticks and so on are so common near where I live I sympathize anybody with an allergy to any of them. I am their number one feast though. There is actually a theory that blood type O tastes sweeter to blood suckers.

2010-07-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: aww

2010-07-04 [IonicRose]: Ha, well that must explain it then! I'm O+... The stupid things feast on me and then I swell up where they bit me and the patch that swells stays for a day or two unless if I scratch it till I break the skin or if I take like two benadrill alergy pills..

2010-07-04 [IonicRose]: But it really sucks that doctors don't listen to your demands to make antibiotics sulfer based instead of -cillin based..stupid arogant bastards >.>

2010-07-04 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, I was barely able to talk from being in excruciating pain and I slapped my mom repeatedly as she accepted the -cillin drug. I muttered "allergic" before passing out. She actually forgot ><

2010-07-04 [IonicRose]: Omg!!! That's horrible.

2010-07-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: *is ironic* luckily i ONLY have food allergies

2010-07-05 [wicked fae mage]: No food allergies here. Though one of my friends [MyAlterEgo] is allergic to chocolate and still eats it...

2010-07-05 [Hiro Kitaki]: coffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffeecoffee*bounces*

2010-07-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lactose intolerance, kiwi and maybe peanuts. i also have pollen allergy and there's some kinds of peas and beans that i can't eat ether-_-'

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: I'm allergic to a pain medicine that starts with Oxy, I found that out the hard way when I broke out in hives. I'm also allergic to lavender.

2010-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: food and med allergies are a pain in the....

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Donkey hole!

2010-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: lol

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: teehee

2010-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ^^'

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: So what's up?

2010-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nothing much really

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Oh how suckish.

2010-07-13 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well it's bedtime for me soon

2010-07-13 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, too bad.

2010-07-14 [Hiro Kitaki]: *bounces*I finally caught a shiny groudon!

2010-07-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: :O how?

2010-07-14 [Hiro Kitaki]: saved right before walking into the chamber in soul silver and restarted till it was shiny.

2010-07-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: seriously?

2010-07-14 [Hiro Kitaki]: yeah...took 236 tries.

2010-07-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: holy macarony

2010-07-14 [Hiro Kitaki]: yeah...a full 24 hours...well like 23 hours and 15 minutes.

2010-07-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: still holy shit

2010-07-15 [Hiro Kitaki]: yeah...*numb*

2010-07-15 [wicked fae mage]: know there's a program that can make pokemon shiny, unshiny...event pokemon...give them any move or ability and such right?

2010-07-15 [Hiro Kitaki]: what program is that?

2010-07-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you can do that to what ever emulater you uses it's nothing big

2010-07-15 [wicked fae mage]: Pokesave and it has to be on a flash card, not the actual game though you can trade with the actual games.

2010-07-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i want to get a flashcard someday

2010-07-16 [wicked fae mage]: Mine's on a flashcard already.

2010-07-16 [Ghost the Hybrid]: cool

2010-08-16 [*Phoenix*]: Be sure to check out Poke'news! It's been updated! Also check out Poke'mon Events for some time sensitive events.

2010-08-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: FINALLY!!!!! I have more time for this! :D

Do we have this site up?

2010-08-17 [*Phoenix*]: Nope. I'll add it.

2010-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: who did my work on the pokedex? io remake it cause i wanna make the pokedex images the way i intened it to be not cause i'm beeing a total bich. and beside i said from the begining that i wanted to do the dex images. i just need help with the entries

2010-08-17 [*Phoenix*]: I don't know. I didn't even get wiki changes notifications.

