Page name: Myetel [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-07 14:33:25
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Veltzeh
# of watchers: 4
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User Name: [Veltzeh]

Character name: (Not revealed)

Mutant name: Метель (Myetel) (snowstorm/blizzard in English)

Abilities/powers: Super speed, prediction. Myetel can run at the top speed of 100 m/s (usually under 50 m/s) and can run on water or any thicker liquid. Also his reflexes are supernaturally fast, and he is agile. Due to his speed and thus very fast metabolism, his sight (also hearing, slightly) is strenghtened to keep up with his speed. Also his thinking is very fast, which makes his thoughts somewhat hard to read and affect. His bones and muscles are tougher than generally to withstand the amount of stress that running fast has on them. He can predict the future somewhat, as in the matter of a few seconds. He can have sort of "visions" about big stuff that will happen in a few hours or days, but they're usually too inaccurate to be taken seriously.

Gender: Male

Age: 19

General appearance: Shoulder-length, grayish brown hair, and black eyes. 177 cm, 64 kg, slim. He's white as a sheet and wears general sports clothes and a strange vest-kind of thing. The colours of his clothes are never bright; mostly dark, but also non-colourful light.

Additional appearance: none

Personality: Silent, antisocial, somewhat angsty and annoying, but once one has his trust, he'll calm down and behave in a somewhat orderly manner. He has an attitude problem and likes yelling at people once somebody has managed to get him talking and if they make him feel like yelling. To put it shortly, he's rather mean and self-centered. However, even he would like a friend with whom he could be at ease. He just isn't able to let go of his cynicism toward new people, which discourages most.
Due to his interest in other's powers and devices that affect them, he often walks around and asks people about their powers and whether he could test his devices on them and work on them right there. This seems generally annoying, but he likes it so much that he has forced himself to be more tolerable when he is doing this. He has realized it may help him find a friend someday as well, but as of now he can't force himself to be that tolerable for long periods of time.

Special skills: Very good camping and wilderness survival skills. Can handle weapons very well, especially a good old knife and handgun. He also has a way with technology, though he isn't professional. He can write well in all four languages he knows (Russian, Japanese, English and a rare language found in that part of Siberia where he lived). He's very interested in his and others' mutant powers and designs devices that change or affect mutant powers.

Place of birth: Taymyria, Siberia, Russia

Weapon(s) of choice: A long staff, knife, good old guns and basically anything he can get his hands on. Even butter knives, rubber bands and tablecloths. He usually uses weapons as he doesn't like to touch people.

Medical information: His very fast metabolism has a funny effect on mild analgesics, and he keeps eating all the time, to acquire the energy he needs to use his powers efficiently. His normal body temperature is 35 °C.

Brief history: Myetel was the son of a Russian woman and a Japanese man who lived in estern Russia in Siberia. He was a "difficult" child, but his parents did tolerate him when he was small. He went to school, on vacations but never had any friends, save for one. This friend of his betrayed him in the end, causing Myetel to have an even more cynical view toward all people.
With adolescense came even harder problems. Myetel didn't like what was happening to him and made his parents' life hellish, even though he didn't exactly take it on them, but behaved like that among all people. When his mutant powers appeared at the age of fourteen, he was even more angry, but soon got used to his powers and ended up liking them. His parents didn't really mind, as he was again calmer for a while, until he grew up a bit more and started being difficult again.
By then, at the age of 18, he was independent enough to do what he had intended to do for several years: leave home. He just told his parents he'll be going and never came back. The first thing that happened was him being caught in a fierce blizzard. He almost didn't survive, but in the end, as frightened as he was, he got out. From that moment on, he's been calling himself Myetel, also partly so that people couldn't catch him because of his name. His parents were worried and soon the police started looking for him.
He then left Russia and went to Japan, his father's homeland. He couldn't stay there for long as his behavior was totally unacceptable in the Japanese culture. He then left again and went to North America. Even there he couldn't stay in the small quiet little cities, finally ending up in New York City. He checked out the sewers, finding the Morlocks. He liked their attitude and lived there for a while. From them he heard about the mansion in Westchester and decided to go check it out. He stalked the mansion a month or two, living in a nearby forest, before moving in. One reason for him finally moving in was Jamie Elisa Lannell, whom he met at a mall in Westchester. She convinced him to try it out, so he did, and has been okay in the mansion this far.
He hasn't told anyone about his past or even his real name. Myetel still sometimes goes away for a day or two, living in a tent somewhere in the forests.

Relatives: Parents who still live in Russia. He's never contacted them since he left.

How long has the character been in the mansion: Stalked almost two months, has been living there for two weeks.


Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)
Shana Grace Tilar – 3; Myetel thinks Shana is annoying and doesn't want to deal with her.
Kaider Getalahan – 1; Myetel hates Kaider with a passion, and can only barely restrain from attacking em upon seeing em.
Elizabeth Charms – 2: Myetel dislikes Flame intensely and doesn't want to be caught with her in any circumstance.
Korvka Shostakovich – 8; Korvka is practically Myetel's girlfriend, but Myetel has difficulties trusting another person fully, though he's getting there.
Vladimir Shostakovich – 2; Vlad, like Flame, is way too nosy and judgemental of things that don't concern him.
Nicole Archer – 7; Myetel doesn't even know her name, but someone who willingly agrees to be his power-testing guinea pig and seems quite enthusiastic about it definitely ranks high on his list.
Virgil Hawkins
Daniela Morgan
Devin Fortis
Alexis Meldoon

Current location: Camping (Tuesday, September 21st)

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2004-06-08 [Sturmi]: hey, good character. And good pic too ^_^

2004-06-09 [Veltzeh]: Thanks =) I could have a better picture, but I only have Photoshop at work... but the Wacom tablet is pure goodness... @_@ *wants the Wacom tablet*

2004-06-09 [Sturmi]: lol, I just have a mouse >_< and photoshop, hee

2004-06-09 [Veltzeh]: I have a tablet at home too, and while it's a million times better than a mouse, it's not near as good as the one at work... sigh... and Photoshop sucks. XD

2004-06-09 [Sturmi]: what do you use for coloring if not photoshop, then?

2004-06-09 [Veltzeh]: Paint Shop Pro... FAR better than Photoshop, and cheaper, too! Not that I'd pay for either, but anyway XD

2004-06-11 [Veltzeh]: Finished the picture!

2009-11-24 [Sturmi]: Lol Myetel hates everyone but Korvka

2009-11-24 [Veltzeh]: Yup! Gotta have one who hates nearly everything. ;)

2009-11-24 [Roma]: And let me tell you, it took a while to break to get THAT far!

2009-12-02 [Flisky]: See, trust Nicole to make nice with the antisocial and not introduce herself. Haha.

2009-12-02 [Veltzeh]: ;D

2009-12-14 [Duredhel]: <img200*0:stuff/aj/48479/1260765915.jpg> another one XD

2009-12-14 [Veltzeh]: Woot! He looks a bit too manly and old though... those aren't just details but well, it does still look good. XD

2009-12-14 [Sturmi]: he looks eeeeevviiil

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