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GnomviD (Featured in the Herald! \o/)

Member #74207 created: 2004-07-19 18:40:15Simple URL:   

Name: Joel Nordström

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Who am I, you might wonder? My name is Joel Nordström, born on January 5th, 1989. For those of you too lazy to count, that would make me sixteen now.
To continue, I live in Luleå, in the north of Sweden, a small town with freezing winters and summer days which sometimes turn out to be just a bit too warm.
I am, and have always been, a nerd. I like most things nerdish, and I enjoy discussing politics. If anyone feel like discussing politics with me, go ahead. I am a socialist, if anyone is interested.
Also, if you feel like discussing religion with an atheist, here I am.

This is probably the single one thing that eats away most of my time. I sit in front of it a few hours a day, most of the time doing unproductive things (gaming, hanging on forums, listening to music.)
Some of that time is spent on gaming. As it would have it, I am quite the game-bigamist, and have much trouble of sticking to one game. Favourites include Deus Ex, Starcraft and Quake ]I[

When I listen to music I either play it on the violin or in Winamp. The later is the more common one. Yet, violin? Not a very common instrument for a young man to be playing, I must say, but for those of you with prejudices against violin I say; hush, you fools. It's a very beautiful instrument, and one that takes years to master. It's builds character to spend such an amount of time perfecting one’s mastery over one thing. And btw, it's not often you go to China as cultural ambassadors with your rock band, now is it?
However, what music do I normally listen to? Well, I despise most music on TV today, and most rap and hip-hop. I prefer good music instead (:P). But what classifies as good music? Here's a little list of examples: Nightwish, Enslavement of Beauty, Finntroll, Blind Guardian, John Williams, Ben Houge, Sonic Mayhem, Front Line Assembly, Rammstein, System of a Down, Dire Straits, Iced Earth, Apocalyptica, Fear Factory, Machinae Supremacy, Malice Mizer, Moi dis Moix, Inugami Circus-Dan, Ninja Magic, Dir en Grey and Knutna Nävar. Analyzing this list will lead to the conclusion that I listen mostly to various sorts of Metal, Classical, and Visual Kei.

-Movies, and the likes.
I enjoy a good movie, once in a while. And when I watch movies, I seldom enjoy the big Hollywood flicks, as most of them forget what truly makes a great movie. However, I enjoy sci-fi, fantasy, and weird Japanese films, preferably concerning samurais, a lot. Also, I watch a lot of anime, and my favourite series would have to be Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex. What I value most in a movie is the story, next comes the acting. My favourite movies are Yojimbo, The original Star Wars, Ghost in the Shell, Samurai Fiction, and The Boondock Saints.

This is one thing which I do less then I would like too. I love books, but unlike movies I actually enjoy fantasy more then sci-fi. However, there are three genres of books which I read almost exclusively: fantasy, sci-fi and cyberpunk.
The books which I have enjoyed reading most are The Hitch-Hikers Guide to to the GalaxyThe Wheel of Time, Jennifer Government, the Harry Potter books, I, Robot, the Foundation Trilogy, Snow Crash, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code and Japaner, Japaner, Japaner . Tolkien is a hack, in my meaning.
I am, however, to slow when reading books. I stockpile books to read, and thus I find myself with a dozen books which I have purchased but not yet read, which is sort of disturbing, considering the amount of money I spend on these books.

That’s right, I roleplay as well. Unfortunately, I don’t LARP, but I have intended to many times. No, I play good old fashioned pen and paper RPGs, but not an exuberant amount like some. Some friends and I play a recurring Vampire: the Requiem campaign set in Kyoto, shortly after the Meiji restoration, every Wednesday, and on a less regular basis, we play Drakar och Demoner It’s a Swedish fantasy-RPG which has some similarities with Dungeons and Dragons. The main difference is that it doesn’t suck.
Also, we play Mutant once in a while, and have recently purchased Götterdämmerung, both Swedish RPGs.

Kendo is the Japanese equavilent of fencing. However, they differ a lot. You could choose many poetic words to describe it, but I will use the blatant term “manly”. For you see, unlike European fencing, in Kendo, you wear heavier armour, wield bamboo swords which weigh half a kilo, and hit each other in the head with all the strength one can muster whilst letting out a fierce yell.
Also, please note the lack of white tights.
No, seriously, Kendo is great fun, and somewhat good exercise as well. Since it’s a small sport in Sweden, no one’s dislikeable, because everyone knows everyone. Therefore, it’s not only fun to practice Kendo, but all the people you meet will make nice acquaintances.

Age: 20Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 1Day of birth: 5

Gender: male

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 65°4.314'N 22°1.860'E

Place of living: Sweden-Norrland

Town: Luleå

Known languages

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

ICQ number: 116379776

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
action gamesartchat
emailinformation seekingLinux
musicstrategy gamesuse communities
videoweb designWindows

classicalheavy metalrock

Other interests
card gamescookingeating
role playingscifislacking
theatreThe Town Heraldwriting

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 171

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