2010-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: nither did i, so i removed it all and i'll redo it cause i need to make some changes to it

2010-08-17 [The Dizzy Raven]: sorry. it was me. I was just trying to help sorry :(

2010-08-17 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's ok, i just wanna redo it cause i wanna check it out*hugs* sorry i can get a bit too angry even if i don't really mean it>_<

2010-08-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: its ok I got your message

2010-08-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: thanx, i'm still sorry that i got so angry tho

2010-08-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: you're welcome.
no worries :)

2010-08-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: ok. hey i just made an origami tutorial, it's probably not too great but it's my first try:D

2010-08-18 [The Dizzy Raven]: sweet :D

2010-08-18 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's in my house if anyone wants a go, it's for the bird base, the crane and a dinosaur^^'

2010-08-19 [The Dizzy Raven]: cool :)
sadly enough I don't have time for origami though ^^'
I love the art though

2010-08-19 [Ghost the Hybrid]: everyone have time for it, and if you don't you make the time^^' that's what i've learned

2010-09-21 [Ghost the Hybrid]: everyone i have something awesome to tell you!!! i'll get a copy of pokemon white, i'm not sure when tho cause my friend is sending it to me today or some day soon *is really exited* my friend is in japan and he bought me a copy so when i get it and can play it i'll let you know what i think if yo wanna know... i wont give you any huge spoilers tho i promise

2010-10-02 [The Dizzy Raven]: oh no fair!!! lol i don't even have a ds yet! lmao :)

2010-10-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i just caught victini today. oh yeha there's no magikarp in the game :D actualy there's no old pokemons at all this far

2010-10-03 [The Dizzy Raven]: really? cool :) They should have pikachu though. They just gotta. Their games typically do.

2010-10-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no old pokemon at all till you get the nationaldex i think, meaning no magikarp, no pikachu no old pokemons at all till then

2010-10-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: thank god lol :)

2010-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well they will be chatchable after obtaining the nationaldex i think

2010-10-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: :)

2010-10-12 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm only at the 4th gym atm^^'

2010-10-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: so how did you get the game?
Is there a way to download the newer crystal,gold, & silver?

2010-10-14 [wicked fae mage]: Yes, Heartgold and Soulsilver are able to be downloaded and played via the DS ...R4DS chip

2010-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: and there's no new crystal and btw new downloadable 10 year anniversary mew starting on the 15th and ending the 30th, i'm not sure if it's in the us too but it'd defendant in europe

2010-10-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: That's awesome ^_^ too bad I don't have a ds. lol

Seriously? that's cool :)

2010-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got to know about it the other day on serebii^^'

2010-10-14 [The Dizzy Raven]: hehe still... it's very cool :)

2010-10-14 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i know*bounces*soon i'll have two mews at level 5 and i'll get one on pokemon ranch too wheee

2010-10-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^ hehe good luck

2010-10-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's just download and finnished

2010-10-15 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^ cool

2010-10-15 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yup

2010-12-31 [wicked fae mage]: Anybody looking forward to black and white?

2010-12-31 [Jace Beleren]: Isn´t it out already outside of japan?

2011-01-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got pokemon white from japan when it was release back in september and i can just say that it's awesome. the american release is in about 60 days, and i'm looking forward to get pokemon black in english. oh and the dreamworld feature is really cool

2011-01-01 [wicked fae mage]: See, I've been following the pokemon here and there and most of the pokemon have incredibly good stats...which is strange that other generations varied the stats greatly

2011-01-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well the game is pretty darn awesome

2011-01-01 [wicked fae mage]: I can't wait although I hate the fire starter...damn fire/ they can't have a plain fire type again... ><;

2011-01-01 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i'm using shnivy the grass starter atm it's pretty good. and then i have victini as my fire pokemon

2011-01-02 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah the other fire pokemon are better than the starter in my opinion :/

The ghost/fire chandelier, Victini, the fire monkey (the one you get if you start with the water type), and the fire dragon...I'm forming my team before I even play and I'll probably ignore the fire starter despite my normal habits of taking the fire pokemon for the water pokemon since my boyfriend likes the grass starters...or I could just have 2 fire types and use a water type with storm drain....

2011-01-02 [Jace Beleren]: I kinda stoped playing Pokemon.Now Monster Racers that´s a good game

2011-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well i got the gras starter, water monkey and victini, electrical zebra, the evolution of the pigeon, shikijika...i later changed the water monkey for the mystery egg witch ended up being the pure dragon that iris got

2011-01-02 [wicked fae mage]: Is the mystery egg guaranteed to be the dragon or is it like the one in crystal and it can be one of any number of pokemon?

2011-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no it's a event can be any of 3 pokemons, grass monkey, dragon pokemon or mamepato

2011-01-02 [wicked fae mage]: Hmm...I can't wait to play it

2011-01-02 [Ghost the Hybrid]: you'll love it...i just hope that the rumours are true tho

2011-01-03 [wicked fae mage]: What rumors?

2011-01-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well there's a rumour that the american gamestop stores will have a celebi give away but it's not confirmed yet

2011-01-03 [wicked fae mage]: Oh, that'd be interesting.

2011-01-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i just hope they do that here too-_-'

2011-01-03 [wicked fae mage]: If they do it in Japan they should do it here too

2011-01-03 [Ghost the Hybrid]: they never did the first event to get celebi outside of japan...and there's alot of other even they don't do outside of japan, ether way we just have to wait and see

2011-01-04 [wicked fae mage]: Well, we can cross our fingers

2011-01-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yes we can

2011-01-04 [wicked fae mage]: Any other big rumors?

2011-01-04 [Ghost the Hybrid]: only that there'll be a wi-fi event to download pokemons in japan for black and white

2011-01-05 [wicked fae mage]: Well we have about 2 months to wonder...

2011-01-05 [Ghost the Hybrid]: well i already got the game so i only have the events to wonder about:P

2011-01-05 [wicked fae mage]: I have the game completely downloaded on the card along with the opposite version, diamond, pearl, platinum, heart gold and soul silver

2011-01-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got white^^' oh well i got all the others too eccept from black which i'll get in english

2011-01-06 [wicked fae mage]: So I don't have it, but yet I do so I'll have to buy it in order to get any stuff the game stores give away

2011-01-06 [Ghost the Hybrid]: yeah i know, that's why i'm getting the real deal when it comes to black and white...since i already got white atm i'll get black when it's released

2011-01-06 [wicked fae mage]: I haven't started playing it yet. I've been playing Pearl

2011-01-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i got both silver and pearl to finish

2011-01-07 [wicked fae mage]: I've been playing only bits at a time since I've been uber inspired to write ^^

2011-01-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that's cool, i've not really been in a gaming mood lately ether...not since i finished pokemon ranger guardian signs

2011-01-07 [wicked fae mage]: Yeah, my gaming mood went away when I got to battle 78 on a survival battle and lost on battle revolution

2011-01-07 [Ghost the Hybrid]: :O wow, i just have periods where i love gaming...i have one last summer...and then goes to an "hate gaming" period^^'

2011-01-08 [wicked fae mage]: I never hate it, I just have times where I don't feel like gaming

2011-01-08 [Ghost the Hybrid]: that's what i mean with "hating" periods

2011-01-09 [wicked fae mage]: Oh, okay. You're a zombie, not an Xbox destroyer who uses explosives on technology, filming it to document the results for youtube.

2011-01-09 [Ghost the Hybrid]: no i'm not a destroyer

2011-01-10 [wicked fae mage]: *sighs in relief*
Okay, I can understand now.

2011-01-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: how else would i still have a working NES, SNES, GameBoy pocket, GameBoy color N64, Gameboy Advance, GC, Wii and a DS Lite?

2011-01-10 [wicked fae mage]: I don't know how anybody still has a Wii

2011-01-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: for pokepark and some other wii exclusive games like zelda...and beside i'm a nintendo console collector more or less

2011-01-10 [wicked fae mage]: I hate motion technology being used in video games and I've said from the beginning stages of the Wii that it was nothing more than a pathetic attempt at getting nerds in shape. On top of that the last thing I really liked from Nintendo was the Nintendo 64.

2011-01-10 [Ghost the Hybrid]: i was against wii when it was released but then one of the members at the anime club i where in at the time brought his to the club and we all got to try it out and i got hooked^^'

2011-01-11 [wicked fae mage]: I've tried it and I hate it.

2011-01-11 [Ghost the Hybrid]: it's not for everyone i guess

2011-01-11 [wicked fae mage]: Nope.
If it weren't for a select few games I like for the 360 I'd practically be video gameless.

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